Ralph Barbieri

American sports radio host
Died on Monday August 3rd 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Ralph Barbieri:

@UncleRicoIsHere: RT @thefootballgirl: Heartbroken over Ralph Barbieri's passing. He was loving and ruthless, brilliant and demanding. A special man. One of… - 5 years ago

@flipphoneguru: @modonnellVTH @JRAM That and he seems to be a slave to analytics. Granted, that seems to be the movement these days… - 5 years ago

@Aaron_Glantz: RT @Aaron_Glantz: Ralph Barbieri was the soundtrack of my childhood Listening to him, I fell in love with radio I fell in love in basebal… - 5 years ago

@DannyD3493: RT @AllenSaenz2: @TheWarriorsTalk Steph Curry paying tribute to Ralph Barbieri with the long winded question. 🐐 - 5 years ago


@AllenSaenz2: @TheWarriorsTalk Steph Curry paying tribute to Ralph Barbieri with the long winded question. 🐐 - 5 years ago

@CHILLINLIKEAPRO: It sucks that Ralph Barbieri is no longer with us. However, despite Scott Hall's name not trending last Monday, I… - 5 years ago

@jcdsuper: RT @BASportsGuy: "I wish I had known,” said Tom Tolbert about the news of Ralph Barbieri's passing “God, I didn’t know.” It took all of us… - 5 years ago

@MichaelRPollard: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@soulauthoress: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@heelthedan: timkawakami: RT TheAthleticSF: 🎙️ Today on the TK Show ➡️ timkawakami is joined by KNBR Host Mr. T byronjr23 & Gian… - 5 years ago

@GiantsArticles: THE ATHLETIC: After Dodgers chomp Jeff Samardzija, the Giants still don't have a quality start:… - 5 years ago

@donygavin: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@BrokeCalifornia: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@sweatalot: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@415wes: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@DuaneHere: RT @TheAthleticSF: 🎙️ Today on the TK Show ➡️ @timkawakami is joined by @KNBR Host Mr. T @byronjr23 & Giants beat writer for the Chronicle… - 5 years ago

@KorbelRenoKia: - 5 years ago

@timkawakami: RT @TheAthleticSF: 🎙️ Today on the TK Show ➡️ @timkawakami is joined by @KNBR Host Mr. T @byronjr23 & Giants beat writer for the Chronicle… - 5 years ago

@Primotech: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@sfwarriorsfan: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@afoyle3131: ICYMI: I was on @KNBR yesterday to share stories about the the great Razor: Ralph Barbieri. Listen here 📻:… - 5 years ago

@bdmrtnz: RT @TheAthleticSF: 🎙️ Today on the TK Show ➡️ @timkawakami is joined by @KNBR Host Mr. T @byronjr23 & Giants beat writer for the Chronicle… - 5 years ago

@dgamboa19: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@AlexMerino: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@CONKJR: Media column: Remembering Ralph Barbieri and how KNBR could help - 5 years ago

@LPFPod: RT @TheAthleticSF: 🎙️ Today on the TK Show ➡️ @timkawakami is joined by @KNBR Host Mr. T @byronjr23 & Giants beat writer for the Chronicle… - 5 years ago

@GroebenManny: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@kevinmtriplett: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@crustyolfart: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@ZonaCatsfan12: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@angrysomm: ***Good Read. #RIP Ralph Barbieri 1945 - 2020 - Obituary - 5 years ago

@eeee__eeeee: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@ChrisGuernsey: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@LOLKNBRHosts: RT @TheAthleticSF: 🎙️ Today on the TK Show ➡️ @timkawakami is joined by @KNBR Host Mr. T @byronjr23 & Giants beat writer for the Chronicle… - 5 years ago

@IanMalcolmSmith: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@FedererJones: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@heelthedan: timkawakami: Just wrapped a Ralph Barbieri tribute podcast episode, with byronjr23 hankschulman and a brief cameo b… - 5 years ago

@Chris_Tyler1: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@HellaADZ_: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@SanxhezJ49: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@RSBird1: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@DominicG64: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@DaBay4LF: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@Kschleg8: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@virgoinservice: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@smtoulson: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@MasterKeyBT: RT @TheAthleticSF: 🎙️ Today on the TK Show ➡️ @timkawakami is joined by @KNBR Host Mr. T @byronjr23 & Giants beat writer for the Chronicle… - 5 years ago

@Walleezzy: RT @TheAthleticSF: 🎙️ Today on the TK Show ➡️ @timkawakami is joined by @KNBR Host Mr. T @byronjr23 & Giants beat writer for the Chronicle… - 5 years ago

@ThompsonScribe: RT @TheAthleticSF: 🎙️ Today on the TK Show ➡️ @timkawakami is joined by @KNBR Host Mr. T @byronjr23 & Giants beat writer for the Chronicle… - 5 years ago

@hankschulman: RT @TheAthleticSF: 🎙️ Today on the TK Show ➡️ @timkawakami is joined by @KNBR Host Mr. T @byronjr23 & Giants beat writer for the Chronicle… - 5 years ago

@kanewman: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@ChronYay_West: RT @KNBR: Telling off callers, Amici's promos, and Salt-a-macchia. Here's the Ralph Barbieri supercut you've been waiting for 😂 - 5 years ago

@burgious: RT @TheAthleticSF: Media column: Remembering Ralph Barbieri and how KNBR could help | @BASportsGuy - 5 years ago

@timkawakami: RT @TheAthleticSF: Media column: Remembering Ralph Barbieri and how KNBR could help | @BASportsGuy - 5 years ago

@TheAthleticSF: Media column: Remembering Ralph Barbieri and how KNBR could help | @BASportsGuy - 5 years ago

@NOTDumPhuk: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@modonnellVTH: RT @vjotimesherald: O’Donnell: Former KNBR host Ralph Barbieri will be missed - 5 years ago

@collectiveUV: My norcal twitter people on norcal basketball understand ralph barbieri on old usf basketball legacy of 1970s as sp… - 5 years ago

@collectiveUV: Sad to hear on death of ralph barbieri he really knew old usf basketball well he lived it he went ro usf. He starte… - 5 years ago

@vacareporter: O’Donnell: Former KNBR host Ralph Barbieri will be missed - 5 years ago

@collectiveUV: Actually ralph barbieri waa tbeir in 1980s at knbr. But his influence was deep in 1990s and 2000s. Ralph best stuff… - 5 years ago

@TgaseVTH: RT @vjotimesherald: O’Donnell: Former KNBR host Ralph Barbieri will be missed - 5 years ago

@vjotimesherald: O’Donnell: Former KNBR host Ralph Barbieri will be missed - 5 years ago

@redsox1234: Ralph Barbieri lived one hell of a life. Part of the backbone of my Bay Area sports fandom for about 15 years. RIP… - 5 years ago

@Joebu_sfg: RT @edspincpa: What an amazing read and a great tribute to a one of a kind man and a great life. “Angels fly because they take themselves l… - 5 years ago

@jackbarry99: The Giants and KNBR should memorialize Ralph Barbieri!! - 5 years ago

@DuaneHere: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@virgoinservice: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@locosfgfan: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@CMRforall: RT @JesseThorn: Razor Voice Ralph Barbieri was a hero of my childhood listening to sports radio. A brilliant iconoclast. Who, incidentally,… - 5 years ago

@CMRforall: RIP Ralph Barbieri. Always remember what the HR department is there for and always get your money if/when it comes… - 5 years ago

@LiveNiners: RT @nancygay: A Bay Area media legend. RIP. Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@Mattealc: @hankschulman Ralph Barbieri’s obit in the Chronicle was wonderful. Any idea who wrote it? - 5 years ago

@dgendvil: Longtime KNBR personality Ralph Barbieri dies at 74, tributes pour in - 5 years ago

@dgendvil: RT @SFGate: Longtime KNBR personality Ralph Barbieri dies at 74, tributes pour in - 5 years ago

@Crai04541964: Ralph Barbieri. The Razor "A dead ringer" - 5 years ago

@billg22: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@rjashinn: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@glanini: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@rob40cal: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@Carlinchas916: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@ronni_g: 😢 Longtime KNBR personality Ralph Barbieri dies at 74, tributes pour in - 5 years ago

@BBBob43: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@mojobreak_com: RT @CodyPasby: Ralph Barbieri was one of the best to ever turn on a microphone in Bay Area radio history, there will never be another like… - 5 years ago

@cheffitzgerald: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@EastBayBias: @scottostler @timkawakami Regarding the A’s motivations being environmentally altruistic or self-interested, as Ral… - 5 years ago

@49erslifer: RT @BASportsGuy: "I wish I had known,” said Tom Tolbert about the news of Ralph Barbieri's passing “God, I didn’t know.” It took all of us… - 5 years ago

@EastBayBias: @OakStadiumWatch In respect to Ralph Barbieri, “two things can be equally true” - 5 years ago

@DannyGolding: RT @DannyGolding: Ralph Barbieri Tribute: Home video of me at around 5 years old playing in my Palo Alto backyard with Ralph interviewing… - 5 years ago

@PeterCBlack: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@AlexanderVaile: RIP Ralph "the Razor" Barbieri. - 5 years ago

@norcaljhawk: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@PatrickQuarter: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@tdelappe: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@edspincpa: What an amazing read and a great tribute to a one of a kind man and a great life. “Angels fly because they take the… - 5 years ago

@kareemslick: RT @49ers: We are saddened to learn of the passing of Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri, a sports-talk radio legend in the Bay Area. Our thought… - 5 years ago

@DannyGolding: Ralph Barbieri Tribute: Home video of me at around 5 years old playing in my Palo Alto backyard with Ralph intervi… - 5 years ago

@bthefish: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@NorCalSportsFan: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@Rondizzle: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@415wes: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@DannyGolding: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@NorthBayNews: Ralph Barbieri, longtime KNBR personality, dies at 74 - 5 years ago

@ufeellucky: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@70barb: @KJohnsonNBCS Ironically the same day Ralph Barbieri died. They fired him too. - 5 years ago

@SSF_Fog32: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@remzelk1: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@NorCalSportsFan: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@JSqor: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@thejeffshemano: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@thejeffshemano: RT @RickWelts: It’s a sad day for all Bay Area sports fans. Ralph made the commute home more tolerable and interesting every single night.… - 5 years ago

@thejeffshemano: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@buck342: RT @buck342: @TonyBrunoShow @GaryRadnich @SportsMapRadio @harrymayesTU @MissRobinAustin @JAKIBMedia @ryanrothstein33 Mount Rushmore of spor… - 5 years ago

@phantomcathy: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@dirkdeezy: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@GiantsIkigai: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@GiantsIkigai: RT @hankschulman: Just chatted briefly with Tom Tolbert (@byronjr23) about his partner of 15 years, Ralph Barbieri. Tom was clearly emotion… - 5 years ago

@bill_mcalary: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@maxwelllyons: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@kyarn78: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@thejdbranch: RT @RWoodson20: I was used to being on the air at 7, but it’s been a while. Let’s see if I can remember any big words when I chat with @Rya… - 5 years ago

@grahamtchong: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@AstoundingAL: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@JDJohnDickinson: RT @RWoodson20: I was used to being on the air at 7, but it’s been a while. Let’s see if I can remember any big words when I chat with @Rya… - 5 years ago

@RWoodson20: I was used to being on the air at 7, but it’s been a while. Let’s see if I can remember any big words when I chat w… - 5 years ago

@danthecalfan: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@cadadj: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@reytheraider64: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@JTRoss34: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@brettbutlerisok: Nooooooooooooooooo! Ralph! #SFGiants need to win today. 😢 - 5 years ago

@ibetiwin87: RT @BontaHill: Rest in peace, Ralph Barbieri. He made sports talk what it was here in the Bay Area. The interviews with Sabean, his raspy v… - 5 years ago

@SayHeyDoug: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@Bobalouga: Sorry to hear of the passing of Ralph Barbieri yesterday. Ralph was a handful who always moved the needle on KNBR a… - 5 years ago

@FrankCirimele: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@CoachHutt: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@mistermontoya: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@TonyBrunoShow: RT @buck342: @TonyBrunoShow @GaryRadnich @SportsMapRadio @harrymayesTU @MissRobinAustin @JAKIBMedia @ryanrothstein33 Mount Rushmore of spor… - 5 years ago

@trentonhill: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@johnnysfgiants: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@buck342: @TonyBrunoShow @GaryRadnich @SportsMapRadio @harrymayesTU @MissRobinAustin @JAKIBMedia @ryanrothstein33 Mount Rushm… - 5 years ago

@thegrantdoctors: Just heard the sad news that Ralph Barbieri passed away. I listened to him on @KNBR for many years when I lived in… - 5 years ago

@HollywoodinSJ: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@msully17: Ralph Barbieri 1945 - 2020 - Obituary this is a must read. He is the most interesting man. - 5 years ago

@JustFrederiksen: RIP, The Razor. “He could be a ruthless interviewer. But he had such a big heart. He was such a caring guy.” - 5 years ago

@LeslieJr: RT @NorthBayNews: Ralph Barbieri, longtime KNBR personality, dies at 74 - 5 years ago

@AlexMerino: A must read, bay area legend! - 5 years ago

@4GenSFFanFam: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@CandlestickWill: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@atang34: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@Jenenz: RT @RyanCovay: I would encourage everyone to read this Obituary about Ralph Barbieri. He was a massive inspiration to me to pursue this car… - 5 years ago

@jomaquai_anules: RT @DamonBruce: Rest In Peace Ralph Barbieri “Angles fly because they take themselves lightly”. - 5 years ago

@GeeeeMaaan: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@JP90465209: @KNBR Hi Tommy. Ralph was ONE OF A KIND! When he came into this world the Cask was shattered because the world knew… - 5 years ago

@SRUnfiltered: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@LOLKNBRHosts: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@THE49THZONE: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@vickieknowles: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@AdrianMonroy22: "Angels fly because they take themselves lightly." R.I.P. Ralph Barbieri #KNBR Legend - 5 years ago

@DrewKeepsItReel: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@LOLKNBRHosts: RT @LOLKNBRHosts: Papa: "The first time I ever met Ralph Barbieri was at a bar in North Beach. Ralph was drinking shot after shot after sho… - 5 years ago

@Lathom21: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@im_crafty: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@mrllull: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@HenryGregoryBro: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@Jimmychipwood7: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Jimmychipwood7: RT @DamonBruce: Rest In Peace Ralph Barbieri “Angles fly because they take themselves lightly”. - 5 years ago

@LauraColberg2: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@SfGiants24: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@BBBob43: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@splash_cousin: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@Christen420: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@JohnCoachb: RT @KNBR: "I love the fact that he loved being San Franciscian. Through and through." "There's not a lot like this guy and there's even fe… - 5 years ago

@BontaHill: RT @957thegame: The great Bob Fitzgerald joins us NOW to remember Ralph Barbieri. LISTEN: - 5 years ago

@BontaSteinyGuru: RT @957thegame: The great Bob Fitzgerald joins us NOW to remember Ralph Barbieri. LISTEN: - 5 years ago

@957thegame: The great Bob Fitzgerald joins us NOW to remember Ralph Barbieri. LISTEN: - 5 years ago

@Regan0002112: Ralph Barbieri.. The Sports Talk Legend of 680 KNBR has passed away.. RIP Ralph you will be missed greatly.. - 5 years ago

@Ozmosis711: Sportsphone 68...from Dave Newhouse, Ralph Barbieri, Larry Krueger, Damon Bruce, Ray Woodson.....#sfgiants - 5 years ago

@ragz_2_richest: RT @49ers: We are saddened to learn of the passing of Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri, a sports-talk radio legend in the Bay Area. Our thought… - 5 years ago

@PrevDiesel: @957thegame @BontaSteinyGuru @ButcherBoy415 RIP Ralph Barbieri, but the @Athletics also had an 8 run inning, maybe… - 5 years ago

@nottchris: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@DeeshotKofi: RT @JimmySpencer: Ralph Barbieri. Legend. I emailed him 20 years ago as a young sports media kid looking for advice. He ended up taking ti… - 5 years ago

@ButcherBoy415: RT @957thegame: Today on @BontaSteinyGuru. (ft. @ButcherBoy415) ... Giants lose a tough one, and the 49ers aim to bolster their pass rush.… - 5 years ago

@LOLKNBRHosts: Papa: "The first time I ever met Ralph Barbieri was at a bar in North Beach. Ralph was drinking shot after shot aft… - 5 years ago

@BontaHill: RT @957thegame: Today on @BontaSteinyGuru. (ft. @ButcherBoy415) ... Giants lose a tough one, and the 49ers aim to bolster their pass rush.… - 5 years ago

@KyleAMadson: RT @957thegame: Today on @BontaSteinyGuru. (ft. @ButcherBoy415) ... Giants lose a tough one, and the 49ers aim to bolster their pass rush.… - 5 years ago

@BontaSteinyGuru: RT @957thegame: Today on @BontaSteinyGuru. (ft. @ButcherBoy415) ... Giants lose a tough one, and the 49ers aim to bolster their pass rush.… - 5 years ago

@957thegame: Today on @BontaSteinyGuru. (ft. @ButcherBoy415) ... Giants lose a tough one, and the 49ers aim to bolster their pa… - 5 years ago

@kevin_e86: RT @BontaHill: Rest in peace, Ralph Barbieri. He made sports talk what it was here in the Bay Area. The interviews with Sabean, his raspy v… - 5 years ago

@sportslarryknbr: RT @KNBR: You can listen to yesterday's TKB tribute show to Ralph Barbieri in it's entirety, including interviews with Brian Sabean, Tony S… - 5 years ago

@OGTrinny: RT @KNBR: You can listen to yesterday's TKB tribute show to Ralph Barbieri in it's entirety, including interviews with Brian Sabean, Tony S… - 5 years ago

@KNBR: You can listen to yesterday's TKB tribute show to Ralph Barbieri in it's entirety, including interviews with Brian… - 5 years ago

@sportsradiopd: KNBR icon Ralph Barbieri passed away yesterday and the Bay Area remembered him fondly. - 5 years ago

@DANNY_PANJ: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@michael60847712: RT @susanslusser: Bob Melvin was sorry to learn of Ralph Barbieri's death. "What a character, what an iconic voice if you've lived in the B… - 5 years ago

@silencedogoodM4: RT @LowellCohn: I am sad that Ralph Barbieri died. He and I got along and I found him to be a gentle man when we were together. He made lot… - 5 years ago

@silencedogoodM4: RT @JimJaxMedia: Gary Radnich; @GaryRadnich (still doing well) Ray Taliaferro & Ralph Barbieri (RIP). Bay Area radio is pretty much a forg… - 5 years ago

@silencedogoodM4: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@Aaron_Glantz: Ralph Barbieri was the soundtrack of my childhood Listening to him, I fell in love with radio I fell in love in b… - 5 years ago

@UncleNeil: hearing recordings of Ralph Barbieriʻs voice this morning on KNBR reminds me of my afternoon commutes to the centra… - 5 years ago

@Jason_T_Green: RT @chuckbarney: Ralph Barbieri, Bay Area radio legend, dead at 74 - 5 years ago

@chuckbarney: Ralph Barbieri, Bay Area radio legend, dead at 74 - 5 years ago

@jmcohen9: I discovered Barbieri when I first moved to SF. In terms of sports radio a true original. A liberal, Italian-Americ… - 5 years ago

@itsMissMORGAN: RT @JimmySpencer: Ralph Barbieri. Legend. I emailed him 20 years ago as a young sports media kid looking for advice. He ended up taking ti… - 5 years ago

@JasonAmico: Ngl last night I listened to the full 3 hours of the Ralph Barbieri tribute show and all I can think of was his voi… - 5 years ago

@ChicoSports530: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@artyteky: RT @BASportsGuy: "I wish I had known,” said Tom Tolbert about the news of Ralph Barbieri's passing “God, I didn’t know.” It took all of us… - 5 years ago

@DannyGolding: RT @afoyle3131: Rest In Peace to a @KNBR legend and one of the true pioneers in #BayArea sports talk radio. Ralph Barbieri, you were a grea… - 5 years ago

@hummbaby11: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@jwoulfin: RT @BASportsGuy: I never met Ralph Barbieri, but I felt like I knew him. Angels fly because they take themselves lightly. - 5 years ago

@jacobthewilson: Sad to hear, I used to listen to The Razor and Mr. T on KNBR when I came home from school every day as a 7th and 8t… - 5 years ago

@showmeyourblazr: RT @415dc: 30 years ago, I started as an intern with KNBR. My first assignment was to get pickup Ralph Barbieri's weekly Chronicle "Razor's… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeEdgar72: I listened to his show sometimes when I visited the relatives in California. RIP Razor #RalphBarbieri - 5 years ago

@Ninerdan1Sr: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@dzmanliberty: RIP Ralph Barbieri! Loved listening to you most of my sports loving life. I’ll never forget how happy he was duri… - 5 years ago

@Kingshark49: Ralph Barbieri, landmark Bay Area sports media figure, dies at 74 ... - 5 years ago

@Kingshark49: Quote of The Day: "Angels fly because they take themselves lightly." Ralph Barbieri 1946-2020 #RIPMrBarbieri - 5 years ago

@hackerschamp: @JFeinsteinBooks John I know you were on their show from time to time and enjoyed him as I’ve heard you mention him… - 5 years ago

@CoachBastian: @KNBR @byronjr23 “Angels fly because they take themselves lightly!” Fly high Ralph Barbieri! Rest In Peace Razor! #ThankYou - 5 years ago

@james44441: RT @RickWelts: It’s a sad day for all Bay Area sports fans. Ralph made the commute home more tolerable and interesting every single night.… - 5 years ago

@TheMontyShow: This guy always treated me well and was an icon for a generation...thanks for the memories Ralph! - 5 years ago

@n8coombs: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@aopourchoices: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@sportsradiopd: The Bay Area lost a radio legend yesterday. #RIPRazor - 5 years ago

@CreativeTonyR: In 1994, I took Ralph Barbieri's Sportscasting class @usfca ("The Green and Gold!"). He asked if I was interested… - 5 years ago

@HamandEgg2: RIP Razor Longtime KNBR personality Ralph Barbieri dies at 74, tributes pour in - 5 years ago

@GuyHaberman: RT @BASportsGuy: "I wish I had known,” said Tom Tolbert about the news of Ralph Barbieri's passing “God, I didn’t know.” It took all of us… - 5 years ago

@4GenSFFanFam: RT @thefootballgirl: A deep look at Ralph Barbieri’s life. Hard to find people this fascinating and layered. - 5 years ago

@coachscott44: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@JimJaxMedia: RT @RickWelts: It’s a sad day for all Bay Area sports fans. Ralph made the commute home more tolerable and interesting every single night.… - 5 years ago

@TwinRenn32: RT @TheAthleticSF: From yesterday, via BASportsGuy ... - 5 years ago

@alexh94924: Ralph Barbieri was an interesting man and unlikely father. I met him 20 years ago for this piece in the SF Chronic… - 5 years ago

@DTMRickey: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@4enoyreveAPP: RT @BASportsGuy: "I wish I had known,” said Tom Tolbert about the news of Ralph Barbieri's passing “God, I didn’t know.” It took all of us… - 5 years ago

@timkawakami: RT @TheAthleticSF: From yesterday, via BASportsGuy ... - 5 years ago

@TheAthleticSF: From yesterday, via BASportsGuy ... - 5 years ago

@JimJaxMedia: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@JimJaxMedia: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@JimJaxMedia: RT @RWoodson20: The Razor was a one of a kind. It was a privilege to sit across the glass from Ralph Barbieri and Tom Tolbert doing afterno… - 5 years ago

@TheoJSanchez: RT @DamonBruce: Rest In Peace Ralph Barbieri “Angles fly because they take themselves lightly”. - 5 years ago

@frankedson24: RT @49ers: We are saddened to learn of the passing of Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri, a sports-talk radio legend in the Bay Area. Our thought… - 5 years ago

@jonathanrklein: RT @415dc: 30 years ago, I started as an intern with KNBR. My first assignment was to get pickup Ralph Barbieri's weekly Chronicle "Razor's… - 5 years ago

@frankedson24: RT @hankschulman: Just chatted briefly with Tom Tolbert (@byronjr23) about his partner of 15 years, Ralph Barbieri. Tom was clearly emotion… - 5 years ago

@California_Boy: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@alfonsocarlos17: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@arvelo_luz: - 5 years ago

@matthayashi: RT @baseballmarty: Ralph Barbieri was always very kind to me..I learned so much from him..he was a pro and the cornerstone of Bay Area spor… - 5 years ago

@AndyKuchins: @KNBR May The unforgettable Ralph Barbieri Rest In Peace. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Truthx16x: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@LeeGeiger: RT @957thegame: .@DamonBruce: “We sadly say goodbye to a bona fide, absolutely card-carrying radio legend.” R.I.P. Ralph Barbieri - 5 years ago

@Radio_Online: Bay Area Sports-Talk Legend Ralph Barbieri Dead at 74 - 5 years ago

@PeterAugust20: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@IamHuskyDamnIt: Angels Fly Because They Take Themselves Lightly-Ralph Barbieri RIP - 5 years ago

@4GenSFFanFam: RT @BASportsGuy: "I wish I had known,” said Tom Tolbert about the news of Ralph Barbieri's passing “God, I didn’t know.” It took all of us… - 5 years ago

@djimenez22: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@thejdbranch: RT @BASportsGuy: "I wish I had known,” said Tom Tolbert about the news of Ralph Barbieri's passing “God, I didn’t know.” It took all of us… - 5 years ago

@4GenSFFanFam: RT @peterhartlaub: Always appreciate Steve’s analysis when local sports broadcasting news breaks. Excellent work here on the legacy of KNBR… - 5 years ago

@bthefish: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@SJSharkz19: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@NinersEmpire5: RT @49ers: We are saddened to learn of the passing of Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri, a sports-talk radio legend in the Bay Area. Our thought… - 5 years ago

@Tombenson1: M-C: RIP... Ralph Barbieri, Former Longtime KNBR Bay Area Sports Talker - 5 years ago

@cathy_maestri: RT @timkawakami: Ralph Barbieri defined Bay Area sports talk radio for years. He was passionate, he was smart, he was stubborn, he was a he… - 5 years ago

@RoundFiveMMA: RT @49ers: We are saddened to learn of the passing of Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri, a sports-talk radio legend in the Bay Area. Our thought… - 5 years ago

@THE49THZONE: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Basquiet: RT @baseballmarty: Ralph Barbieri was always very kind to me..I learned so much from him..he was a pro and the cornerstone of Bay Area spor… - 5 years ago

@Basquiet: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@Basquiet: RT @415dc: 30 years ago, I started as an intern with KNBR. My first assignment was to get pickup Ralph Barbieri's weekly Chronicle "Razor's… - 5 years ago

@Basquiet: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Basquiet: RT @KPIXtv: Bay Area sports talk legend Ralph Barbieri was a guest on #GamedayKPIX shortly after leaving KNBR in 2012. He wanted listeners… - 5 years ago

@timmy2putt: R.I.P Ralph Barbieri - “Angels fly because they take themselves lightly.” - 5 years ago

@virgoinservice: great show on the Full Moon in Leo @benmaller as Ralph Barbieri transitions on the Full Moon in Leo, intense Scorpi… - 5 years ago

@BBBob43: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@mikefromhayward: RT @BontaHill: Rest in peace, Ralph Barbieri. He made sports talk what it was here in the Bay Area. The interviews with Sabean, his raspy v… - 5 years ago

@Thallbourg: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@partneredprog: Former KNBR/San Francisco Host Ralph Barbieri Dies At 74 - 5 years ago

@Christo31624404: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@Thallbourg: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Nu_Montana: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@remzelk1: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@remzelk1: RT @KNBR: "He was special." - 5 years ago

@kevinbodan: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@ChrisGuernsey: RT @hankschulman: Just chatted briefly with Tom Tolbert (@byronjr23) about his partner of 15 years, Ralph Barbieri. Tom was clearly emotion… - 5 years ago

@HollywoodinSJ: RT @awfulannouncing: Ralph “Razor” Barbieri passed away Monday at 74 following a battle with Parkinson's disease. Barbieri was a long-time… - 5 years ago

@HollywoodinSJ: RT @BonaguraESPN: RIP Ralph Barbieri, the first person in media I felt like I was friends with without having ever met. I have the sudden u… - 5 years ago

@joshcal2020: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@HugeHoopsFan: RT @BASportsGuy: "I wish I had known,” said Tom Tolbert about the news of Ralph Barbieri's passing “God, I didn’t know.” It took all of us… - 5 years ago

@HollywoodinSJ: RT @BASportsGuy: "I wish I had known,” said Tom Tolbert about the news of Ralph Barbieri's passing “God, I didn’t know.” It took all of us… - 5 years ago

@HollywoodinSJ: RT @KNBR: At 4:15 p.m. Gary Radnich will join TKB to pay his respects to Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri 📻: - 5 years ago

@HollywoodinSJ: RT @roxybernstein: Sad to hear the news of Ralph Barbieri’s passing. Was always supportive to me as a young aspiring broadcaster. Numerou… - 5 years ago

@g1zm0pwns: RT @byrnes22: Incredible experience getting to work along side this absolute icon on many different shows 🎙 GRATEFUL for all of Ralph’s gu… - 5 years ago

@HollywoodinSJ: RT @baseballmarty: Ralph Barbieri was always very kind to me..I learned so much from him..he was a pro and the cornerstone of Bay Area spor… - 5 years ago

@sfgiantsfan15: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@HChan03: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@HollywoodinSJ: RT @415dc: 30 years ago, I started as an intern with KNBR. My first assignment was to get pickup Ralph Barbieri's weekly Chronicle "Razor's… - 5 years ago

@mynewaugustine: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@RayHInsurance: “Angels Fly Because They Take Themselves Lightly” - Ralph Barbieri RIP to a great man! #RalphBarbieri #knbr - 5 years ago

@Nightstokker: @benmaller Who Am I:Ralph Barbieri - 5 years ago

@THE49THZONE: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@TerryMcSweeney: RT @415dc: 30 years ago, I started as an intern with KNBR. My first assignment was to get pickup Ralph Barbieri's weekly Chronicle "Razor's… - 5 years ago

@shadesofbee: RT @DanRusanowsky: I was sorry to hear that former ⁦@KNBR⁩ afternoon drive host Ralph “the Razor” Barbieri, died today at 74 after battle w… - 5 years ago

@BIGAL621: RT @SFGiantsFans: Very sad to hear that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. He was always a treat to listen to on the radio for so many years.… - 5 years ago

@TysonGingery: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Bayflow408: RT @957thegame: .@DamonBruce: “We sadly say goodbye to a bona fide, absolutely card-carrying radio legend.” R.I.P. Ralph Barbieri - 5 years ago

@JoshuaPauselius: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@drew2456: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@bRadOli15685145: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@1UrbanEarring: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@CCExpress: Longtime KNBR personality Ralph Barbieri dies at 74, tributes pour in - 5 years ago

@hrblock_21: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@JMG777666: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@freespeechlover: RT @SFGate: Longtime KNBR personality Ralph Barbieri dies at 74, tributes pour in - 5 years ago

@Fyght4Cal: RT @SFGate: Longtime KNBR personality Ralph Barbieri dies at 74, tributes pour in - 5 years ago

@HalWilliams7: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Luvbeers: @ScottFerrall - 5 years ago

@Fyght4Cal: RT @sfchronicle: Longtime San Francisco radio personality Ralph Barbieri was 74 when he died Monday. He spent 28 years at KNBR (680 AM). Ov… - 5 years ago

@Bayflow408: @DamonBruce 😔Ralph Barbieri! He may have been a Sharks fan. But he was genuinely critical about the Giants and GM B… - 5 years ago

@StephTheWet: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@virgoinservice: RT @afoyle3131: Rest In Peace to a @KNBR legend and one of the true pioneers in #BayArea sports talk radio. Ralph Barbieri, you were a grea… - 5 years ago

@johnhotujec: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@OliverFelix16: Rest In Piece Ralph “the razor” Barbieri! ❤️ #therazor #RalphBarbieri - 5 years ago

@Mining4gold9: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@HellaADZ_: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@rjdchampion: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@Vtown16: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@hrblock_21: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@darkrose: RT @BASportsGuy: "I wish I had known,” said Tom Tolbert about the news of Ralph Barbieri's passing “God, I didn’t know.” It took all of us… - 5 years ago

@BASportsGuy: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@dantewiley4: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@AuntyAlias: RT @virgoinservice: Ralph Barbieri Scorpio with dramatic Moon in Leo, transitions on the Full Moon in Leo RIP Ralph - 5 years ago

@SRUnfiltered: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@BASportsGuy: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@locosfgfan: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@mandope36: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@jmurray59: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@Pepster1961: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@e__SULLY: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@extrabaggs: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@virgoinservice: Ralph Barbieri Scorpio with dramatic Moon in Leo, transitions on the Full Moon in Leo RIP Ralph - 5 years ago

@virgoinservice: @Mark_T_Willard great show and tribute to Ralph Barbieri, Hail and Farewell to the King of KNBR, I fondly remember… - 5 years ago

@SFGiantsNurse: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@deezy415510: RT @TheAthleticSF: Ralph Barbieri, landmark Bay Area sports media figure, dies at 74 | @BASportsGuy - 5 years ago

@m1rob: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@locosfgfan: RT @hankschulman: Just chatted briefly with Tom Tolbert (@byronjr23) about his partner of 15 years, Ralph Barbieri. Tom was clearly emotion… - 5 years ago

@peterhartlaub: Always appreciate Steve’s analysis when local sports broadcasting news breaks. Excellent work here on the legacy of… - 5 years ago

@jonwaiters: @BarstoolBigCat This is for Ralph Barbieri also know as Razor legend in Northern California the Bay Area he was spo… - 5 years ago

@jboitnott: RT @KNBR: We dug through the archives to find one of our favorite Ralph Barbieri rants 🗣🎙 Here’s what The Razor had to say when Bruce Boch… - 5 years ago

@claudine_diwa: RT @49ers: We are saddened to learn of the passing of Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri, a sports-talk radio legend in the Bay Area. Our thought… - 5 years ago

@radiojoee: RT @415dc: 30 years ago, I started as an intern with KNBR. My first assignment was to get pickup Ralph Barbieri's weekly Chronicle "Razor's… - 5 years ago

@sexyfeet24: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@Mook_Franchize: RT @afoyle3131: Rest In Peace to a @KNBR legend and one of the true pioneers in #BayArea sports talk radio. Ralph Barbieri, you were a grea… - 5 years ago

@SunsetBenM: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@excusemeholmes: Longtime KNBR personality Ralph Barbieri dies at 74, tributes pour in - 5 years ago

@Neil_Torres: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Ms_JmeK: RT @BontaHill: Rest in peace, Ralph Barbieri. He made sports talk what it was here in the Bay Area. The interviews with Sabean, his raspy v… - 5 years ago

@ChronYay_West: RT @peterhartlaub: Very sad to hear Ralph Barbieri died. Here's a 2012 tribute I wrote, after he left KNBR. It starts w/ a criticism or tw… - 5 years ago

@CodyEC22: Ralph Barbieri was a voice I grew up with in Bay Area sports. Didn’t always agree with him, but loved every minute… - 5 years ago

@juanrFotos: RT @afoyle3131: Rest In Peace to a @KNBR legend and one of the true pioneers in #BayArea sports talk radio. Ralph Barbieri, you were a grea… - 5 years ago

@Ms_JmeK: RT @SFGate: Longtime KNBR personality Ralph Barbieri dies at 74, tributes pour in - 5 years ago

@ChronYay_West: RT @KNBR: At 4:15 p.m. Gary Radnich will join TKB to pay his respects to Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri 📻: - 5 years ago

@1157mike: RT @SFGiantsFans: Very sad to hear that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. He was always a treat to listen to on the radio for so many years.… - 5 years ago

@TelemannDobie: RT @415dc: 30 years ago, I started as an intern with KNBR. My first assignment was to get pickup Ralph Barbieri's weekly Chronicle "Razor's… - 5 years ago

@DesmoulinsMarat: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@trey_cobain: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@karres1: RT @BarryBonds: I am extremely saddened by the passing of Ralph Barbieri. I have fond memories of Ralph and I visiting at the ballpark- nev… - 5 years ago

@euromuseum: RIP Ralph Barbieri longtime KNBR radio broadcaster. I remember listening to Ralph and he would say he was going to… - 5 years ago

@RogerFDunn: RT @sportslarryknbr: RIP Ralph Barbieri. He entertained me when I was @StIgnatius. I used to do my homework while listening to his @KNBR sh… - 5 years ago

@kpcIRL: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Zsil3: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@mamaJanny: Ralph Barbieri, KNBR’s ‘Razor,’ dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson’s - - 5 years ago

@KirsCoachman: RT @TheAthleticSF: Ralph Barbieri, landmark Bay Area sports media figure, dies at 74 | @BASportsGuy - 5 years ago

@_brittanileann: RT @Section925: Ralph Barbieri was a Bay Area legend in the truest sense of the word. RIP Razor. “Angels fly because they take themselves l… - 5 years ago

@willmallon8: RT @TheAthleticSF: Ralph Barbieri, landmark Bay Area sports media figure, dies at 74 | @BASportsGuy - 5 years ago

@BlazeBrandMan: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@TheAthleticSF: Ralph Barbieri, landmark Bay Area sports media figure, dies at 74 | @BASportsGuy - 5 years ago

@fletchberg: Ralph Barbieri introduces something new to sports talk- intelligence. RIP - 5 years ago

@delta_rat: RT @scottostler: This is very nice. About Ralph Barbieri. - 5 years ago

@hackerschamp: RIP Ralph Barbieri those of us who yearned for sports talk when it really didn’t exist will forever remember the ea… - 5 years ago

@SantaCruzDad: RT @scottostler: Ralph had a lot of love for the world, he was a good and smart man. - 5 years ago

@Shaqfuey: “Angels fly because they take themselves lightly.” RIP Ralph Barbieri - 5 years ago

@ObiSun: RT @BrownieAthletic: Ralph Barbieri died Monday at age 74. This was the last interview Ralph ever did, and it was classic Razor -- blunt, t… - 5 years ago

@hankschulman: RT @joegarofoli: Ralph Barbieri, @KNBR 's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@MotownLoriG: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@JoeLivernois: One of the more interesting characters of old San Francisco. There doesn't seem to be many characters of interest l… - 5 years ago

@seanpate: @byronjr23 Long Live The Razor and Mr. T. RIP Ralph Barbieri - 5 years ago

@SSF_Fog32: RT @sportslarryknbr: RIP Ralph Barbieri. He entertained me when I was @StIgnatius. I used to do my homework while listening to his @KNBR sh… - 5 years ago

@JanetETennessee: RT @scottostler: Ralph had a lot of love for the world, he was a good and smart man. - 5 years ago

@StillCurvedLeft: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@scottostler: RT @joegarofoli: Ralph Barbieri, @KNBR 's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@CantorSteve: Rest in peace, Ralph Barbieri, aka The Razor. His unique voice and incisive views will live forever in San Francis… - 5 years ago

@mikekn1618: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@JayRockerz: RT @awfulannouncing: Long-time KNBR host Ralph “Razor” Barbieri passes away at 71 after battle with Parkinson’s disease - 5 years ago

@LOLKNBRHosts: RT @GuyHaberman: For me, countless hours spent listening - 5 years ago

@MichelettiSF: Grew up listening to Ralph. Will be pouring one out for you. - 5 years ago

@melodyfayre: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@MJ_GoGaels: RT @scottostler: Ralph had a lot of love for the world, he was a good and smart man. - 5 years ago

@Coach_Tesh: RT @baseballmarty: Ralph Barbieri was always very kind to me..I learned so much from him..he was a pro and the cornerstone of Bay Area spor… - 5 years ago

@Gtstsroys: RT @BontaHill: Rest in peace, Ralph Barbieri. He made sports talk what it was here in the Bay Area. The interviews with Sabean, his raspy v… - 5 years ago

@49erKidd23: Nobody had balls like Ralph Barbieri did. I grew to like & admire him after years of sports talk listening. KNBR… - 5 years ago

@Variansyn: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@chrisrhodes0013: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@rubenpimenteljr: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Breshlo: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Polymathically: RT @sfchronicle: Longtime San Francisco radio personality Ralph Barbieri was 74 when he died Monday. He spent 28 years at KNBR (680 AM). Ov… - 5 years ago

@RonLingron: RIP to The Razor, Ralph Barbieri, longtime @knbr host. Part of my life every evening drive for years. Staunchly stu… - 5 years ago

@donygavin: RT @sportslarryknbr: RIP Ralph Barbieri. He entertained me when I was @StIgnatius. I used to do my homework while listening to his @KNBR sh… - 5 years ago

@BJM01255: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@GoldschmidTZU: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@LOLKNBRHosts: RT @Adamcopes: Incredibly sad. There isn’t @KNBR without Ralph Barbieri. Lost a legend. Condolences to his son and family. - 5 years ago

@104thehawk: Bay Area Sports fans mourn Ralph Barbieri. - 5 years ago

@vthang: RT @timkawakami: Ralph Barbieri defined Bay Area sports talk radio for years. He was passionate, he was smart, he was stubborn, he was a he… - 5 years ago

@fact275: RT @RickWelts: It’s a sad day for all Bay Area sports fans. Ralph made the commute home more tolerable and interesting every single night.… - 5 years ago

@PinkPixySprite: RT @KPIXtv: Bay Area sports talk legend Ralph Barbieri was a guest on #GamedayKPIX shortly after leaving KNBR in 2012. He wanted listeners… - 5 years ago

@cwnevius: “I would be remiss if I did not . . . “ Listened to and talked to Ralph Barbieri so much over the years that I deve… - 5 years ago

@macaveli500: RT @KPIXtv: Bay Area sports talk legend Ralph Barbieri was a guest on #GamedayKPIX shortly after leaving KNBR in 2012. He wanted listeners… - 5 years ago

@frankedson24: RT @sfchronicle: Longtime San Francisco radio personality Ralph Barbieri was 74 when he died Monday. He spent 28 years at KNBR (680 AM). Ov… - 5 years ago

@vthang: RT @RickWelts: It’s a sad day for all Bay Area sports fans. Ralph made the commute home more tolerable and interesting every single night.… - 5 years ago

@pac3900: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@frankedson24: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@lionsradionet: "Angels fly because they take themselves lightly" #RIPRAZORVOICE 8-3 Tom Tolbert Opens the show remembering *The Ra… - 5 years ago

@frankedson24: RT @Adamcopes: Incredibly sad. There isn’t @KNBR without Ralph Barbieri. Lost a legend. Condolences to his son and family. - 5 years ago

@KPIXtv: Bay Area sports talk legend Ralph Barbieri was a guest on #GamedayKPIX shortly after leaving KNBR in 2012. He wante… - 5 years ago

@frankedson24: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Carlinchas916: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@DonaldGR8: @dandibley C’mon Dibz, take a moment of silence for good ole Ralph Barbieri - 5 years ago

@JedYork2: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@RabbiWhere: RT @RickWelts: It’s a sad day for all Bay Area sports fans. Ralph made the commute home more tolerable and interesting every single night.… - 5 years ago

@hypervocal: Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@DRK957: RT @957thegame: .@DamonBruce: “We sadly say goodbye to a bona fide, absolutely card-carrying radio legend.” R.I.P. Ralph Barbieri - 5 years ago

@KidZombie2000: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@keluce2: My ex-husband took care of Ralph Barbieri’s beloved cat, Sunshine. When Sunshine was sick and had to stay in the pe… - 5 years ago

@louhewitson31: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@bas3ba11islife: RT @957thegame: .@DamonBruce: “We sadly say goodbye to a bona fide, absolutely card-carrying radio legend.” R.I.P. Ralph Barbieri - 5 years ago

@TKintheSFC: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@KY_Rose_1976: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@muchodenero5: RT @RickWelts: It’s a sad day for all Bay Area sports fans. Ralph made the commute home more tolerable and interesting every single night.… - 5 years ago

@atang34: RT @957thegame: .@DamonBruce: “We sadly say goodbye to a bona fide, absolutely card-carrying radio legend.” R.I.P. Ralph Barbieri - 5 years ago

@djpleez: Impossible to count how many long afternoon commutes he and @byronjr23 made easier for me. #RIP - 5 years ago

@jonathanrklein: R.I.P. Ralph Barbieri. I always appreciated and enjoyed your brutal honesty and tough questions during your run wit… - 5 years ago

@newstart43: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@im_crafty: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@thejdbranch: RT @BontaHill: Rest in peace, Ralph Barbieri. He made sports talk what it was here in the Bay Area. The interviews with Sabean, his raspy v… - 5 years ago

@donygavin: RT @Adamcopes: Incredibly sad. There isn’t @KNBR without Ralph Barbieri. Lost a legend. Condolences to his son and family. - 5 years ago

@Giantsfam707: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@donygavin: RT @DamonBruce: Rest In Peace Ralph Barbieri “Angles fly because they take themselves lightly”. - 5 years ago

@HollywoodinSJ: RT @BaseballJeff1: Perhaps, my favorite Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri clip is when he butchered Jarrod Saltalamacchia's while pitching the ide… - 5 years ago

@HollywoodinSJ: RT @BontaHill: Rest in peace, Ralph Barbieri. He made sports talk what it was here in the Bay Area. The interviews with Sabean, his raspy v… - 5 years ago

@cuestakid: RT @957thegame: .@DamonBruce: “We sadly say goodbye to a bona fide, absolutely card-carrying radio legend.” R.I.P. Ralph Barbieri - 5 years ago

@957thegame: .@DamonBruce: “We sadly say goodbye to a bona fide, absolutely card-carrying radio legend.” R.I.P. Ralph Barbieri - 5 years ago

@chavezjim: RT @baseballmarty: Ralph Barbieri was always very kind to me..I learned so much from him..he was a pro and the cornerstone of Bay Area spor… - 5 years ago

@RyeCrisp: RT @lorengold: RIP Ralph Barbieri -- I grew up listening to him in the Bay Area @KNBR @SFGiants - 5 years ago

@ThePinakes: Ralph Barbieri was a different kind of sports broadcaster, and I'm very fortunate to have heard his razor-sharp voi… - 5 years ago

@chuckbarney: RT @ShaynaRubin: Sports talk was always just comforting background noise for me during car rides. The Razor & Mr. T made me listen. RIP Ral… - 5 years ago

@pawdebb: RT @sfchronicle: Longtime San Francisco radio personality Ralph Barbieri was 74 when he died Monday. He spent 28 years at KNBR (680 AM). Ov… - 5 years ago

@AdaMayMcAdow: RT @BrownieAthletic: Ralph Barbieri died Monday at age 74. This was the last interview Ralph ever did, and it was classic Razor -- blunt, t… - 5 years ago

@Sexylex1984: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@SoozKnowzNewz: - 5 years ago

@chavezjim: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Galvatron86: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@shawn_0707: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@jamesthejust64: RT @MollieReilly: RIP Ralph. His voice loomed so large in my childhood — the soundtrack to my dad picking me up from school, getting stuck… - 5 years ago

@ROBROBROB1208: RT @sfchronicle: Longtime San Francisco radio personality Ralph Barbieri was 74 when he died Monday. He spent 28 years at KNBR (680 AM). Ov… - 5 years ago

@OGTrinny: RT @KNBR: "He was special." - 5 years ago

@JTSF_49ers: RT @BrownieAthletic: Ralph Barbieri died Monday at age 74. This was the last interview Ralph ever did, and it was classic Razor -- blunt, t… - 5 years ago

@CM_Yeee: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@honeybabyyxoxo: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@NuculurSports: RT @afoyle3131: Rest In Peace to a @KNBR legend and one of the true pioneers in #BayArea sports talk radio. Ralph Barbieri, you were a grea… - 5 years ago

@mikenewwin: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@civitoroz: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@4GenSFFanFam: RT @CaseyPrattABC7: That voice. That gift of gab. I even distinctly remember him on the radio all the time in my dad’s car when I was a kid… - 5 years ago

@cliffmartinez88: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@KNBR: "He was special." - 5 years ago

@MamaBear2015: RT @timkawakami: Ralph Barbieri defined Bay Area sports talk radio for years. He was passionate, he was smart, he was stubborn, he was a he… - 5 years ago

@Felix78558093: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@jeffmgilbert: RT @roxybernstein: Sad to hear the news of Ralph Barbieri’s passing. Was always supportive to me as a young aspiring broadcaster. Numerou… - 5 years ago

@MollieReilly: RIP Ralph. His voice loomed so large in my childhood — the soundtrack to my dad picking me up from school, getting… - 5 years ago

@roxybernstein: Sad to hear the news of Ralph Barbieri’s passing. Was always supportive to me as a young aspiring broadcaster. Nu… - 5 years ago

@BobBob615: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@DRK957: Earlier this afternoon, we learned the sad news of Ralph Barbieri's passing. Hear @DamonBruce, @RattoIndy &… - 5 years ago

@jeffmgilbert: RT @KNBR: At 4:15 p.m. Gary Radnich will join TKB to pay his respects to Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri 📻: - 5 years ago

@BJLaflin: RT @sfchronicle: Longtime San Francisco radio personality Ralph Barbieri was 74 when he died Monday. He spent 28 years at KNBR (680 AM). Ov… - 5 years ago

@ThePatDown: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@sevenX7rs: RT @KNBR: At 4:15 p.m. Gary Radnich will join TKB to pay his respects to Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri 📻: - 5 years ago

@MrJosephSilva: RT @timkawakami: Ralph Barbieri defined Bay Area sports talk radio for years. He was passionate, he was smart, he was stubborn, he was a he… - 5 years ago

@zukeferd: Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@Steven_McIntire: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@marty_nvsports: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@JimmySpencer: Ralph Barbieri. Legend. I emailed him 20 years ago as a young sports media kid looking for advice. He ended up tak… - 5 years ago

@writergrrrl29: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@TrackStarGazing: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@zachirwin: RT @timkawakami: Ralph Barbieri defined Bay Area sports talk radio for years. He was passionate, he was smart, he was stubborn, he was a he… - 5 years ago

@DayTrippinMike: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@V1C_M: Sad new about the Razor passing. Ralph Barbieri kinda grew on me over the years...it took a while but teaming him u… - 5 years ago

@ihatewater11: Ralph Barbieri, KNBR’s ‘Razor,’ dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson’s - 5 years ago

@tom_call: RT @sfchronicle: Longtime San Francisco radio personality Ralph Barbieri was 74 when he died Monday. He spent 28 years at KNBR (680 AM). Ov… - 5 years ago

@ciruelas_rojas: Ralph Barbieri discusses life after KNBR on The TK Show - 5 years ago

@JelloFam5: RT @RWoodson20: The Razor was a one of a kind. It was a privilege to sit across the glass from Ralph Barbieri and Tom Tolbert doing afterno… - 5 years ago

@GuyHaberman: For me, countless hours spent listening - 5 years ago

@kmitsuda94: RT @sfchronicle: Longtime San Francisco radio personality Ralph Barbieri was 74 when he died Monday. He spent 28 years at KNBR (680 AM). Ov… - 5 years ago

@PlayoffArmando: RT @timkawakami: Ralph Barbieri defined Bay Area sports talk radio for years. He was passionate, he was smart, he was stubborn, he was a he… - 5 years ago

@PlayoffArmando: RT @RickWelts: It’s a sad day for all Bay Area sports fans. Ralph made the commute home more tolerable and interesting every single night.… - 5 years ago

@ciruelas_rojas: Longtime KNBR personality Ralph Barbieri dies at 74, tributes pour in - 5 years ago

@ReneeGiraldy: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@jeffmgilbert: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@scottymomo: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@JaCastruccio: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@JoshOchoa: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@JaCastruccio: RT @RickWelts: It’s a sad day for all Bay Area sports fans. Ralph made the commute home more tolerable and interesting every single night.… - 5 years ago

@kgizzle123: RT @DamonBruce: Rest In Peace Ralph Barbieri “Angles fly because they take themselves lightly”. - 5 years ago

@EvaLB5: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@ciruelas_rojas: RT @ciruelas_rojas: WTF @KNBR? You dismissed Ralph Barbieri? - 5 years ago

@csix: RT @BontaHill: Rest in peace, Ralph Barbieri. He made sports talk what it was here in the Bay Area. The interviews with Sabean, his raspy v… - 5 years ago

@jeffmgilbert: RT @timkawakami: Ralph Barbieri defined Bay Area sports talk radio for years. He was passionate, he was smart, he was stubborn, he was a he… - 5 years ago

@flunch4life: RT @RickWelts: It’s a sad day for all Bay Area sports fans. Ralph made the commute home more tolerable and interesting every single night.… - 5 years ago

@slim_dolla209: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Ralph Barbieri - #RalphBarbieri #Ralph #Barbieri #rip - 5 years ago

@Manchild528: RT @susanslusser: Bob Melvin was sorry to learn of Ralph Barbieri's death. "What a character, what an iconic voice if you've lived in the B… - 5 years ago

@jeffmgilbert: RT @Eric_Branch: Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's. - 5 years ago

@daneposey: RT @Paul_Gassee: RIP Razor. I grew up listening to the guy 😢. Loved the way he conducted interviews and his chemistry with @byronjr23 w… - 5 years ago

@DuaneHere: RT @peterhartlaub: Very sad to hear Ralph Barbieri died. Here's a 2012 tribute I wrote, after he left KNBR. It starts w/ a criticism or tw… - 5 years ago

@Eczema90210: RT @RWoodson20: The Razor was a one of a kind. It was a privilege to sit across the glass from Ralph Barbieri and Tom Tolbert doing afterno… - 5 years ago

@1UrbanEarring: RT @DamonBruce: Rest In Peace Ralph Barbieri “Angles fly because they take themselves lightly”. - 5 years ago

@phantomcathy: RT @hankschulman: #rip Ralph Barbieri, KNBR's 'Razor,' dies at 74 after battle with Parkinson's - 5 years ago

@TonyDasco: Man I remember listening to the Razor and Mr. T on KNBR back in the day RIP Ralph Barbieri. #whenradiowasgood - 5 years ago

@AManNamedBriggs: RT @DamonBruce: Rest In Peace Ralph Barbieri “Angles fly because they take themselves lightly”. - 5 years ago

@huckaby_tyler: RT @RickWelts: It’s a sad day for all Bay Area sports fans. Ralph made the commute home more tolerable and interesting every single night.… - 5 years ago

@SMASH_N_STACKN: RT @RickWelts: It’s a sad day for all Bay Area sports fans. Ralph made the commute home more tolerable and interesting every single night.… - 5 years ago

@TheBMartin: RT @jphoornstra: I didn't know Ralph Barbieri personally, but since "RIP Razor" is trending, and many of you are wondering why, and I liste… - 5 years ago

@SMASH_N_STACKN: RT @BontaHill: Rest in peace, Ralph Barbieri. He made sports talk what it was here in the Bay Area. The interviews with Sabean, his raspy v… - 5 years ago

@dantewiley4: RT @hankschulman: One of my favorite weekly pastimes was listening to Ralph Barbieri interview Brian Sabean. Ralph drove Brian nuts, but it… - 5 years ago

@theslyshow: RT @KNBR: At 4:15 p.m. Gary Radnich will join TKB to pay his respects to Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri 📻: - 5 years ago

@SharonKPIX: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@DruggyBear: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@sportsradiopd: More sad news from the sports radio world. Former KNBR host ‘Razor’ Ralph Barbieri has passed away. Wishing all the… - 5 years ago

@jaymeredith: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@1UrbanEarring: RT @RWoodson20: The Razor was a one of a kind. It was a privilege to sit across the glass from Ralph Barbieri and Tom Tolbert doing afterno… - 5 years ago

@Boblongthedad: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@Ronster415: RT @KNBR: We are extremely saddened to share that Ralph Barbieri has passed away. R.I.P. to a KNBR legend. - 5 years ago

@nayreoj: RT @timkawakami: Ralph Barbieri defined Bay Area sports talk radio for years. He was passionate, he was smart, he was stubborn, he was a he… - 5 years ago

@jzzza: RIP RALPH BARBIERI. The man got me through many nights on Sportsphone 68 while I was doin homework. I won NCAA Swee… - 5 years ago

@toddmal: RT @Ash_Kalra: Sad to hear about the passing of Ralph Barbieri. Became a fan when listening to the Razor & MR. T @byronjr23 and their chemi… - 5 years ago

@erickjpressman: Damn. RIP Ralph Barbieri. I’ll always remember the “go sharks!” sample that was always dropped on the Gary Radnich/Tony Bruno show. - 5 years ago

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