Ram Naresh Yadav

Indian politician
Died on Tuesday November 22nd 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Ram Naresh Yadav:

@ShaliniCLove: RT @shailphoto: Samajwadi Party Prof. Ram Gopal Yadav, Naresh Agrawal #BJP Nirmala Sitaraman, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi #Parliament #DeMonetisati… - 8 years ago

@vishaldpd: RT @shailphoto: Samajwadi Party Prof. Ram Gopal Yadav, Naresh Agrawal #BJP Nirmala Sitaraman, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi #Parliament #DeMonetisati… - 8 years ago

@shailphoto: Samajwadi Party Prof. Ram Gopal Yadav, Naresh Agrawal #BJP Nirmala Sitaraman, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi #Parliament… - 8 years ago

@DeethuSingh: RT @brajeshlive: The great Samajwadi, congress leader and Ex CM of UP Mr Ram Naresh Yadav no more. Took last breath today early morning in… - 8 years ago


@bhomaramgurjar2: RT @VasundharaBJP: Saddened by the news of demise of former CM of UP & ex-Governor of MP Ram Naresh Yadav ji. May God give strength to his… - 8 years ago

@vivekyadav96: RT @sureshpprabhu: Saddened by the demise of former UP CM and ex-Governor of MP Ram Naresh Yadav ji.Condolences - 8 years ago

@vivekyadav96: RT @KalrajMishra: Learned about demise of Ram Naresh Yadav ji,former CM of UP & Ex Governor of MP. May his soul rest in peace & condolences… - 8 years ago

@vivekyadav96: RT @plpunia: Very sorry to learn about the sad demise of Sh Ram Naresh Yadav ex CM up & ex Governor MP. Babu ji was known for his pure&simp… - 8 years ago

@vivekyadav96: RT @DrSanjaySinhMP: My heartfelt condolences on the passing away of Sh. Ram naresh yadav ji.who set a high bar, his presence will be missed. - 8 years ago

@vivekyadav96: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@nirbhay_panwar: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@KapilGurjarBJP: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@poojasharma2132: RT @004nino: RIP 13 089) #Ex - #Governor of #Madhya #Pradesh #Ram #Naresh #Yadav 90 #dies Nov 22, 2016 - 8 years ago

@ObcPunarjagran: RT @ObcPunarjagran: If it is true goverment added obc in reservation in promotion .Its good and real tribute to Ex governor, late Ram nare… - 8 years ago

@ObcPunarjagran: If it is true goverment added obc in reservation in promotion .Its good and real tribute to Ex governor, late Ram naresh yadav - 8 years ago

@PritamDM: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: Linchpin Ram Naresh Yadav, 90, Indian Politician, Baphomet/George Soros Aspect, Down 11/22/16... - 8 years ago

@sonusingh401: RT @ChouhanShivraj: Deeply saddended by the demise of MP's Ex. Governor Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. My heartfelt condolences to the family and h… - 8 years ago

@vedantlalwani01: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@TanvirSalim1: RT @TanvirSalim1: Ram Naresh Yadav, former CM of UP had the guts2 implement reservation4 the backward classes in 1978. It was much before V… - 8 years ago

@Nekrologium: Ram Naresh Yadav, indischer Poltiker, am 22.11.2016 im Alter von 89 Jahren - - 8 years ago

@POOJAJI9: RT @SACHKAHOON: मध्यप्रदेश के पूर्व राज्यपाल रामनरेश यादव का निधन #Former #MadhyaPradesh #Governor #RamNareshYadav - 8 years ago

@ssharma68: RT @sureshpprabhu: Saddened by the demise of former UP CM and ex-Governor of MP Ram Naresh Yadav ji.Condolences - 8 years ago

@Karishmaupadhy6: RT @SACHKAHOON: मध्यप्रदेश के पूर्व राज्यपाल रामनरेश यादव का निधन #Former #MadhyaPradesh #Governor #RamNareshYadav - 8 years ago

@omrajmail: RT @sureshpprabhu: Saddened by the demise of former UP CM and ex-Governor of MP Ram Naresh Yadav ji.Condolences - 8 years ago

@HT107642: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@RohitKu78482041: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@sumitkumarpp12: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@J124Jha: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@ksbjpchennai: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@priyankaprimba: RT @SACHKAHOON: मध्यप्रदेश के पूर्व राज्यपाल रामनरेश यादव का निधन #Former #MadhyaPradesh #Governor #RamNareshYadav - 8 years ago

@GanthadeRakesh: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@aryan89_m: RT @sureshpprabhu: Saddened by the demise of former UP CM and ex-Governor of MP Ram Naresh Yadav ji.Condolences - 8 years ago

@praveeninsan113: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@praveeninsan113: RT @ChouhanShivraj: Deeply saddended by the demise of MP's Ex. Governor Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. My heartfelt condolences to the family and h… - 8 years ago

@ck_barnwal: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@kawal_307: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@preeti3515: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@jay_officiall: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@TanvirSalim1: RT @TanvirSalim1: Ram Naresh Yadav, former CM of UP had the guts2 implement reservation4 the backward classes in 1978. It was much before V… - 8 years ago

@kamleshrajakt: MP former governor yadav cremation in UP Azamgarh - 8 years ago

@collytol: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@Bharathsupergbk: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@rishabh1422: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@DynamiteNews_: RT @DynamiteNews_: - 8 years ago

@DynamiteNews_: RT @DynamiteNews_: UP: People gathered in large numbers to pay respects to Former UP CM & Ex MP governor Ram Naresh Yadav,who died after pr… - 8 years ago

@minidada2: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@sharangoudk: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@SantoshKawet: RT @DynamiteNews_: UP: People gathered in large numbers to pay respects to Former UP CM & Ex MP governor Ram Naresh Yadav,who died after pr… - 8 years ago

@surajjais092: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@TheRealAlexBob: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@yolandiit3: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@wendy_3101: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@loryurr: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@Lindabonitahj: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@clemencesalz: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@nk_satyam6: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@saiftanveer1: RT @TanvirSalim1: Ram Naresh Yadav, former CM of UP had the guts2 implement reservation4 the backward classes in 1978. It was much before V… - 8 years ago

@Santhosh_777: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@sylwiawyrzy: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@DhananjayAgra: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@merrie_roth: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@OjhaLakshmi: i am very grieved the death of ex chief minister and governer shi ram naresh yadav because he detain in misa during emergancy in centraljail - 8 years ago

@Ajitkumar_Kanan: RT @plpunia: Very sorry to learn about the sad demise of Sh Ram Naresh Yadav ex CM up & ex Governor MP. Babu ji was known for his pure&simp… - 8 years ago

@vivekkrsingh191: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@mayurshetty8585: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@mobinsk61: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@Pramodsiwan: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@ParthPa07241800: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@kenander180: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@NSK260: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@rahulkrshrma6: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@abbyletgo: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@MadhavaShettig5: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@hcikingston: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@ibscoaching: Ram Naresh Yadav, who passed away recently was the former Governor of which state – Madhya Pradesh. - 8 years ago

@InshaRadha: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@niteshmax: RT @udaysingh1: Tributes to late shri Ram Naresh Yadav ji. - 8 years ago

@prabhat289: RT @sureshpprabhu: Saddened by the demise of former UP CM and ex-Governor of MP Ram Naresh Yadav ji.Condolences - 8 years ago

@kamlaksh_jha: Former #MadhyaPradesh Governor Ram Naresh Yadav dies - 8 years ago

@aadarsh41: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@Ngundaniya: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@vineetshukla86: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@gemsparkdiamond: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@rajnish478: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@udsays: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@ramkalapunia: @ProfKaptanSingh rip to Shri Ram Naresh Yadav Ji. - 8 years ago

@PairsonnalitesU: BHOPAL: Former Madhya Pradesh Governor Ram Naresh Yadav passed away today at a hospital in Lucknow after prolonged… - 8 years ago

@bulusharma12345: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@prakash_vishvas: RT @sureshpprabhu: Saddened by the demise of former UP CM and ex-Governor of MP Ram Naresh Yadav ji.Condolences - 8 years ago

@Bijaysa76205249: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@shahjay58: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@anantprem: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@dineshmlakhani: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@anitagpt123: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@sahilsharma78s1: RT @manojsinhabjp: Deeply saddened by the demise of former CM of UP & Ex.Governor of MP Shri Ram Naresh Yadav ji.My heartfelt condolences t… - 8 years ago

@yograjpks: RT @manojsinhabjp: Deeply saddened by the demise of former CM of UP & Ex.Governor of MP Shri Ram Naresh Yadav ji.My heartfelt condolences t… - 8 years ago

@yograjpks: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@NewsBossIndia: Former U.P. Chief Minister Ram Naresh Yadav passes away.. - 8 years ago

@OswinOreilly: Veteran leader Ram Naresh Yadav passes away - 8 years ago

@AbhishekK527862: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 13 089) #Ex - #Governor of #Madhya #Pradesh #Ram #Naresh #Yadav 90 #dies Nov 22, 2016 - 8 years ago

@ModiWay: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@antisickluar: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@ILikeNaMo: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@mw569256: The former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Ram Naresh Yadav, passed away on Tuesday. He was 90. He died at the Sanja… - 8 years ago

@ravindramenkurk: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@iVoteForBest: #ModiMinistry Former U.P. Chief Minister Ram Naresh Yadav passes away - 8 years ago

@ashwanikoulamk: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@hukmaram143: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@manishk465: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@AdityaNair20: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@bjpindore: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@neerajt92866921: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@shashankkmr75: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@a_b_b_y_0_0: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

@akshayc9144: RT @ChouhanShivraj: Deeply saddended by the demise of MP's Ex. Governor Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. My heartfelt condolences to the family and h… - 8 years ago

@akshayc9144: RT @PMOIndia: The Prime Minister has condoled the passing away of former UP CM & MP Governor, Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. - 8 years ago

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