Ralph Metzner

American psychologist.
Died on Friday March 15th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Ralph Metzner:

@dJenLP: RT @2000_mondo: SF Chronicle remembers... "Ralph Metzner, Bay Area expert on hallucinogens, death and psychology, dies" - 6 years ago

@JohnRHarrisIII: RT @Craigleon: R.I.P. Ralph... - 6 years ago

@Craigleon: R.I.P. Ralph... - 6 years ago

@jadzia_1: Psychedelic pioneer, consciousness researcher Ralph Metzner dies in Sonoma - 6 years ago


@GeraldEvans95: Ralph Metzner, Bay Area expert on hallucinogens, death and psychology, dies - 6 years ago

@alec_macleod: RT @JohnAblett: I was sad to read of the death of Ralph Metzner, psychedelic reseacher, yesterday. For anyone who hasn't come across his w… - 6 years ago

@alec_macleod: RT @Webtrance: Ralph Metzner - As he appeared in Cognition Factor (2009) - RIP - Always remembered with love! - 6 years ago

@alec_macleod: RT @RogueChocolate: Always liked this one. Ralph Metzner in Mexico 1962 - 6 years ago

@alec_macleod: RT @RogueChocolate: Ralph Metzner with Alan Ginsberg and Leary at Millbrook - 6 years ago

@alec_macleod: RT @2000_mondo: SF Chronicle remembers... "Ralph Metzner, Bay Area expert on hallucinogens, death and psychology, dies" - 6 years ago

@goatcheesepuffs: Thanking Ralph Metzner for his courage in presenting Psychedelics through empirical research validating potential o… - 6 years ago

@OccultDetective: Godspeed Ralph Metzner. Bay Area expert on hallucinogens, death and psychology, dies - 6 years ago

@jfrigg: RT @2000_mondo: SF Chronicle remembers... "Ralph Metzner, Bay Area expert on hallucinogens, death and psychology, dies" - 6 years ago

@MarkObscura: RT @2000_mondo: SF Chronicle remembers... "Ralph Metzner, Bay Area expert on hallucinogens, death and psychology, dies" - 6 years ago

@2000_mondo: SF Chronicle remembers... "Ralph Metzner, Bay Area expert on hallucinogens, death and psychology, dies" - 6 years ago

@kmec1051fm: RT @sonomanews: Psychedelic pioneer, consciousness researcher Ralph Metzner dies in Sonoma - 6 years ago

@willphd: "It was called 'The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead.' Its authors were Timot… - 6 years ago

@mysticlock: R.I.P Ralph Metzner❤☯️ - 6 years ago

@cloudbolt23: RT @2000_mondo: Ralph Metzner remembered in Sonoma newspaper... Psychedelic pioneer, consciousness researcher Ralph Metzner dies in Sonoma… - 6 years ago

@orko_basu: RT @ANUmovie: "Making people think was what Metzner was particularly good at, doubtless because he was such a profound thinker himself." ht… - 6 years ago

@HainesForSF: San Francisco :: Ralph Metzner, Bay Area expert on hallucinogens, death and psychology, dies - San Francisco Chroni… - 6 years ago

@sonomanews: Psychedelic pioneer, consciousness researcher Ralph Metzner dies in Sonoma - 6 years ago

@GypsyMoonCat: Psychedelic pioneer, consciousness researcher Ralph Metzner dies in Sonoma - 6 years ago

@SFinformer: Ralph Metzner, Bay Area expert on hallucinogens, death and psychology, dies - 6 years ago

@Chacruna_net: RT @ANUmovie: "Making people think was what Metzner was particularly good at, doubtless because he was such a profound thinker himself." ht… - 6 years ago

@autizmelizabeth: RT @AdeptInitiates: The Psychedelic Experience, published in 1964, written by Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner and Richard Alpert, is... https:… - 6 years ago

@PNauticExpress: RT @AdeptInitiates: The Psychedelic Experience, published in 1964, written by Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner and Richard Alpert, is... https:… - 6 years ago

@ReporterPhoenix: RT @sfchronicle: Ralph Metzner, a Bay Area expert on hallucinogens, death and psychology who held longtime positions as professor and acade… - 6 years ago

@sfchronicle: Ralph Metzner, a Bay Area expert on hallucinogens, death and psychology who held longtime positions as professor an… - 6 years ago

@SamWhitingSF: Burying one of the greats, Ralph Metzer, lsd lab rat for Timothy Leary turned dean of @CIIS_SF @ciispubprograms… - 6 years ago

@ElementofMagick: It is sad we have had to say good bye to so many great writers in our community. I have at least one book from each… - 6 years ago

@Cannabinautas: RT @ANUmovie: "Making people think was what Metzner was particularly good at, doubtless because he was such a profound thinker himself." ht… - 6 years ago

@yesthatjen: RT @2000_mondo: Ralph Metzner remembered in Sonoma newspaper... Psychedelic pioneer, consciousness researcher Ralph Metzner dies in Sonoma… - 6 years ago

@jenniferkruse: - 6 years ago

@berny: RT @dmttsm: Rest in peace, Dr. Ralph Metzner - you will be remembered. - 6 years ago

@dmttsm: Rest in peace, Dr. Ralph Metzner - you will be remembered. - 6 years ago

@berny: RT @ANUmovie: "Making people think was what Metzner was particularly good at, doubtless because he was such a profound thinker himself." ht… - 6 years ago

@lizabio: After sorting his library for shipping to Purdue for the Ralph Metzner Library, the psychedelic medicine pioneer to… - 6 years ago

@Ancientcoptic: RT @SynergeticPress: "...so long, friend, as you transcend, know how much wisdom you have left behind, and how we treasure you.” Read mor… - 6 years ago

@cvetter34: “Making people think was what Metzner was particularly good at, doubtless because he was such a profound thinker hi… - 6 years ago

@Locq: D. J. Conway, Raven Grimassi, Edain McCoy, Ralph Metzner: What is Read and Remembered, Lives - 6 years ago

@think_wilder: We lost one of the greats last week. RIP Ralph Metzner. - 6 years ago

@WillowrootWands: D. J. Conway, Raven Grimassi, Edain McCoy, Ralph Metzner: What is Read and Remembered, Lives - 6 years ago

@SynergeticPress: "...so long, friend, as you transcend, know how much wisdom you have left behind, and how we treasure you.” Read… - 6 years ago

@13_Moons: D. J. Conway, Raven Grimassi, Edain McCoy, Ralph Metzner: What is Read and Remembered, Lives - 6 years ago

@BornAlchemist: Due to Ralph Metzner’s death I am in desperate need for a guest next Sunday. Anyone know someone that could jump in… - 6 years ago

@Mystic_Paths: D. J. Conway, Raven Grimassi, Edain McCoy, Ralph Metzner: What is Read and Remembered, Lives - 6 years ago

@themediawitch: D. J. Conway, Raven Grimassi, Edain McCoy, Ralph Metzner: What is Read and Remembered, Lives - 6 years ago

@danielsouzaluz: Vi hoje que o Jake Phelps, editor da Thrasher, morreu há uma semana. Lia os textos dele, gostava, e li na Tribo que… - 6 years ago

@mostrolenk: Uses of Psychedelics in Shamanism and Psychotherapy - Ralph Metzner - ( #RIP ) - 6 years ago

@feelthedream: Ralph Metzner: Death - 6 years ago

@DendeCannabist: In Memory of Ralph Metzner, Ph.D. Pioneering psychedelic researcher and author Ralph Metzne… - 6 years ago

@HuffTheTalbot23: RT @breakingcon: Another great wizard heads for the stars....RIP Ralph Metzner. The team at Breaking Convention wish to pass our deepest sy… - 6 years ago

@ScaryChildren: RT @HuffTheTalbot23: Sadly just learned of the death of consciousness adventurer and psychedelic swashbuckler Ralph Metzner who was part of… - 6 years ago

@HuffTheTalbot23: Sadly just learned of the death of consciousness adventurer and psychedelic swashbuckler Ralph Metzner who was part… - 6 years ago

@CliffBurns: Sad to hear of the death of #RalphMetzner, who I admired more than his colleague, #TimothyLeary. Leary was an egoti… - 6 years ago

@I_mNotAComedian: RT @RAWilson23: - 6 years ago

@BreatheRichie: RT @jasonlouv: RIP To Ralph Metzner, psychedelic elder and pioneer. Aum Clear Light Aum - 6 years ago

@DeclanMcInerne2: RT @jasonlouv: RIP To Ralph Metzner, psychedelic elder and pioneer. Aum Clear Light Aum - 6 years ago

@XwhosCom: Ralph Metzner (Psychologist) Born: Germany Date of birth: 1936-05-18 Education: University of Oxford… - 6 years ago

@merrian125: RIP @Ralph Metzner.. a brilliant man and a good man. His gifts to us were priceless 🙏 - 6 years ago

@JasonGregory33: RT @InnerTraditions: We are sad to report that renowned psychedelic elder Ralph Metzner passed away on 3/14/19 at 82. A lifelong explorer o… - 6 years ago

@BTC4U2C: RT @Erowid: RIP Ralph Metzner, pioneer of psychedelics and friend of Erowid, who died Thursday (Mar 14th, 2019). We'll miss his expertise a… - 6 years ago

@ALITHESHAMAN: RIP ralph metzner - 6 years ago

@ultracultblog: #RT @jasonlouv: RIP To Ralph Metzner, psychedelic elder and pioneer. Aum Clear Light Aum - 6 years ago

@shakedownart: Rest In Peace, Ralph Metzner - 6 years ago

@MightyJoeNolan: RT @jasonlouv: RIP To Ralph Metzner, psychedelic elder and pioneer. Aum Clear Light Aum - 6 years ago

@jasonlouv: RIP To Ralph Metzner, psychedelic elder and pioneer. Aum Clear Light Aum - 6 years ago

@Magick_M: RT @RAWilson23: - 6 years ago

@c_chanter: RT @RAWilson23: - 6 years ago

@matrix_praxis: RT @RAWilson23: - 6 years ago

@RAWilson23: - 6 years ago

@cqwww: Sad to read we lost psychedelics pioneer Ralph Metzner, but that obit photo made me smile: - 6 years ago

@InnerTraditions: We are sad to report that renowned psychedelic elder Ralph Metzner passed away on 3/14/19 at 82. A lifelong explore… - 6 years ago

@JoshuaDysart: RT @BoingBoing: Psychedelics pioneer Ralph Metzner, RIP - 6 years ago

@Taenabe: Omens For Our Planetary Future, by Ralph Metzner with Kit Walker - 6 years ago

@mostrolenk: Psychedelics pioneer Ralph Metzner, RIP - 6 years ago

@Oortka: RT @Chacruna_net: On March 14th, Ralph Metzner transitioned into his next journey. We want to express our deep gratitude for everything he… - 6 years ago

@cbrescia: Psychedelics pioneer Ralph Metzner, RIP - 6 years ago

@Mirel_a: surprised to learn of the passing of Ralph Metzner, who certainly provided inspiration to the 'Seven Eternities' sc… - 6 years ago

@betongkaja: RT @Erowid: RIP Ralph Metzner, pioneer of psychedelics and friend of Erowid, who died Thursday (Mar 14th, 2019). We'll miss his expertise a… - 6 years ago

@mitchandgeorge: For you Ralph Metzner w Polsce - 6 years ago

@datakid23: Oh Ralph Metzner died. #vale tripper - 6 years ago

@CooperMcDevitt: RIP Ralph Metzner 🍄 - 6 years ago

@EEKKBB: Psychedelics pioneer Ralph Metzner, RIP - 6 years ago

@WoTRradio: Psychedelics pioneer Ralph Metzner, RIP. - 6 years ago

@rwspisak: RT @mpinchera: @2000_mondo Perfect time to enjoy Ralph Metzner (and friends) singing "Bardo Blues" in a vid I shot in Basel 13 years ago. h… - 6 years ago

@JarlBronisz1: Terence McKenna Interviews Ralph Metzner (Digital Revival Series - Episo... - 6 years ago

@Diagonal22: RT @Erowid: RIP Ralph Metzner, pioneer of psychedelics and friend of Erowid, who died Thursday (Mar 14th, 2019). We'll miss his expertise a… - 6 years ago

@BornAlchemist: @MikeEscape I dare not say until recorded. Ralph Metzner died right before his episode was going to be recorded. 🙀 However I left a clue... - 6 years ago

@AdamSegulah: Rest in Psychedelic Peace, Ralph Metzner. 😔🍄🧬😇🧬🍄🧠 - 6 years ago

@cbcampbell: Psychedelics pioneer Ralph Metzner, RIP - 6 years ago

@5DGISD: Rest in peace, Ralph Metzner. - 6 years ago

@HarrisGT: Psychedelics pioneer Ralph Metzner, RIP - 6 years ago

@vishne0: Psychedelics pioneer Ralph Metzner, RIP #cybersecurity #infosec #security - 6 years ago

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