Ray Hannigan

Canadian-born American ice hockey player (Toronto Maple Leafs) and priest.
Died on Wednesday July 22nd 2020

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Tweets related to Ray Hannigan:

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Ray Hannigan - #RayHannigan #Ray #Hannigan #rip - 5 years ago

@ray_in_wilts: RT @ruskin147: After Huawei, former GCHQ boss Robert Hannigan tells @BBCr4today a failure of industrial policy left us dependent on China.… - 5 years ago

@Laidback_MUSIC: [SONG LISTからのオススメ曲] Lisa Hannigan (feat.Ray LaMontagne) ダミアン・ライスのアルバム参加を経てソロ・デビューしたアイルランドの女性SSW。2011年アルバム収録のこの曲はデュエ… - 5 years ago

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