Rezo Esadze

Georgian film director (Love at First Sight)
Died on Saturday April 18th 2020

View other recent people: Awesome Again, shot, Pilar Marie Victoria

Tweets related to Rezo Esadze:

@rgrus: Умер советский актер и режиссер Резо Эсадзе - 4 years ago

@004nino: RIP 20 544) #Georgian #film #director #and #screenwriter #Rezo #Esadze 86 #dies #April 18, 2020 Умер… - 4 years ago

@news_tbilisi: New post (В возрасте 86-ти лет умер кинорежиссер Резо Эсадзе) has been published on News Tbilisi -… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Rezo Esadze - #RezoEsadze #Rezo #Esadze #rip - 4 years ago


@timerge: გარდაიცვალა რეზო ესაძე - 4 years ago

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