Renée Geyer

Australian singer ("Say I Love You"
Died on Tuesday January 17th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Renée Geyer:

@TheSHTICKTV: Charlie Owen 's dedication to Renee Geyer on The SHTICK S72-01 Seg.3 - 2 years ago

@EthnicLinkGuru: RT @TheAusToday: Celebrating #RenéeGeyer, #Australia’s queen of soul @LizGiuffre @UTSEngage @ConversationEDU @DrAmitSarwal @EthnicLinkGuru… - 2 years ago

@ThisIsKubiLive: RT @kubilivepost: Australian Music Icon Renee Geyer Dies At 69 - 2 years ago

@ferndalectgFCR: 2 Show 45 Women in Music. Tribute to Renee Geyer - 2 years ago


@McAlmanac: @thecheese01 @EJW_Stein @Casual_Bob_ The late great Renee Geyer - Ready To Deal. - 2 years ago

@HAZEOFMAINAIM: One of the last big discoveries I had musically was a 45 by Australian singer Renee Geyer, she cut 2 versions of th… - 2 years ago

@krablegg_: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@DrAmitSarwal: RT @TheAusToday: Celebrating #RenéeGeyer, #Australia’s queen of soul @LizGiuffre @UTSEngage @ConversationEDU @DrAmitSarwal @EthnicLinkGuru… - 2 years ago

@TheAusToday: Celebrating #RenéeGeyer, #Australia’s queen of soul @LizGiuffre @UTSEngage @ConversationEDU @DrAmitSarwal… - 2 years ago

@tipartists: #Culture #Australianmusic Renée Geyer: Australia’s finest white soul singer was ambitious, unapologetic and too oft… - 2 years ago

@beeinchicago: Renée Geyer, Australian jazz and soul singer, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@jmeandthemore: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: She was also my good friend and will remain an inspiration and in my heart always. My condolences to her family and fri… - 2 years ago

@jmeandthemore: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@BrownBones3rd: RT @HappyMagTV: Legendary Australian singer Renée Geyer has passed away following complications from hip surgery - 2 years ago

@Jeanseenseldom: @ClaraSensatez Me gusta: Alison Moyet Renee Geyer de Australie Rumer - 2 years ago

@ChogdeeB: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@whatsn2day: Renee Geyer: Fiery vocalist was at the top of her class - 2 years ago

@whatsn2day: Renee Geyer: Fiery vocalist was at the top of her class - 2 years ago

@bFM_bCasts: The Swap Meet 22 January 2023 - 2 years ago

@kubilivepost: Australian Music Icon Renee Geyer Dies At 69 - 2 years ago

@JimVogt12: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@BernardZuel: Taking cues from the great Renee Geyer this week's playlist has @BethHart & Elmore James, (plus Renee)… - 2 years ago

@HidropatinRok: Un tributo a la gran cantante australiana recientemente fallecida. Una de las canciones más hermosas de la fantást… - 2 years ago

@joyadam08581712: Australian soul singer Renée Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@CrazyBengieFB_: RT @airesent: #RIP Renée Geyer: Australia’s finest white soul singer was ambitious, unapologetic and too often overlooked - 2 years ago

@DaveWray16: Renee Geyer Live@The Basement. - 2 years ago

@_Top_Radio: #music #OnAirNow Heading In The Right Direction - Renee Geyer on - 2 years ago

@Sly1036: Today on Colourful Radio, Soul & Reggae Sundays 22/01/23 includes: •Renee Geyer 🎶tribute •Keith ‘Duke’ Beaton 🎶tri… - 2 years ago

@KDavies30: Renee Geyer dead: Soul singer dies aged 69 after suffering complications from hip surgery. Tragic news… - 2 years ago

@stradiost11: #music #OnAirNow Heading In The Right Direction - Renee Geyer on - 2 years ago

@Michael_Jongen: RT @LaurenRosewarne: "AS SEEN & HEARD ON ABC T.V. & RADIO" ( ABC Records "Renée Geyer Live at the Basement". Coun… - 2 years ago

@LaurenRosewarne: "AS SEEN & HEARD ON ABC T.V. & RADIO" ( ABC Records "Renée Geyer Live at the Basement". C… - 2 years ago

@mark_markre: Renee Geyer - It only happens when i look at you - 2 years ago

@Plus61J: Blues and soul singer Renée Geyer has died aged 69. She is mourned as trailblazer and a self-confessed ‘difficult w… - 2 years ago

@hophead_dog: RT @soulsearcher216: 訃報2 レネー・ゲイヤー Renee Geyer →プロデュースでレコード制作も。1953年9月11日オーストラリア・メルボルン生まれ。同地でジェームズ・ブラウンの「マンズ・マンズ・ワールド」のカヴァー・ヒットで知られるようになった。1… - 2 years ago

@hophead_dog: RT @soulsearcher216: 訃報1 レネー・ゲイヤー Renee Geyer 2023年1月17日オーストラリアで手術後の合併症で死去。69歳。同地のブルーアイド・ソウル・シンガーとして40年以上活躍、アルバムも10枚以上リリース→ - 2 years ago

@xfSf2Jo28zXrgD2: RT @soulsearcher216: 訃報1 レネー・ゲイヤー Renee Geyer 2023年1月17日オーストラリアで手術後の合併症で死去。69歳。同地のブルーアイド・ソウル・シンガーとして40年以上活躍、アルバムも10枚以上リリース→ - 2 years ago

@t_hisashi: RT @soulsearcher216: 訃報1 レネー・ゲイヤー Renee Geyer 2023年1月17日オーストラリアで手術後の合併症で死去。69歳。同地のブルーアイド・ソウル・シンガーとして40年以上活躍、アルバムも10枚以上リリース→ - 2 years ago

@soulsearcher216: 訃報2 レネー・ゲイヤー Renee Geyer →プロデュースでレコード制作も。1953年9月11日オーストラリア・メルボルン生まれ。同地でジェームズ・ブラウンの「マンズ・マンズ・ワールド」のカヴァー・ヒットで知られるようになっ… - 2 years ago

@soulsearcher216: 訃報1 レネー・ゲイヤー Renee Geyer 2023年1月17日オーストラリアで手術後の合併症で死去。69歳。同地のブルーアイド・ソウル・シンガーとして40年以上活躍、アルバムも10枚以上リリース→… - 2 years ago

@capebanks: Renée Geyer - Baby Please Don't Go - 2 years ago

@baubo60: Farewell Soul Sister Extraordinaire 💜Gratitude for your voice and albums you leave behind. And this, your homage to… - 2 years ago

@zazava: "I was just myself": Evenings remembers Renee Geyer in her own words - ABC Melbourne - 2 years ago

@AtomicBoy00: RENEE GEYER - ALL MY LOVE (1985) - 2 years ago

@DormainDrewitz: I'm so grateful for the outpouring of condolences, the write-ups of her career, the memories shared... I'm especial… - 2 years ago

@DormainDrewitz: RT @9NewsMelb: Australia's music industry has lost another of its iconic voices, with Renée Geyer passing away at the age of 69. Forever a… - 2 years ago

@nishizawa_zuhi: Renee Geyer-Stares and Whispers - 2 years ago

@DailySongColl: Renée Geyer – Heading In The Right Direction - 2 years ago

@spannaforce: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@MissChatJOY: #np 'It's a Man's Man's Man's World' by the late, great Renee Geyer on Australia's LGBTIQA+ radio station, @JOY949… - 2 years ago

@MissChatJOY: #np 'Yil Lull' by Singers for the Red, Black & Gold (including @archieroach, @anuchristine, Judith Durham, Kutcha E… - 2 years ago

@AllenMarea: RT @jennyeather: "I was just myself": Evenings remembers Renee Geyer in her own words [audio] #music - 2 years ago

@pauladkins: @somewherein84 Renee Geyer was very sad news - 2 years ago

@screaminkid: RT @MelbFabulist: Such sad news about Renee Geyer. She may have died in similar circumstances to Pell but only Renee is heading in the righ… - 2 years ago

@Pastellari01: @TheBonnieRaitt Thank you for your kind words about Renee Geyer. Few people in her home country of Australia unders… - 2 years ago

@CurvedRadio: #NowPlaying Renee Geyer - It’s A Man’s World - 2 years ago

@irem_cni: The Bay Tilly #ギャル曽根88点 Lindsey Graham Roni Covid Depay siguldas Wan Bissaka Emirates Greta Boston Dynamics spørgsm… - 2 years ago

@takawatajppp: オーストラリアが生んだ史上最高の女性歌手Renee Geyer、永遠に。 - 2 years ago

@StephanieKakos1: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@barbwodecki: RT @Katebfitz: With Renée Geyer at a Dragon gig. ⁦@BazzaCC⁩ - 2 years ago

@irem_cni: McFred Wan Bissaka Vince Young Kampagne Renee Geyer Pride Olise Airris Zaha Domitila Deves Mette Frederiksen Giaele… - 2 years ago

@irem_cni: Indianer Insekten 英語名称 hello zone Casemiro The USA Mayday #ギャル曽根88点 Rodrigo サイコドーガ Richards Libs Flyers Joseph McTo… - 2 years ago

@liolicious: RT @billboard: Bonnie Raitt says there was "no one like" Renée Geyer - 2 years ago

@irem_cni: Labs Rodrigo aaron taylor johnson Comixology aaron taylor johnson Renee Geyer Rashford #ibes2023 Lucas Antony 週刊朝日… - 2 years ago

@LinaToki: Bro Renee Geyer passed?! 😭 - 2 years ago

@irem_cni: Fred Nicácio Zaha Papis jooheon New Zealand Libya nx zero McTominay 割増金制度 David García Stussy ペルソナ Casemiro CEOs To… - 2 years ago

@FrankAdriaenss2: RT @billboard: Bonnie Raitt says there was "no one like" Renée Geyer - 2 years ago

@matt_mac4: RT @ColinHay: Renée Geyer - The US had Aretha, the UK Dusty Springfield. We had Renée. She taught us all so much. She knew not only what mu… - 2 years ago

@billboard: Bonnie Raitt says there was "no one like" Renée Geyer - 2 years ago

@NellyJa73255653: RT @emma_husar: ‘It’s a mans mans world but it would be nothing without a woman or a girl Renee Geyer & her lyrics have helped keep the f… - 2 years ago

@BradbrookJenny: RT @DawsonEJ: Consider donating, as I have, in memory of the magnificent Renee Geyer to @SupportAct #ValeRenee - 2 years ago

@AlanJMitchell_: RT @CherieMoselen: She was the first woman to co-write and co-produce an album in Australia... Renée Geyer — Free spirit and fierce talent… - 2 years ago

@bellfrog: @hitinman @ConversationEDU Is it true that during an interview that @GlennShorrock only had negative thoughts about Renee Geyer? - 2 years ago

@AlistairPDBain: Ah sheeeeet 😢 #ReneeGeyer - 2 years ago

@ShaneNatalie: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@lale_cni: Viena Truth Social Scholz Crystal Palace Gladbach Inszenierung #blindguess Valverde Sandrine Rousseau Anitta Olise… - 2 years ago

@jboyded: RT @NeilMcMahon: Deborah Conway on Renee Geyer: “The first time we met she tried to punch me out.“ - 2 years ago

@hitinman: 'A voice like cigarettes rolled in honey': celebrating Renée Geyer, Australia's queen of soul - 2 years ago

@Ausshot3Dave: RT @football_roos: @teamturner2008 @JackHenryRoz1 @RonniSalt @Katebfitz @BazzaCC Iconic Australian singer Renée Geyer has passed away at th… - 2 years ago

@Ausshot3Dave: RT @Katebfitz: With Renée Geyer at a Dragon gig. ⁦@BazzaCC⁩ - 2 years ago

@lale_cni: Provorov Memphis Asia HAPPY BDAY KTY なーくん #Parcoursup Russian Orthodox auckland to sydney Parcoursup #SLYWIN Nick K… - 2 years ago

@Daniel30488522: RT @ClancyTucker: I was lucky to meet Billy Paul and Stevie Nicks by pure chance. Both of them asked me if I'd heard of a fabulous singer n… - 2 years ago

@asheeka1: RT @davegraney: From the same Renee Geyer album, TONIGHT (2005) Nasty Streak written by Dan Kelly. - 2 years ago

@ratherbeatlunch: RT @thefootyalmanac: The best female voice in modern Australian music - RIP Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@karenbale: RT @BernardZuel: I reckon Michael Gudinski is organising a gig for Renee Geyer right at the moment - well, as soon as they've finished toda… - 2 years ago

@karenbale: RT @JohnCasey2880: Sad to hear of the passing of Renee Geyer 🙏 Condolences to her family & many friends #RIP This is her as a teenager i… - 2 years ago

@lale_cni: Cam Reddish Siraj Renee Geyer HomePod シュチタ Kent Hughes Valverde Maresca Tommy Pham Bajcetic HomePod Kobayashi Juraj… - 2 years ago

@zyion_: 姐さん亡くなったのか・・・😔R.I.P Renee Geyer Band – Ready To Deal - 2 years ago

@MargsPolitics: RT @FierceDinosaur: No. Heaps of people have it with no problem. Pell had a history of heart problems & was quite old; Renee Geyer had a… - 2 years ago

@FierceDinosaur: @asz_tee Jacinda has resigned; Pell dead; Renee Geyer dead; Russia still bombing the shitter out of Ukraine, many d… - 2 years ago

@FierceDinosaur: No. Heaps of people have it with no problem. Pell had a history of heart problems & was quite old; Renee Geyer ha… - 2 years ago

@RickHM: RT @davegraney: Renee Geyer-Lost In Space-written by @clarecmoore Sat in the studio as she sang-boy she didn't need a mic! - 2 years ago

@MothershipJLH: @NikkiGemmell I read the doctors discovered inoperable lung cancer in Renee Geyer during the hip surgery. So maybe… - 2 years ago

@readingrevival: some rare early footage of renee geyer. not i think on spotify, eg. also a link to footag… - 2 years ago

@FalSetto_Prince: RIP Renèe Geyer Australian Jazz and Soul Singer 💛 - 2 years ago

@MaryJo_To: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@marlow_watching: RT @ColinHay: Renée Geyer - The US had Aretha, the UK Dusty Springfield. We had Renée. She taught us all so much. She knew not only what mu… - 2 years ago

@marlow_watching: RT @Truthseeker2213: Oz music legend Renee Geyer died More BS from the MSM.They reported her death due to hip surgery instead of the inoper… - 2 years ago

@mangkitkat: @TheBonnieRaitt So sorry for your loss and the music industry’s sorrow. Rest in Peace Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@mangkitkat: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@Caliban27: @RNBreakfast @requenajc @AntonioNicaso @GlennShorrock Why is the Glenn Shorrock interview "Remembering Renee Geyer"… - 2 years ago

@jono_nath: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@Steve_Rodgers: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@BevJohnst: RT @jcjobau: @NeilMcMahon Got a terrific piece coming up on ABC Radio this weekend, with Helen Thomas who produced her on ABC Radio in the… - 2 years ago

@lale_cni: Nadal Erin Phillips Rekenkamer Spaans 心の優しさテスト Mayday Nicácio Snapchat Bernard Arnault Ronni Noorwegen Kondolerer A… - 2 years ago

@amine_cni: ネット老人会クイズ #arbejde Direktmandate #wef23 鬼まんじゅう El CIS tzuyu #PMQs Larry Thomas Vietnam Bolloré Good Wednesday 75 MI… - 2 years ago

@BevJohnst: RT @NeilMcMahon: Deborah Conway on Renee Geyer: “The first time we met she tried to punch me out.“ - 2 years ago

@cazprescott: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: She was also my good friend and will remain an inspiration and in my heart always. My condolences to her family and fri… - 2 years ago

@cazprescott: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@Karaoke_God: - 2 years ago

@MrDenmore: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@amine_cni: Big Wiz Casemiro The FA Auckland to Sydney Simon Katich Renee Geyer One Nation Nisman Bishops Damien Maxey ブソクスン Re… - 2 years ago

@drjyin: RT @troycassardaley: Fly on soul Queen RIP Renée Geyer ♥️♥️ another great voice gone x - 2 years ago

@ShaunaDale18: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@Paul_McGee: RT @djhistory: Renée Geyer RIP, one of the Oz greats. Essential slice of modern soul: - 2 years ago

@JanMcArthur: RT @ColinHay: Renée Geyer - The US had Aretha, the UK Dusty Springfield. We had Renée. She taught us all so much. She knew not only what mu… - 2 years ago

@miguelpergamon1: RT @lorrainemking: RIP Renée Geyer (11 September 1953 – 17 January 2023) one of the best soul singers out of Australia ❤️🙏🏾 - 2 years ago

@djhistory: Renée Geyer RIP, one of the Oz greats. Essential slice of modern soul: - 2 years ago

@KatieHa79810311: RT @NikkiGemmell: Forgive my ignorance - could someone please explain to me why complications from hip surgery can be fatal, so seemingly o… - 2 years ago

@lorrainemking: RIP Renée Geyer (11 September 1953 – 17 January 2023) one of the best soul singers out of Australia ❤️🙏🏾 - 2 years ago

@PoppityPopsPup: - 2 years ago

@veras67: RT @jcjobau: @NeilMcMahon Got a terrific piece coming up on ABC Radio this weekend, with Helen Thomas who produced her on ABC Radio in the… - 2 years ago

@jboyded: RT @ColinHay: Renée Geyer - The US had Aretha, the UK Dusty Springfield. We had Renée. She taught us all so much. She knew not only what mu… - 2 years ago

@Herz79Petra: RT @KikiiroseKikii: 🪦🇦🇺 BREAKING Sängerin Renee Geyer ist im Alter von 69 Jahren gestorben. Dies ist die zweite Person seit George Pell let… - 2 years ago

@BluesLobito: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@kenclar22422634: RT @StuddertNatalie: I grew up in a jazz and r n’ b musical family and Renee Geyer was one of our all time favourites. This song was mine.… - 2 years ago

@MaselMatt: RT @ColinHay: Renée Geyer - The US had Aretha, the UK Dusty Springfield. We had Renée. She taught us all so much. She knew not only what mu… - 2 years ago

@LeenonLee: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@KateDennehy2: RT @ColinHay: Renée Geyer - The US had Aretha, the UK Dusty Springfield. We had Renée. She taught us all so much. She knew not only what mu… - 2 years ago

@Toni40682184: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@fefilogan: Renée Geyer: Australia’s finest white soul singer was ambitious, unapologetic and too often overlooked… - 2 years ago

@Melbourneapolis: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@ralphd2: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@MalHamilton3: RT @jcjobau: @NeilMcMahon Got a terrific piece coming up on ABC Radio this weekend, with Helen Thomas who produced her on ABC Radio in the… - 2 years ago

@vizacamagazine: #RenéeGeyer, an Australian jazz and soul singer known for her hit songs Say I Love You and It’s A Man’s Man’s World… - 2 years ago

@Lynn_Lopa: Paying respect to Renee Geyer RIP - 2 years ago

@ERN_Malleyscrub: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@David35155275: Vale Renee Geyer ! - 2 years ago

@WizePenguin: RT @GregBaum: I saw Jim Molan trending on Twitter. He'd died. I saw Renee Geyer trending on Twitter. She'd died. I saw Rupert Murdoch trend… - 2 years ago

@jaquix173: RT @TheChef52: Language is interesting isn't it? Jim Molan described as a forthright man. Renee Geyer described as a difficult woman. I w… - 2 years ago

@faivy: Renée Geyer: Australia’s finest white soul singer was ambitious, unapologetic and too often overlooked - 2 years ago

@johncar47255256: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: She was also my good friend and will remain an inspiration and in my heart always. My condolences to her family and fri… - 2 years ago

@batswife2: RT @_denisescott: RIP Renee Geyer. Your beautiful husky sexy soul-filled vocals were the best. - 2 years ago

@YaThinkN: RT @MeckeringBoy: I’ve heard the hagiographic announcements of Pell’s & Molan’s deaths which mostly or completely ignored their significant… - 2 years ago

@thehermanshow: I first came across Renée Geyer years ago when I watched her performance at Oz for Africa in 1985. What a powerful… - 2 years ago

@TerryGi46414968: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@CognitiveVerb: @NikkiGemmell Were they trying to replace Cardinal Pell’ hip with Renee Geyer’s hip? “They just stare-are and whis… - 2 years ago

@Nico28Sosa: walder City Lives Armut Scott Moe Berset 先10年 HYMN FOR HER Lars Vilks Maher Lloris Gina Lollobrigida #Hanouna… - 2 years ago

@cscviews: RT @vlietman: I once sat with Renee Geyer at a taping of RockWiz at the Espy. She said “Hi, I’m Renee.” “I know,” I replied. She was a forc… - 2 years ago

@YourNam09675171: - 2 years ago

@Crankie58: RT @ColinHay: Renée Geyer - The US had Aretha, the UK Dusty Springfield. We had Renée. She taught us all so much. She knew not only what mu… - 2 years ago

@FarOutQld: RT @LindaMottram: Oh the voice, just love Renee Geyer’s soulful, raspy vocals .. hearing her live was an enormous privilege .. very sad los… - 2 years ago

@aliceinframes: RT @PatrickLenton: this gorgeous piece on Renée Geyer by @LizGiuffre for @ConversationEDU has made me so sad that I never got to meet or in… - 2 years ago

@jv79628: RT @jv79628: Renée Geyer: Australia’s finest white soul singer was ambitious, unapologetic and too often overlooked - 2 years ago

@jv79628: Renée Geyer: Australia’s finest white soul singer was ambitious, unapologetic and too often overlooked - 2 years ago

@melkettle: RT @TheChef52: Language is interesting isn't it? Jim Molan described as a forthright man. Renee Geyer described as a difficult woman. I w… - 2 years ago

@FashionFirst_au: RT @OzKitsch: The funkiest version of the dorkiest theme tune. Renee Geyer sings The Restless Years, 1977 - 2 years ago

@moyer_gregg: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@wetherby2019: A beautiful obituary of Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@kimkemmis: My Renée Geyer story: In 2005 we saw her in Sydney. The second song was ‘Everything Good is Bad’, which starts a… - 2 years ago

@kazza264: RT @RNBreakfast: Legendary Australian soul singer Renée Geyer died yesterday, from complications following hip surgery. Today @RNBreakfast… - 2 years ago

@Guenevre: RT @ChartBeatsAU: Renée Geyer on Sweet And Sour. As we heard in the Sweet And Sour special of A Journey Through Aussie Pop, having artists… - 2 years ago

@gocoo: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@Dazzzz_zzzz: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: She was also my good friend and will remain an inspiration and in my heart always. My condolences to her family and fri… - 2 years ago

@JemmsCee2: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@ynotfish1: RT @ColinHay: Renée Geyer - The US had Aretha, the UK Dusty Springfield. We had Renée. She taught us all so much. She knew not only what mu… - 2 years ago

@su_cnim: #YNWA Renee Geyer 足立議員 藤本タツ Apruebo Patriot Erinnerung Arsenal Mönch Davos NETFLIX CORRECT YOUR MISTAKE Healthcare… - 2 years ago

@Wanna_Go_Home68: Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@WornhamHelen: RT @WeAreAllVIPs: Renee Geyer has died. She was only 69 - 2 years ago

@TerryTa23657140: RT @UNabla: @NikkiGemmell Probably clots. Also Renee Geyer had had breast cancer and had lung cancer found after her operation. It doesn't… - 2 years ago

@MuskRatMick: RT @MelbFabulist: Such sad news about Renee Geyer. She may have died in similar circumstances to Pell but only Renee is heading in the righ… - 2 years ago

@TerryTa23657140: RT @PeterWMurphy1: My Favourite Renée Geyer songs • It's a Man's Man's World (1974) • Heading in the Right Direction (1975) • Stares and Wh… - 2 years ago

@StuartCoupe: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: Shocked and so saddened to hear of the sudden passing of another friend and one of the greatest singers I’ve ever known… - 2 years ago

@Afloralfixation: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@sunriseon7: "Renée was very strident, she did it her way" Sunrise entertainment reporter Peter Ford looks back on the remarkabl… - 2 years ago

@ShaneM22156000: RT @HumanHeadline: Pell, Renee Geyer. If you were booked for hip surgery next week you’d be thinking twice. - 2 years ago

@DocWSJames: RT @ColinHay: Renée Geyer - The US had Aretha, the UK Dusty Springfield. We had Renée. She taught us all so much. She knew not only what mu… - 2 years ago

@MYOFB5: RT @TheBonnieRaitt: She was also my good friend and will remain an inspiration and in my heart always. My condolences to her family and fri… - 2 years ago

@Nico28Sosa: #GreveGenerale19Janvier Federica Part 3 Joel Gina Lollobrigida sehun Kondolerer #Manif19Janvier デンジの家 chum chum Dai… - 2 years ago

@indie_pixel: My dad sat next to Renee Geyer on a plane once in the 80’s, some other person was being impatient and she said to m… - 2 years ago

@paulwiggins: RT @ColinHay: Renée Geyer - The US had Aretha, the UK Dusty Springfield. We had Renée. She taught us all so much. She knew not only what mu… - 2 years ago

@MYOFB5: RT @coldchisel: "Today we are hit hard by the loss of Renee Geyer. Cold Chisel and Renee spent a lot of time together, on and off the stage… - 2 years ago

@MYOFB5: RT @pgarrett: Oh dear, big loss. Condolences to family, friends, fans. Sang with Renee at a charity show back in the day, of course she ble… - 2 years ago

@JudyHinchcliffe: RT @MeckeringBoy: I’ve heard the hagiographic announcements of Pell’s & Molan’s deaths which mostly or completely ignored their significant… - 2 years ago

@guardiannews: Renée Geyer: Australia’s finest white soul singer was ambitious, unapologetic and too often overlooked - 2 years ago

@percivalsmum: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Dear @ABCTV @rageABC, Could we please have a #Rage Special this week celebrating the songs of Renée Geyer? 🙏 😔 🎶 https:/… - 2 years ago

@iqmal_97: CORRECT YOUR MISTAKE Indiskretionen Berrettini Pedro Pascal Gary Davies France 4 Brøndby Dehya Fokussierung Casper… - 2 years ago

@HolgarHolgar: RT @HolgarHolgar: Renée #Geyer had a peerless voice and dogged tenacity — combined, they made her a force of nature - 2 years ago

@dseals: RT @pgarrett: Oh dear, big loss. Condolences to family, friends, fans. Sang with Renee at a charity show back in the day, of course she ble… - 2 years ago

@HolgarHolgar: Renée #Geyer had a peerless voice and dogged tenacity — combined, they made her a force of nature - 2 years ago

@veras67: Renée Geyer: Australia’s finest white soul singer was ambitious, unapologetic and too often overlooked - 2 years ago

@regbit1: Cantora de soul Renee Geyer morre aos 69 anos após cirurgia - 2 years ago

@ThomasMarabell2: Renee Geyer, Powerhouse Australian Singer, Dies at 69 - 2 years ago

@Devodavo2: RT @colonelhogans: The only patriot that I’m mourning today wasn’t a racist warmonger. She was an icon of Australian music. RIP Renée Geyer - 2 years ago

@Pepi1206: RT @KikiiroseKikii: 🪦🇦🇺 BREAKING Sängerin Renee Geyer ist im Alter von 69 Jahren gestorben. Dies ist die zweite Person seit George Pell let… - 2 years ago

@DarrylBain1967: @chrisvegan71 Yep, first Pell now Renee Geyer. A bit concerning especially if you're like me and your hip keeps locking up! - 2 years ago

@anthmusic: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@noisymynah2020: @DaveH2504 @guardian I'd not go as far as "rot in hell". He does what his voters want or allow him. But it insult… - 2 years ago

@NoNonsenseRN: RT @TyrendarraBoy: Vale Renee Geyer: she died 17 January 2023 as a result of complications from hip surgery. I saw Renee in concert at Dive… - 2 years ago

@REIDSandiM: RT @DoubleJRadio: Renée Geyer had a peerless voice and dogged tenacity — combined, they made her a force of nature. - 2 years ago

@RobertAkumbobe: Renee Geyer husband: Was Renee Geyer married? - - 2 years ago

@LynneM2009: RT @BernardZuel: The best soul/R&B/anything you like singer Australia's produced, and more life and character in her than a century of comp… - 2 years ago

@REIDSandiM: RT @zanrowe: A shocking loss. Renée Geyer opened a path for so many, and floored us with her incredible voice. She was a force, terrifying… - 2 years ago

@Agnesleglise: RT @BernardZuel: The best soul/R&B/anything you like singer Australia's produced, and more life and character in her than a century of comp… - 2 years ago

@WIONews: RT @WIONShowbiz: Australian soul singer Renée Geyer, who shot to fame in the 1970s and became known for her husky vocals, has died, aged 69… - 2 years ago

@fisher_fur: RT @KikiiroseKikii: 🪦🇦🇺 BREAKING Sängerin Renee Geyer ist im Alter von 69 Jahren gestorben. Dies ist die zweite Person seit George Pell let… - 2 years ago

@AJValliant2025: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@AJBrady_Sports: RT @ARIA_Official: We mourn the passing of iconic Australian artist, producer and ARIA Hall of Fame inductee Renée Geyer.   ARIA and PPCA C… - 2 years ago

@WizePenguin: RT @abcmelbourne: #BREAKING: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer - who shot to fame in the 1970s and became known for her husky vocals - has… - 2 years ago

@ThanhViet86: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@MColvinMcKenzie: RT @troycassardaley: Fly on soul Queen RIP Renée Geyer ♥️♥️ another great voice gone x - 2 years ago

@WaspSummer: Oh no. Vale to one of the most iconic Australian voices. In the 70s, Renee Geyer had to be twice as tough and twice… - 2 years ago

@seoghoerdk: Renée Rebecca Geyer er død efter hofteoperation: Få uger efter en stor optræden er soul-sangerinden gået bort - 2 years ago

@BrookeJade81: RT @pgarrett: Oh dear, big loss. Condolences to family, friends, fans. Sang with Renee at a charity show back in the day, of course she ble… - 2 years ago

@johncar47255256: RT @pgarrett: Oh dear, big loss. Condolences to family, friends, fans. Sang with Renee at a charity show back in the day, of course she ble… - 2 years ago

@TrueBelieversAu: RT @TerrySerio: Renée Geyer, Australian jazz and soul singer, dies aged 69 - Guardian Australia - 2 years ago

@innercreation: RT @troycassardaley: Fly on soul Queen RIP Renée Geyer ♥️♥️ another great voice gone x - 2 years ago

@bellagroovejazz: Vale to a legend, Australia’s very own, Renee Geyer. I loved her strength as a woman, a musician and a performer. S… - 2 years ago

@H_Fennessy: RT @IanHartley_: Rest In Peace ..Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@diamond_field: RIP Australian singer Renée Geyer. As a kid I loved her fun cover of Eddy Grant's 'Say I Love You'. As well as maki… - 2 years ago

@ozgirlnc: @AJPharoah Renee Geyer has also gone. Aussie music has less soul now. - 2 years ago

@P392SUM: There was never anyone Geyer than Renee. - 2 years ago

@debbie_green19: Vale Renée Geyer - 2 years ago

@WadeJo8: - 2 years ago

@Braveheart_NZ: 'Say I Love you' from Renee Geyer's album 'So Lucky' was recorded in 1980 & released in 1981. It peaked at #1 in NZ… - 2 years ago

@nbloomfield2011: Renée Geyer - Heading In The Right Direction (1975) - 2 years ago

@ierax42: Renee Geyer RIP - 2 years ago

@HeatherFrith3: RT @TaodeHaas: Vale Renée Geyer, a powerful woman, a powerful voice an incredible performer #auspol - 2 years ago

@jasontame: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@HeatherFrith3: RT @_denisescott: RIP Renee Geyer. Your beautiful husky sexy soul-filled vocals were the best. - 2 years ago

@deanfc72: RT @coldchisel: "Today we are hit hard by the loss of Renee Geyer. Cold Chisel and Renee spent a lot of time together, on and off the stage… - 2 years ago

@Lovin_Badass: RT @_denisescott: RIP Renee Geyer. Your beautiful husky sexy soul-filled vocals were the best. - 2 years ago

@MichaelOnjewu: RT @NigeriasToday: FLASH: Australia’s music icon and legendary soul singer, Renee Geyer has died at the age of 69, following complications… - 2 years ago

@AnimaeOK: RT @_denisescott: RIP Renee Geyer. Your beautiful husky sexy soul-filled vocals were the best. - 2 years ago

@NigeriasToday: FLASH: Australia’s music icon and legendary soul singer, Renee Geyer has died at the age of 69, following complicat… - 2 years ago

@BreLaurie: RT @IanHartley_: Rest In Peace ..Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@RosFinfarner: RT @pgarrett: Oh dear, big loss. Condolences to family, friends, fans. Sang with Renee at a charity show back in the day, of course she ble… - 2 years ago

@shanecongen: RT @DavidCampbell73: What a voice. What a life. RIP Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@im_the_cat__: RT @Katebfitz: With Renée Geyer at a Dragon gig. ⁦@BazzaCC⁩ - 2 years ago

@PamelaB91807277: RT @PhilipOLeary11: F**K 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥 Renée Geyer, Australian jazz and soul singer, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@Tillimilli1: RT @KikiiroseKikii: 🪦🇦🇺 BREAKING Sängerin Renee Geyer ist im Alter von 69 Jahren gestorben. Dies ist die zweite Person seit George Pell let… - 2 years ago

@t_charn522: RT @Libbi_Gorr: Oh, Renee Geyer. What a voice. What a trailblazer. What a human. Love. Vale.#ReneeGeyer - 2 years ago

@sriasat48: Renée Geyer dies: Legendary Australian singer’s family confirms hospital death in statement - 2 years ago

@JacquieMelb: RT @troycassardaley: Fly on soul Queen RIP Renée Geyer ♥️♥️ another great voice gone x - 2 years ago

@DaveRoss61: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@bowring_sean: RT @ChartBeatsAU: Renée Geyer's five biggest hits on the Australian singles chart. RIP - 2 years ago

@bigtree13x: RT @abcnews: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@LennaLeprena: RT @50to39: Another rare talent leaves us. 😢😢❤️❤️'It's a Man's World' is on this. - 2 years ago

@bigtree13x: RT @abcadelaide: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@Melbourneapolis: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@BriarPatricia: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@starsobituar: Australian Singer Renee Geyer Death Reason, How Did She Die? Age, Funeral & Obituary! - 2 years ago

@Eammo1961: RT @colonelhogans: Really really sad news. RIP Australian singing icon Renee Geyer…… 😢 - 2 years ago

@AnnRobi31035764: Yet another great performer gone RIP Renee Geyer . Sad 😞 - 2 years ago

@Hahny_22: RT @_denisescott: RIP Renee Geyer. Your beautiful husky sexy soul-filled vocals were the best. - 2 years ago

@maxitaxi3333: RT @LizGiuffre: Renee Geyer has died - what a legend. I interviewed her a few times and she was ruthless in the best ways- may she rest well - 2 years ago

@maxitaxi3333: RT @MelbFabulist: Such sad news about Renee Geyer. She may have died in similar circumstances to Pell but only Renee is heading in the righ… - 2 years ago

@deanapra: Very sad to hear that today we lost a musical giant - in personality, voice and artistry. Few owned a stage or room… - 2 years ago

@ProfitDoctor_: RT @Tim_jbo: @andrew_cleary12 @Robfromtaroona @szabosolicitors @wallrad @ProfitDoctor_ @826Maureen @DancingKitty4 @peterburrowsws1 @Thew3B… - 2 years ago

@24trendsAU: 1. Renée Geyer songs - 200K+ 2. Gina Lollobrigida - 50K+ 3. Jim Molan - 50K+ 4. Alex de Minaur - 20K+ 5. Jeremy Cla… - 2 years ago

@madameshawshank: RT @colonelhogans: The only patriot that I’m mourning today wasn’t a racist warmonger. She was an icon of Australian music. RIP Renée Geyer - 2 years ago

@BearstarRRs: @RazorRam0n @JimmyBarnes Yep, I kept waiting to hear Renee Geyer then realised that even the tweet was BY Jimmy Ba… - 2 years ago

@madameshawshank: RT @devilscandidate: More about Renee Geyer. Less about Jim Molan. - 2 years ago

@Definit02209600: RT @billboard: R.I.P. Renée Geyer - 2 years ago

@DebCharlton2: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@RadioNow953FM: Australian Music Icon Renee Geyer Dies At 69 #ReneeGeyer - 2 years ago

@Dymphna: Renée Geyer, Australian jazz and soul singer, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@janemor46307060: R.I.P renée geyer another amazing artist gone too soon! WTF is with 2023? - 2 years ago

@colinritchie16: RT @paulgrab: Australia’s own Queen of Soul. A truly incredible singer has left us. My love to her friends, colleagues and many fans. Rest… - 2 years ago

@Karavanserai66: RT @ClancyTucker: I was lucky to meet Billy Paul and Stevie Nicks by pure chance. Both of them asked me if I'd heard of a fabulous singer n… - 2 years ago

@LathamNorm: RT @NikkiGemmell: Forgive my ignorance - could someone please explain to me why complications from hip surgery can be fatal, so seemingly o… - 2 years ago

@GraffitiExpert: RT @KikiiroseKikii: 🪦🇦🇺 BREAKING Sängerin Renee Geyer ist im Alter von 69 Jahren gestorben. Dies ist die zweite Person seit George Pell let… - 2 years ago

@UncleWolfa: @ThatEricAlper If you have a moment, a quick mention of one of Australia's greatest soul queens, who rode on ahead… - 2 years ago

@The_Phill_Up: RT @DavidGr07837209: Renée Geyer had a peerless voice and dogged tenacity — combined, they made her a force of nature - 2 years ago

@jonharleyweston: RT @ppca: Rest In Peace, the iconic Australian artist, producer and ARIA Hall of Fame inductee Renée Geyer. An artist who’s uncontainable v… - 2 years ago

@Stephen___Burns: RT @call_me_tomasso: RIP Renee Geyer. One word: She put the soul into Midnight Train to Georgia. Goosebumps every time. - 2 years ago

@kyotojoe1: RT @xskinn: Oh no,Renee Geyer has died after hip surgery,Vale Renee. Ian - 2 years ago

@Steffy28624274: RT @GeoffField: #RIP Renee Geyer, dead at 69. Like many I grew up with her unique Australian soul. "Stares and Whispers" remains one of my… - 2 years ago

@amba_moxie: RT @DavidCampbell73: What a voice. What a life. RIP Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@amba_moxie: RT @paulgrab: Australia’s own Queen of Soul. A truly incredible singer has left us. My love to her friends, colleagues and many fans. Rest… - 2 years ago

@amba_moxie: RT @pgarrett: Oh dear, big loss. Condolences to family, friends, fans. Sang with Renee at a charity show back in the day, of course she ble… - 2 years ago

@amba_moxie: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Dear @ABCTV @rageABC, Could we please have a #Rage Special this week celebrating the songs of Renée Geyer? 🙏 😔 🎶 https:/… - 2 years ago

@amba_moxie: RT @ChartBeatsAU: Renée Geyer's five biggest hits on the Australian singles chart. RIP - 2 years ago

@NoSpinPolitics: Why does the ABC choose to highlight the failings of dead people? Senator Jim Molan and Renee Geyer are current examples. - 2 years ago

@TechnicalWaqar2: RT @TechnicalWaqar2: R.I.P The Story of Australian singer Renée Geyer Death How Did She Die #RIP #De… - 2 years ago

@TechnicalWaqar2: R.I.P The Story of Australian singer Renée Geyer Death How Did She Die #RIP… - 2 years ago

@lilmisskristin: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@Drago43821799: RT @4Freedom17Q: RIP Renée Geyer 🙏 - 2 years ago

@PhillipaToia: Vale Renee Geyer 1953-2023 ❤❤ - 2 years ago

@CraigPurcell33: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@DingoDaveNZ: RT @DavidCampbell73: What a voice. What a life. RIP Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@debrawhyte: R.I.P. Rene Geyer🙏🙏🙏 - 2 years ago

@canadianbayrd: RT @ChartBeatsAU: Renée Geyer's five biggest hits on the Australian singles chart. RIP - 2 years ago

@MackenzieSteel: RT @anna_prole: Vale 💔 She will be fondly remembered and missed by all. Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@irris: RIP Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@LugubriousLarry: RT @lemsdeb1: So sad to hear Renee Geyer has died 😞 Saw her live a few times. What voice! What a (difficult) woman…in the best possible way… - 2 years ago

@canadianbayrd: RT @DavidCampbell73: What a voice. What a life. RIP Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@galaxyfarrahway: Truly, Renee Geyer was a one of a kind woman and artist and master musician and a huge loss to the Melbourne landsc… - 2 years ago

@the_sroth: Vale Renee Geyer. There's at least 5 ex Channel 7 boys I know that will remember she flashed her tits at us in the… - 2 years ago

@canadianbayrd: RT @pgarrett: Oh dear, big loss. Condolences to family, friends, fans. Sang with Renee at a charity show back in the day, of course she ble… - 2 years ago

@Missus_Bradley: Renee Geyer had a fab voice. How sad to lose her. RIP - 2 years ago

@canadianbayrd: RT @paulgrab: Australia’s own Queen of Soul. A truly incredible singer has left us. My love to her friends, colleagues and many fans. Rest… - 2 years ago

@canadianbayrd: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@galaxyfarrahway: Last time I saw Renee Geyer in concert was at the sadly now defunct Flying Saucer Club in Elsternwick. She was in f… - 2 years ago

@CAllderladd: RT @lemsdeb1: So sad to hear Renee Geyer has died 😞 Saw her live a few times. What voice! What a (difficult) woman…in the best possible way… - 2 years ago

@Demonchessa: RT @DawsonEJ: Consider donating, as I have, in memory of the magnificent Renee Geyer to @SupportAct #ValeRenee - 2 years ago

@Littlesparrow9: RT @barneymusic: #ReneeGeyer was one of the greatest singers ever- I had a … complex relationship with her - but she was a heavy powerhouse… - 2 years ago

@bettybermo: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@JaygeeDubbo: RT @Peter_Fitz: #Breaking. Very sad. A wonderful artiste. Acclaimed Australian musician Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@lorraindeer: RT @NikkiGemmell: Forgive my ignorance - could someone please explain to me why complications from hip surgery can be fatal, so seemingly o… - 2 years ago

@PeterDruery: She described herself as 'a white Hungarian Jew from Australia sounding like a 65-year-old black man from Alabama'. Vale Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@simonetvermaak: Renee Geyer dead – legendary soul singer dies aged 69 after suffering complications from hip surgery - 2 years ago

@LeeM999888777: Renowned Australian vocalist Renee Geyer dead at 69 | The New Daily - 2 years ago

@CAllderladd: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@Tetrisnet: RT @PeterWMurphy1: My Favourite Renée Geyer songs • It's a Man's Man's World (1974) • Heading in the Right Direction (1975) • Stares and Wh… - 2 years ago

@Vikkik88: RT @barneymusic: #ReneeGeyer was one of the greatest singers ever- I had a … complex relationship with her - but she was a heavy powerhouse… - 2 years ago

@lorraindeer: RT @DavidGr07837209: Renée Geyer had a peerless voice and dogged tenacity — combined, they made her a force of nature - 2 years ago

@Tetrisnet: RT @ARIA_Official: We mourn the passing of iconic Australian artist, producer and ARIA Hall of Fame inductee Renée Geyer.   ARIA and PPCA C… - 2 years ago

@JonesHowdareyou: RT @DavidCampbell73: What a voice. What a life. RIP Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@MsHillyBilly: RT @_denisescott: RIP Renee Geyer. Your beautiful husky sexy soul-filled vocals were the best. - 2 years ago

@Raymondo_101: RT @anna_prole: Vale 💔 She will be fondly remembered and missed by all. Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@RodsRacing1: RT @DavidCampbell73: What a voice. What a life. RIP Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@sgallione1: Morta Renee Geyer, la leggendaria cantante soul è morta all'età di 69 anni dopo aver subito complicazioni dovute a… - 2 years ago

@Tetrisnet: RT @pgarrett: Oh dear, big loss. Condolences to family, friends, fans. Sang with Renee at a charity show back in the day, of course she ble… - 2 years ago

@Tetrisnet: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@cwarren49: RT @barneymusic: #ReneeGeyer was one of the greatest singers ever- I had a … complex relationship with her - but she was a heavy powerhouse… - 2 years ago

@gregprichard: RT @GeoffField: #RIP Renee Geyer, dead at 69. Like many I grew up with her unique Australian soul. "Stares and Whispers" remains one of my… - 2 years ago

@Riggs3660: RT @tauhenare: Damn, RIP Renee Geyer. The only Australian I really loved listening too. - 2 years ago

@mec1948: RT @craig3352: Breaking** Renee Geyer has passed away. This one does make me sad. 😕 #ReneeGeyer - 2 years ago

@Real_Blacktye: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@GraemeG86360441: Stop theres too many R.I.P. Renee Australian singer Renée Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@saffyishere: RT @Libbi_Gorr: Oh, Renee Geyer. What a voice. What a trailblazer. What a human. Love. Vale.#ReneeGeyer - 2 years ago

@lorraindeer: RT @sarahvmac: Oh no … mushroom records has announced that Renee Geyer has died. Following hip surgery she also had inoperable lung cancer.… - 2 years ago

@DWhitehead62: RT @DavidCampbell73: What a voice. What a life. RIP Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@JacquieMelb: RT @anna_prole: Vale 💔 She will be fondly remembered and missed by all. Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@AtomicBoy00: RT @BernardZuel: The best soul/R&B/anything you like singer Australia's produced, and more life and character in her than a century of comp… - 2 years ago

@creammag: Remembering Renee Geyer: a wonderful, honest, all-round talented music icon - 2 years ago

@BethCharleston: RT @BernardZuel: The best soul/R&B/anything you like singer Australia's produced, and more life and character in her than a century of comp… - 2 years ago

@Antifa_Bondrac: RT @PeterKlages: I really can’t think of anything sung by Renee Geyer that I didn’t like. She had such an amazing and powerful voice. This… - 2 years ago

@kellulz: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@SOUNDS757: RT @GeoffField: #RIP Renee Geyer, dead at 69. Like many I grew up with her unique Australian soul. "Stares and Whispers" remains one of my… - 2 years ago

@Jjengar: RT @therealgregjack: Acclaimed Australian musician Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@chrisjames78: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@stormcellarband: our Renee Geyer story (small one): I got a call from a DJ who was playing our tracks. Renee called into his show to… - 2 years ago

@lynnie1953: RT @fairybruz: @blowingtom2 On the other hand, may Renee Geyer RIP.. - 2 years ago

@AtomicBoy00: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@OZzeeGal: RT @7NewsMelbourne: Australian singer Renée Geyer has died aged 69 following complications related to a hip surgery. #7NEWS - 2 years ago

@TheRealLoadie: rest in power renee geyer, an icon - 2 years ago

@OZzeeGal: RT @9NewsMelb: Iconic Australian soul singer Renée Geyer has died aged 69, following complications from hip surgery. #9News - 2 years ago

@dionysis69: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@nineov: Renée Geyer (Live At Bird’s Basement, 2022) - 2 years ago

@broomstick33: RT @paulgrab: Australia’s own Queen of Soul. A truly incredible singer has left us. My love to her friends, colleagues and many fans. Rest… - 2 years ago

@RCbot: RT @ChartBeatsAU: Renée Geyer's five biggest hits on the Australian singles chart. RIP - 2 years ago

@mikeate008: RT @IanHartley_: Rest In Peace ..Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@lulu_lulu2020: RT @cscviews: Vale Renee Geyer. A great singer gone too soon 💔💔🌹🌹 - 2 years ago

@lefthandandy76: RT @abcadelaide: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@patricklaff1: RT @9NewsAUS: Iconic Australian soul singer Renée Geyer has died aged 69, following complications from hip surgery. The Melbourne-born art… - 2 years ago

@Davidy1945: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@tarapussycat: RT @tyson_whelan: Breaking: Australian singer Renée Geyer has passed away, aged 69. “While in hospital (hip surgery), it was discovered tha… - 2 years ago

@Rondkensington: @xskinn Very sad, saw Renee Geyer at Bennetts Lane a few years back and wow what a performer. - 2 years ago

@JulieM00017789: RIP Renee Geyer. What a voice, such a sad loss. A stunning cover of Beach Boys classic. - 2 years ago

@anandibelinda: RIP Renee Geyer beautiful lady with a unique voice . Memories of the 70’s with Colin Talbot in Sydney ❤️🐝 - 2 years ago

@cfimages: Too many great musicians gone already this year. Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@musicfeeds: The singer died following complications from hip surgery. - 2 years ago

@sshelley53: RT @HumanHeadline: @beneltham Jeez, no. Renee Geyer is dead.Far too soon. What a talent. Vale. - 2 years ago

@tezrh1: RT @daisymay4263: Renee Geyer - Australia's most celebrated soul singer - dies aged 69 after health fight: 'She was in no pain' via https:/… - 2 years ago

@phistoricsounds: RT @abcmelbourne: #BREAKING: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer - who shot to fame in the 1970s and became known for her husky vocals - has… - 2 years ago

@theatretragic1: Renee Geyer and Bonnie Raitt together live at Palais What a SHOW I am so very sad She was marvellous - 2 years ago

@Steve_Rodgers: What a voice. What a talent. Gone too soon. Renee Geyer - It's A Man's World. - 2 years ago

@cscviews: Vale Renee Geyer. A great singer gone too soon 💔💔🌹🌹 - 2 years ago

@rs200077: RT @xskinn: Oh no,Renee Geyer has died after hip surgery,Vale Renee. Ian - 2 years ago

@TheBroaditorium: RT @IanHartley_: Rest In Peace ..Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@wilmawalrus: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@patricklaff1: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@therealcyclone: RT @therealjademac: Just heard the sad news that Renee Geyer has passed away. As a young singer I idolised her and worshipped the Ready To… - 2 years ago

@Ogregator: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@judithajames11: RT @anna_prole: Vale 💔 She will be fondly remembered and missed by all. Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@aodaliya: RT @BernardZuel: I reckon Michael Gudinski is organising a gig for Renee Geyer right at the moment - well, as soon as they've finished toda… - 2 years ago

@kimkemmis: Rest in peace, Renee Geyer. How she could sing! This was the B-side to the one that got played too much. ❤❤❤ - 2 years ago

@1kHzTone: RIP Renee Geyer, one of the voices of my childhood... - 2 years ago

@9NewsQueensland: RT @9NewsAUS: Iconic Australian soul singer Renée Geyer has died aged 69, following complications from hip surgery. The Melbourne-born art… - 2 years ago

@matineeidyll: RT @stephharmon: Renée Geyer has died at 69, after an operation for hip surgery which led to the discovery of inoperable lung cancer. https… - 2 years ago

@JaneOC36: RT @anna_prole: Vale 💔 She will be fondly remembered and missed by all. Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@thebear_52: RT @lesstenny: My Goodness, RIP Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@LozMcOz1: I'm sad to say Australian Legendary singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69. She sang Pop, Soul & R&B. She'll be deeply mis… - 2 years ago

@didika57: @BrentHodgson Ooh, that’s sad ( not the conspiracy, but Renee Geyer dying). She was a great talent. - 2 years ago

@dannynoeljackso: RT @stephharmon: Renée Geyer has died at 69, after an operation for hip surgery which led to the discovery of inoperable lung cancer. https… - 2 years ago

@Surlysimon: RT @DuskaSulicich: This is so bloody sad. Acclaimed Australian musician Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@Mexicaldsw: RT @BernardZuel: The best soul/R&B/anything you like singer Australia's produced, and more life and character in her than a century of comp… - 2 years ago

@JaneOC36: RT @xskinn: Oh no,Renee Geyer has died after hip surgery,Vale Renee. Ian - 2 years ago

@bearhills: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@JaneOC36: RT @lesstenny: My Goodness, RIP Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@thebear_52: RT @9NewsAUS: Iconic Australian soul singer Renée Geyer has died aged 69, following complications from hip surgery. The Melbourne-born art… - 2 years ago

@dannynoeljackso: RT @BernardZuel: The best soul/R&B/anything you like singer Australia's produced, and more life and character in her than a century of comp… - 2 years ago

@thebear_52: RT @anna_prole: Vale 💔 She will be fondly remembered and missed by all. Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@JaneOC36: RT @abcmelbourne: #BREAKING: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer - who shot to fame in the 1970s and became known for her husky vocals - has… - 2 years ago

@dynawilly: @xskinn RIP Renee Geyer. One of a kind. - 2 years ago

@JackLit10200548: @theheraldsun First George Pell, now Renee Geyer: who’s next? Don’t such things come in threes? - 2 years ago

@thebear_52: RT @sarahvmac: Oh no … mushroom records has announced that Renee Geyer has died. Following hip surgery she also had inoperable lung cancer.… - 2 years ago

@JaneOC36: RT @paulgrab: Australia’s own Queen of Soul. A truly incredible singer has left us. My love to her friends, colleagues and many fans. Rest… - 2 years ago

@Atomic_Digital: Hmmm hip surgery complications ... a lot of deaths from it - 2 years ago

@dannynoeljackso: @TheMarciaHines @Steve_Rodgers Oh no another one gone RIP Renee Geyer xxxx - 2 years ago

@martynpepperell: Damn bro. One time I saw Renee Geyer perform in Tolaga Bay on New Year's Eve. She had the whole festival going craz… - 2 years ago

@TV_baaack: Jeez, every time I look at my phone lately, someone else is dead!😳 So far today, Jim Molan, Gina Lollobrigida, Renee Geyer. Who's next? - 2 years ago

@raider_aussie: RT @theheraldsun: BREAKING: Beloved Australian soul singer Renée Geyer has tragically died following complications from hip surgery > https… - 2 years ago

@baubo60: RT @anna_prole: Vale 💔 She will be fondly remembered and missed by all. Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@JaneOC36: RT @sarahvmac: Oh no … mushroom records has announced that Renee Geyer has died. Following hip surgery she also had inoperable lung cancer.… - 2 years ago

@JulieWilliams81: Oh no indeed. Renee Geyer was and is special. - 2 years ago

@ochreblue: RT @isobelroe: BREAKING: Mushroom Records says soul singer Renée Geyer has died following complications from hip surgery. She also had inop… - 2 years ago

@WaikatoOz: YouTube a song called 'It only happens' by Renee Geyer ... she has passed - 2 years ago

@LameLoonyLeft: Wonderful voice one of our great singers RIP Renee Heartbreak as singer Renée Geyer dies, aged 69 - 2 years ago

@2dogs05: RT @godemons27: Such sad news with the passing of #reneegeyer - deepest sympathies to her family & friends #AussieMusicIcon - 2 years ago

@JamesRufatt: Renee Geyer - 'Stares & Whispers' (Countdown 100th Episode) - 2 years ago

@OtherSideAus: 2GB: "Renée Geyer has died from complications following hip surgery. While in the hospital, it was discovered that… - 2 years ago

@NeilMcMahon: RT @BernardZuel: The best soul/R&B/anything you like singer Australia's produced, and more life and character in her than a century of comp… - 2 years ago

@MsHillyBilly: RT @abcmelbourne: #BREAKING: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer - who shot to fame in the 1970s and became known for her husky vocals - has… - 2 years ago

@MiguelDSouza: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@MsHillyBilly: RT @wheels002: @abcmelbourne @MinhKular Vale, Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@landofoz979fm: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@Vikkik88: RT @debritz: RIP Renée Geyer, who has died from complications following hip surgery. According to Mushroom Music, the beloved Australian en… - 2 years ago

@Noisynanawarat1: @BernardZuel Well said 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Vale Renee Geyer 💔💔🌹🌹🌹 - 2 years ago

@JackieHansard: RT @JonesHowdareyou: Loved so many of her songs. Awesome artist. Vale Renee Geyer. 💔 - 2 years ago

@paul_newell: Renée Geyer, Australian jazz and soul singer, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@Brokenshackles2: RT @daisymay4263: Renee Geyer - Australia's most celebrated soul singer - dies aged 69 after health fight: 'She was in no pain' via https:/… - 2 years ago

@HailsDragonfish: Renée Geyer - It's A Man's Man's World (1975) - 2 years ago

@GregAJackson1: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@stuarthorrex: Sad news Vale Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@kokolopa: RT @RoyanWg: Renee Geyer Dead at 69 - 2 years ago

@robsharp: RT @theage: #BREAKING: Acclaimed blues singer Renee Geyer has died in hospital in Melbourne following complications after hip surgery. She… - 2 years ago

@rob1townsend: RT @call_me_tomasso: RIP Renee Geyer. One word: She put the soul into Midnight Train to Georgia. Goosebumps every time. - 2 years ago

@RitaTunstall: RT @marcuskelson: Just read the very sad news that Renée Geyer has died at the incredibly young age of 69; she was one of Australia's great… - 2 years ago

@Fr64551577Peter: Renee Geyer, Best cover of this James Brown song. Sad to see her go. - 2 years ago

@MiguelDSouza: RT @BernardZuel: The best soul/R&B/anything you like singer Australia's produced, and more life and character in her than a century of comp… - 2 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Andy Vermaut shares:Renee Geyer has passed away, aged 69.: I saw her perform with Joe Cocker many years ago and she… - 2 years ago

@handbagdeb: Vale Renee Geyer. The power of this woman, and a number of women emerging in Australia in this decade , etched into… - 2 years ago

@cowtron_2000: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@JamesRufatt: Sad to hear the passing of this Australian treasure.🙏🏻🌹 Renée Geyer - Heading In The Right Direction (1975)… - 2 years ago

@msjayele: Renee Geyer 1953-2023 🎶 My heart 💔 #Melbourne #RIPRenee - 2 years ago

@JackieHansard: RT @TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, and to… - 2 years ago

@Lewis6Owen: RT @9NewsMelb: Iconic Australian soul singer Renée Geyer has died aged 69, following complications from hip surgery. #9News - 2 years ago

@AnonymousSewer: RT @GeoffField: #RIP Renee Geyer, dead at 69. Like many I grew up with her unique Australian soul. "Stares and Whispers" remains one of my… - 2 years ago

@Noisynanawarat1: RT @BernardZuel: The best soul/R&B/anything you like singer Australia's produced, and more life and character in her than a century of comp… - 2 years ago

@chrisveraa: Saddened to hear about the passing of the great Renee Geyer. Laid critical foundations, early, for Australia to emb… - 2 years ago

@bikeymikey70: RT @BernardZuel: The best soul/R&B/anything you like singer Australia's produced, and more life and character in her than a century of comp… - 2 years ago

@liquidlibrary: Renée Geyer - Say I Love You (1981) - 2 years ago

@TheMarciaHines: Renée Geyer. A game changer. A soul diva. My sister in song. Heart felt condolences to her family and friends, an… - 2 years ago

@Leel06Lee: RT @beneltham: Sad news. Renee Geyer was an all-time great of Australian music. - 2 years ago

@GuanoLad: RT @johncarneyau: Vale Renée Geyer 😢 - 2 years ago

@DebMcCann6: Oh Dear Renee Geyer gone, such a powerfull soulful voice. 😞 - 2 years ago

@2ontrack: RT @theage: #BREAKING: Acclaimed blues singer Renee Geyer has died in hospital in Melbourne following complications after hip surgery. She… - 2 years ago

@Leel06Lee: RT @abcmelbourne: #BREAKING: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer - who shot to fame in the 1970s and became known for her husky vocals - has… - 2 years ago

@StStStevoH: Vale Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@ABertwhistle: Gone too young. 😥 What a talent she had! - 2 years ago

@jeanninej12: RT @tyson_whelan: Breaking: Australian singer Renée Geyer has passed away, aged 69. “While in hospital (hip surgery), it was discovered tha… - 2 years ago

@cowtron_2000: RT @ChartBeatsAU: Renée Geyer's five biggest hits on the Australian singles chart. RIP - 2 years ago

@NikkiGemmell: Forgive my ignorance - could someone please explain to me why complications from hip surgery can be fatal, so seemi… - 2 years ago

@IvankaVic16: RT @GuardianAus: Renée Geyer, Australian jazz and soul icon, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@stevens_carl: RT @bukumbooee: RIP Renee 😢❤️ It's A Man's World, Renee Geyer @ The Basement. - 2 years ago

@therealjademac: Just heard the sad news that Renee Geyer has passed away. As a young singer I idolised her and worshipped the Ready… - 2 years ago

@askforlinda: RT @MelissaSweetDr: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@IvankaVic16: RT @3AW693: She was inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame in 2005. - 2 years ago

@80sbabeeAngel: RT @AndrewHornery: Well that's it. I was already sad about Gina but at 95, it was probably time. But not Renee Geyer. Her book "Difficult W… - 2 years ago

@fo0baaa: RT @xskinn: Oh no,Renee Geyer has died after hip surgery,Vale Renee. Ian - 2 years ago

@FightForAssange: RT @anna_prole: Vale 💔 She will be fondly remembered and missed by all. Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@beigewash: RT @D_Melissa2: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - ABC News - 2 years ago

@michelle65sj: RT @Peter_Fitz: #Breaking. Very sad. A wonderful artiste. Acclaimed Australian musician Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@Roderick_Heath: ...Vale Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@zsoozska: RT @anna_prole: Vale 💔 She will be fondly remembered and missed by all. Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@Lid05: @lesstenny #BREAKING #RENEEGEYER RIP - 2 years ago

@BerkleyBearNews: Renee Geyer - Australia's most celebrated soul singer - dies aged 69 after health fight: 'No pain'… - 2 years ago

@confusemenow_1: RT @MSMWatchdog2013: @MikeCarlton01 @wooferunleashed I'm sad that Renée Geyer has died. 😭 - 2 years ago

@ERN_Malleyscrub: RT @IanHartley_: Rest In Peace ..Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@galaxyfarrahway: RIP Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@thehysterian: In 1982, Renee Geyer had a hit with the @ronniewood song, ‘I can feel the fire.’ Fantastic cover. #ReneeGeyer… - 2 years ago

@stevens_carl: RT @profsarahj: Oh no - 2 years ago

@ColettaFrank: RT @anna_prole: Vale 💔 She will be fondly remembered and missed by all. Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@DeniseBeale: RT @GeoffField: #RIP Renee Geyer, dead at 69. Like many I grew up with her unique Australian soul. "Stares and Whispers" remains one of my… - 2 years ago

@nmeaustralia: Australian jazz and soul icon Renée Geyer has passed away - 2 years ago

@amajdandzic1: RT @xskinn: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69. Ian - 2 years ago

@rodmilliken1: RT @colonelhogans: @MikeCarlton01 How is it patriotic inflicting his daughter upon us? I’m more saddened at the passing today of icon Renee… - 2 years ago

@CorruptNSW: RT @LindaMottram: Oh the voice, just love Renee Geyer’s soulful, raspy vocals .. hearing her live was an enormous privilege .. very sad los… - 2 years ago

@ColettaFrank: RT @abcmelbourne: #BREAKING: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer - who shot to fame in the 1970s and became known for her husky vocals - has… - 2 years ago

@Dismayed12: RT @xskinn: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69. Ian - 2 years ago

@cowtron_2000: - 2 years ago

@TearitallaJay: In a statement, Geyer's family said the singer passed away from complications following hip surgery. "While in hosp… - 2 years ago

@calgodde: RT @AAPNewswire: Renee Geyer, one of Australia's most respected and successful soul singers, has died from complications following hip surg… - 2 years ago

@CorruptNSW: RT @sarahvmac: Oh no … mushroom records has announced that Renee Geyer has died. Following hip surgery she also had inoperable lung cancer.… - 2 years ago

@call_me_tomasso: RT @BernardZuel: I reckon Michael Gudinski is organising a gig for Renee Geyer right at the moment - well, as soon as they've finished toda… - 2 years ago

@katem991: RT @abcmelbourne: #BREAKING: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer - who shot to fame in the 1970s and became known for her husky vocals - has… - 2 years ago

@lulu_lulu2020: RT @Peter_Fitz: #Breaking. Very sad. A wonderful artiste. Acclaimed Australian musician Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@CorruptNSW: RT @GeoffField: #RIP Renee Geyer, dead at 69. Like many I grew up with her unique Australian soul. "Stares and Whispers" remains one of my… - 2 years ago

@TheBroaditorium: RT @MSMWatchdog2013: @MikeCarlton01 @wooferunleashed I'm sad that Renée Geyer has died. 😭 - 2 years ago

@9NewsSyd: RT @9NewsMelb: Iconic Australian soul singer Renée Geyer has died aged 69, following complications from hip surgery. #9News - 2 years ago

@YvonneGunn: RT @beneltham: Sad news. Renee Geyer was an all-time great of Australian music. - 2 years ago

@D_Melissa2: RT @IanHartley_: Rest In Peace ..Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@pbsfm: PBS is saddened by the passing of Renée Geyer today. A huge personality in the Australian music industry across fiv… - 2 years ago

@janecat60: RT @theage: #BREAKING: Acclaimed blues singer Renee Geyer has died in hospital in Melbourne following complications after hip surgery. She… - 2 years ago

@Timothy46454956: Blues License is one of the all-time great Aussie albums. The fiesty but brilliant Renée Geyer has left us at the a… - 2 years ago

@Sulli864: RT @sarahvmac: Oh no … mushroom records has announced that Renee Geyer has died. Following hip surgery she also had inoperable lung cancer.… - 2 years ago

@SharynLeeMcG: Vale Renee Geyer Such a beautiful voice. - 2 years ago

@australian: Breaking: The renowned soul singer, producer and author died at a Geelong hospital after complications from hip sur… - 2 years ago

@Maximum_Rider1: RIP Renée Geyer - Heading In The Right Direction (1975) - 2 years ago

@Sulli864: RT @BernardZuel: The best soul/R&B/anything you like singer Australia's produced, and more life and character in her than a century of comp… - 2 years ago

@SaintEd61: Australian singer Renee Geyer dies at 69 | The West Australian Damn 🥲 - 2 years ago

@osmondmcleod: Sad news. Vale Renee Geyer. - 2 years ago

@Sims_cuppa: RT @GeoffField: #RIP Renee Geyer, dead at 69. Like many I grew up with her unique Australian soul. "Stares and Whispers" remains one of my… - 2 years ago

@catherinepwhite: RT @abcmelbourne: #BREAKING: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer - who shot to fame in the 1970s and became known for her husky vocals - has… - 2 years ago

@beigewash: RT @JonesHowdareyou: Loved so many of her songs. Awesome artist. Vale Renee Geyer. 💔 - 2 years ago

@LJPSaveSaveSave: So sad to hear about Renee Geyer. She was an incredible singer and an inspiration. Gone too soon. ❤️❤️❤️ - 2 years ago

@catherinepwhite: RT @GeoffField: #RIP Renee Geyer, dead at 69. Like many I grew up with her unique Australian soul. "Stares and Whispers" remains one of my… - 2 years ago

@YvonneGunn: RT @isaacfloyd13: Tragic news about Renée Geyer. A beautiful voice that will live on through her profound recording career. RIP. #ReneeGey… - 2 years ago

@jeffcthomson: RT @theage: #BREAKING: Acclaimed blues singer Renee Geyer has died in hospital in Melbourne following complications after hip surgery. She… - 2 years ago

@couriermail: One of the most commanding voices of the Australian songbook, Renee Geyer has died at 69, which has left the music… - 2 years ago

@dexcamer: RT @BernardZuel: The best soul/R&B/anything you like singer Australia's produced, and more life and character in her than a century of comp… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Renée Geyer - #ReneeGeyer #Renée #Geyer #rip - 2 years ago

@kazza264: RT @JonesHowdareyou: Loved so many of her songs. Awesome artist. Vale Renee Geyer. 💔 - 2 years ago

@eatatjoe2: RT @debritz: RIP Renée Geyer, who has died from complications following hip surgery. According to Mushroom Music, the beloved Australian en… - 2 years ago

@MarcelinNZ: Aussie singer Renée Geyer has died aged 69, the girl-singer with the sandpaper voice that… - 2 years ago

@nicksplitter: One of the voices of the Melbourne music scene for a very, very long time. Was lucky enough to see her a couple of… - 2 years ago

@Pollywatch: RT @stephharmon: Renée Geyer has died at 69, after an operation for hip surgery which led to the discovery of inoperable lung cancer. https… - 2 years ago

@ArabellaSL: RT @abcnews: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@corzlife: Vale Renee Geyer - 2 years ago

@postironyisover: Not Renée Geyer!!!!!!! - 2 years ago

@JonesHowdareyou: Loved so many of her songs. Awesome artist. Vale Renee Geyer. 💔 - 2 years ago

@pully8: RT @theage: #BREAKING: Acclaimed blues singer Renee Geyer has died in hospital in Melbourne following complications after hip surgery. She… - 2 years ago

@MSMWatchdog2013: @MikeCarlton01 @wooferunleashed I'm sad that Renée Geyer has died. 😭 - 2 years ago

@stuffianlikes: Im gutted. Renee Geyer was one of the absolute greats. - 2 years ago

@2dogs05: RT @anna_prole: Vale 💔 She will be fondly remembered and missed by all. Australian soul singer Renee Geyer dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@Antifa_Bondrac: RT @fithdy: Vale Renee Geyer. Right direction, but way too early. - 2 years ago

@putmyspellonyou: RT @abcmelbourne: #BREAKING: Australian soul singer Renee Geyer - who shot to fame in the 1970s and became known for her husky vocals - has… - 2 years ago

@Antifa_Bondrac: RT @justinsmithword: Very said to hear of the death of Renee Geyer. So bloody good. I saw her as a support for Ray Charles, and she blew th… - 2 years ago

@theTiser: One of the most commanding voices of the Australian songbook, Renee Geyer has died at 69, which has left the music… - 2 years ago

@Lindylo33648385: RT @smh: Acclaimed Australian musician Renee Geyer dies aged 70 - 2 years ago

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