Ramsay MacMullen

American historian.
Died on Thursday December 1st 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Ramsay MacMullen:

@uli_wiemer: RT @YaleClassicsLib: A personal note on Ramsay MacMullen By John Matthews (John M. Schiff Professor Emeritus of Classics and Roman History… - 2 years ago

@MarcoPerale3: RT @YaleClassicsLib: A personal note on Ramsay MacMullen By John Matthews (John M. Schiff Professor Emeritus of Classics and Roman History… - 2 years ago

@Exactus5: RT @YaleClassicsLib: A personal note on Ramsay MacMullen By John Matthews (John M. Schiff Professor Emeritus of Classics and Roman History… - 2 years ago

@yale_history: RT @YaleClassicsLib: A personal note on Ramsay MacMullen By John Matthews (John M. Schiff Professor Emeritus of Classics and Roman History… - 2 years ago


@rogueclassicist: RT @YaleClassicsLib: A personal note on Ramsay MacMullen By John Matthews (John M. Schiff Professor Emeritus of Classics and Roman History… - 2 years ago

@CM_Whiting: RT @YaleClassicsLib: A personal note on Ramsay MacMullen By John Matthews (John M. Schiff Professor Emeritus of Classics and Roman History… - 2 years ago

@YaleClassicsLib: A personal note on Ramsay MacMullen By John Matthews (John M. Schiff Professor Emeritus of Classics and Roman Hist… - 2 years ago

@AmitMajmudar: @GeltnerJonathan Ramsay MacMullen, Christianizing the Roman Empire 100 - 400 AD It is an inquiry into the mechani… - 2 years ago

@AmitMajmudar: RT @AmitMajmudar: “Human beings are simply born into different degrees of religiosity, degrees distributed regardless of education or socia… - 2 years ago

@Nitin93363262: RT @AmitMajmudar: “Human beings are simply born into different degrees of religiosity, degrees distributed regardless of education or socia… - 2 years ago

@omarali50: RT @AmitMajmudar: “Human beings are simply born into different degrees of religiosity, degrees distributed regardless of education or socia… - 2 years ago

@AmitMajmudar: “Human beings are simply born into different degrees of religiosity, degrees distributed regardless of education or… - 2 years ago

@rogueclassicist: Ramsay MacMullen Obituary (2022) - New Haven, CT - New Haven Register - 2 years ago

@devoretext: @MAdryaelTong Mark Edwards comes to mind. Jaroslav Pelican, maybe, but probably not? Henry Chadwick? Does Ramsay Ma… - 2 years ago

@DreDaDonX: RT @WalterScheidel: The passing of Roman historian Ramsay MacMullen (1928-2022), a titan of a scholar, truly marks the end of an era. - 2 years ago

@devoretext: @stanprager @shadihamid I'm going to recommend that you read both Peter Brown & Ramsay MacMullen. MacMullen comes c… - 2 years ago

@devoretext: @stanprager @shadihamid Have you ever read Peter Brown, Ramsay MacMullen, or Averill Cameron on the later Roman Emp… - 2 years ago

@larsen_prof: RT @YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale - 2 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Actress Mylene Demongeot; historians John Prados, Ramsay MacMullen; writer, activist, and act… - 2 years ago

@CM_Whiting: RT @YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale - 2 years ago

@EasyVoidMan: RT @AmitMajmudar: “Human beings are simply born into different degrees of religiosity, degrees distributed regardless of education or socia… - 2 years ago

@MarcoPerale3: RT @YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale - 2 years ago

@yale_history: RT @YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale - 2 years ago

@Dracontius: #Ramsay_MacMullen, distinguished Roman #historian and #Yale citizen. - 2 years ago

@GreekWord: RT @YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale - 2 years ago

@elegendre: RT @YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale - 2 years ago

@SPQR_MQ: RT @YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale - 2 years ago

@ASCS1966: RT @YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale - 2 years ago

@mdlett: RT @YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale - 2 years ago

@BileeeAmma: RT @AmitMajmudar: “Human beings are simply born into different degrees of religiosity, degrees distributed regardless of education or socia… - 2 years ago

@candidamoss: RT @YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale - 2 years ago

@rogueclassicist: RT @YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale - 2 years ago

@res_australes: RT @YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale - 2 years ago

@YaleClassicsLib: Exhibits of Nubian Jewelry @GettyMuseum and Kenyan Archaeology (and Archaeologists) @HornimanMuseum; A New Roman Em… - 2 years ago

@YaleClassicsLib: In Memoriam: Ramsay MacMullen, (1928-2022) Dunham Professor Emeritus of History and Classics @yale… - 2 years ago

@nvissotsky: RT @ilmessaggeroit: Morto Ramsay MacMullen, lo storico dell'antica Roma: da Romolo a Costantino ha studiato l'impero romano e la sua fine h… - 2 years ago

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