Red Kelly

Canadian ice hockey player and coach.
Died on Thursday May 2nd 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Red Kelly:

@seth_cherry2: RT @DetroitRedWings: Fans looking to pay their respects to Red Kelly are invited to visit his statue on Legends Row outside Scotiabank Aren… - 6 years ago

@TranSpoNewsEnFr: Luminaires de hockey assister aux funérailles de Red Kelly à Toronto - 6 years ago

@RougeForum: RIP Red Kelly hockey - 6 years ago

@WinDanceRepeat: who remembers when joe kelly had red highlights in his hair and no one could take him seriously - 6 years ago


@bees3js: Beautiful sea of red today #NCState19 Words cannot describe how amazing I feel as a Pack Mom. Extremely proud of J… - 6 years ago

@detnews_sports: Family, friends and many of hockey’s most luminous names bid farewell to Red Kelly at the NHL great’s funeral Frida… - 6 years ago

@hockeynews24x7: Kelly remembered at funeral in Toronto - TSN - 6 years ago

@Stickinrinkpod: QUICK HITS Story #2: Remembering Hockey Hall of Famer and #StanleyCup Champion: Red Kelly. #detroit #toronto #nhl… - 6 years ago

@KellyNgCouture: 26th Annual racetoerasems Gala in Beverly Hills. Gorgeous @disney actress @oliviasanabia graces the red carpet in… - 6 years ago

@LEAFSFAN202: RT @Dave_Stubbs: The unbreakable bond of dear friends Frank Mahovlich and late Red Kelly. From 2017: - 6 years ago

@new_bed_kelly_2: @Pork_Soda_187 Ham, Dublin vintage white cheddar, tomatoes, red onion, whole grain mustard seeds ... but everything… - 6 years ago

@kelly_flame: RT @D_DeGea: A pleasure to spend 5 years by your side. You’re a great guy, @AnderHerrera . On and off the pitch. Once a red, always a red.… - 6 years ago

@theissuecollect: Red Kelly, Gentleman Stalwart in a Run of Stanley Cups, Is Dead at 91 - 6 years ago

@mystery1401: RT @leago101: I’m growing weary of artists using young females for ad-libs and vocals. There’s a lot of exploitation of these young women t… - 6 years ago

@nembotavy_0101: RT @leago101: I’m growing weary of artists using young females for ad-libs and vocals. There’s a lot of exploitation of these young women t… - 6 years ago

@leago101: I’m growing weary of artists using young females for ad-libs and vocals. There’s a lot of exploitation of these you… - 6 years ago

@stevencultra: @NatalieAbrams This was such an emotional/intense scene with Alex and Kelly. @chy_leigh @AzieTesfai were fantastic… - 6 years ago

@TranSpoNewsEnIt: Hockey corridoio di Famer Red Kelly messo a riposare - 6 years ago

@KClarksonFrance: Kelly.pour le @RedNoseDayUSA !! Le Red Nose Day est un evenement carritatif aux Etats-Unis qui a déjà commencer et… - 6 years ago

@hockeynews24x7: ‘We all looked up to him’: mourners reflect on Red Kelly at funeral - - 6 years ago

@ConsumerSOS: One of my work colleagues (not in news) used to pass Red Kelly on foot frequently in their neighbourhood (Yonge an… - 6 years ago

@wherearemykeys5: RT @CityNews: Red Kelly, the Hall of Famer and @MapleLeafs legend, was laid to rest in Toronto Friday. @CityAdrian with the tributes paid t… - 6 years ago

@flyer4life: RT @ProHockeyTalk: Hockey luminaries attend Red Kelly’s funeral in Toronto - 6 years ago

@KELLYYOUBREJR: RT @JayBilas: Kansas freshman Kelly Oubre has a mad shoe game. Red velvet loafers. Almost as cool as The Bilastrator's shoe game. - 6 years ago

@ConsumerSOS: 8 Stanley Cup wins. 4 in Toronto. 4 in Detroit. 20 years a player. Norris Trophy. Lady Byng. Played defence then ce… - 6 years ago

@myJOYRadio: Red Kelly, who died last week at 91, was remembered at his funeral as a gentleman, hockey icon and pillar in our co… - 6 years ago

@Gonzo273322923: Red Kelly remembered at funeral in Toronto. R.I.P Red Kelly! I still have his hockey card. - 6 years ago

@planetjuneberry: @kelly_carlin we don’t have ThePolitcs on Juneberry. Since we are building according to maps of a future we haven’t… - 6 years ago

@KTotten14: With all due respect to Red Kelly, I think he was a great player and ahead if his time, but why do the #redwings ga… - 6 years ago

@Happyda73176532: RT @CityNews: Red Kelly, the Hall of Famer and @MapleLeafs legend, was laid to rest in Toronto Friday. @CityAdrian with the tributes paid t… - 6 years ago

@Happyda73176532: @CityNews how is that that you can do a nice story on Red Kelly but did not take the time to know he is a Port Dove… - 6 years ago

@DoubleYourDay: Stars attend funeral for 20-year vet Red Kelly - 6 years ago

@BBParkerSports: RT @hockeynight: Friends, family pay respects to life of NHL Hall of Famer Red Kelly - 6 years ago

@LEAFSFAN202: RT @hockeynight: WATCH | The funeral of Toronto Maple Leafs and Detroit Red Wings great Red Kelly. - 6 years ago

@KevinBarry68: RT @CityAdrian: The casket of Red Kelly arrives at Holy Rosary Church. The pallbearers include his sons Patrick & Conn Kelly, Grandsons Geo… - 6 years ago

@smckenna25: RT @hockeynight: WATCH | The funeral of Toronto Maple Leafs and Detroit Red Wings great Red Kelly. - 6 years ago

@straitshooter13: RT @brucerobison: Pre-order for #BeautifulLie is available today! We have a limited number of these red vinyls, so get yours before it’s to… - 6 years ago

@brucerobison: Pre-order for #BeautifulLie is available today! We have a limited number of these red vinyls, so get yours before i… - 6 years ago

@Simmis1989: RT @hockeynight: WATCH | The funeral of Toronto Maple Leafs and Detroit Red Wings great Red Kelly. - 6 years ago

@gmahaj: RT @CityAdrian: A prayer in today’s program for the late Red Kelly. “May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. Ma… - 6 years ago

@spaikin: Leonard Patrick "Red" Kelly, Order of Canada, former Member of Parliament, 8-time @StanleyCup champion, died on May… - 6 years ago

@SeanK513: RT @CityAdrian: A prayer in today’s program for the late Red Kelly. “May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. Ma… - 6 years ago

@TomGulittiNHL: RT @Dave_Stubbs: The unbreakable bond of dear friends Frank Mahovlich and late Red Kelly. From 2017: - 6 years ago

@Dave_Stubbs: The unbreakable bond of dear friends Frank Mahovlich and late Red Kelly. From 2017: - 6 years ago

@CityNews: RT @CityAdrian: A prayer in today’s program for the late Red Kelly. “May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. Ma… - 6 years ago

@CityAdrian: A prayer in today’s program for the late Red Kelly. “May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your… - 6 years ago

@AGilgallon: RT @hockeynight: WATCH | The funeral of Toronto Maple Leafs and Detroit Red Wings great Red Kelly. - 6 years ago

@Notorious243: RT @hockeynight: WATCH | The funeral of Toronto Maple Leafs and Detroit Red Wings great Red Kelly. - 6 years ago

@twittorr: RT @Dave_Stubbs: I'm thinking of @HockeyHallFame icon Leonard "Red" Kelly, whose life is being celebrated at this hour in a Toronto service… - 6 years ago

@SeanPrevil: RT @ConsumerSOS: I’m covering the Red Kelly funeral and memorial. Amazing, among other things: Kelly was a successful NHL player who won 8… - 6 years ago

@MarkSwitzer66: RT @spaikin: The body of eight time @StanleyCup champ Red Kelly arrives at Holy Rosary Church in Toronto. #LeafsForever #Leafs #redkelly #N… - 6 years ago

@ConsumerSOS: I’m covering the Red Kelly funeral and memorial. Amazing, among other things: Kelly was a successful NHL player who… - 6 years ago

@Filthycreatures: RT @hockeynight: WATCH | The funeral of Toronto Maple Leafs and Detroit Red Wings great Red Kelly. - 6 years ago

@IamNotStevenT: This is my dear friend Anne Kelly, The first time I met Steven Tyler was at a red carpet event at the Music Box The… - 6 years ago

@KrugerKelly: RT @people: Darin Brooks and Pregnant Kelly Kruger Step Out for Daytime Emmys and Dish About Her Cravings - 6 years ago

@PaulSweeneyYYZ: RT @MapleLeafs: Join us to honour Leafs legend Red Kelly. Fans are invited to Legends Row this Friday from 10:00-6:00 to honour Red, refl… - 6 years ago

@tommymc001: Bucs Creamsicle, Patriots Red Throwbacks, Kelly Green Eagles - 6 years ago

@red_mercer: RT @MattBors: Remember to throw old produce at John Kelly for the rest of his life. more comics -> - 6 years ago

@becshorty85: RT @DetroitRedWings: The Red Wings & Maple Leafs will host a public memorial for Red Kelly on Friday, May 10 in Toronto. Fans will have an… - 6 years ago

@JillianMcLeod05: RT @MapleLeafs: Join us to honour Leafs legend Red Kelly. Fans are invited to Legends Row this Friday from 10:00-6:00 to honour Red, refl… - 6 years ago

@KellyArtise: RT @IsabeIIaPetrova: @KellyArtise @WhereisAsriel such a big fan of this!!! kelly’s hair is everything, never seen someone do brown into red… - 6 years ago

@IsabeIIaPetrova: @KellyArtise @WhereisAsriel such a big fan of this!!! kelly’s hair is everything, never seen someone do brown into red before yass - 6 years ago

@d3chipman: RT @DetroitRedWings: The Red Wings & Maple Leafs will host a public memorial for Red Kelly on Friday, May 10 in Toronto. Fans will have an… - 6 years ago

@Crabbe18: RT @MapleLeafs: Join us to honour Leafs legend Red Kelly. Fans are invited to Legends Row this Friday from 10:00-6:00 to honour Red, refl… - 6 years ago

@laurabusse: Excellent red pill. E book for 4 bucks. A quick read, well worth it. Starts w the estab. of the Fed in 1913. Publis… - 6 years ago

@katercakes01: RT @MapleLeafs: The entire Toronto Maple Leafs organization is deeply saddened today to learn of the passing of Red Kelly. A family man a… - 6 years ago

@katercakes01: RT @DetroitRedWings: The Red Wings & Maple Leafs will host a public memorial for Red Kelly on Friday, May 10 in Toronto. Fans will have an… - 6 years ago

@LPParr: RT @DetroitRedWings: The Red Wings & Maple Leafs will host a public memorial for Red Kelly on Friday, May 10 in Toronto. Fans will have an… - 6 years ago

@SabraMacG: TBT - Opening Show of Celtic Colours International Festival 2012! Joined by my stepping friends, Kelly MacArthur, J… - 6 years ago

@kymskie: RT @NashCntryDaily: .@kelly_clarkson Is a Grade-A Badass. She Hosted the @billboard Music Awards, Walked the Red Carpet & Performed Twice—w… - 6 years ago

@FiddlerIsScary: RT @DetroitRedWings: The Red Wings & Maple Leafs will host a public memorial for Red Kelly on Friday, May 10 in Toronto. Fans will have an… - 6 years ago

@dstmrac: RT @dstmrac: In recognition of May Week, the MRAC of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, invites you to join us for a candid conversa… - 6 years ago

@YDWTL: Check out our latest review! - 6 years ago

@Leila_x33: You dirty red neck, u would compare your deranged husband to r kelly - 6 years ago

@CourtneyLucio: @usweekly @TeenMom When jenelle compared her monster of a husband David to R. Kelly, and how they were treated unfa… - 6 years ago

@TranSpoNewsEnFr: Hockey Hall de Famer Red Kelly meurt à l’âge de 91 ans - 6 years ago

@realgrace_kelly: RT @realDonaldTrump: 'Forgotten Man' Story: Under Trump, Red Counties Economically Thrive - 6 years ago

@charlie_k_kelly: Shocking to have this occur on the same day that @CPRNews highlights the number of recall elections in the state fu… - 6 years ago

@Piss_Jug: @TicTaylor When did you go in net kelly they light the lamp just a few times you must have a sun burn from that red light going on lots - 6 years ago

@seewnanan_kelly: RT @tansldn: Ignoring the red flags because you wanna see good in people will cost you later - 6 years ago

@MisterMcLaren: So now... Young Frankenstein (it's been... a decade? but it's not like I've forgotten the bits) or The Woman In Red… - 6 years ago

@BestinPopCult: Kelly Clarkson - Billboard200 Top10: (9 weeks) Thankful (23 weeks) Breakaway (3 weeks) My December (3 weeks) All I… - 6 years ago

@blriccihouse: RT @BLNEHS: The newest Techies, ready to invade Lubbock - Kat Kelly, Grace Boisbrun and Emma "Scooby" Shaffer. Get ready, Red Raider Natio… - 6 years ago

@Seriouslybrenda: @kelly_clarkson #VoiceResults in that red dress you look The Mother’s Day Barbie you’re absolutely beautiful and y… - 6 years ago

@proudmomma56: R.I.P. 😪 - 6 years ago

@kelly_ramona: RT @realDonaldTrump: 'Forgotten Man' Story: Under Trump, Red Counties Economically Thrive - 6 years ago

@karaage_nosuke: RT @reuterspictures: Lady Gaga wears a voluminous magenta Brandon Maxwell gown. More highlights from the #MetGala red carpet: - 6 years ago

@CincyToLondon: @Kelly_Gretchen @Reds He’s becoming my favorite Red, rapidly - 6 years ago

@wxyzdetroit: RT @BradGalli: Red Kelly's public visitation and funeral will be held in Toronto on Friday. - 6 years ago

@HockeyTalk913: "From the Clarkives" for this week grabs p 7 of the Feb. 24th Kingman (Arizona) Daily Miner -- an AP piece covering… - 6 years ago

@Kelly_v_22: @BarstoolBigCat Twizzler > Red Vine - 6 years ago

@ConnorPearson36: @Kelly_Williams2 @zach_heyburn11 @ByrneLeonard @NOT_MOTD @Niall_Higginz Me? I’m a red mate, I’m fucking buzzing - 6 years ago

@justinbonanza: We put a price Red Kelly etait un - 6 years ago

@nstepien1: @RonMacLeanHTH I've never been a fan of Cherry but I was disgusted by his reaction when you brought up Red Kelly's… - 6 years ago

@GoGoLeafsGo: RT @sunhornby: For those unable to attend what will be a very crowded Red Kelly funeral Friday morning, Leafs and Red Wings will have photo… - 6 years ago

@sherlonapp: TH will not go away. Colleen Kelly fights through the defense for a goal. 10-6 lead for Red Bank. - 6 years ago

@MikeFossWXYZ: Red Kelly's funeral and a public memorial will be held Friday in Toronto. - 6 years ago

@billykellyWWK: Evie Moran JohnMichaelCarr Red Sails and @BW Pike on WWK Unsigned with Billy Kelly - 6 years ago

@cristina_CP24: RT @KrisReports: The Archdiocese of Toronto have released details for Toronto Maple Leafs Legend Red Kelly's funeral & public memorial. F… - 6 years ago

@sherlonapp: Halftime: Red Bank 8, Trinity Hall 4. Red Bank’s Meghan Murray taking control of the game right now. She’s got 3 go… - 6 years ago

@IrishBurghProud: HWPens:Penguins’ Stanley Cup Dreams Started With Red Kelly - 6 years ago

@TheHockeyWriter: Penguins' Stanley Cup Dreams Started With Red Kelly - 6 years ago

@Sydney76519772: - 6 years ago

@greggkrupa: #RedWings No. 4 red kelly's funeral friday morning, toronto. #MapleLeafs and #RedWings, "working in partnership,… - 6 years ago

@PaulStewartII: RT @beynate: It is incredible that hockey legend Red Kelly also served as a Liberal MP (1962-65 under Pearson) while still playing in the N… - 6 years ago

@mpelletier98: RT @MapleLeafs: One of fourteen Maple Leafs to earn a place on Legends Row, Red Kelly represented honour, pride and courage each and every… - 6 years ago

@beynate: It is incredible that hockey legend Red Kelly also served as a Liberal MP (1962-65 under Pearson) while still playi… - 6 years ago

@thefinbow: RT @maydayhockey: 10 years ago, Red Kelly presented me with this amazing silver stick for my 1000th game in the NHL. Mr Kelly was the 1st M… - 6 years ago

@hockeynews24x7: Maple Leafs News & Rumors: Red Kelly, Matthews, KHL News, Babcock - The Hockey Writers - 6 years ago

@MarthaARay1: RT @shelton_team: Blake will be part of the Red Nose Day Special on May 23rd. - 6 years ago

@ClassActCandC: RT @SubwayOperator: Being Expo weekend I'm paying tribute all weekend to Mr Leonard Red Kelly. Posting #SignatureWeekendTribute @ClassActCa… - 6 years ago

@KittyDoupe: Red Kelly, Gentleman Stalwart in a Run of Stanley Cups, Is Dead at 91 - 6 years ago

@kellsoridic: So, this confession will probably have you asking, "Did he take the red pill or the blue pill?" I don't for the li… - 6 years ago

@Pammerhockey: RT @jackiespiegel93: Can it be a tie between Red Kelly, Bobby Orr and Jean Beliveau? - 6 years ago

@griffinporter97: RT @MapleLeafs: One of fourteen Maple Leafs to earn a place on Legends Row, Red Kelly represented honour, pride and courage each and every… - 6 years ago

@416trader: RT @ThatEricAlper: Hockey Hall of Famer Red Kelly, who won eight Stanley Cups with the Detroit Red Wings and Toronto Maple Leafs, has passe… - 6 years ago

@jackiespiegel93: Can it be a tie between Red Kelly, Bobby Orr and Jean Beliveau? - 6 years ago

@AmRam93: RT @MapleLeafs: One of fourteen Maple Leafs to earn a place on Legends Row, Red Kelly represented honour, pride and courage each and every… - 6 years ago

@JillianMcLeod05: RT @MapleLeafs: One of fourteen Maple Leafs to earn a place on Legends Row, Red Kelly represented honour, pride and courage each and every… - 6 years ago

@patmeahan: RT @LeafsAlumni: The @leafsalumni are saddened to learn of the passing of @mapeleafs & @detroitredwings legend, Leonard ‘Red’ Kelly. Red wo… - 6 years ago

@bjp888: RT @MapleLeafs: One of fourteen Maple Leafs to earn a place on Legends Row, Red Kelly represented honour, pride and courage each and every… - 6 years ago

@MissionControlM: RT @EW: Kelly Clarkson, Milo Ventimiglia, Kate McKinnon set for Red Nose Day Special - 6 years ago

@TorontoCardShow: RT @PuckJunk: Red Kelly was a class act to hockey fans. I wrote to him two times, asking for his autograph; once in 2007, and again in 2009… - 6 years ago

@YashLck: RT @MapleLeafs: One of fourteen Maple Leafs to earn a place on Legends Row, Red Kelly represented honour, pride and courage each and every… - 6 years ago

@dandundas: Red Kelly, Gentleman Stalwart in a Run of Stanley Cups, Is Dead at 91 - 6 years ago

@TranSpoNewsEnJp: ホッケー ホールの殿堂入り赤ケリー享年 91 - 6 years ago

@Sportsfanand1: Hockey Hall of Famer Red Kelly dies at age 91 One of the greatest to wear the Jersey! R.I.P. - 6 years ago

@the_60s_at_50: RT @NYTObits: Red Kelly, Gentleman Stalwart in a Run of Stanley Cups, Dies at 91 - 6 years ago

@thedeadbeater: RT @NYTObits: Red Kelly, Gentleman Stalwart in a Run of Stanley Cups, Dies at 91 - 6 years ago

@parkhurstcards: It's still Friday in the AST so here is my #VintageVendredi and this week I am honouring the late and great Red Kel… - 6 years ago

@teh_red_baron: RT @ewarren: John Kelly pushed for family separation while in the White House. Now he'll profit off of separating mamas from their babies.… - 6 years ago

@Kelly_rinn: RT @ellentube: Thanks, @BTS_twt, @Ciara and @thegreatkhalid for stopping to talk to @andylassner and Bridget on the red carpet at the Billb… - 6 years ago

@d3chipman: RT @Avalanche: A moment of silence for Red Kelly. - 6 years ago

@Paradox_Hockey: Maple Leafs News & Rumors: Red Kelly, Matthews, KHL News, Babcock - 6 years ago

@JanetScottorg: Thank you for your work. RT - 6 years ago

@joke2power: RT @NYTObits: Red Kelly, Gentleman Stalwart in a Run of Stanley Cups, Dies at 91 - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Red Kelly, Gentleman Stalwart in a Run of Stanley Cups, Dies at 91 - 6 years ago

@anitra_ramos: RT @EW: Kelly Clarkson, Milo Ventimiglia, Kate McKinnon set for Red Nose Day Special - 6 years ago

@Briansmith4371: RT @Avalanche: A moment of silence for Red Kelly. - 6 years ago

@ljones5: RT @DetroitRedWings: The Detroit #RedWings are deeply saddened to learn of the loss of Leonard "Red" Kelly, who passed away on Thursday mor… - 6 years ago

@VistaPResearch: Leafs and #RedWings legend Red Kelly dies at 91 - 6 years ago

@JenIAM_OC: RT @NashCntryDaily: .@kelly_clarkson Is a Grade-A Badass. She Hosted the @billboard Music Awards, Walked the Red Carpet & Performed Twice—w… - 6 years ago

@JenIAM_OC: RT @EW: Kelly Clarkson, Milo Ventimiglia, Kate McKinnon set for Red Nose Day Special - 6 years ago

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