Ray Lovelock

Italian actor
Died on Friday November 10th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Ray Lovelock:

@MEDUSAFANZINE: Chez Roubi's (Gabriele Tinti Fan Blog): Ray Lovelock (1950 - 2017) - 7 years ago

@Smileforlive_: Quando realizzi che Caterina e le sue figlie 4 non potrà mai essere girato perché sono morti sia Virna Lisi che Ray… - 7 years ago

@bogskrack: RT @ticdifilmklubb: Den 12 dec visar vi Tonino Cervis flärdfulla långkok »Queens of Evil« där nyligen bortgångne Ray Lovelock flyr från rät… - 7 years ago

@ticdifilmklubb: Den 12 dec visar vi Tonino Cervis flärdfulla långkok »Queens of Evil« där nyligen bortgångne Ray Lovelock flyr från… - 7 years ago


@francotardivo2: R.I.P - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Ray Lovelock (67) Italian actor - 7 years ago

@ComicNow: Ebenfalls gestorben: Ray Lovelock (mit 67 Jahren) - 7 years ago

@Wont_Stay_Dead: @TheAnonymousCMG Yeah fantastic film! We know it over here as Living Dead At Manchester Morgue. The male lead Ray L… - 7 years ago

@PrimaPaginaOL: #RayLovelock, ci lascia un'icona del #cinemaitaliano #PPOL #RT #omaggio #RaymondLovelock #cinema #spettacolo… - 7 years ago

@OldCinemas: RT @danicat58: Ray Lovelock in uno dei miei film preferiti DI SEMPRE: Il violinista sul tetto - 7 years ago

@RecentDeaths: November 10th, Ray Lovelock, 67, Italian actor (Fiddler on the Roof, Let Sleeping Corpses Lie, Murder Rock) and musician, cancer. - 7 years ago

@clawfish: RT @ShamelessFilms: .@Freudstein2016 reviews OASIS OF FEAR, one of a few collaborations between the recently departed Ray Lovelock and Umbe… - 7 years ago

@AFizgig: RT @ShamelessFilms: .@Freudstein2016 reviews OASIS OF FEAR, one of a few collaborations between the recently departed Ray Lovelock and Umbe… - 7 years ago

@KANhakatsu: RT @light10mfire: 私が11才前後からファンだったレイ・ラブロックが亡くなった。(当時はレイモンド・ラブロック)観る事が出来なくて、後年漸 く観る事が出来た『ガラスの部屋』。 その後も、かなり出演作を観る事が出来た。 悲しいです😢(2枚目は1970年位の私物)… - 7 years ago

@docsavage3214: RT @ShamelessFilms: .@Freudstein2016 reviews OASIS OF FEAR, one of a few collaborations between the recently departed Ray Lovelock and Umbe… - 7 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @ShamelessFilms: .@Freudstein2016 reviews OASIS OF FEAR, one of a few collaborations between the recently departed Ray Lovelock and Umbe… - 7 years ago

@danieljmckee: @ShamelessFilms @Freudstein2016 Ray lovelock has died? When was that - 7 years ago

@Freudstein2016: RT @ShamelessFilms: .@Freudstein2016 reviews OASIS OF FEAR, one of a few collaborations between the recently departed Ray Lovelock and Umbe… - 7 years ago

@isaacrthorne: RT @ShamelessFilms: .@Freudstein2016 reviews OASIS OF FEAR, one of a few collaborations between the recently departed Ray Lovelock and Umbe… - 7 years ago

@ShamelessFilms: .@Freudstein2016 reviews OASIS OF FEAR, one of a few collaborations between the recently departed Ray Lovelock and… - 7 years ago

@hsb_jean: RT @ValentinGrmd: Disparition à 67 ans de Ray Lovelock, figure du bis européen, passé chez Lenzi, Questi, Fulci. Et son rôle si fort dans l… - 7 years ago

@alice690022: RT @light10mfire: 私が11才前後からファンだったレイ・ラブロックが亡くなった。(当時はレイモンド・ラブロック)観る事が出来なくて、後年漸 く観る事が出来た『ガラスの部屋』。 その後も、かなり出演作を観る事が出来た。 悲しいです😢(2枚目は1970年位の私物)… - 7 years ago

@Droogiex: Filmbar70 loves Ray Lovelock (and so do I) - 7 years ago

@MLBurroughs: RT @dialmformovies: Farewell Ray Lovelock, 67 Star of many Italian horrors and thrillers. As Fydeka in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF (1971), he elop… - 7 years ago

@MadHatter094: RT @LongTakeIt: Si è spento a 67 anni l'attore #RayLovelock (19/6/1950-10/11/2017) - 7 years ago

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