Rex Patterson

Australian politician.
Died on Wednesday April 13th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Rex Patterson:

@M_A_Patterson: @LilyMarsWrites LOL. Catasaurus Rex. - 9 years ago

@Quinntessence_: NY GOP: Yeah! Paladino, Rex Ryan, Trump! We're awesome! NY: Cuomo, Patterson, Spitzer, Clinton, Silver...etc. Joke. - 9 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Rex Alan Patterson (1927 - 2016), died at age 89 years: was an Australian… - 9 years ago

@Patterson_B: Rex Ryan introduced Trump yesterday in Buffalo? That joke writes itself - 9 years ago


@RIP_2016: #RIP Rex Patterson. Australian MP for Dawson 1966-75. Minister for Northern Territory during Cyclone Tracy crisis - 9 years ago

@NickOrellana: @BarstoolBigCat you accepting LOL items for raffles? Got some old school gems like a Corey Patterson signed bat and Rex signed mini helmet - 9 years ago

@ContractCMO: RT @mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson's 1966 victory in the Dawson by-election saved Whitlam from expulsion from the ALP. Alan Ramsey: - 9 years ago

@ContractCMO: RT @mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson, Minister for Northern Development in the Whitlam govts (1972-75), has died, aged 89. He was member for Daws… - 9 years ago

@TroyBramston: RT @mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson, Minister for Northern Development in the Whitlam govts (1972-75), has died, aged 89. He was member for Daws… - 9 years ago

@icatchtrams: RT @mfarnsworth: How sad. The Mackay Daily Mercury is the only news outlet I can find that's reported the death of Rex Patterson. - 9 years ago

@kathyktr: RT @mfarnsworth: How sad. The Mackay Daily Mercury is the only news outlet I can find that's reported the death of Rex Patterson. - 9 years ago

@AgnessMack: RT @mfarnsworth: How sad. The Mackay Daily Mercury is the only news outlet I can find that's reported the death of Rex Patterson. - 9 years ago

@mfarnsworth: How sad. The Mackay Daily Mercury is the only news outlet I can find that's reported the death of Rex Patterson. - 9 years ago

@DeonHinds_Inc: Rex Patterson, Australian politician, Died at 89 - 9 years ago

@damionhinds: Rex Patterson, Australian politician, Died at 89 - 9 years ago

@121reggae: Rex Patterson, Australian politician, Died at 89 - 9 years ago

@VybzEn: Rex Patterson, Australian politician, Died at 89 - 9 years ago

@phillipwilby: Rex Patterson, Australian politician, Died at 89 - 9 years ago

@entbuz: Rex Patterson, Australian politician, Died at 89 - 9 years ago

@EyeOnTheReaper: Rex Patterson, 89, Australian politician. - 9 years ago

@NeilMcMahon: RT @mfarnsworth: How sad. The Mackay Daily Mercury is the only news outlet I can find that's reported the death of Rex Patterson. - 9 years ago

@004nino: RIP 8168) Former #politician Rex #Patterson has died in #Mackay aged 89 : April 13, 2016 - 9 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Rex Patterson - #RexPatterson #Rex #Patterson #rip - 9 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Rex Patterson, 89, Australian politician. - 9 years ago

@JRWeaver55: RT @mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson, Minister for Northern Development in the Whitlam govts (1972-75), has died, aged 89. He was member for Daws… - 9 years ago

@psw6666: RT @mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson, Minister for Northern Development in the Whitlam govts (1972-75), has died, aged 89. He was member for Daws… - 9 years ago

@CFMEU: RT @mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson, Minister for Northern Development in the Whitlam govts (1972-75), has died, aged 89. He was member for Daws… - 9 years ago

@Dan_McIntyre: RT @mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson's 1966 victory in the Dawson by-election saved Whitlam from expulsion from the ALP. Alan Ramsey: - 9 years ago

@toddocracy: RT @mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson, Minister for Northern Development in the Whitlam govts (1972-75), has died, aged 89. He was member for Daws… - 9 years ago

@zenuska: RT @mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson, Minister for Northern Development in the Whitlam govts (1972-75), has died, aged 89. He was member for Daws… - 9 years ago

@mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson's 1966 victory in the Dawson by-election saved Whitlam from expulsion from the ALP. Alan Ramsey: - 9 years ago

@Dan_McIntyre: RT @mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson, Minister for Northern Development in the Whitlam govts (1972-75), has died, aged 89. He was member for Daws… - 9 years ago

@Biggy1883: RT @mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson, Minister for Northern Development in the Whitlam govts (1972-75), has died, aged 89. He was member for Daws… - 9 years ago

@davidadonaldson: RT @mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson, Minister for Northern Development in the Whitlam govts (1972-75), has died, aged 89. He was member for Daws… - 9 years ago

@mfarnsworth: Rex Patterson, Minister for Northern Development in the Whitlam govts (1972-75), has died, aged 89. He was member for Dawson (Qld 1966-75). - 9 years ago

@QLDOnline: RT @QLDWhitsundays: Rex Patterson, Member for Dawson 1966-1975 has passed away. - 9 years ago

@QLDTownsville: Rex Patterson, Member for Dawson 1966-1975 has passed away. - 9 years ago

@QLDMackay: Rex Patterson, Member for Dawson 1966-1975 has passed away. - 9 years ago

@QLDWhitsundays: Rex Patterson, Member for Dawson 1966-1975 has passed away. - 9 years ago

@daily_mercury: Former Mackay politician Rex Patterson has died - 9 years ago

@MAP_ENRGYTRADR: Stocks in Spotlight: Patterson-UTI Energy, (NASDAQ:PTEN), W&T Offshore, (NYSE:WTI), Rex ... - 9 years ago

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