Richard DeVos

American businessman and billionaire
Died on Thursday September 6th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Richard DeVos:

@xraymike79: “Of all of the curiosities in Trump’s cabinet, which included at various times a fast-food CEO as nominee for the S… - 6 years ago

@sllertzman: RT @modeshift: The religious right's distracting influence in GOP politics was advanced considerably by Dick DeVos of Grand Rapids, Michiga… - 6 years ago

@TranSpoNewsEnJp: アムウェイ創業者と魔法所有者リチャード デボス享年 92 - 6 years ago

@AWarOnDougs: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos died at ninety-two last week. His life's work was pioneering the cruel pyramid scheme… - 6 years ago


@1CGII: RT @OrlandoMagic: It is with great sadness that we announce, Orlando Magic Senior Chairman Richard M. DeVos passed away today at the age of… - 6 years ago

@BEMYBAB61369161: RT @AmwayUS: “Just try, and if you fail, try again. In my experience, trying always beats crying.” – Richard M. DeVos #LoveYaRich #Wednesda… - 6 years ago

@cynthia3130: RT @AmwayUS: “Just try, and if you fail, try again. In my experience, trying always beats crying.” – Richard M. DeVos #LoveYaRich #Wednesda… - 6 years ago

@cynthia3130: RT @AmwayUS: "Solo inténtalo, y si fallas, inténtalo de nuevo. En mi experiencia, intentar siempre es mejor que llorar ". - Richard M. DeVo… - 6 years ago

@Aiaxkvegofupi: - 6 years ago

@Burcinkazzaz: - 6 years ago

@sicpgainaviho: - 6 years ago

@iMT_Slim: RT @OrlandoMagic: It is with great sadness that we announce, Orlando Magic Senior Chairman Richard M. DeVos passed away today at the age of… - 6 years ago

@iMT_Slim: RT @NBA: The NBA Family mourns the loss of @OrlandoMagic Senior Chairman Richard DeVos. The Devos family purchased the Magic in 1991 and du… - 6 years ago

@TienDBZs: @patrickbetdavid Richard DeVos just passed away at age 92. The anti-MLM community is celebrating 😰 - 6 years ago

@AcroTrekker: RT @evanderbuilt: Richard DeVos, Great American Scam Artist - 6 years ago

@ebruuudoganay: - 6 years ago

@zailymachado1: #Repost amwayus with get_repost ・・・ "Just try, and if you fail, try again. In my experience, trying always beats cr… - 6 years ago

@a3692358a: RT @AmwayUS: “Just try, and if you fail, try again. In my experience, trying always beats crying.” – Richard M. DeVos #LoveYaRich #Wednesda… - 6 years ago

@CairnAccounting: Billionaire Founder and Owner of the Orlando Magic Richard Devos Dies at Age 92 - 6 years ago

@oemvicki2: @MMFLINT. DeVos cousin holding kids taken by zero tolerances in Mi. As a charity in Madison Hts. How many & why ar… - 6 years ago

@lasker_richard: @SenJeffMerkley A new trump business Devos/Prince Camps - 6 years ago

@bradvanhoute: Company and community mourn loss of leader and philanthropist #LoveYaRich #RichDeVos - 6 years ago

@zesty_magic: Bush, kin speak at Magic owner DeVoss funeral - 6 years ago

@vserediuc7: RT @AmwayUS: "Solo inténtalo, y si fallas, inténtalo de nuevo. En mi experiencia, intentar siempre es mejor que llorar ". - Richard M. DeVo… - 6 years ago

@peacelily1121: George W. Bush: Amway founder 'a leader in this community' Shared from my Google feed - 6 years ago

@about_royal: Did you know: During the after-party the brides vaulting father investigated jadeite underdog upon a inattentive Ri… - 6 years ago

@seqqat777: RT @ForbesME: Billionaire Amway Cofounder, Orlando Magic Owner Richard DeVos Dead At 92 #Amway #RIP #RichardSaysGo… - 6 years ago

@detroitnews: George W. Bush: Amway founder Richard DeVos "a leader in this community." - 6 years ago

@TheAppealtoall: Richard DeVos, Great American Scam Artist - 6 years ago

@LoriTatum9: RT @spdustin: Today, Governor Rick Scott (R-FL) flew from southern California (what was he doing there?) to Michigan (at a typical aircraft… - 6 years ago

@aayers324: RT @spdustin: Today, Governor Rick Scott (R-FL) flew from southern California (what was he doing there?) to Michigan (at a typical aircraft… - 6 years ago

@VerdieCaputi: It is impossible to win the race unless you venture to run, impossible to win the victory unless you dare to battle. -Richard DeVos - 6 years ago

@ACBJV: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@_The_Avenue_: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@djdonloko: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@assassinsclub: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@BusGrowthLeader: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@doubleA_WIR: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@NunezPipi: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@FMunna: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@BotBrody15: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@michael_gabrill: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@ForUsatoday: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@FOX17: Final farewells for Richard DeVos - 6 years ago

@reFLIPd: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@updated_stay: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@Flavorida: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@Don_Keano: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@guspullen: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@thelondonbob01: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@djdonloko: Former president George W. Bush, family speak at Magic owner Richard DeVos's funeral - 6 years ago

@tori_thiessen: RT @LeeClarion: In honor of Richard DeVos, our flags on campus flew at half-mast today. A major benefactor of Lee, DeVos passed away at the… - 7 years ago

@LeeClarion: In honor of Richard DeVos, our flags on campus flew at half-mast today. A major benefactor of Lee, DeVos passed awa… - 7 years ago

@DemandProPolicy: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos died at ninety-two last week. His life's work was pioneering the cruel pyramid scheme… - 7 years ago

@Truman_Town: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos died at ninety-two last week. His life's work was pioneering the cruel pyramid scheme… - 7 years ago

@JorgeRodasNews: Public visit with Richard DeVos' family to pay respects - 7 years ago

@GordoMarx: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos died at ninety-two last week. His life's work was pioneering the cruel pyramid scheme… - 7 years ago

@KUngernyc: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos died at ninety-two last week. His life's work was pioneering the cruel pyramid scheme… - 7 years ago

@DrLearnALot: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos died at ninety-two last week. His life's work was pioneering the cruel pyramid scheme… - 7 years ago

@BUBYSGIRL: RT @BetteMidler: FYI, the $5 Billion man who co-founded Amway was Richard DeVos, Sec’y of Ed Betsy DeVos’s father-in-law. He gave millions… - 7 years ago

@iamProvincetown: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos died at ninety-two last week. His life's work was pioneering the cruel pyramid scheme… - 7 years ago

@JimSimonson: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos died at ninety-two last week. His life's work was pioneering the cruel pyramid scheme… - 7 years ago

@JoeHill_17: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos, who died at ninety-two last week, tried to cover up his life’s record with philanthro… - 7 years ago

@FollowBack4382: want to get a free stock in any company sign up for robinhood with this link - 7 years ago

@_canorris_: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos died at ninety-two last week. His life's work was pioneering the cruel pyramid scheme… - 7 years ago

@Wuiabuafaxila: - 7 years ago

@CharlesMunn1: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos died at ninety-two last week. His life's work was pioneering the cruel pyramid scheme… - 7 years ago

@Cox_Box_Tornado: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos, who died at ninety-two last week, tried to cover up his life’s record with philanthro… - 7 years ago

@OccuWorld: Richard DeVos, Great American Scam Artist - 7 years ago

@mikeopseu: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos died at ninety-two last week. His life's work was pioneering the cruel pyramid scheme… - 7 years ago

@GodandtheBear: RT @jacobinmag: Right-wing billionaire Richard DeVos died at ninety-two last week. His life's work was pioneering the cruel pyramid scheme… - 7 years ago

@MrJustinBarclay: RT @RickAlbinWoodTV: VP Pence now talking about Richard DeVos and his achievements calls him “great American” - 7 years ago

@TranSpoNewsEnDe: Amway-Gründer und Magic Besitzer Richard DeVos im Alter von 92 stirbt - 7 years ago

@violetmae1547: RT @WOODTV: WATCH LIVE: Vice President Mike Pence landing in West Michigan to tour Kent County company, pay tribute to late Richard DeVos:… - 7 years ago

@WOODTV: RT @RickAlbinWoodTV: VP Pence now talking about Richard DeVos and his achievements calls him “great American” - 7 years ago

@RickAlbinWoodTV: VP Pence now talking about Richard DeVos and his achievements calls him “great American” - 7 years ago

@pas5974: RT @WOODTV: WATCH LIVE: Vice President Mike Pence landing in West Michigan to tour Kent County company, pay tribute to late Richard DeVos:… - 7 years ago

@JAguirregabiria: RT @AmwayUS: "Solo inténtalo, y si fallas, inténtalo de nuevo. En mi experiencia, intentar siempre es mejor que llorar ". - Richard M. DeVo… - 7 years ago

@GrandRapidsPD: Road closure notice for 9/13: Due to the Richard DeVos funeral, the square block surrounding LaGrave Church (except… - 7 years ago

@Gqp7: RT @AmwayUS: "Solo inténtalo, y si fallas, inténtalo de nuevo. En mi experiencia, intentar siempre es mejor que llorar ". - Richard M. DeVo… - 7 years ago

@isisgomez28: RT @AmwayUS: "Solo inténtalo, y si fallas, inténtalo de nuevo. En mi experiencia, intentar siempre es mejor que llorar ". - Richard M. DeVo… - 7 years ago

@piercyusa: RT @AmwayUS: "Solo inténtalo, y si fallas, inténtalo de nuevo. En mi experiencia, intentar siempre es mejor que llorar ". - Richard M. DeVo… - 7 years ago

@0502Oscar: RT @AmwayUS: "Solo inténtalo, y si fallas, inténtalo de nuevo. En mi experiencia, intentar siempre es mejor que llorar ". - Richard M. DeVo… - 7 years ago

@TheIndypendent: Politicians from Richard Nixon to De Blasio have long insisted that campaign contributions don’t affect their polic… - 7 years ago

@Vero3HD: RT @AmwayUS: "Solo inténtalo, y si fallas, inténtalo de nuevo. En mi experiencia, intentar siempre es mejor que llorar ". - Richard M. DeVo… - 7 years ago

@WCarrera7: RT @AmwayUS: "Solo inténtalo, y si fallas, inténtalo de nuevo. En mi experiencia, intentar siempre es mejor que llorar ". - Richard M. DeVo… - 7 years ago

@AmwayUS: "Solo inténtalo, y si fallas, inténtalo de nuevo. En mi experiencia, intentar siempre es mejor que llorar ". - Rich… - 7 years ago

@BBBwmi: RT @WOODTV: WATCH LIVE: Vice President Mike Pence landing in West Michigan to tour Kent County company, pay tribute to late Richard DeVos:… - 7 years ago

@_EvanDean: RT @WOODTV: WATCH LIVE: Vice President Mike Pence landing in West Michigan to tour Kent County company, pay tribute to late Richard DeVos:… - 7 years ago

@EKlynstra: RT @WOODTV: WATCH LIVE: Vice President Mike Pence landing in West Michigan to tour Kent County company, pay tribute to late Richard DeVos:… - 7 years ago

@WOODTV: WATCH LIVE: Vice President Mike Pence landing in West Michigan to tour Kent County company, pay tribute to late Ric… - 7 years ago

@DerrickARivera: Remembering Amway Co-Founder Richard DeVos - 7 years ago

@victorperton: "He was a humble man, fully reflecting the values of his #Christian faith. Known for his indefatigable #optimism" N… - 7 years ago

@TranSpoNewsEnIt: Fondatore di Amway e Magic proprietario Richard DeVos muore all'età di 92 anni - 7 years ago

@_Lise2: Si vous avez un rêve, donnez-lui la chance de se réaliser. (Richard Devos) Alors, quel est votre rêve? Qu'avez-vous… - 7 years ago

@CNMNewz: Christian Philanthropist and Magic Owner, Richard DeVos, Passed Away at 92 - 7 years ago

@padom: O bilionário cristão, Richard DeVos, morre aos 92 anos - 7 years ago

@ChristianNwpost: (Christian billionaire and Orlando Magic owner, Richard DeVos, dies aged 92) has been published on Latest Christian… - 7 years ago

@JulJulTracy: Richard DeVos, Christian Billionaire and Orlando Magic Owner, Dies at 92; Hailed for Vision, Values - 7 years ago

@DeepCordray: @yvonne_eiland @MikeDeWine Well to be fair, he couldn’t start trying to collect this fine until he was AG. The DeVo… - 7 years ago

@nihillionaire: RT @GrandRapidsDSA: This is not only a more honest obit for Rich DeVos, it's an excellent primer on one of the bases of Grand Rapids'/west… - 7 years ago

@dwkreutzer: RT @KayColesJames: Around the globe, Richard DeVos inspired countless people to dream big dreams. Today, our hearts and prayers are with th… - 7 years ago

@JohnAGriswold1: RT @JebBush: Richard DeVos: The Amway founder embodied the values of Grand Rapids, Mich. - 7 years ago

@Real_Sweet_Lou: RIP @OrlandoMagic owner and founding member of the band DEVO Richard “DEVO” DeVos. The kids all loved to “Whip It R… - 7 years ago

@CammiRobinson: RT @jstoddard2113: Really hoping Richard Devos' cemetery monument is in the shape of a pyramid. - 7 years ago

@kjnet50: RT @GiftofLifeMich: Philanthropist and Amway co-founder Richard DeVos, who died last week at 92, is one of very few people in the world who… - 7 years ago

@thecitysentinel: National Review Editorial, Richard Devos, Rest in Peace, September 7, 2018 - 7 years ago

@a3692358a: RT @SpectrumHealth: With the passing of Richard M. DeVos, we lost a titan of industry and a man with a heart to match. #loveyarich - 7 years ago

@vliscony: RT @2bettemidler: FYI, the $5 Billion man who co-founded Amway was Richard DeVos, Sec’y of Ed Betsy DeVos’s father-in-law. He gave million… - 7 years ago

@Troy_Hurricane: RT @OrlandoMagic: It is with great sadness that we announce, Orlando Magic Senior Chairman Richard M. DeVos passed away today at the age of… - 7 years ago

@Troy_Hurricane: RT @NBA: The NBA Family mourns the loss of @OrlandoMagic Senior Chairman Richard DeVos. The Devos family purchased the Magic in 1991 and du… - 7 years ago

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