Reg E. Cathey

American actor (The Wire
Died on Saturday February 10th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Reg E. Cathey:

@HedgeBz: 'House of Cards,' 'The Wire' actor Reg E. Cathey dies - 7 years ago

@UStatesPolitics: 'House of Cards' actor Reg E. Cathey dies - 7 years ago

@Buzz_du_Monde: #Rediffusion Disparition: Mort de l’acteur Reg E. Cathey, qui interprétait Freddy dans « House of Cards » - 7 years ago

@bitsefilmes: SENTIMOS MUITO - O cozinheiro favorito de Frank Underwood nos deixou. O ator Reg E. Cathey faleceu aos 59 anos víti… - 7 years ago


@Sonia35372040: RT @MilesBrown: Sad day today to hear another awesome person passed away. It was nice to meet & talk about super heroes! Rest In Peace Reg… - 7 years ago

@politicalHEDGE: The Article Titled👉 ‘House of Cards,’ ‘The Wire’ actor Reg E. Cathey dies║ First Entered T… - 7 years ago

@nakubinaramachi: Character actor Reg E. Cathey dies at 59 - 7 years ago

@RoseDucharme: Reg E. Cathey, 'House of Cards' and 'The Wire' Actor, Dead at 59 - 7 years ago

@karatzas_a: Ο τελευταίος ρόλος του Reg E. Cathey θα είναι στο Luke Cage Season 2 - - 7 years ago

@mobeusmak: - 7 years ago

@Antoinio3: L'acteur qui jouait Freddy dans "House of Cards" est mort - 7 years ago

@AfterPubertyES: Muere a los 59 años Reg E.Cathey, rostro inolvidable de 'House of Cards' y 'The Wire' - 7 years ago

@adictosaseries: Muere a los 59 años Reg E.Cathey, rostro inolvidable de 'House of Cards' y 'The Wire' - 7 years ago

@Hatem86986624: RT @EmpireArabia: تعرّفوا على آخر عمل قام بتصويره الراحل ريج كارثي نجم House of Cards قبل وفاته بأيام: - 7 years ago

@EmpireArabia: ريج كاثي يرحل بعد صراعٍ طويل مع مرض السرطان ويختم مسيرته بالموسم الثاني من مسلسل Luke Cage: - 7 years ago

@buttuglydude: Reg E Cathey is so damn good as Norman - 7 years ago

@OG_JOHNSON84: RT @BernieSanders: Reg E. Cathey was a voice of the political revolution, and someone I had the honor of working with during my 2016 campai… - 7 years ago

@ashbringer0891: - 7 years ago

@RNBPhilly: Reg E. Cathey, ‘House of Cards’ and ‘The Wire’ Actor, Dies at 59 - 7 years ago

@SoilFertilizer: ‘House of Cards,’ ‘The Wire’ actor Reg E. Cathey dies - 7 years ago

@SoClaimon: ‘House of Cards,’ ‘The Wire’ actor Reg E. Cathey dies - 7 years ago

@TippySmith2: RT @violadavis: RIP Reg E Cathey!!! - 7 years ago

@OGBarb_: RT @scottEweinberg: RIP Reg E. Cathey. Fantastic actor. - 7 years ago

@JeremywithaZ: Bindge-watching #InsideAmyShumer and keep seeing actor Reg E. Cathey who passed away the other day. So Sad 😭… - 7 years ago

@jojo0090090: RT @Cinetimesco: عاجل: وفاة نجم مسلسل House Of Cards الممثل Reg E. Cathey عن عمر يناهز 59 عاماً. - 7 years ago

@EmpireArabia: تعرّفوا على آخر عمل قام بتصويره الراحل ريج كارثي نجم House of Cards قبل وفاته بأيام: - 7 years ago

@misscar2015: @nothawkguy MCU TV has awesome successfully Redeemed Julian McMahon on Runaways. I’m hoping it will be 4 for 4 with… - 7 years ago

@elfarandi: Muere Reg E. Cathey, actor de “House of Cards” y “The Wire” - 7 years ago

@iluvthec: RT @bobbycannavale: We lost a sweet, sweet man and a sweet, sweet, SWEET artist today. Rest In Power, Reg E. Cathey We will miss you. https… - 7 years ago

@BurgosAlton: RT @Marvel: Everyone at Marvel Television is deeply saddened by the loss of Reg E. Cathey. It was an honor to work with him and to know him… - 7 years ago

@RCCAM1274: RT @CBR: Reg E. Cathey Finished Work On #LukeCage S2 Prior to His Death - 7 years ago

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