Richard Gwyn

Canadian author
Died on Sunday August 16th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Richard Gwyn:

@IslayThe: @ErinOTooleMP I hope you read both Creighton and Gwyn's masterful Sir John A. biographies and learn something about… - 5 years ago

@ChalicothereX: @Magusiak Richard Gwyn did this almost literally, examining all the bad stuff in volume 2 of his John A biography, which no one read. Lmao - 5 years ago

@sfcfdf: RT @barry416: @_adamswilson 1/2 In University in the ‘80’s I attended an election event and Richard Gwyn asked me some questions. Someone… - 5 years ago

@barry416: @_adamswilson 1/2 In University in the ‘80’s I attended an election event and Richard Gwyn asked me some questions… - 5 years ago


@ChrisNorley: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@ChrisNorley: RT @theresaboyle: Lovely tribute to Richard Gwyn by @spaikin via @sandragionas: One of the things that made Richard so extraordinary was t… - 5 years ago

@MEEKSVS: RT @TheAgenda: "Not to sound competitive, but we hold a special place in our hearts for Richard at TVO because he was such an integral part… - 5 years ago

@rwash: RT @TheAgenda: "Not to sound competitive, but we hold a special place in our hearts for Richard at TVO because he was such an integral part… - 5 years ago

@maureentaylor31: RT @theresaboyle: Lovely tribute to Richard Gwyn by @spaikin via @sandragionas: One of the things that made Richard so extraordinary was t… - 5 years ago

@policy_mag: RT @Lisa_VanDusen: Fantastic @policy_mag tribute by @HistoricaCanada's @awilsonsmith. "The True Believer: Richard Gwyn, 1934-2020" - 5 years ago

@Lisa_VanDusen: Fantastic @policy_mag tribute by @HistoricaCanada's @awilsonsmith. "The True Believer: Richard Gwyn, 1934-2020"… - 5 years ago

@TheAgenda: RT @theresaboyle: Lovely tribute to Richard Gwyn by @spaikin via @sandragionas: One of the things that made Richard so extraordinary was t… - 5 years ago

@theresaboyle: Lovely tribute to Richard Gwyn by @spaikin via @sandragionas: One of the things that made Richard so extraordinary… - 5 years ago

@jm_mcgrath: RT @TheAgenda: "Not to sound competitive, but we hold a special place in our hearts for Richard at TVO because he was such an integral part… - 5 years ago

@TheAgenda: "Not to sound competitive, but we hold a special place in our hearts for Richard at TVO because he was such an inte… - 5 years ago

@zarjacks: RT @CharlotteJGray: What a guy! He will be much missed by so many of us. - 5 years ago

@policy_mag: RT @LIanMacDonald: Outstanding @policy_mag column by @awilsonsmith on Richard Gwyn at his passing at 86, having set a standard if excellenc… - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @mcguffindavid: A lovely rememberance of columnist Richard Gwyn by the always thoughtful @CharlotteJGray - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @CharlotteJGray: What a guy! He will be much missed by so many of us. - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @StJohnsTelegram: ICYMI: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn had an abiding affection for Newfoundland and Labrador | The Telegram - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @BillTieleman: One of the best is gone: Journalist Richard Gwyn had keen insights about Ottawa’s corridors of power /via @globeandmail h… - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @LIanMacDonald: Outstanding @policy_mag column by @awilsonsmith on Richard Gwyn at his passing at 86, having set a standard if excellenc… - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @stigmabase: Fighting stigma — Media Beat: August 17, 2020: Journalist, author and political commentator Richard Gwyn has died at age 8… - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @wodekszemberg: .@spaikin remembers Richard Gwyn - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @NGMcLaughlin: Great piece on Richard Gwyn. Love history of The Agenda! Can universities today really say that we r modelling spirited… - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @annaporter_anna: Remembering Richard Gwyn | TVO - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @harrisonlowman: “Richard was an interesting man, curious and clever, and who enriched his adopted country,” - said @ddunsky. Rest in pe… - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @thestarhalifax: Richard Gwyn wrote for both decision-makers and newspaper readers - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @JimmyLevendia: He did the memory of Sir John A Macdonald proud with his 2 volume biography. Remembering Richard Gwyn | - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @globeandmail: Journalist Richard Gwyn had keen insights about Ottawa’s corridors of power - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @M_Johnston1: So sad to see the passing of the great journalist Richard Gwyn. My favourite insight was his negative view of people who s… - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @ProfAllan: What would Allan Fotheringham & Richard Gwyn have made of this week in Canadian politics? Fotheringham's Maclean's column wa… - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @sweirsweir: Taylor Prize finalist Elizabeth Gray wrote a poignant, full length tribute to the late journalist, author, and yes Taylor… - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @TheHillTimes: Legendary Hill scribe Richard Gwyn dies at 86 #cdnpoli - 5 years ago

@woolf_atthedoor: RT @awilsonsmith: My tribute here to a great Canadian: The True Believer: Richard Gwyn, 1934-2020 – Policy Magazine - 5 years ago

@MernaForster: RT @Lisa_VanDusen: New in @policy_mag columns from @HistoricaCanada's @awilsonsmith, The True Believer: Richard Gwyn, 1934-2020 - 5 years ago

@j_philippeboies: RT @jkenney: With the passing of Richard Gwyn, Canada has lost one of its greatest journalists and biographers. I was honoured to know Ric… - 5 years ago

@Lisa_VanDusen: RT @Lisa_VanDusen: New in @policy_mag columns from @HistoricaCanada's @awilsonsmith, The True Believer: Richard Gwyn, 1934-2020 - 5 years ago

@HistoricaCanada: RT @Lisa_VanDusen: New in @policy_mag columns from @HistoricaCanada's @awilsonsmith, The True Believer: Richard Gwyn, 1934-2020 - 5 years ago

@SaltWireNetwork: ICYMI: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn had an abiding affection for Newfoundland and Labrador | SaltWire… - 5 years ago

@SharonBarrynews: - 5 years ago

@muddybike: RT @LIanMacDonald: Outstanding @policy_mag column by @awilsonsmith on Richard Gwyn at his passing at 86, having set a standard if excellenc… - 5 years ago

@sjkelly1: The True Believer: Richard Gwyn, 1934-2020 – Policy Magazine Wonderful piece from someone who should write more.… - 5 years ago

@jdmstewart1: RT @awilsonsmith: My tribute here to a great Canadian: The True Believer: Richard Gwyn, 1934-2020 – Policy Magazine - 5 years ago

@LIanMacDonald: The True Believer: Richard Gwyn, 1934-2020 – Policy Magazine - 5 years ago

@CBCAdrianH: RT @LIanMacDonald: Outstanding @policy_mag column by @awilsonsmith on Richard Gwyn at his passing at 86, having set a standard if excellenc… - 5 years ago

@LIanMacDonald: Outstanding @policy_mag column by @awilsonsmith on Richard Gwyn at his passing at 86, having set a standard if exce… - 5 years ago

@awilsonsmith: My tribute here to a great Canadian: The True Believer: Richard Gwyn, 1934-2020 – Policy Magazine - 5 years ago

@policy_mag: RT @Lisa_VanDusen: New in @policy_mag columns from @HistoricaCanada's @awilsonsmith, The True Believer: Richard Gwyn, 1934-2020 - 5 years ago

@Lisa_VanDusen: New in @policy_mag columns from @HistoricaCanada's @awilsonsmith, The True Believer: Richard Gwyn, 1934-2020… - 5 years ago

@Mauerback: Journalist Richard Gwyn had keen insights about Ottawa’s corridors of power /via @globeandmail… - 5 years ago

@duartecomacho: RT @TheHillTimes: Legendary Hill scribe Richard Gwyn dies at 86 #cdnpoli - 5 years ago

@BroadcastDialog: In our latest Sign Offs column, former CHUM Toronto midday host Sonny Fox; longtime Toronto Star columnist and TVO… - 5 years ago

@TheHillTimes: Legendary Hill scribe Richard Gwyn dies at 86 #cdnpoli - 5 years ago

@sweirsweir: Taylor Prize finalist Elizabeth Gray wrote a poignant, full length tribute to the late journalist, author, and yes… - 5 years ago

@BonellElizabeth: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@turningthecurve: RT @michaeltaube: Allan Fotheringham, RIP. The legendary "Dr. Foth" was a man of fine writing and dry wit. We've now lost two great Canadia… - 5 years ago

@Planta: With Richard Gwyn's death, and Allan Fotheringham's over the last day, the book by @Robert_L_Lewis: Power, Prime Mi… - 5 years ago

@Sensfan001Kevin: It has been a tough week for Canadian journalism, with two of the legendary scribes of our times passing. First Ri… - 5 years ago

@susanreisler: Allan Fotheringham and Richard Gwyn - two wonderful journalists and writers. They left their mark on generations of… - 5 years ago

@Planta: I was just thinking with Foth dead, and Richard Gwyn gone earlier this week, Silver Donald Cameron a couple months… - 5 years ago

@RexannaKeats: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@oohussey: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@sidljon: RT @michaeltaube: Allan Fotheringham, RIP. The legendary "Dr. Foth" was a man of fine writing and dry wit. We've now lost two great Canadia… - 5 years ago

@FrankKingPhotos: @LiciaCorbella Fotheringham and Richard Gwyn dead within days of each other. :-( - 5 years ago

@Retrofaschro: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@SherylCamps: RT @HeatherMallick: BTW, it wasn't Richard Gwyn, who was a nice guy, great journalist and writer, and also I never met him. So I shall go a… - 5 years ago

@MEWH: RT @michaeltaube: Allan Fotheringham, RIP. The legendary "Dr. Foth" was a man of fine writing and dry wit. We've now lost two great Canadia… - 5 years ago

@PierreJury: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@javafest: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@politicsfisher: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@SarahSm24104107: RT @michaeltaube: Allan Fotheringham, RIP. The legendary "Dr. Foth" was a man of fine writing and dry wit. We've now lost two great Canadia… - 5 years ago

@103blinddog: RT @michaeltaube: Allan Fotheringham, RIP. The legendary "Dr. Foth" was a man of fine writing and dry wit. We've now lost two great Canadia… - 5 years ago

@reneirartens: RT @michaeltaube: Allan Fotheringham, RIP. The legendary "Dr. Foth" was a man of fine writing and dry wit. We've now lost two great Canadia… - 5 years ago

@eamorris_: RT @michaeltaube: I should also link to @spaikin's excellent tribute to Richard Gwyn: - 5 years ago

@eamorris_: RT @michaeltaube: Allan Fotheringham, RIP. The legendary "Dr. Foth" was a man of fine writing and dry wit. We've now lost two great Canadia… - 5 years ago

@marciasmilack: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@BobCross1938: RT @michaeltaube: Allan Fotheringham, RIP. The legendary "Dr. Foth" was a man of fine writing and dry wit. We've now lost two great Canadia… - 5 years ago

@sunlorrie: RT @michaeltaube: Allan Fotheringham, RIP. The legendary "Dr. Foth" was a man of fine writing and dry wit. We've now lost two great Canadia… - 5 years ago

@BeaugiBear: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@britjpncdn: RT @michaeltaube: I should also link to @spaikin's excellent tribute to Richard Gwyn: - 5 years ago

@britjpncdn: RT @michaeltaube: Allan Fotheringham, RIP. The legendary "Dr. Foth" was a man of fine writing and dry wit. We've now lost two great Canadia… - 5 years ago

@michaeltaube: I should also link to @spaikin's excellent tribute to Richard Gwyn: - 5 years ago

@BicycleRob: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@michaeltaube: Allan Fotheringham, RIP. The legendary "Dr. Foth" was a man of fine writing and dry wit. We've now lost two great C… - 5 years ago

@XGelinas: RT @nspector4: "an officer of the Order of Canada...After a stint in Ottawa’s press gallery, Mr. Gwyn went on to be executive assistant for… - 5 years ago

@dashriprock87: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@kim1811: RT @ProfAllan: What would Allan Fotheringham & Richard Gwyn have made of this week in Canadian politics? Fotheringham's Maclean's column wa… - 5 years ago

@thejaymyer: @sunlorrie @joe_warmington And Richard Gwyn too just recently. - 5 years ago

@andrewsampson_: RIP, have been coincidentally reading his Smallwood biography this week and highly recommend!! - 5 years ago

@DavidJChmiel: Dr Foth and Richard Gwyn in the same week. As a teenager first getting into Canadian politics from behind the Tweed… - 5 years ago

@DeeDub8: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@rule_habs: @macleans A tough little while for the journalists I followed so closely through university - Richard Gwyn and Alan Fotheringham. - 5 years ago

@MaDonna196: @nutgraf1 @davidfrum Loved listening to Richard Gwyn over the years when he was a guest on CBC. He had such great a… - 5 years ago

@mackaycartoons: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@KarenWe44853431: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@michaelgsmart: RIP today to both Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham. You might not have liked their politics (or maybe you did).… - 5 years ago

@kimpunity: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@EHarmicar: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@LubinJan: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@DeccMatebuddy: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@kcorr54: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@gypsy31811: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@Calling_Belva: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@jmhsails: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@stphnmaher: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@jarred_cohen: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@heysyd: RT @nutgraf1: We lost Richard Gwyn and Allan Fotheringham in one week. Two giants of a journalism era never to be seen again. - 5 years ago

@jtvmc: RT @MAP_Canada: Anyone looking for evidence of journalism’s contribution to Cdn democracy/society need look no further than Richard Gwyn. W… - 5 years ago

@dipbrat70: Mallick notes that it was not Richard Gwyn, who was a "nice guy" and whom she never met. Any other recent notable d… - 5 years ago

@SunCivicLee: Canada has lost two great journalists, Richard Gwyn - - 5 years ago

@MemorialU: Flags will be displayed at half-mast on Wednesday, Aug. 19, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in remembrance of Dr. Richard Gwyn.… - 5 years ago

@bea_beattie: RT @HeatherMallick: BTW, it wasn't Richard Gwyn, who was a nice guy, great journalist and writer, and also I never met him. So I shall go a… - 5 years ago

@HeatherMallick: BTW, it wasn't Richard Gwyn, who was a nice guy, great journalist and writer, and also I never met him. So I shall… - 5 years ago

@Najamuddin: Remembering Richard Gwyn | TVO - 5 years ago

@rhondabuckleynl: Richard Gwyn wrote for both decision-makers and newspaper readers | - 5 years ago

@BillTieleman: One of the best is gone: Journalist Richard Gwyn had keen insights about Ottawa’s corridors of power /via… - 5 years ago

@marc_reppin: “The big thing in life is to time your birth.” — Richard Gwyn. RIP. - 5 years ago

@amherstdaily: Morning headlines: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn had an abiding affection for Newfoundland and Labrador - - 5 years ago

@StJohnsTelegram: ICYMI: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn had an abiding affection for Newfoundland and Labrador | The Telegram… - 5 years ago

@parsons_clement: RT @M_Johnston1: So sad to see the passing of the great journalist Richard Gwyn. My favourite insight was his negative view of people who s… - 5 years ago

@cmerfy: Journalist Richard Gwyn had keen insights about Ottawa’s corridors of power - 5 years ago

@StarCdnPoli: RT @StarCdnPoli: Richard Gwyn wrote for both decision-makers and newspaper readers - 5 years ago

@SpectatorNS: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn dead at 86 | SaltWire - 5 years ago

@BernardoVerda: RT @padams29: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism | The Star - 5 years ago

@RuralHomeCareBG: RT @picardonhealth: Obituary: Journalist Richard Gwyn had keen insights about Ottawa’s corridors of power, by @FredLangan - 5 years ago

@sjkelly1: RT @globeandmail: Journalist Richard Gwyn had keen insights about Ottawa’s corridors of power - 5 years ago

@dmmacinnis: RT @picardonhealth: Obituary: Journalist Richard Gwyn had keen insights about Ottawa’s corridors of power, by @FredLangan - 5 years ago

@Planta: RT @picardonhealth: Obituary: Journalist Richard Gwyn had keen insights about Ottawa’s corridors of power, by @FredLangan - 5 years ago

@M_Johnston1: So sad to see the passing of the great journalist Richard Gwyn. My favourite insight was his negative view of peopl… - 5 years ago

@marktmaclean: RT @picardonhealth: Obituary: Journalist Richard Gwyn had keen insights about Ottawa’s corridors of power, by @FredLangan - 5 years ago

@KyleHarrietha: RT @picardonhealth: Obituary: Journalist Richard Gwyn had keen insights about Ottawa’s corridors of power, by @FredLangan - 5 years ago

@picardonhealth: Obituary: Journalist Richard Gwyn had keen insights about Ottawa’s corridors of power, by @FredLangan… - 5 years ago

@trurodaily: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn dead at 86 | SaltWire - 5 years ago

@nlpacket: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn dead at 86 | SaltWire - 5 years ago

@western_star: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn dead at 86 | SaltWire - 5 years ago

@thegulfnews: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn dead at 86 | SaltWire - 5 years ago

@ngnews: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn dead at 86 | SaltWire - 5 years ago

@KingsNSnews: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn dead at 86 | SaltWire - 5 years ago

@southerngazette: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn dead at 86 | SaltWire - 5 years ago

@northernpen: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn dead at 86 | SaltWire - 5 years ago

@CentralVoice_Ca: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn dead at 86 | SaltWire - 5 years ago

@chronicleherald: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn dead at 86 | The Chronicle Herald - 5 years ago

@StJohnsTelegram: OBITUARY: Richard Gwyn dead at 86 | The Telegram - 5 years ago

@diannew72005601: RIP Richard Gwyn - 5 years ago

@eightseventeen: Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism. Was a fellow alumnus of the former D… - 5 years ago

@SteveBartlett_: “His political column quickly became a must-read for anybody interested in national politics." — former Newfoundlan… - 5 years ago

@Pam_Frampton: I really enjoyed his political columns when they ran in the @StJohnTelegram. Thankful for his contributions to the… - 5 years ago

@aldosantin: RT @MAP_Canada: Anyone looking for evidence of journalism’s contribution to Cdn democracy/society need look no further than Richard Gwyn. W… - 5 years ago

@AngeloContarin: RT @SeamusORegan: Richard Gwyn passed away. He was one of Canada's great journalists, a sincere and funny man who was generous of his time… - 5 years ago

@Winterset_Fest: RT @NLArtsCouncil: ArtsNL remembers Richard Gwyn: - 5 years ago

@DeanJobb: RT @CharlotteJGray: What a guy! He will be much missed by so many of us. - 5 years ago

@CharlotteJGray: What a guy! He will be much missed by so many of us. - 5 years ago

@DonBarrie: #RIP Canadian historian and journalist Richard Gwyn. - 5 years ago

@JordanLabCity: RT @NLArtsCouncil: ArtsNL remembers Richard Gwyn: - 5 years ago

@kmhodder: RT @NLArtsCouncil: ArtsNL remembers Richard Gwyn: - 5 years ago

@morganmach2: RT @TorontoStar: Richard Gwyn wrote for both decision-makers and newspaper readers. He was a great guy and a really good friend, Charlotte… - 5 years ago

@MUNhistory: Richard Gwyn, biographer of Joey Smallwood, Memorial honorary graduate, passed away - 5 years ago

@ArtsNLRegWinsor: RT @NLArtsCouncil: ArtsNL remembers Richard Gwyn: - 5 years ago

@CarolynRParsons: RT @NLArtsCouncil: ArtsNL remembers Richard Gwyn: - 5 years ago

@NLArtsCouncil: ArtsNL remembers Richard Gwyn: - 5 years ago

@WalesArtsReview: RT @WalesArtsReview: Contagious Realities | Richard Gwyn draws parallels between contagion literature and the coronavirus pandemic, tracing… - 5 years ago

@theslimdude: Rest In Peace, longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead of Alzheimers at 86, set the standard for Canadian politi… - 5 years ago

@CSNREC: RT @jeffreyfcollins: His bio of Joey Smallwood is a must read on NL political history. RIP Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 8… - 5 years ago

@NLArtsCouncil: RT @Winterset_Fest: Remembering Richard Gwyn, founder of Winterset in Summer Literary Festival. - 5 years ago

@CBCAdrianH: RT @mcguffindavid: A lovely rememberance of columnist Richard Gwyn by the always thoughtful @CharlotteJGray - 5 years ago

@nisobel: RT @TheAgenda: "Richard became a great writer and speaker and a prolific reader. And those were the very things Alzheimer’s took away from… - 5 years ago

@jeffmcdougall: RT @jodilhbutts: Lovely portrait of a friend and colleague by @CharlotteJGray RIP Richard Gwyn - 5 years ago

@mcguffindavid: A lovely rememberance of columnist Richard Gwyn by the always thoughtful @CharlotteJGray - 5 years ago

@semartin71: Great Tribute @CharlotteJGray. You have captured the Richard Gwyn I knew and loved. R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@MJosling53: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@Trans4mLeaders: RT @Thomas_dAquino: Richard Gwyn spoke truth to power and did it with style, verve and wit...a fine journalist and author covering the five… - 5 years ago

@Thomas_dAquino: Richard Gwyn spoke truth to power and did it with style, verve and wit...a fine journalist and author covering the… - 5 years ago

@RobertHarper2: RT @bcbcgreg: A great journalist and writer. Old school fact checker and truth teller. A real gentleman in the times I had the privilege to… - 5 years ago

@Redcoat03: RT @jkenney: will forever stand as a masterpiece of Canadian political biography. It deals honestly with Sir John’s flaws & tragic life, wh… - 5 years ago

@dipbrat70: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@nowayfornow: RT @TheAgenda: "Not to sound competitive, but we hold a special place in our hearts for Richard at @tvo because he was such an integral par… - 5 years ago

@nowayfornow: RT @TheAgenda: "Richard became a great writer and speaker and a prolific reader. And those were the very things Alzheimer’s took away from… - 5 years ago

@nowayfornow: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@nowayfornow: RT @harrisonlowman: “Richard was an interesting man, curious and clever, and who enriched his adopted country,” - said @ddunsky. Rest in pe… - 5 years ago

@nowayfornow: RT @PasternakTO: Remembering Richard Gwyn | TVO - 5 years ago

@nowayfornow: RT @StackhouseJohn: Thank you @spaikin for remembering Richard so beautifully. I was lucky to spend some very happy evenings with you and t… - 5 years ago

@nowayfornow: RT @wodekszemberg: .@spaikin remembers Richard Gwyn - 5 years ago

@nowayfornow: RT @fgrosso63: Remembering Richard Gwyn | TVO #cdnpoli #Alzheimers - 5 years ago

@nowayfornow: RT @annaporter_anna: Remembering Richard Gwyn | TVO - 5 years ago

@yyzMYA: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@NightShiftMD: RT @jodilhbutts: Lovely portrait of a friend and colleague by @CharlotteJGray RIP Richard Gwyn - 5 years ago

@tlshields85: RT @jkenney: will forever stand as a masterpiece of Canadian political biography. It deals honestly with Sir John’s flaws & tragic life, wh… - 5 years ago

@tlshields85: RT @jkenney: With the passing of Richard Gwyn, Canada has lost one of its greatest journalists and biographers. I was honoured to know Ric… - 5 years ago

@TBinCP: RT @TorontoStar: Richard Gwyn wrote for both decision-makers and newspaper readers. He was a great guy and a really good friend, Charlotte… - 5 years ago

@bcbcgreg: A great journalist and writer. Old school fact checker and truth teller. A real gentleman in the times I had the pr… - 5 years ago

@MargyGauzy: RT @TheAgenda: "Richard became a great writer and speaker and a prolific reader. And those were the very things Alzheimer’s took away from… - 5 years ago

@VincentVuongMtl: RT @jkenney: With the passing of Richard Gwyn, Canada has lost one of its greatest journalists and biographers. I was honoured to know Ric… - 5 years ago

@StarCdnPoli: Richard Gwyn wrote for both decision-makers and newspaper readers - 5 years ago

@nigelbeale: RT @harrisonlowman: “Richard was an interesting man, curious and clever, and who enriched his adopted country,” - said @ddunsky. Rest in pe… - 5 years ago

@kmhodder: RT @SeamusORegan: '...Watch the weather chase around the shoreline, and then go off and talk to people to whom to talk is to live.' Rich… - 5 years ago

@harrisonlowman: “Richard was an interesting man, curious and clever, and who enriched his adopted country,” - said @ddunsky. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@kmhodder: RT @Winterset_Fest: Remembering Richard Gwyn, founder of Winterset in Summer Literary Festival. - 5 years ago

@PasternakTO: Remembering Richard Gwyn | TVO - 5 years ago

@TheAgenda: RT @annaporter_anna: Remembering Richard Gwyn | TVO - 5 years ago

@peterstwit77: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@annaporter_anna: Remembering Richard Gwyn | TVO - 5 years ago

@blupheonix: RT @TheAgenda: "This once-brilliant interpreter of national and international events could pretty much speak only nonsensical gibberish. Ho… - 5 years ago

@TheAgenda: "This once-brilliant interpreter of national and international events could pretty much speak only nonsensical gibb… - 5 years ago

@Barbara88keys: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@leafs673: RT @SuzanneLeonard_: Thank you for this beautiful tribute, Steve. I’d always admired his work. Remembering the brilliance & joy of the glob… - 5 years ago

@BonellElizabeth: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@SuzanneLeonard_: Thank you for this beautiful tribute, Steve. I’d always admired his work. Remembering the brilliance & joy of the g… - 5 years ago

@TLNewmanMTL: RT @NGMcLaughlin: Great piece on Richard Gwyn. Love history of The Agenda! Can universities today really say that we r modelling spirited… - 5 years ago

@winter_canada: RT @picardonhealth: "A giant of Canadian political journalism” -- Author, TV and radio commentator, and longtime @TorontoStar columnist Ric… - 5 years ago

@tvo: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@pauljmey: RT @NGMcLaughlin: Great piece on Richard Gwyn. Love history of The Agenda! Can universities today really say that we r modelling spirited… - 5 years ago

@SajidAnjumOakv1: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@NGMcLaughlin: Great piece on Richard Gwyn. Love history of The Agenda! Can universities today really say that we r modelling spi… - 5 years ago

@GeoffyPJohnston: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@TheAgenda: RT @wodekszemberg: .@spaikin remembers Richard Gwyn - 5 years ago

@Jo_AnnDavis: RT @fgrosso63: Remembering Richard Gwyn | TVO #cdnpoli #Alzheimers - 5 years ago

@TheAgenda: RT @fgrosso63: Remembering Richard Gwyn | TVO #cdnpoli #Alzheimers - 5 years ago

@ciaranztweet: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@fgrosso63: Remembering Richard Gwyn | TVO #cdnpoli #Alzheimers - 5 years ago

@MEEKSVS: RT @TheAgenda: "Not to sound competitive, but we hold a special place in our hearts for Richard at @tvo because he was such an integral par… - 5 years ago

@CarolStonehouse: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@wodekszemberg: .@spaikin remembers Richard Gwyn - 5 years ago

@lettienets: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@sandragionas: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@TheAgenda: "Not to sound competitive, but we hold a special place in our hearts for Richard at @tvo because he was such an int… - 5 years ago

@NickFDunne: RT @spaikin: We're mourning the loss of Richard Gwyn @TVO. Please read about this extraordinary journalist who died last Saturday at 86.… - 5 years ago

@WalesArtsReview: Contagious Realities | Richard Gwyn draws parallels between contagion literature and the coronavirus pandemic, trac… - 5 years ago

@SerenBooks: RT @walesliterature: Read our interview with Richard Gwyn, author of two of our 2019–20 Bookcase titles, 'The Blue Tent' and 'Stowaway: A L… - 5 years ago

@HuguetteYoung: RT @BobRae48: Richard Gwyn had a tough battle with Alzheimer’s - a fine journalist and writer, and friend to many, including @aprae and me. - 5 years ago

@HuguetteYoung: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@CricketWales: RT @SeniorsWales: A Wales over 60s/70s team will play against Sudbrook CC on the 23rd Aug. Starting at 1:00pm. Keith James Gwyn Price Rod H… - 5 years ago

@softgrasswalker: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@SeniorsWales: A Wales over 60s/70s team will play against Sudbrook CC on the 23rd Aug. Starting at 1:00pm. Keith James Gwyn Price… - 5 years ago

@nisobel: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@sharonwelbourne: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@GetachewSS: RT @MAAWLAW: Sad news re Richard Gwyn. I grew up reading his columns and then knew him as a Cabbagetown neighbour. I enjoyed his dry, insig… - 5 years ago

@ForgeRat: RT @LorneNystrom: Richard Gwyn was one of the truly great journalists of our time. Knowledgeable and respected. It was a privilege to have… - 5 years ago

@macbride_andrea: RT @MAP_Canada: Anyone looking for evidence of journalism’s contribution to Cdn democracy/society need look no further than Richard Gwyn. W… - 5 years ago

@bradcran: RT @jonkay: Richard Gwyn died yesterday. I had the pleasure of commissioning and editing a piece from him way back in 2014, a piece I foun… - 5 years ago

@barbilindsay: RT @padams29: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism | The Star - 5 years ago

@kak003: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@MAP_Canada: Anyone looking for evidence of journalism’s contribution to Cdn democracy/society need look no further than Richard… - 5 years ago

@MAP_Canada: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@ProChristopher: RT @spaikin: Here are a couple of Richard Gwyn performances on @tvo on one of his favorite subjects: Sir John A Macdonald: - 5 years ago

@veevaa: RT @BobRae48: Richard Gwyn had a tough battle with Alzheimer’s - a fine journalist and writer, and friend to many, including @aprae and me. - 5 years ago

@Sue17Bishop: RT @brianlilley: Canada has lost a giant with the passing of Richard Gwyn. He had a way with words and was all class. - 5 years ago

@RuralHomeCareBG: RT @picardonhealth: "A giant of Canadian political journalism” -- Author, TV and radio commentator, and longtime @TorontoStar columnist Ric… - 5 years ago

@PrairieIslander: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@GkMyf14: - 5 years ago

@josotoo: RT @SeamusORegan: Richard Gwyn passed away. He was one of Canada's great journalists, a sincere and funny man who was generous of his time… - 5 years ago

@Tony48Tiger: @AaronWherry Richard Gwyn RIP ♾🙏✝️🙏 I remember Richard Gwyn when the Toronto Daily Star was a real newspaper. - 5 years ago

@CornelisseJ: RT @AaronWherry: Richard Gwyn did some of the best and most important writing over the last half century on Canadian politics. The Northern… - 5 years ago

@jgib44: RT @SeamusORegan: Richard Gwyn passed away. He was one of Canada's great journalists, a sincere and funny man who was generous of his time… - 5 years ago

@ProjectsHogan: RT @alexboutilier: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@deannefoley: RT @SeamusORegan: Richard Gwyn passed away. He was one of Canada's great journalists, a sincere and funny man who was generous of his time… - 5 years ago

@gloin_canglo: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@harley_chris: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@JoanFis89489750: RT @JohnGushue: I'm tipping my hat to Richard Gwyn, who died yesterday at 86. I met him only briefly, but admired his writing. He spent a l… - 5 years ago

@bernie8859: RT @LorneNystrom: Richard Gwyn was one of the truly great journalists of our time. Knowledgeable and respected. It was a privilege to have… - 5 years ago

@KentKathryn: RT @DavidHamer_1951: Back when Canada had actual journalists as opposed to click-baiters. RIP, Richard Gwyn.😔 #cdnmedia #cdnpoli - 5 years ago

@brianbutters1: RIP Richard Gwyn. He was a giant of a certain era of Canadian political journalism. - 5 years ago

@avgnsdave: RT @brianlilley: Canada has lost a giant with the passing of Richard Gwyn. He had a way with words and was all class. - 5 years ago

@howedns1: RT @AaronWherry: Richard Gwyn did some of the best and most important writing over the last half century on Canadian politics. The Northern… - 5 years ago

@PoliticsOttawa: RT @brianlilley: Canada has lost a giant with the passing of Richard Gwyn. He had a way with words and was all class. - 5 years ago

@HistoryDeborah: So very sorry to hear of the passing of Richard Gwyn. Not just an extraordinarily historian and writer, but a gent… - 5 years ago

@freemen_na: RT @LGLizDowdeswell: The telling of a great story is a Canadian tradition. Richard Gwyn’s ability, as a reporter and writer, to capture a m… - 5 years ago

@DeeDub8: RT @SeamusORegan: Richard Gwyn passed away. He was one of Canada's great journalists, a sincere and funny man who was generous of his time… - 5 years ago

@johangreg: RT @SeamusORegan: '...Watch the weather chase around the shoreline, and then go off and talk to people to whom to talk is to live.' Rich… - 5 years ago

@johangreg: RT @SeamusORegan: Richard Gwyn passed away. He was one of Canada's great journalists, a sincere and funny man who was generous of his time… - 5 years ago

@RitaDaly1: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@olo114: RT @AaronWherry: Richard Gwyn did some of the best and most important writing over the last half century on Canadian politics. The Northern… - 5 years ago

@JaneSkocdopole: RT @ConsumerSOS: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism | The Star - 5 years ago

@MerlinofCanada: RT @LorneNystrom: Richard Gwyn was one of the truly great journalists of our time. Knowledgeable and respected. It was a privilege to have… - 5 years ago

@LindsayKempFan: @AaronWherry RIP Richard Gwyn. - 5 years ago

@LindsayKempFan: RT @AaronWherry: Richard Gwyn did some of the best and most important writing over the last half century on Canadian politics. The Northern… - 5 years ago

@AaronWherry: Richard Gwyn did some of the best and most important writing over the last half century on Canadian politics. The N… - 5 years ago

@rightinthebeach: RT @jonkay: Richard Gwyn died yesterday. I had the pleasure of commissioning and editing a piece from him way back in 2014, a piece I foun… - 5 years ago

@SeniorsWales: A Wales over 60s/70s team will play against Sudbrook CC on the 23rd Aug. Starting at 1:00pm. Keith James Gwyn Price… - 5 years ago

@seanpero: RT @picardonhealth: "A giant of Canadian political journalism” -- Author, TV and radio commentator, and longtime @TorontoStar columnist Ric… - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@PointsNorthe: RT @trapdinawrpool: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism | The Star https:/… - 5 years ago

@EvaStachniak: A few memories of a wonderful moments. RIP Richard Gwyn. - 5 years ago

@TSowellFan: RT @jonkay: Richard Gwyn died yesterday. I had the pleasure of commissioning and editing a piece from him way back in 2014, a piece I foun… - 5 years ago

@GrtWhiteRaider: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@WAndyKnight1: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@DavidPasko_OCT: RT @jonkay: Richard Gwyn died yesterday. I had the pleasure of commissioning and editing a piece from him way back in 2014, a piece I foun… - 5 years ago

@NSwinn: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@flipkoin2: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@BarryKiefl: @padams29 “He was a director-general in the department of communications from 1970 to 1973.” I had the privilege o… - 5 years ago

@Fischerlind: I had the pleasure of chatting with Mr. Gwyn while sitting across from him on a flight back from Montreal around 20… - 5 years ago

@3PennyMovies: RT @DonMartinCTV: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@Weathermetre: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@Rosie6013: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@KellyLNL: RT @picardonhealth: "A giant of Canadian political journalism” -- Author, TV and radio commentator, and longtime @TorontoStar columnist Ric… - 5 years ago

@muddybike: RT @picardonhealth: "A giant of Canadian political journalism” -- Author, TV and radio commentator, and longtime @TorontoStar columnist Ric… - 5 years ago

@michaelcozens: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@DykeDr: RT @BobRae48: Richard Gwyn had a tough battle with Alzheimer’s - a fine journalist and writer, and friend to many, including @aprae and me.… - 5 years ago

@dsparker10: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@nebreho: #Giant Sorry to hear of the passing of Richard Gwyn. He didn’t write the definitive biography of Sir John A. Macdon… - 5 years ago

@a_darkcorner: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@bhaggart: RT @picardonhealth: "A giant of Canadian political journalism” -- Author, TV and radio commentator, and longtime @TorontoStar columnist Ric… - 5 years ago

@samhinthecity: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@epaultaylor: RT @picardonhealth: "A giant of Canadian political journalism” -- Author, TV and radio commentator, and longtime @TorontoStar columnist Ric… - 5 years ago

@nisobel: RT @BobRae48: Richard Gwyn had a tough battle with Alzheimer’s - a fine journalist and writer, and friend to many, including @aprae and me. - 5 years ago

@Frank_McG: RT @picardonhealth: "A giant of Canadian political journalism” -- Author, TV and radio commentator, and longtime @TorontoStar columnist Ric… - 5 years ago

@Wascally7Wabbit: RT @padams29: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism | The Star - 5 years ago

@vocmhart: RT @oneillyatescbc: Richard Gwyn deepIy loved Newfoundland and was ambassador extraordinaire. I met him at the Eastport Writers Festival in… - 5 years ago

@picardonhealth: "A giant of Canadian political journalism” -- Author, TV and radio commentator, and longtime @TorontoStar columnist… - 5 years ago

@xX__MissE__Xx: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@ForgeRat: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@mdalebass: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@_kevindonovan: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@DeanJobb: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@Colin1Best: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@TrishQuade: RT @DavidHamer_1951: Back when Canada had actual journalists as opposed to click-baiters. RIP, Richard Gwyn.😔 #cdnmedia #cdnpoli - 5 years ago

@kallimgmt: RT @ConsumerSOS: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism | The Star - 5 years ago

@darrellbricker: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@britjpncdn: RT @ConsumerSOS: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism | The Star - 5 years ago

@waybuu: RT @SeamusORegan: Richard Gwyn passed away. He was one of Canada's great journalists, a sincere and funny man who was generous of his time… - 5 years ago

@Rmj0101: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@OPSEUSista: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@degenhardtdong1: RT @brianlilley: Canada has lost a giant with the passing of Richard Gwyn. He had a way with words and was all class. - 5 years ago

@Frank_McG: @dbcurren @GravitasMSN i liked richard gwyn, sorry to see him die - 5 years ago

@Frank_McG: RT @dbcurren: Longtime Star columnist #RichardGwyn , dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political #journalism | The Star - 5 years ago

@Venilia13: RT @SeamusORegan: Richard Gwyn passed away. He was one of Canada's great journalists, a sincere and funny man who was generous of his time… - 5 years ago

@Wascally7Wabbit: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@duke_garry: RT @ConsumerSOS: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism | The Star - 5 years ago

@GravitasMSN: RT @dbcurren: Longtime Star columnist #RichardGwyn , dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political #journalism | The Star - 5 years ago

@dbcurren: Longtime Star columnist #RichardGwyn , dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political #journalism | The Star - 5 years ago

@jdvorkin: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@GlennOgden3: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@FlaneurFilter: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@Alfadator: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@2jehan: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@rouquinne: RT @SeamusORegan: Richard Gwyn passed away. He was one of Canada's great journalists, a sincere and funny man who was generous of his time… - 5 years ago

@frankholinshed: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86. Truly a great Journalist- Gwyn wrote the most amazing biography… - 5 years ago

@christiancote7: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@AnnStew80895938: RT @natnewswatch: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@FlaneurFilter: RT @DavidHamer_1951: Back when Canada had actual journalists as opposed to click-baiters. RIP, Richard Gwyn.😔 #cdnmedia #cdnpoli - 5 years ago

@HowardBrownAPR: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@judithtimson: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@stevegtownsend: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@rouquinne: RT @Dr_PNL: #LateProtoCovidEra Day 57 Canada 🇨🇦 has lost storyteller + journalist Richard Gwyn - a companion on my own Canadian journey -… - 5 years ago

@NeilBoydSFU: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@SeamusORegan: @egreenspon Meeting Richard Gwyn, I was in awe, so he moved to subjects of NL where he knew I'd find firmer footin… - 5 years ago

@JimHandman: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@Mark3Ds: RT @NewmanRobinson: RIP Richard Gwyn. In addition to being a renowned journalist and author, Gwyn was a key player in a struggle between th… - 5 years ago

@DMuralt: RT @brianlilley: Canada has lost a giant with the passing of Richard Gwyn. He had a way with words and was all class. - 5 years ago

@MaryCares16: RT @brianlilley: Canada has lost a giant with the passing of Richard Gwyn. He had a way with words and was all class. - 5 years ago

@nljco: Unfailingly wise, warm, witty & a consummate gentleman. It was a gift to have known him RT Longtime Star columnist… - 5 years ago

@DeadCentre47: RT @jackmintz: Sad to hear Richard Gwyn passed away. A group of us once worked together and Richard was a real gentleman with a sharp mind… - 5 years ago

@JohnGushue: Winterset was the name of Sandra Gwyn's childhood home. The annual Winterset in Summer festival is quite the legacy… - 5 years ago

@forest10000: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@MarkSwitzer66: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@LianneCastelino: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@1953Bailey: RT @DavidHamer_1951: Back when Canada had actual journalists as opposed to click-baiters. RIP, Richard Gwyn.😔 #cdnmedia #cdnpoli - 5 years ago

@OttawaNewsToday: RT @DavidHamer_1951: Back when Canada had actual journalists as opposed to click-baiters. RIP, Richard Gwyn.😔 #cdnmedia #cdnpoli - 5 years ago

@CanuckDown: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@dlrcarolyn: RT @DavidHamer_1951: Back when Canada had actual journalists as opposed to click-baiters. RIP, Richard Gwyn.😔 #cdnmedia #cdnpoli - 5 years ago

@DavidHamer_1951: Back when Canada had actual journalists as opposed to click-baiters. RIP, Richard Gwyn.😔 #cdnmedia #cdnpoli - 5 years ago

@LanaCollins1: RT @Winterset_Fest: Remembering Richard Gwyn, founder of Winterset in Summer Literary Festival. - 5 years ago

@lgushue: RT @oneillyatescbc: Richard Gwyn deepIy loved Newfoundland and was ambassador extraordinaire. I met him at the Eastport Writers Festival in… - 5 years ago

@hydroqueen: RT @oneillyatescbc: Richard Gwyn deepIy loved Newfoundland and was ambassador extraordinaire. I met him at the Eastport Writers Festival in… - 5 years ago

@Justicerocks11: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@alexboutilier: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism… - 5 years ago

@policything: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@scotianbold: RT @natnewswatch: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@elheidenheim: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@johndotbastable: RT @trapdinawrpool: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism | The Star https:/… - 5 years ago

@GraceMacaluso2: RT @BobRae48: Richard Gwyn had a tough battle with Alzheimer’s - a fine journalist and writer, and friend to many, including @aprae and me. - 5 years ago

@wrikent3500: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@SimonDingleyCBC: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@christaylor_nyc: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@trapdinawrpool: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism | The Star - 5 years ago

@jeffreyfcollins: His bio of Joey Smallwood is a must read on NL political history. RIP Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead a… - 5 years ago

@a_ankle: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@PasternakTO: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism… - 5 years ago

@tisamuddle: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@BairdTom: RT @oneillyatescbc: Richard Gwyn deepIy loved Newfoundland and was ambassador extraordinaire. I met him at the Eastport Writers Festival in… - 5 years ago

@cruise_peter: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@johndotbastable: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@JohnPAsling: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@DIorioNathaniel: RT @natnewswatch: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@colbycosh: RT @natnewswatch: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@SueLubowitz: RT @natnewswatch: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@pat_health: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@natnewswatch: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, dead at 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism… - 5 years ago

@Winterset_Fest: Remembering Richard Gwyn, founder of Winterset in Summer Literary Festival. - 5 years ago

@tomcox60: RT @BobRae48: Richard Gwyn had a tough battle with Alzheimer’s - a fine journalist and writer, and friend to many, including @aprae and me. - 5 years ago

@vcarnegi: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@Gwyn_Dr: RT @MilesKing10: Appears that Ofqual's algorithm caused today's A-level chaos. Ofqual chair Roger Taylor, also chairs the Centre for Data E… - 5 years ago

@Ronaldo_Fuentes: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@ChantalHbert: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@joe_warmington: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@ExpatriationLaw: RT @MAAWLAW: Sad news re Richard Gwyn. I grew up reading his columns and then knew him as a Cabbagetown neighbour. I enjoyed his dry, insig… - 5 years ago

@suzievanbommel: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@smartguitar1: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@AchillesofHomer: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@BillTieleman: @TorontoStar Sorry to learn veteran political columnist Richard Gwyn has passed away at 86 - grew up reading his work. - 5 years ago

@mattpolacko: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@JoanneCangal: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@JOANBOYINGTON: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@djclimenhaga: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@HereIsPegMacK: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@Garossino: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@JOANBOYINGTON: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@Dynogram: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@emdeeinTO: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@InRodWeTrustMTL: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Richard Gwyn, kanadischer Journalist und Historiker, am 15.08.2020 im Alter von 86 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@Twooriver: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@dudpicker: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@keithbaldrey: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@kinsellawarren: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@Geoff_Ritchie: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@yyzMYA: @spaikin @tvo @_JohnAMacdonald My enduring memory of Richard Gwyn will always be him steepling his fingers before m… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Richard Gwyn has passed away - #RichardGwyn #Richard #Gwyn #rip - 5 years ago

@mcguffindavid: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@3PennyMovies: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@ibclccowichan: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@TheresaLubowitz: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@LetEmHaveBlake: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@Dred_Tory: RT @spaikin: Here are a couple of Richard Gwyn performances on @tvo on one of his favorite subjects: Sir John A Macdonald: - 5 years ago

@Dred_Tory: RT @spaikin: Here was Richard Gwyn on @TheAgenda six years ago, talking about the Scottish referendum: - 5 years ago

@drwam23: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@Frazzling: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@KathyReinheime1: RT @OneNationK: A great journalist. He will be missed! The great Richard Gwyn! Our deepest condolences. @TorontoStar - 5 years ago

@Dred_Tory: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@CalvinSwine905: @spaikin @downtownrob88 @tvo @_JohnAMacdonald So sorry to hear of Richard Gwyn’s dementia and passing. I admired his work. RIP Richard.🙏🏻🇨🇦 - 5 years ago

@wrikent3500: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@DonaldS98399233: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@CalvinSwine905: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@downtownrob88: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@MernaForster: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

@MernaForster: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@GriffinCOA: RT @spaikin: A little over a year ago, I visited Richard Gwyn at the seniors' residence he lived in, after his dementia diagnosis. I wrote… - 5 years ago

@NoraSobolov: RT @TorontoStar: Longtime Star columnist Richard Gwyn, 86, set the standard for Canadian political journalism - 5 years ago

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