Richard Cavendish

British occult writer.
Died on Wednesday November 2nd 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Richard Cavendish:

@davidbmetcalfe: RT @witchbeam: And 2016 takes another great. RIP Richard Cavendish, your books rocked. - 8 years ago

@intercepts: This day in history: The coup of 18/19 Brumaire put Napoleon in power. #history #coincidence #ButItRhymes - 8 years ago

@KatePitt: J’accuse! It was the anti-dreyfusard stove-fitting contractor in the bedroom! - 8 years ago

@ElenaDeGreg: Napoleon takes Power in France - 8 years ago


@BenSteelmanSN: Nov. 9, 1799: "18 Brumaire" -- Napoleon Bonaparte stages a coup and becomes "First Consul." - 8 years ago

@Galehawk: RT @cultofweird: Richard Cavendish, author of The Black Arts – obituary - 8 years ago

@cultofweird: Richard Cavendish, author of The Black Arts – obituary - 8 years ago

@anandpkrishnan: RT @HistoryToday: America’s first birth control clinic opened 100 years ago this month. - 8 years ago

@cogtweet: Richard Cavendish, author of The Black Arts – obituary - 8 years ago

@TrocarRogue: RT @JudikaIlles: Rest in peace, Richard Cavendish, author of the influential and bestselling, The Black Arts... - 8 years ago

@diana_rajchel: RT @JudikaIlles: Rest in peace, Richard Cavendish, author of the influential and bestselling, The Black Arts... - 8 years ago

@JudikaIlles: Rest in peace, Richard Cavendish, author of the influential and bestselling, The Black Arts... - 8 years ago

@jnannapolis: RT @lienhart85: America's first birth control clinic @HistoryToday - 8 years ago

@MadocLeonard: RT @lienhart85: America's first birth control clinic @HistoryToday - 8 years ago

@Omi_082: RT @lienhart85: America's first birth control clinic @HistoryToday - 8 years ago

@antrimhistory: RT @lienhart85: America's first birth control clinic @HistoryToday - 8 years ago

@lienhart85: America's first birth control clinic @HistoryToday - 8 years ago

@pixiejuniper: @Skionar Richard Cavendish .. always meant to read him, first came across him in Colin Wilson books like The Occult & Mysteries. - 8 years ago

@Skionar: How the former head of the Downing Street policy unit (now Baroness Cavendish) played with Ouija boards when she... - 8 years ago

@Telesterion: The very first book on the topics that became my lifelong study - the esoteric traditions and systems for... - 8 years ago

@Imajicka_TWPT: RT @JudikaIlles: Rest in peace, Richard Cavendish, author of the influential and bestselling, The Black Arts... - 8 years ago

@Skionar: Amongst other things, the story that the former head of the Number 10 policy unit (now Baroness Cavendish) played... - 8 years ago

@JuliaCharnley: Richard Cavendish , who died 21st October 2016 aged 86, was an authority on magic, myth and witchcraft whose... - 8 years ago

@Mysticalschool: Richard Cavendish, author of The Black Arts – obituary - 8 years ago

@simontwithers: Richard Cavendish…your Man Myth & Magic introduced me to the work of Austin Osman Spare…belatedly RIP. - 8 years ago

@catvincent: Richard Cavendish, author of The Black Arts – obituary - 8 years ago

@scarlettamaris: Richard Cavendish, author of The Black Arts – obituary - 8 years ago

@batmagick: RT @OccultDetective: Godspeed Richard Cavendish - 8 years ago

@JudikaIlles: RT @OccultDetective: Godspeed Richard Cavendish - 8 years ago

@DTLAWOLF: 1 of my favorite reads ✨ RT @OccultDetective: Godspeed Richard Cavendish - 8 years ago

@OccultDetective: Godspeed Richard Cavendish - 8 years ago

@CharmtheWater: Richard Cavendish, author of The Black Arts – obituary - 8 years ago

@lashtal: RT @richardkaczynsk: Fare the well, Richard. I will always be grateful for "Man, Myth & Magic." - 8 years ago

@azrael2393: RT @richardkaczynsk: Fare the well, Richard. I will always be grateful for "Man, Myth & Magic." - 8 years ago

@Mindaugas75: RIP... - 8 years ago

@witchbeam: And 2016 takes another great. RIP Richard Cavendish, your books rocked. - 8 years ago

@richardkaczynsk: Fare the well, Richard. I will always be grateful for "Man, Myth & Magic." - 8 years ago

@dylankayeh: RT @t3dy: RIP Richard Cavendish, author of a classic book on the occult - 8 years ago

@t3dy: RIP Richard Cavendish, author of a classic book on the occult - 8 years ago

@claudosky: RT @HistoryToday: A month before his 77th birthday, Winston Churchill became prime minister of Britain for a second time. - 8 years ago

@dankchronic: Stalin tried to steal from me I think he's dead now. - 8 years ago

@SoulStealer2011: The Battle of the Milvian Bridge - 8 years ago

@yapphenghui: The Battle of the Milvian Bridge - 8 years ago

@thetobbierts: RT @_paullay: Fine obituary for Richard Cavendish. He wrote for @HistoryToday for more than 20 years. Delightful man, much missed: - 8 years ago

@huwsteenis: RT @telegraphobits: Richard Cavendish, author of The Black Arts – obituary - 8 years ago

@tracywardUnique: RT @telegraphobits: Richard Cavendish, author of The Black Arts – obituary - 8 years ago

@AndrewMcFBrown: RT @telegraphobits: Richard Cavendish, author of The Black Arts – obituary - 8 years ago

@telegraphobits: Richard Cavendish, author of The Black Arts – obituary - 8 years ago

@wrbence: The Birth of Marie Antoinette - 8 years ago

@jump_rich53: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@ECHist37: RT @_paullay: Fine obituary for Richard Cavendish. He wrote for @HistoryToday for more than 20 years. Delightful man, much missed: - 8 years ago

@ECHist37: RT @daveinlocal: Very sad to hear of the death of Richard Cavendish a regular customer for many years. A scholar and a gentleman. - 8 years ago

@tokikodasa: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@FuturologyBot: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@00fill: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@up4ant1: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@FirstNightArt: RT @daveinlocal: Very sad to hear of the death of Richard Cavendish a regular customer for many years. A scholar and a gentleman. - 8 years ago

@daveinlocal: Very sad to hear of the death of Richard Cavendish a regular customer for many years. A scholar and a gentleman. - 8 years ago

@nw8pdx: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@finketh1: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@novriilham67: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@huwsteenis: RT @_paullay: Fine obituary for Richard Cavendish. He wrote for @HistoryToday for more than 20 years. Delightful man, much missed: - 8 years ago

@HamdiHassan1: The Birth of Marie Antoinette - 8 years ago

@markgrago: - 8 years ago

@W4AO: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@forevermagmark: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@mc_mcampo12: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@alvarofb23: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@LaetitiaWalter: The Birth of Marie Antoinette - 8 years ago

@viktoriangelik2: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@GeorgeTrefgarne: RT @_paullay: Fine obituary for Richard Cavendish. He wrote for @HistoryToday for more than 20 years. Delightful man, much missed: - 8 years ago

@martelbyb: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@homebiznez1: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@UlrikaHS: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@Ekenskis: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@Muriel_BM: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@manufernandezba: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@luckydays73: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@mariadestrella: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@thetis2001: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@MarkusNyb: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@theartistdreams: The Birth of Marie Antoinette - 8 years ago

@SusanAbernethy2: Article: Marie Antoinette was born on this day in 1755 - 8 years ago

@katemond: RT @_paullay: Fine obituary for Richard Cavendish. He wrote for @HistoryToday for more than 20 years. Delightful man, much missed: - 8 years ago

@TALKS_abhi: RT @CarolineBuffa: Marie Antoinette - The future Queen of France was born on November 2nd, 1755. - 8 years ago

@StCatsHistory: The Birth of Marie Antoinette - 8 years ago

@MJWayland: Richard Cavendish who edited 70s Man, Myth and Magic series, giving a mouthpiece for Kenneth Grant and other fringe… - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Richard Cavendish (occult writer) has shuffled off this mortal coil: - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Richard Cavendish, you will be missed - #RichardCavendish #Richard #Cavendish #rip - 8 years ago

@AntiProfessor: RT @_paullay: Fine obituary for Richard Cavendish. He wrote for @HistoryToday for more than 20 years. Delightful man, much missed: - 8 years ago

@memories_en: #HistoryToday: RT _paullay: Fine obituary for Richard Cavendish. He wrote for HistoryToday for more than 20 years.… - 8 years ago

@50106019HIST: RT @_paullay: Fine obituary for Richard Cavendish. He wrote for @HistoryToday for more than 20 years. Delightful man, much missed: - 8 years ago

@HistoryToday: RT @_paullay: Fine obituary for Richard Cavendish. He wrote for @HistoryToday for more than 20 years. Delightful man, much missed: - 8 years ago

@childs_jessie: RT @_paullay: Fine obituary for Richard Cavendish. He wrote for @HistoryToday for more than 20 years. Delightful man, much missed: - 8 years ago

@_paullay: Fine obituary for Richard Cavendish. He wrote for @HistoryToday for more than 20 years. Delightful man, much missed: - 8 years ago

@RobertGreen33: Boniface VIII’s Bull Unam Sanctam - 8 years ago

@MyHistoryMaster: RT @HistoryToday: A month before his 77th birthday, Winston Churchill became prime minister of Britain for a second time. - 8 years ago

@buildpowernow: The Battle of the Milvian Bridge - 8 years ago

@yapphenghui: The Battle of the Milvian Bridge - 8 years ago

@KagaboA: RT @HistoryToday: A month before his 77th birthday, Winston Churchill became prime minister of Britain for a second time. - 8 years ago

@bookbhook: It was today, October 30th, in 1811 that Jane Austen published Sense & Sensibility - 8 years ago

@bhadravathi: This Indian freedom fighter greatly influenced by French Revolution... - 8 years ago

@Artmoves1: The Iranian Oil Fields are Nationalised | History Today - 8 years ago

@BigSister: The curious death of #EmileZola. - 8 years ago

@akoz33: The Battle of the Milvian Bridge | History Today - 8 years ago

@t1771: The founder of Rothschild’s dies in Frankfurt | History Today - 8 years ago

@JimLoftus4: RT @HistoryToday: A month before his 77th birthday, Winston Churchill became prime minister of Britain for a second time. - 8 years ago

@PatrickKlekas: Today in history: The Battle of the Milvian Bridge - 8 years ago

@StephanSSB: RT @HistoryToday: A month before his 77th birthday, Winston Churchill became prime minister of Britain for a second time. - 8 years ago

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