Rein Ahas

Estonian geographer.
Died on Monday February 19th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Rein Ahas:

@digigeolab: RT @TuuliToivonen: What a beautiful yet utterly sad ceremony yesterday at Tartu Ülikool. - 7 years ago

@TuuliToivonen: What a beautiful yet utterly sad ceremony yesterday at Tartu Ülikool. - 7 years ago

@ERR_Novaator: Professor Rein Ahas saadetakse viimsele teekonnale - 7 years ago

@ERR_Uudised: Professor Rein Ahas saadetakse viimsele teekonnale - 7 years ago


@edthink: Rein Ahas and Waldo Tobler in one week, very sad, RIP - 7 years ago

@amcondeco: RT @BigDataSoc: With great sadness we report the passing of editorial board member Rein Ahas. Rein's work on using mobile phone data to stu… - 7 years ago

@Nekrologium: Rein Ahas, estnischer Geograph, am 18.02.2018 im Alter von 51 Jahren - - 7 years ago

@BigDataSoc: With great sadness we report the passing of editorial board member Rein Ahas. Rein's work on using mobile phone dat… - 7 years ago

@VeikoLember: RT @positium: IN MEMORIAM Rein Ahas (10.12.1966 - 18.02.2018) With great sorrow, we say farewell to one of the founders of Positium, a vi… - 7 years ago

@aarewoodisland: RT @positium: IN MEMORIAM Rein Ahas (10.12.1966 - 18.02.2018) With great sorrow, we say farewell to one of the founders of Positium, a vi… - 7 years ago

@DeathByWiki: Rein Ahas, Estonian geographer, died 18th Feb aged 51. - 7 years ago

@EestiPaevaleht: Ootamatult surnud Rein Ahas oli teadusesse palju panustanud ja seetõttu oleks tema laiem tunnustamine olnud aja... - 7 years ago

@GermnMendozaSil: RT @0mgould: Our condolences to the family and colleague of professor Rein Ahas. - 7 years ago

@innarliiv: RT @positium: IN MEMORIAM Rein Ahas (10.12.1966 - 18.02.2018) With great sorrow, we say farewell to one of the founders of Positium, a vi… - 7 years ago

@GISerXi: RT @0mgould: Our condolences to the family and colleague of professor Rein Ahas. - 7 years ago

@urbanclio: RT @0mgould: Our condolences to the family and colleague of professor Rein Ahas. - 7 years ago

@0mgould: Our condolences to the family and colleague of professor Rein Ahas. - 7 years ago

@jtorres_phd: RT @positium: IN MEMORIAM Rein Ahas (10.12.1966 - 18.02.2018) With great sorrow, we say farewell to one of the founders of Positium, a vi… - 7 years ago

@Marathonreport: Professor Rein Ahas dies after collapsing during Tartu Marathon - ERR News - 7 years ago

@MrEsko: RT @positium: IN MEMORIAM Rein Ahas (10.12.1966 - 18.02.2018) With great sorrow, we say farewell to one of the founders of Positium, a vi… - 7 years ago

@otusposti: RT @TuuliToivonen: So sad news. A visionary researcher, great collaborator and wonderful person passed away far too early - 7 years ago

@otusposti: RT @positium: IN MEMORIAM Rein Ahas (10.12.1966 - 18.02.2018) With great sorrow, we say farewell to one of the founders of Positium, a vi… - 7 years ago

@SomeConRG: RT @TuuliToivonen: So sad news. A visionary researcher, great collaborator and wonderful person passed away far too early - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Rein Ahas - #ReinAhas #Rein #Ahas #rip - 7 years ago

@digigeolab: RT @TuuliToivonen: So sad news. A visionary researcher, great collaborator and wonderful person passed away far too early - 7 years ago

@JPvE: RT @TuuliToivonen: So sad news. A visionary researcher, great collaborator and wonderful person passed away far too early - 7 years ago

@halkka: RT @TuuliToivonen: So sad news. A visionary researcher, great collaborator and wonderful person passed away far too early - 7 years ago

@TuuliToivonen: So sad news. A visionary researcher, great collaborator and wonderful person passed away far too early - 7 years ago

@TuuliToivonen: RT @MobileHarv: Terrible news this morning. Prof. Ahas was a pioneer in mobility analytics, and a wonderful person. We are diminished from… - 7 years ago

@Joe_GISc: What a terrible loss. RIP Prof. Rein Ahas - 7 years ago

@M_Vespe: RT @MarziaRango: Very sad to hear of the passing of Rein Ahas, Prof. of Human Geography @TartuUniversity - a brilliant scholar and a pleasu… - 7 years ago

@Margoko: 2013 suri Tartu maratoni raja läbimise järel ettevõtja Tiit Aava. 2014 jäi maraton ära. 2016 jäi maraton ära. 2018… - 7 years ago

@ERR_Novaator: Maratonil kokku kukkunud professor Rein Ahas suri - 7 years ago

@EstoniaRR: Professor Rein Ahas dies after collapsing during Tartu Marathon - 7 years ago

@ERR_Uudised: Maratonil kokku kukkunud professor Rein Ahas suri - 7 years ago

@ERR_Novaator: Rein Ahas, elu tulevikulinnas - 7 years ago

@ERR_Uudised: Rein Ahas, elu tulevikulinnas - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Rein Ahas (51) Estonian geographer - 7 years ago

@MarziaRango: Very sad to hear of the passing of Rein Ahas, Prof. of Human Geography @TartuUniversity - a brilliant scholar and a… - 7 years ago

@udemsar: RT @MobileHarv: Terrible news this morning. Prof. Ahas was a pioneer in mobility analytics, and a wonderful person. We are diminished from… - 7 years ago

@MobileHarv: Terrible news this morning. Prof. Ahas was a pioneer in mobility analytics, and a wonderful person. We are diminis… - 7 years ago

@errnews: Professor Rein Ahas dies after collapsing during Tartu Marathon #Estonia - 7 years ago

@tweet4estonia: - 7 years ago

@erkisal: RT @positium: IN MEMORIAM Rein Ahas (10.12.1966 - 18.02.2018) With great sorrow, we say farewell to one of the founders of Positium, a vi… - 7 years ago

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