Randy Stair

American criminal; perpetrator of the 2017 Weis Markets shooting.
Died on Thursday June 22nd 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Randy Stair:

@ZeroShrek: 我喜歡一部 @YouTube 影片 - 8 years ago

@neonwhite900: @ReignBotHorror You ever hear about Randy Stair? Read about him most of yesterday and it's just so ratshit insane it's breathtaking. - 8 years ago

@ImperatorOfPuns: RT @pc_gamer_squid: Danny Phantom 2017: "All the other cis with the pumped up kicks you better run better run, I'm Randy Stair" - 8 years ago

@pc_gamer_squid: Danny Phantom 2017: "All the other cis with the pumped up kicks you better run better run, I'm Randy Stair" - 8 years ago


@ImperatorOfPuns: @AshenLazarus Randy Stair - 8 years ago

@Liariv: Looking into Randy Stair. Terrifying. - 8 years ago

@DysHeartsHD: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@syqau: RT @syqau: Randy Stair: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know - 8 years ago

@dumbsville: And by mature, I mean bringing up examples of people who have harmed others out of obsession. PaulandAmy and Randy Stair are two of them. - 8 years ago

@MomoLyric: @CayleighElise hey, have you given any thought to maybe making a video abt Randy Stair? He made YT videos depicting his recent murder spree - 8 years ago

@ProfAve: Randy Stair could have had at least 100k subscribers on YT if he was a chick. I think that's why he went ghost. - 8 years ago

@omega_rage: @mundanematt just saw your vid on randy stair. He said...he didn't want any help of any kind.that's including talking to someone. - 8 years ago

@dyldoroof: i dont even wanna look in the randy stair twitter search results bc i know itll make me sick seeing her get misgendered and just Blegh - 8 years ago

@dyldoroof: i am so tired of yall calling my girl randy stair he/him, like did she have to wear a shirt in every picture that said "im a trans woman"? - 8 years ago

@wokeaskek: @WeWuzMetokur I had to go to Vidme to see the Randy Stair vid. - 8 years ago

@H_and_F_ROMS: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@RachelMcmuffin: @Sincdener @DavidGN40 @Dezamaru @puhair420 He's an edgy bedroom dwelling sociopath with no real outside connections… - 8 years ago

@blstar969: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@THE_SE7EN_SINS: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@EliteSpetzNaz: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago


@betapatersi: @Mumkey_Jones hey so you used one of my tweets to you in your video about the randy stair shooting and i just wanna… - 8 years ago

@matthew_bass3: @Onision You remind me of Randy Stair - 8 years ago

@fgtveassassin: @mombot First Randy Stair, now this nigga, NEPA is poppin, and not just opioid pills - 8 years ago

@ThrushV2: @UgandanGaming Don't end up like randy stair my dude, you seem headed that way. - 8 years ago

@MoanKeksky: @Toxic_Fem He looks like Randy Stair with 1% more testosterone. - 8 years ago

@NEETinator: @RustyOnline_ Randy Stair is literally just a gayer Dylan Klebold - 8 years ago

@DrunkenIoik: This is fucking sad as fuck. Internet Insanity: Randy Stair - 8 years ago

@ViddyMalchick: Its Wednesday, June 28th and Randy Stair is still a fucking loser - 8 years ago

@ArkadyChoi: Seeing a randy Stair pimply face motherfucker with a his qt blonde gf gives me hope - 8 years ago

@ThatMasterLemon: I only got round to watching Metokur's Randy Stair video. It's probably the scariest video I've seen on the site. - 8 years ago

@columbinegods: aí ele viu e depois fui por randy stair, ele pediu pra tirarkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk - 8 years ago

@AwesomeAJx8: RT @iain_claxton: Internet Insanity: Randy Stair - 8 years ago

@Hell_Thief: @gamerfrommars you should make a video on Randy Stair - 8 years ago

@ThunderBlitzMLP: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@nrhk28: RT @Slowflake1601: Reading more about Randy Stair is just making the last of my hair fall off. THIS GUY HOLY SHIT THIS GUY. I have no words. - 8 years ago

@TomGyroid: @tonygoldmark Well, there were the two of Mr. Anime and Randy Stair... - 8 years ago

@MetroidMurderer: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@TwiSparkPhil: @WeWuzMetokur How's it going? I found your Randy Stair video very good. - 8 years ago

@FranzYosephw: @truckg99 @tarastrong There was also that Randy Stair who was a brony and shot up a store who, again, lived in a basement. - 8 years ago

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