Rajnarayan Budholiya

Indian politician.
Died on Sunday October 10th 2021

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Rajnarayan Budholiya:

@kapilRa97413044: Rajnarayan Budholiya passes away: बुंदेलखंड में एक बड़ा ब्राह्मण चेहरा अस्त... हार्ट अटैक से पूर्व हमीरपुर-महोबा… - 3 years ago

@Sysoon: Rajnarayan Budholiya (1961 - 2021), died at age 60 years: was an Indian politician who served as a member of parlia… - 3 years ago

@samarneeti: UP : हार्ट अटैक से पूर्व सांसद राजनारायण बुधौलिया का निधन, CM Yogi ने शोक जताया #Hamirpur #Budholiya… - 3 years ago

@newstrackmedia: Hamirpur News: रज्जू महाराज का हृदय गति रुकने से निधन, सपा से सांसद व बसपा से रहे विधायक #BSP #sp #death #Hamirpur - 3 years ago


@3TonyRedolfi: bye.. .your one of my top choices. looks like your running out of marbles in this game Rahm Emanuel democratic p… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Rajnarayan Budholiya - #RajnarayanBudholiya #Rajnarayan #Budholiya #rip - 3 years ago

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