Rajnish Kumar

Indian politician
Died on Tuesday August 27th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Rajnish Kumar:

@onenonlymahakal: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@avntwitt: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@ritusingh288128: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@SatheeshSARKAR: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago


@sant_invisible: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@Himangs99847142: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@HARNARAYANRATHI: RT @CNBCTV18Live: @ShereenBhan SBI Chmn Rajnish Kumar says even if repo rate goes below 5%, banks cannot pass on all of it to consumers as… - 6 years ago

@its_me_pratheep: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@ErSingh35: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@15Dhineshkumar: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@MrChamp96353238: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@Yash0805: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@POStatesmanship: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@Rajnish_Sood_: RT @DeepikaBhardwaj: BIG THX to everyone who supported #justiceforharsh #justiceformadhav campaign, shared their plight, my tweets & raised… - 6 years ago

@vishuall79: RT @ETNOWlive: SBI Chairman Rajnish Kumar on the #BigBankMerger: @TheOfficialSBI @rkumar1958 - 6 years ago

@RajeevthePawar: Interesting interview - #SBI Chief 1. #Repo going to 5% may not lead to transmission. 2. #BankMerger success depen… - 6 years ago

@Mehboob49303644: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@moneycontrolcom: If you look at our country, the demographics have not undergone a change. In many countries, demographics itself be… - 6 years ago

@khonjuju_dorjee: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@Nikhilkanoje6: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@Kartik67138: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@ansalakash: RT @DushyantNaagar: #Economyslowdown : @TheOfficialSBI चीफ #रजनीश_कुमार ने कहा, #इकॉनमी के लिए अगले 2 महीने बेहद अहम - @NavbharatTimes "मतल… - 6 years ago

@NixonJoseph1708: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@vispipatel: There is no recession in the country, just decline in demand in certain sectors: Rajnish Kumar - 6 years ago

@shaileshVish1: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@ranjitrana4u: affordable housing segment is showing a pickup and home loans are growing, State Bank of India (SBI) Chairman Rajni… - 6 years ago

@Ratullahkar1000: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@VishnuS47793080: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@sanjayk87871038: RT @ETHindi: SBI चीफ रजनीश कुमार ने कहा, इकॉनमी के लिए अगले 2 महीने बेहद अहम #SBI #EconomicCrisis - 6 years ago

@rashmirajput_ET: RT @salonishuklaET: Large banks will be capital efficient, have enhanced capacity to lend: SBI chief Rajnish Kumar trashes merger related c… - 6 years ago

@poojasenapati44: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@nayaksamir4: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@SonuKum03904790: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@Dhruvak07102986: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@DNHIREMATH6: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@imBabaAPTiwari: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@AUMCap: Cyclical or Structural? #SBI Chairman,Rajnish Kumar reacts to slow GDP growth rate.Says,the next 2 months is cruc… - 6 years ago

@Mohi58774721: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@RaghuramanMenon: Large banks will be capital efficient, have enhanced capacity to lend: Rajnish Kumar, SBI - 6 years ago

@ProfoundLead: 5 days to go to our next monthly #Meetup in #Melbourne. Interactive topic is "Leadership effectiveness by topping… - 6 years ago

@BheemSi30563871: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@pbchakrabarti: Govt judiciary too responsible for Indias NPA crisis SBIs Rajnish Kumar - 6 years ago

@minar_joshi: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@ParidaMeera: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@VijuyRonjan: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@yashkumar93: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@kanaram190: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@kshah55: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@itsmeEeMYess: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@BinitRoshi: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@UtsavPurohit4: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@riteshgarg1061: RT @CNBCTV18Live: @ShereenBhan SBI Chmn Rajnish Kumar says even if repo rate goes below 5%, banks cannot pass on all of it to consumers as… - 6 years ago

@PVSLNMURTY1: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@tarundgg: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@ManuPlankiyil: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@Rajkuma8Lakshmi: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@arvind_joshi: RT @TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Shri P… - 6 years ago

@TheOfficialSBI: The 6th SBI Banking & Economics Conclave, to be held in Mumbai on 5th and 6th September, 2019, will be graced by Sh… - 6 years ago

@deepakmodi1983: RT @CNBCTV18Live: @ShereenBhan SBI Chmn Rajnish Kumar says even if repo rate goes below 5%, banks cannot pass on all of it to consumers as… - 6 years ago

@ShereenBhan: RT @CNBCTV18Live: @ShereenBhan SBI Chmn Rajnish Kumar says even if repo rate goes below 5%, banks cannot pass on all of it to consumers as… - 6 years ago

@dhavald23: @BW Your advt in this issue on the Equality summit wrongly has SBI chief Rajnish Kumar's photo instead of IKEA India CEO Peter Betzel - 6 years ago

@dwivedi_rajnish: RT @ndtvindia: पटना हाईकोर्ट: न्यायपालिका में भ्रष्टाचार को लेकर जज राकेश कुमार का आदेश रद्द - 6 years ago

@dwivedi_rajnish: RT @retheeshraj10: FIR against UP Journalist Pawan Jaiswal for exposing mid day meal scam: Rahul Kanwal : Zero tweets Rohit Sardana : Z… - 6 years ago

@ArbabKhanPathan: RT @srinivasiyc: Deeply Shocked and Saddened to know about the untimely demise of Sh Rajnish Kumar Babbi, Sitting Congress MLA from Mukeria… - 6 years ago

@rajnish_t: RT @AmitShah: What an amazing day for India in @ISSF_Shooting World Cup. Kudos to the duo of Apurvi Chandela and Deepak Kumar for clinchin… - 6 years ago

@rajnish_kumar: @ShekharGupta True. But it was only expected. Without being partisan, I recall "when a big tree falls, ground rumbl… - 6 years ago

@GautamShaishav: RT @capt_amarinder: Deeply anguished to learn of the death of Mukerian MLA, Rajnish Kumar Babbi ji. His untimely passing away is an immeasu… - 6 years ago

@sinha_rishikesh: RT @singhashish274: Govt, judiciary too responsible for Indias NPA crisis: SBIs Rajnish Kumar - 6 years ago

@dwivedi_rajnish: RT @ndtvindia: ब्लॉग : क्या नीतीश कुमार अब अपनी ही पार्टी जेडीयू के लिए 'कामचलाऊ' नेता बन गए हैं - 6 years ago

@rajnish_kumar: Well that's the tradition of this martial creed called IAF. Lead from front. Respects - 6 years ago

@rajnish_kumar: @PrinceArihan @TVMohandasPai They are not. I've seen the ad...the intent is absolutely pure. Are we reading too muc… - 6 years ago

@rajnish_kumar: @anandmahindra Prayers answered by Vighnaharta, Karma paid off. @isro rocks - 6 years ago

@rajnish_kumar: RT @isro: #ISRO Vikram Lander Successfully separates from #Chandrayaan2 Orbiter today (September 02, 2019) at 1315 hrs IST. For details p… - 6 years ago

@GRaahull: Chairman @TheOfficialSBI Shri. @rkumar1958 discussion with @ndtv - 6 years ago

@raj_kapoor2020: - 6 years ago

@rajnish81720166: Rajnish Kumar Patrkar - 6 years ago

@rajnish_t: RT @ippatel: Third Hindu Girl has been kidnapped from Rohari city of Pakistan. Reno kumari D/o Inderjeet kumar residence Rohari , has be… - 6 years ago

@VohraRd: What about low domestic demand and consumption even though I agree that even US also is facing recession in auto et… - 6 years ago

@rajnish_t: RT @mssirsa: I have been given information about another Hindu Girl who was kidnaped from Rohari city of Pakistan Reno kumari D/o Inderj… - 6 years ago

@rajnish20184513: भाजपा के राष्ट्रीय चुनाव पदाधिकारि मोतीहारी सांसद पूर्व केंद्रीय मंत्री आदरणीय श्री राधा मोहन सिंह जी के जन्मदिन की… - 6 years ago

@sumittomar57: RT @Maurya_twitt: Govt, judiciary too responsible for India's NPA crisis: SBI's Rajnish Kumar This is the true and real #Ideation and #con… - 6 years ago

@Khushal22023388: RT @HarsimratBadal_: Aggrieved at the demise of Congress MLA from Mukerian constituency, Shri Rajnish Kumar Babbi. I pray that Akal Purakh… - 6 years ago

@Khushal22023388: RT @officeofssbadal: I join the family of Rajnish Kumar Babbi ji, Congress MLA from Mukerian and area residents in mourning his demise. May… - 6 years ago

@Khushal22023388: RT @bsmajithia: Saddened to hear about the untimely demise of Rajnish Kumar Babbi, Congress leader and MLA, Mukeriyan. May Waheguru ji gran… - 6 years ago

@Sandeep19140248: RT @bsmajithia: Saddened to hear about the untimely demise of Rajnish Kumar Babbi, Congress leader and MLA, Mukeriyan. May Waheguru ji gran… - 6 years ago

@Sandeep19140248: RT @officeofssbadal: I join the family of Rajnish Kumar Babbi ji, Congress MLA from Mukerian and area residents in mourning his demise. May… - 6 years ago

@Sandeep19140248: RT @HarsimratBadal_: Aggrieved at the demise of Congress MLA from Mukerian constituency, Shri Rajnish Kumar Babbi. I pray that Akal Purakh… - 6 years ago

@AkalpTyagi: No recession in the country, says SBI boss - 6 years ago

@Muthu72: RT @ndtvvideos: “If Rs 900 crore would have saved Jet Airways, we would have given them”: SBI Chairman Rajnish Kumar to NDTV on #Executive… - 6 years ago

@DataAsha: RT @SreenivasanJain: "I have one lakh crore ready for investment, but cannot be business as usual." Watch #ExecutiveDecision with India's… - 6 years ago

@sachinkatiyar: RT @singhashish274: Govt, judiciary too responsible for Indias NPA crisis: SBIs Rajnish Kumar - 6 years ago

@Prabhat79635480: RT @ndtvvideos: “If Rs 900 crore would have saved Jet Airways, we would have given them”: SBI Chairman Rajnish Kumar to NDTV on #Executive… - 6 years ago

@Prabhat79635480: RT @ndtv: “If Rs 900 crore would have saved Jet Airways, we would have given them”: SBI Chairman Rajnish Kumar to NDTV on #ExecutiveDecisi… - 6 years ago

@mabrahamee: RT @VinodumishraYou: *Thanks a lot to Association of Marine Electro Technical Officers (AMETO) Affiliated with BMS , National President Shr… - 6 years ago

@husimran: RT @ndtv: #ExecutiveDecision | “I can fund more than 1 lakh crore in one month. That is the kind of liquidity I'm sitting on,” says SBI Cha… - 6 years ago

@modibrij: Good to hear the positive news.. "Sitting On 1 Lakh Crores, But Can't Be Business As Usual": SBI Chairman - NDTV - 6 years ago

@anuragpsharma: RT @ndtv: “If Rs 900 crore would have saved Jet Airways, we would have given them”: SBI Chairman Rajnish Kumar to NDTV on #ExecutiveDecisi… - 6 years ago

@ApPathak10: RT @DrSamirKrSingh: 2/2 उनका ये भी कहना है की ऊर्जा छेत्र की हालत सबसे बुरी है और सुधार की उम्मीद भी कम है। @RahulGandhi @priyankagandhi @v… - 6 years ago

@Anson48595381: RT @ndtv: #ExecutiveDecision | “I can fund more than 1 lakh crore in one month. That is the kind of liquidity I'm sitting on,” says SBI Cha… - 6 years ago

@jayavel_dk: RT @ndtvvideos: “If Rs 900 crore would have saved Jet Airways, we would have given them”: SBI Chairman Rajnish Kumar to NDTV on #Executive… - 6 years ago

@praggya_singh: RT @ndtv: #ExecutiveDecision | “I can fund more than 1 lakh crore in one month. That is the kind of liquidity I'm sitting on,” says SBI Cha… - 6 years ago

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