Reynaldo Bignone

Argentine politician
Died on Wednesday March 7th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Reynaldo Bignone:

@AugustadSays: Reynaldo Bignone, last leader of Argentina’s murderous junta, dies at 90 - 7 years ago

@RepublicCatala: @MirGiro @aestevan @numer344 @RaholaOficial Puede que con Reynaldo Bignone - 7 years ago

@Juan_Casla: RT @AlfredoDarrigo: Reynaldo Bignone dictó ley de autoamnistía(22924) El peronismo adhirió a esa ley en campaña electoral 1983 Con Luder co… - 7 years ago

@obituarywriters: Reynaldo Bignone, 90, a former Argentine general who was the last leader of his country’s 1976-83 dictatorship, and… - 7 years ago


@blogofdeath: Reynaldo Bignone, 90, a former Argentine general who was the last leader of his country’s 1976-83 dictatorship, and… - 7 years ago

@paxr55: RT @AP: Reynaldo Bignone, who oversaw forced disappearances and the theft of babies born to political prisoners in Argentina, has died. htt… - 7 years ago

@jeffstrabone: RT @AP: Reynaldo Bignone, who oversaw forced disappearances and the theft of babies born to political prisoners in Argentina, has died. htt… - 7 years ago

@Tabbatcat: RT @AP: Reynaldo Bignone, who oversaw forced disappearances and the theft of babies born to political prisoners in Argentina, has died. htt… - 7 years ago

@vivartist14: RT @AP: Reynaldo Bignone, who oversaw forced disappearances and the theft of babies born to political prisoners in Argentina, has died. htt… - 7 years ago

@Narchu4: RT @Solanopo: Reynaldo Bignone después del golpe del 76´fue quien ocupó militarmente el Hospital Posadas y levantó un campo de concentració… - 7 years ago

@shelostcontro1: RT @AP: Reynaldo Bignone, who oversaw forced disappearances and the theft of babies born to political prisoners in Argentina, has died. htt… - 7 years ago

@t3h_ja60ff: RT @AP: Reynaldo Bignone, who oversaw forced disappearances and the theft of babies born to political prisoners in Argentina, has died. htt… - 7 years ago

@AdamDubbaya: RT @AP: Reynaldo Bignone, who oversaw forced disappearances and the theft of babies born to political prisoners in Argentina, has died. htt… - 7 years ago

@MJanovic: RT @AP: Reynaldo Bignone, who oversaw forced disappearances and the theft of babies born to political prisoners in Argentina, has died. htt… - 7 years ago

@lakotalaw: RT @AP: Reynaldo Bignone, who oversaw forced disappearances and the theft of babies born to political prisoners in Argentina, has died. htt… - 7 years ago

@nwarikoo: RT @AP: Reynaldo Bignone, who oversaw forced disappearances and the theft of babies born to political prisoners in Argentina, has died. htt… - 7 years ago

@Currentquiz: Name the Argentine general who served as 41st President of Argentina from 1 July 1982, to 10 December 1983 who was… - 7 years ago

@MTV11996133: RT @GugaLusto: Hoy decimos de nuevo #NuncaMás: Murió Reynaldo Bignone, último dictador de la historia argentina. - 7 years ago

@AlSondel23_: RT @abuelasdifusion: Con su hija Laura secuestrada, Estela de Carlotto logró llegar a Reynaldo Bignone, quien la atendió con un revólver so… - 7 years ago

@brenda_bisonni: RT @hijos_capital: LA MUERTE SE QUEDÓ SIN SU ÚLTIMO JEFE: MURIÓ EL GENOCIDA BIGNONE A las 11:00 murió el genocida Reynaldo Bignone. Su fami… - 7 years ago

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