Rainer Schaller

German entrepreneur
Died on Monday October 24th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Rainer Schaller:

@vpenso: @PGuillermoSerra Virgilio Applewhite, Elba Frallicciardi, Ítalo Boccalandro, Alberto Zarrans, VÌctor Hugo Hernandez… - 2 years ago

@Dimturien: RT @inFranken: McFit-Gründer Rainer Schaller Unternehmer aus Schlüsselfeld soll "Geheimplan" hinterlassen haben - 2 years ago

@inFranken: McFit-Gründer Rainer Schaller Unternehmer aus Schlüsselfeld soll "Geheimplan" hinterlassen haben - 2 years ago

@Lighthousejour2: Rainer Schaller Wife: How Did His Career Begin? Rainer Schaller Wife: How Did His Career Begin? This man, who is 53… - 2 years ago


@Lighthousejour2: Rainer Schaller Wife: How Did His Career Begin? - 2 years ago

@JaunNews: Rainer Schaller had made a secret plan before the plane crash - 2 years ago

@elfinancierocr: Aunque el negocio de Rainer Schaller es uno de los más reconocidos a nivel mundial dentro de la industria fitness,… - 2 years ago

@DVCSTARSONIA: RT @JoseRaulavila: Rainer Schaller: así creó su imperio el dueño de Gold’s Gym, cuyo avión se estrelló en el mar Caribe cerca de Costa Rica… - 2 years ago

@ElRegionalCA: #CostaRica 🇨🇷 | El magnate Rainer Schaller alemán que murió junto a su familia al estrellarse avión en mar de Limó… - 2 years ago

@Mavasquez65: RT @prensagrafica: El avión donde viajaba con su familia desapareció cuando volaba cerca de la costa de Costa Rica. Ahí viajaban el empresa… - 2 years ago

@melara_ren: RT @prensagrafica: El avión donde viajaba con su familia desapareció cuando volaba cerca de la costa de Costa Rica. Ahí viajaban el empresa… - 2 years ago

@prensagrafica: El avión donde viajaba con su familia desapareció cuando volaba cerca de la costa de Costa Rica. Ahí viajaban el em… - 2 years ago

@Angelin75957682: (NEW VIDEO) Gold’s Gym Owner Rainer Schaller Plane Crash Video | Rainer Schaller Plane Crash Today #rainerschaller… - 2 years ago

@quetortacr: Papá es el heredero legítimo, mientras que un socio italiano del empresario podría asumir los negocios. - 2 years ago

@elfinancierocr: Aunque el negocio de Rainer Schaller es uno de los más reconocidos a nivel mundial dentro de la industria fitness,… - 2 years ago

@TwiTi57667922: RT @NuoVisoTV: Wir besprechen das Desaster in #GB, #RedBull-Boss #Mateschitz, Rainer #Schaller, den #Iran, #China und #HuJintao, Putzfimmel… - 2 years ago

@HansWur01013243: RT @NuoVisoTV: Wir besprechen das Desaster in #GB, #RedBull-Boss #Mateschitz, Rainer #Schaller, den #Iran, #China und #HuJintao, Putzfimmel… - 2 years ago

@principal_cat: Rainer Schaller, fundador dels gimnasos McFit, va desaparèixer a Costa Rica el 21 d'octubre quan es va perdre el se… - 2 years ago

@drkaramba666: - 2 years ago

@Nil_Cat1: RT @principal_cat: El fundador dels gimnasos McFit, Rainer Schaller va desaparèixer el passat 21 d'octubre, quan es va perdre el rastre del… - 2 years ago

@lu_3a: RT @LaVanguardia: El dueño de los gimnasios McFit, el alemán Rainer Schaller, socio de Sergio Ramos y responsable del desastre del 'Love Pa… - 2 years ago

@vpenso: @PGuillermoSerra Virgilio Applewhite, Elba Frallicciardi, Ítalo Boccalandro, Alberto Zarrans, VÌctor Hugo Hernandez… - 2 years ago

@sportlife_es: El trágico final de Rainer Schaller fundador de la cadena de gimnasios McFit y socio de Sergio Ramos - 2 years ago

@MomentsES: RT @LaVanguardia: El dueño de los gimnasios McFit, el alemán Rainer Schaller, socio de Sergio Ramos y responsable del desastre del 'Love Pa… - 2 years ago

@marcar71: RT @ameliarueda: Alemania envía dos expertos a Costa Rica para investigar accidente aéreo de Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@Noticias506CR: NOTICIAS 506│ Alemania envía dos expertos a Costa Rica para investigar accidente aéreo de Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@ameliarueda: Alemania envía dos expertos a Costa Rica para investigar accidente aéreo de Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@BIDeutschland: McFit-Gründer Rainer Schaller gilt weiter als vermisst. Er soll laut "Bild" einen "Geheimplan" hinterlassen haben. - 2 years ago

@jmgh2009: RT @LaVanguardia: El dueño de los gimnasios McFit, el alemán Rainer Schaller, socio de Sergio Ramos y responsable del desastre del 'Love Pa… - 2 years ago

@Radi3schen: Abgestürzter McFit-Gründer: Rainer Schaller soll eine Art Notfallplan hinterlassen haben, "den er zuletzt vor jeder… - 2 years ago

@principal_cat: El fundador dels gimnasos McFit, Rainer Schaller va desaparèixer el passat 21 d'octubre, quan es va perdre el rastr… - 2 years ago

@mercyamancha: RT @LaVanguardia: El trágico accidente de Rainer Schaller, socio de Sergio Ramos y fundador de McFit. ▪️El empresario alemán, responsable… - 2 years ago

@mercyamancha: RT @LaVanguardia: El dueño de los gimnasios McFit, el alemán Rainer Schaller, socio de Sergio Ramos y responsable del desastre del 'Love Pa… - 2 years ago

@FrancisSGTH1: RT @OnDisasters: #Thread News report - 2 years ago

@FrancisSGTH1: RT @OnDisasters: #Ongoing a private P.180 [D-IRSG] with 5 aboard disappeared off Parismina (Costa Rica). Last known location of aircraft wa… - 2 years ago

@MariaCarbajo: RT @abc_es: El trágico final de Rainer Schaller: socio de Sergio Ramos, fundador de McFit y responsable del desastre del 'Love Parade' http… - 2 years ago

@SanchezdeCastro: RT @abc_es: El trágico final de Rainer Schaller: socio de Sergio Ramos, fundador de McFit y responsable del desastre del 'Love Parade' http… - 2 years ago

@LaVanguardia: El dueño de los gimnasios McFit, el alemán Rainer Schaller, socio de Sergio Ramos y responsable del desastre del 'L… - 2 years ago

@LaVanguardia: Las luces y sombras de Rainer Schaller, el empresario socio de Sergio Ramos, desaparecido en accidente de aviación👇… - 2 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Costa Rica finds 2 bodies in crash of plane carrying Germans - The Associated Press - en Español: Costa Rica finds… - 2 years ago

@LaVanguardia: El trágico accidente de Rainer Schaller, socio de Sergio Ramos y fundador de McFit. ▪️El empresario alemán, respon… - 2 years ago

@BalerdiNaiara: El trágico accidente de Rainer Schaller, socio de Sergio Ramos y fundador de McFit - 2 years ago

@mcromero6: El trágico final de Rainer Schaller: socio de Sergio Ramos, fundador de McFit y responsable del desastre del 'Love… - 2 years ago

@echevarria_emil: RT @abc_es: El trágico final de Rainer Schaller: socio de Sergio Ramos, fundador de McFit y responsable del desastre del 'Love Parade' http… - 2 years ago

@kaluapiscis: RT @abc_es: El trágico final de Rainer Schaller: socio de Sergio Ramos, fundador de McFit y responsable del desastre del 'Love Parade' http… - 2 years ago

@BreakingRd: RT @abc_es: El trágico final de Rainer Schaller: socio de Sergio Ramos, fundador de McFit y responsable del desastre del 'Love Parade' http… - 2 years ago

@OstrichModern: RT @abc_es: El trágico final de Rainer Schaller: socio de Sergio Ramos, fundador de McFit y responsable del desastre del 'Love Parade' http… - 2 years ago

@abc_es: El trágico final de Rainer Schaller: socio de Sergio Ramos, fundador de McFit y responsable del desastre del 'Love… - 2 years ago

@newswatchlist64: Who Is Christiane Schikorsky, Rainer Schaller’s Wife? What Happened To Rainer Schaller? - 2 years ago

@JoseRaulavila: Sigue sin aparecer el avión accidentado en Costa Rica donde viajaba el millonario Rainer Schaller y su familia… - 2 years ago

@miteletica: Aviación Civil reconoce alta posibilidad de que no se aclare accidente con avión de Rainer Schaller. Repase el pro… - 2 years ago

@Lynda_Katerra: Gold's Gym parent company confirms CEO was on crashed plane | AP News - 2 years ago

@MiroslavaMiska: Rainer Schaller And His Plane Still Missing In Costa Rica Waters - 2 years ago

@DrWhiteTiger: Costa Rica confirms German millionaire Rainer Schaller, family on board crashed plane | South China Morning Post… - 2 years ago

@rayoguzmanc: RT @ameliarueda: #ÚltimaHora Alemania envía dos expertos a Costa Rica para investigar accidente aéreo de Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@diarioboletin24: El trágico final de Rainer Schaller: socio de Sergio Ramos, fundador de McFit y responsable del desastre del ‘Love … - 2 years ago

@Pakotrail: RT @ameliarueda: #ÚltimaHora Alemania envía dos expertos a Costa Rica para investigar accidente aéreo de Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@TodoInfoCR: ⏰🚨 ULTIMA HORA ⏰🚨 ameliarueda ⏰🚨 #ÚltimaHora Alemania envía dos expertos a Costa Rica para investigar accidente aé… - 2 years ago

@sebasmch1: RT @ameliarueda: #ÚltimaHora Alemania envía dos expertos a Costa Rica para investigar accidente aéreo de Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@vpenso: @PGuillermoSerra Virgilio Applewhite, Elba Frallicciardi, Ítalo Boccalandro, Alberto Zarrans, VÌctor Hugo Hernandez… - 2 years ago

@ChrisBrey1: RT @AZ_Augsburg: Die Piaggio P.180 des Unternehmers verschwand auf dem Weg nach Costa Rica plötzlich vom Radar. Was ist vor dem Absturz an… - 2 years ago

@AZ_Augsburg: Die Piaggio P.180 des Unternehmers verschwand auf dem Weg nach Costa Rica plötzlich vom Radar. Was ist vor dem Abst… - 2 years ago

@DonovanRamrez5: RT @ameliarueda: #ÚltimaHora Alemania envía dos expertos a Costa Rica para investigar accidente aéreo de Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@ameliarueda: #ÚltimaHora Alemania envía dos expertos a Costa Rica para investigar accidente aéreo de Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@ThaSuperNegro: RT @TMZ: The man who owns Gold's Gym, among other fitness chains, is presumed dead after his plane went missing off the coast of Costa Rica… - 2 years ago

@Jacobus33543604: @0xRadar There IS an update; pls try to Google translate from German into English. 2 bodies were found (1 child 1 a… - 2 years ago

@Jacobus33543604: @0xRadar I’m afraid there’s no update. This is from 5 days ago: - 2 years ago

@armandomayorga: Accidente aéreo en Limón: Rainer Schaller compró avión de ¢4.350 millones para viajar a EE. UU. - 2 years ago

@WaldenJulia2: RT @mz_tweets: McFit-Gründer Rainer Schaller träumte von einer Alpaka-Farm auf Mallorca - 2 years ago

@NaraShi13876794: RT @NaraShi13876794: 162/X) 21/10/22 Le millionnaire allemand Rainer Schaller et sa famille ont été victimes d'un accident d'avion vendredi… - 2 years ago

@rodem01: @aika_28_gou @LocoHoshiyomiya いきなりだけど数日前にこんなニュースがありました。 - 2 years ago

@ameliarueda: Búsqueda de avión accidentado en aguas ticas se da a una profundidad de entre 150 y 300 metros: MOPT - 2 years ago

@ReportoCA: #CR Accidente aéreo en Limón: Rainer Schaller compró avión de ¢4.350 millones para viajar a EE. UU.. Cuando el magn… - 2 years ago

@nacion: Accidente aéreo en Limón: Rainer Schaller compró avión de ¢4.350 millones para viajar a EE. UU.… - 2 years ago

@qazinaseer: Gold's Gym parent company confirms CEO was on crashed plane | AP News - 2 years ago

@in2th3v0id1: @nerdmaedchen_87 @MalteJanssen Mal abgesehen von der allgemeinen Geschmacklosigkeit des Tweets hieß der Mann Rainer Schaller. - 2 years ago

@UnitAPI: RT @sankushmedia: A plane carrying businessman Rainer Schaller, who owns fitness and gym outlets like Gold's Gym and McFit, crashed into th… - 2 years ago

@IAmSoDylan: I just want to express my consoling and most condoling thoughts and prayers to the family of the ceo and owner of m… - 2 years ago

@josepablosanzm1: Accidente aéreo en Limón: Última foto familiar de Rainer Schaller está cargada de tristes mensajes - 2 years ago

@LaTejacr: Accidente aéreo en Limón: Última foto familiar de Rainer Schaller está cargada de tristes mensajes… - 2 years ago

@FOX5Atlanta: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@CarlosA95769557: RT @Pinxaor: Costa Rica 🇨🇷 Hallan restos d un jet privado donde viajaba un millonario🇩🇪 con su familia Autoridades🇨🇷 encontraron los cuer… - 2 years ago

@XAndarivel: RT @ivancp25: La aeronave privada #Piaggio P180 Avanti había despegado de #Palenque, en el estado mexicano de #Chiapas. El viceministro cos… - 2 years ago

@crhoycom: FOTOS: La imponente finca de Rainer Schaller que Cristiano Ronaldo alquila para vacacionar - - 2 years ago

@alcinodoliveira: RT @nacion: Ministerio de Seguridad encontró algunas de las pertenencias de los pasajeros que viabajan en el jet privado que se accidentó a… - 2 years ago

@eleditor: RT @ameliarueda: Búsqueda de avión accidentado en aguas ticas se da a una profundidad de entre 150 y 300 metros: MOPT - 2 years ago

@adsbcr: RT @ameliarueda: Búsqueda de avión accidentado en aguas ticas se da a una profundidad de entre 150 y 300 metros: MOPT - 2 years ago

@CR_Aviation: RT @ameliarueda: Búsqueda de avión accidentado en aguas ticas se da a una profundidad de entre 150 y 300 metros: MOPT - 2 years ago

@ameliarueda: Búsqueda de avión accidentado en aguas ticas se da a una profundidad de entre 150 y 300 metros: MOPT - 2 years ago

@truth_in_wisdom: RT @BNONews: Rainer Schaller, whose company owns McFit and Gold's Gym, among 6 people presumed dead in Costa Rica plane crash, officials say - 2 years ago

@crhoycom: El mensaje que publica la empresa del millonario alemán Rainer Schaller, muerto en Limón - - 2 years ago

@MerysPlanet: RT @thechance2b: und wieder ein #ploetzlichundunerwartet/er Flugzeugabsturz...⬇️ - 2 years ago

@thechance2b: RT @thechance2b: und wieder ein #ploetzlichundunerwartet/er Flugzeugabsturz...⬇️ - 2 years ago

@AronMorhoff: RT @NuoVisoTV: Wir besprechen das Desaster in #GB, #RedBull-Boss #Mateschitz, Rainer #Schaller, den #Iran, #China und #HuJintao, Putzfimmel… - 2 years ago

@dougbrownDBA: RT @dougbrownDBA: Rainer Schaller, Owner of Gold's Gym, Possibly Among Dead in Weekend Plane Crash - 2 years ago

@BhavishyaGauta: RT @Entrepreneur: #Breaking: A person by the name of Rainer Schaller was on a list of planned passengers for a flight that went missing off… - 2 years ago

@BhavishyaGauta: RT @Entrepreneur: #UPDATE: Tragically, RSG Group has confirmed that its CEO, entrepreneur Rainer Schaller, was among those who died in a pl… - 2 years ago

@worldnews_guru: Tycoon Rainer Schaller, Gold's Gym Owner, Missing After Plane Vanishes - 2 years ago

@FOX5ATLCallaway: RT @FOX5Atlanta: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, saying it… - 2 years ago

@IoeSam85: RT @ChuckCallesto: REPORT: Gold's Gym owner Rainer Schaller feared dead after plane crash - as twin-engine turboprop aircraft splashes into… - 2 years ago

@cxV3JJLOehtYxVz: RT @wasshoimarichan: 今度はゴールドジムオーナー一家を乗せた飛行機が墜落。家族(子供含む6人)の生存が絶望視。 また偶然なの?← - 2 years ago

@FOX5Atlanta: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@StreetArtMalaga: I want to have a pause for a day. Do you know your fucking "SInk"? Our neighborhood in front of our house Rainer &… - 2 years ago

@inFranken: Rätselhafter Absturz: Flugroute wirft weiter Fragen auf Was ist mit Rainer Schaller und seiner Familie passiert? - 2 years ago

@thechance2b: und wieder ein #ploetzlichundunerwartet/er Flugzeugabsturz...⬇️ - 2 years ago

@Alexand54516540: - 2 years ago

@mz_tweets: Flugzeugabsturz von Mallorca-Freund und McFit-Gründer Rainer Schaller: So läuft die Suche ab - 2 years ago

@fox13seattle: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@aprizion_de: „McFit“-Gründer und Familie vermisst – Experte verweist auf „ungewöhnlichen“ Zwischenstopp #AprizionDE - 2 years ago

@LynnValverde: RT @FOX10Phoenix: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, saying i… - 2 years ago

@FOX10Phoenix: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@MuvaaaCookie_: RT @fox5dc: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, saying it was… - 2 years ago

@MyDCANews: RT @fox5dc: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, saying it was… - 2 years ago

@FOX5Atlanta: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@ErickaAye: RT @fox5dc: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, saying it was… - 2 years ago

@pinkandpainmom: RT @fox5dc: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, saying it was… - 2 years ago

@fox5dc: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@fox7austin: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@takuya_thought: RT @Tomoyuki_TARGET: 筋トレ野郎の聖地ゴールドジムのオーナーが自家用機の墜落で亡くなった。 Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller and his family were among the six people aboard a… - 2 years ago

@WallStreet92660: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller's Missing Plane Crashed - 2 years ago

@marco_calzati: gold gym owner plane crash Gold's Gym owner Rainer Schaller, his family and two others are feared dead after a plan… - 2 years ago

@topfloorjones: RT @TMZ: The man who owns Gold's Gym, among other fitness chains, is presumed dead after his plane went missing off the coast of Costa Rica… - 2 years ago

@leolove_3: gold gym owner plane crash,The RSG Group, which owns brands such as McFit and Gold's Gym fitness studios, confirmed… - 2 years ago

@fox5ny: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@VaclavusU: Inside McFit millionaire Rainer Schaller’s 20yr friendship with boxing star Klitschko after tycoon’s plane crash de… - 2 years ago

@FrancCrist: Gold's Gym parent company RSG Group gives update on CEO Rainer Schaller, family’s plane crash - 2 years ago

@GoNewsDaily1: Gold’s Gym parent company gives update on Rainer Schaller, family’s plane crash - 2 years ago

@Brought_to_You: - 2 years ago

@GIWilson: RT @nypost: Gold's Gym parent company RSG Group gives update on CEO Rainer Schaller, family's plane crash - 2 years ago

@SUGARTHEGIRL: RT @nypost: Gold's Gym parent company RSG Group gives update on CEO Rainer Schaller, family's plane crash - 2 years ago

@KostyaPynzar: Inside McFit millionaire Rainer Schaller’s 20yr friendship with boxing star Klitschko after tycoon’s plane crash de… - 2 years ago

@ElProfeShow: Las autoridades de Costa Rica confirmaron la presencia del multimillonaro alemán Rainer Schaller y su familia en un… - 2 years ago

@CharlesBurke59: RT @nypost: Gold's Gym parent company RSG Group gives update on CEO Rainer Schaller, family's plane crash - 2 years ago

@nypost: Gold's Gym parent company RSG Group gives update on CEO Rainer Schaller, family's plane crash… - 2 years ago

@edgarfonsecacr: Avión de la tragedia aérea del magnate alemán del fitness, Rainer Schaller y su familia, no tenía caja negra/Confir… - 2 years ago

@edgarfonsecacr: Avión de la tragedia aérea del magnate alemán del fitness, Rainer Schaller y su familia, no tenía caja negra/Confir… - 2 years ago

@CurtisLHudson2: - 2 years ago

@aprizion_de: Experte verweist auf „ungewöhnlichen“ Zwischenstopp #AprizionDE - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Drama About McFit Founder Rainer Schaller: Til Schweiger Is 'Shocked' #LatestNews - 2 years ago

@jlitwinetz: Inside McFit millionaire Rainer Schaller’s 20yr friendship with boxing star Klitschko after tycoon’s plane crash de… - 2 years ago

@FOX10Phoenix: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@djfloucr: RT @Telenoticias7: El yerno dijo al diario suizo que se enteraron del accidente el pasado sábado a las 10 de la mañana. - 2 years ago


@giggsigigs: ja m c nb. j/ l l,. Rainer Schaller: Hier wollte die „McFit-Familie“ urlauben - 2 years ago

@Telenoticias7: El yerno dijo al diario suizo que se enteraron del accidente el pasado sábado a las 10 de la mañana. - 2 years ago

@FOX26Houston: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@fox5ny: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@tricia_foltz: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller, Family Aboard Plane That Crashed in Costa Rica, Company Confirms - 2 years ago

@UweVogt7: - 2 years ago

@FrauKassandra: Oh habt ihr mitbekommen, dass Rainer Schaller, der McFit-Typ (Stichwort Loveparade 😠), nach einem Flugzeugabsturz i… - 2 years ago

@FOX29philly: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@focusonline: McFit-Boss vor Costa Rica abgestürzt: Warum Privatjets gefährlicher als Linienflieger sind - 2 years ago

@pinky_times: Christiane Schikorsky and Rainer Schaller Obituary, Cause of Death – Gold Gym owner and family killed in plane cras… - 2 years ago

@fox5dc: Gold's Gym's parent company, RSG Group, confirmed that its CEO Rainer Schaller and his family were on the plane, sa… - 2 years ago

@RSSNewsHub: Gold's Gym parent company gives update on CEO, family's plane crash off Costa Rican coast. Gold's Gym's parent comp… - 2 years ago

@RSSNewsHub: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller, Family Aboard Plane That Crashed in Costa Rica, Company Confirms. Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@TheReporter00: Gold's Gym parent company gives update on CEO, family's plane crash off Costa Rican coast. Gold's Gym's parent comp… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Tycoon Rainer Schaller, owner of the McFit gyms, is missing #LatestNews - 2 years ago

@HW74198616: Die Karriere des Piloten ist egal. Ausschlaggebend ist der letzte Flug. Rainer Schaller und Bilder der Trümmer des… - 2 years ago

@Blickch: Absturz von McFit-Gründer: War der Walliser Pilot im Cockpit überfordert? - 2 years ago

@NBC2: The RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold’s Gym and McFit, confirmed that founder and CEO Rainer Schaller, famil… - 2 years ago

@salvador_merece: RT @CelebFallecidas: 🎃 Alemania | Rainer Schaller Fue un empresario alemán, fundador del los estudios de fitness McFit, John Reed y Gold's… - 2 years ago

@negritadekilmes: RT @CelebFallecidas: 🎃 Alemania | Rainer Schaller Fue un empresario alemán, fundador del los estudios de fitness McFit, John Reed y Gold's… - 2 years ago

@BGisBrandonGray: The RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold’s Gym and McFit, confirmed Monday that founder and CEO Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@CelebFallecidas: 🎃 Alemania | Rainer Schaller Fue un empresario alemán, fundador del los estudios de fitness McFit, John Reed y Gold… - 2 years ago

@RadarsTrend: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller, 5 others feared dead after plane crash off Costa Rica - 2 years ago

@JBaerne: SAN JOSE, Costa Rica - An RSG Group press representative confirmed Monday to gyms including Gold's Gym and McFit th… - 2 years ago

@SpecialRisksGuy: Gold’s Gym Owner Rainer Schaller, Family Feared Dead in Plane Crash - The Wall Street Journal - 2 years ago

@TZJoHHpQ3zXray6: RT @wasshoimarichan: 今度はゴールドジムオーナー一家を乗せた飛行機が墜落。家族(子供含む6人)の生存が絶望視。 また偶然なの?← - 2 years ago

@YanezErvin: RT @la_patilla: ¿Quién es Rainer Schaller? el multimillonario que viajaban junto a su familia en el avión que se estrelló en Costa Rica htt… - 2 years ago

@LAmag: » Gold’s Gym Tycoon Rainer Schaller and 5 More Presumed Dead in Plane Crash The fitness business whirlwind and Gol… - 2 years ago

@yUHpag0skZIf1a7: RT @hirosetakao: うわぁぁぁ - 2 years ago

@VCCEJN: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller and Family Were in Plane That Crashed - 2 years ago

@DraBiancaLopez1: RT @multimedioscr: #Alerta8 | Esta es la fortuna del empresario alemán Rainer Schaller, importante dueño de gimnasios que se mantiene desap… - 2 years ago

@joetacopino: RT @nypost: McFit CEO Rainer Schaller and family missing after plane vanishes off Costa Rican coast - 2 years ago

@jhokiAnita: German gym tycoon Rainer Schaller, partner and kids on plane that disappeared off Costa Rican coast - 2 years ago

@Breaking24_7: RT @LLiuASN: Gold’s Gym owner, Rainer Schaller, family, were involved in Piaggio P180 Avanti plane crash off coast of Costa Rica #Philippin… - 2 years ago

@LLiuASN: Gold’s Gym owner, Rainer Schaller, family, were involved in Piaggio P180 Avanti plane crash off coast of Costa Rica… - 2 years ago

@gururaj_uddihal: RT @kushkatakia: Gold’s Gym Owner Rainer Schaller, Family Feared Dead in Plane Crash. The businessman, his partner and their two children w… - 2 years ago

@mariacostapinto: RT @AFPespanol: Las autoridades de Costa Rica confirmaron el domingo la presencia del multimillonario alemán Rainer Schaller y su familia e… - 2 years ago

@JeanJose77: RT @la_patilla: ¿Quién es Rainer Schaller? el multimillonario que viajaban junto a su familia en el avión que se estrelló en Costa Rica htt… - 2 years ago

@satishshingote: RT @kushkatakia: Gold’s Gym Owner Rainer Schaller, Family Feared Dead in Plane Crash. The businessman, his partner and their two children w… - 2 years ago

@Kisuke0211: REST IN PEACE Gold’s Gym Owner Rainer Schaller, Family Feared Dead in Plane Crash - WSJ - 2 years ago

@marianoguera21: RT @la_patilla: ¿Quién es Rainer Schaller? el multimillonario que viajaban junto a su familia en el avión que se estrelló en Costa Rica htt… - 2 years ago

@sat1bayern: Tragischer Tod vor dem amerikanischen Land Costa Rica - nach dem Flugzeugabsturz des McFit-Gründers Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: ¿Quién es Rainer Schaller? el multimillonario que viajaban junto a su familia en el avión que se estrelló en Costa… - 2 years ago

@mano_nobody: #Red Bull-Dietrich Mateschitz verstorben!#McFit-Rainer Schaller verschol... - 2 years ago

@zahrah_writes: RT @KTNNewsKE: Millionaire Rainer Schaller and his family were on board a plane that crashed, Gold's Gym confirms - 2 years ago

@no2hitting: RT @jilevin: Gold's Gym owner was on plane with 5 others when it crashed off Costa Rica: The RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold's Gym… - 2 years ago

@MalarcherSandra: RT @WSJ: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller and his family were among the six people aboard a private plane that crashed off the coast of Cos… - 2 years ago

@W17719m: RT @KTNNewsKE: Millionaire Rainer Schaller and his family were on board a plane that crashed, Gold's Gym confirms - 2 years ago

@MikeDubberlyGDA: RT @WSJ: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller and his family were among the six people aboard a private plane that crashed off the coast of Cos… - 2 years ago

@koczott: RT @jilevin: Gold's Gym owner was on plane with 5 others when it crashed off Costa Rica: The RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold's Gym… - 2 years ago

@arvindsaraswat: RT @WSJ: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller and his family were among the six people aboard a private plane that crashed off the coast of Cos… - 2 years ago

@DanielMockridge: RT @WSJ: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller and his family were among the six people aboard a private plane that crashed off the coast of Cos… - 2 years ago

@LyndenBlake: RT @WSJ: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller and his family were among the six people aboard a private plane that crashed off the coast of Cos… - 2 years ago

@cpc_yes: RT @WSJ: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller and his family were among the six people aboard a private plane that crashed off the coast of Cos… - 2 years ago

@miniairjin: RT @WSJ: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller and his family were among the six people aboard a private plane that crashed off the coast of Cos… - 2 years ago

@Polarbe71724315: Wieder eine neue Blickstory! Recherchiert wenigstens richtig, statt jedes einen weiteren Schrott zu publizieren! Es… - 2 years ago

@rustyae: RT @WSJ: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller and his family were among the six people aboard a private plane that crashed off the coast of Cos… - 2 years ago

@biy2c: RT @WSJ: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller and his family were among the six people aboard a private plane that crashed off the coast of Cos… - 2 years ago

@WSJ: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller and his family were among the six people aboard a private plane that crashed off t… - 2 years ago

@KTNNewsKE: Millionaire Rainer Schaller and his family were on board a plane that crashed, Gold's Gym confirms - 2 years ago

@CAVijayaSuresh: RT @kushkatakia: Gold’s Gym Owner Rainer Schaller, Family Feared Dead in Plane Crash. The businessman, his partner and their two children w… - 2 years ago

@CeeJayT07381069: RT @jilevin: Gold's Gym owner was on plane with 5 others when it crashed off Costa Rica: The RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold's Gym… - 2 years ago

@Daily_Record: German millionaire Rainer Schaller and his family were on a private jet which disappeared off the coast of Costa Ri… - 2 years ago

@LondonReed7: RT @jilevin: Gold's Gym owner was on plane with 5 others when it crashed off Costa Rica: The RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold's Gym… - 2 years ago

@MiniTuxedo: RT @jilevin: Gold's Gym owner was on plane with 5 others when it crashed off Costa Rica: The RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold's Gym… - 2 years ago

@kellyinphx: RT @LAmag: The fitness business whirlwind and Gold’s Gym owner is believed dead along with his family after their plane crashed near Costa… - 2 years ago

@jilevin: Gold's Gym owner was on plane with 5 others when it crashed off Costa Rica: The RSG Group of gym outlets, including… - 2 years ago

@Nogmagazine: Rainer Scholar Net Worth: What Happened To The Owner of Gold Gym? - 2 years ago

@BPAIR1990: RT @SZ: Rainer #Schaller wurde mit der Fitnessstudio-Kette #McFit zum Millionär. Doch seine Idee, die Loveparade zu kaufen, endete in der K… - 2 years ago

@Elainerdc1: Fallece Rainer Schaller, fundador y consejero delegado de RSG Group - 2 years ago

@WLOS_13: A press representative of the RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold's Gym and McFit, confirmed Monday that found… - 2 years ago

@Sharad9Dubey: Recent Deaths Red Bull Owner-Dietrich Mateschitz Gold's Gym owner-Rainer Schaller Dietrich-Best examples of ma… - 2 years ago

@wilsonchepkong5: RT @GameYetu: Gym tycoon Rainer Schaller, partner and kids on plane that disappeared - 2 years ago

@ideade: Wie Rainer Schaller die Credo Kirche dabei unterstützte, ein soziales Fitnesscentrum zu gr… - 2 years ago

@myroad38: RT @iosteopath: 御冥福をお祈りします。 RT : ゴールドジムのオーナー、飛行墜落事故で死亡か - Mashup Reporter - 2 years ago

@iosteopath: 御冥福をお祈りします。 RT : ゴールドジムのオーナー、飛行墜落事故で死亡か - Mashup Reporter - 2 years ago

@Politikfragen: Absturz von McFit-Gründer Schaller: Flugroute gibt Rätsel auf - BLICK - 2 years ago

@CenterStageEvnt: Social Update: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller's Missing Plane Crashed. Rainer Schaller -- who owns Gold's Gym, am… - 2 years ago

@Canadiansuds1: German businessman Rainer Schaller, whose investment group acquired iconic fitness company Gold's Gym in 2020, was… - 2 years ago

@Osa_Peninsula: German gym tycoon Rainer Schaller, partner and kids on plane that disappeared off Costa Rican coast | Fox Business - 2 years ago

@melisa_tui: RT @USATODAY: The company did not confirm his death, despite searchers finding two bodies, luggage and pieces of the aircraft in the sea. h… - 2 years ago

@amgoth2000: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller and Family Were in Plane That Crashed - 2 years ago

@VisualSuccess: Top story: McFit-Gründer Rainer Schaller mit Flugzeug vor Costa Rica abgestürzt - Panorama -… - 2 years ago

@WallStreet92660: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller's Missing Plane Crashed - 2 years ago

@24sante_fr: L’avion manquant du propriétaire du Gold’s Gym, Rainer Schaller, s’est écrasé - 2 years ago

@MtnShepherdess3: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller, Family Aboard Plane That Crashed in Costa Rica, Company Confirms - 2 years ago

@viole_e_rose: RT @wasshoimarichan: 今度はゴールドジムオーナー一家を乗せた飛行機が墜落。家族(子供含む6人)の生存が絶望視。 また偶然なの?← - 2 years ago

@toddkoba98: Top story: Yahoo maakt deel uit van de Yahoo-merkenfamilie - 2 years ago

@liudanaodaiten1: RT @USATODAY: The company did not confirm his death, despite searchers finding two bodies, luggage and pieces of the aircraft in the sea. h… - 2 years ago

@GossipBucket: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller's Missing Plane Crashed: Rainer Schaller -- who owns Gold's Gym, among other brand… - 2 years ago

@syatekiya072: RT @botomeze: @nekonom63385142 これですね 22日に飛行機の残骸と2名の死体を発見 氏名が公表されてないし、大破してる以上死んでる可能性が極めて高いです 世界で名を馳せた人がこんな最期とは… - 2 years ago

@foggybottomgal: Gold's Gym parent company confirms CEO, family were on plane that crashed off Costa Rican coast - 2 years ago

@RadioEspionage: RT @USATODAY: The company did not confirm his death, despite searchers finding two bodies, luggage and pieces of the aircraft in the sea. h… - 2 years ago

@RockRt66: RT @USATODAY: The company did not confirm his death, despite searchers finding two bodies, luggage and pieces of the aircraft in the sea. h… - 2 years ago

@JohnSitarek: Gold's and McFit gym owner, girlfriend and children feared dead in private jet crash off Costa Rica coast. Rainer S… - 2 years ago

@multimedioscr: #Alerta8 | Esta es la fortuna del empresario alemán Rainer Schaller, importante dueño de gimnasios que se mantiene… - 2 years ago

@iamdjdeeze: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller's Missing Plane Crashed - 2 years ago

@JohnSitarek: Costa Rican authorities reported that a small plane carrying 5 German nationals, including the CEO of gym chain McF… - 2 years ago

@RoGonzalesTV: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller's Missing Plane Crashed - 2 years ago

@LaRazon_Bolivia: #VideoNoticias Autoridades de Costa Rica confirmaron que el multimillonario alemán Rainer Schaller y su familia iba… - 2 years ago

@iMFMusicGroup: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller's Missing Plane Crashed - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Gold's Gym owner Rainer Schaller WAS aboard a twin-engine turboprop with his family - 2 years ago

@OpeningDayNFL: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller's Missing Plane Crashed - 2 years ago

@sacrjean2: RT @LCI: Costa Rica : le millionnaire Rainer Schaller et sa famille meurent dans un accident d'avion - 2 years ago

@virbur: RT @YahooNews: A press representative of the RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold’s Gym and McFit, confirmed that founder and CEO Raine… - 2 years ago

@elfinancierocr: Aunque el negocio de Rainer Schaller es uno de los más reconocidos a nivel mundial dentro de la industria fitness,… - 2 years ago

@bridge1013: RT @WSJ: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller and his family were among the six people aboard a private plane that crashed off the coast of Cos… - 2 years ago

@Blickch: Absturz von McFit-Gründer: Flugroute und Whatsapp-Aktivität geben Rätsel auf - 2 years ago

@momokin10105105: RT @wasshoimarichan: 今度はゴールドジムオーナー一家を乗せた飛行機が墜落。家族(子供含む6人)の生存が絶望視。 また偶然なの?← - 2 years ago

@EINGoldNews: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller, Family Aboard Plane That Crashed in Costa Rica, Company Confirms - 2 years ago

@Jekyll369: RT @wasshoimarichan: 今度はゴールドジムオーナー一家を乗せた飛行機が墜落。家族(子供含む6人)の生存が絶望視。 また偶然なの?← - 2 years ago

@twitiste1: RT @MagazineCapital: Décès du millionnaire allemand Rainer Schaller et de sa famille dans un crash d'avion - 2 years ago

@123_INFO_DE: Rainer Schaller: McFit-Gründer war an Bord des Unglücksjets – Wer ist der Mann hinter dem Fitness-Imperium? #123INFO - 2 years ago

@fox7austin: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been iden… - 2 years ago


@FERRUIZM: Fallece Rainer Schaller, fundador y consejero delegado de RSG Group - 2 years ago

@mitsuruone: RT @wasshoimarichan: 今度はゴールドジムオーナー一家を乗せた飛行機が墜落。家族(子供含む6人)の生存が絶望視。 また偶然なの?← - 2 years ago

@1AshGrace: RT @TMZ: The man who owns Gold's Gym, among other fitness chains, is presumed dead after his plane went missing off the coast of Costa Rica… - 2 years ago

@ariesbabe___: RT @TMZ: The man who owns Gold's Gym, among other fitness chains, is presumed dead after his plane went missing off the coast of Costa Rica… - 2 years ago

@KTXS_News: A press representative of the RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold's Gym and McFit, confirmed Monday that found… - 2 years ago

@victorh87644330: RT @CNNEE: Rainer Schaller, propietario de Gold's Gym, habría muerto tras estrellarse el avión en el que viajaba en Costa Rica - 2 years ago

@BevVincent: RT @YahooNews: A press representative of the RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold’s Gym and McFit, confirmed that founder and CEO Raine… - 2 years ago

@wachfox: The RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold's Gym and McFit, confirmed Monday that founder and CEO Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@sexycreole: RT @CNN: Gold's Gym owner Rainer Schaller, his family and two others are feared dead after a plane they were on apparently crashed off Cost… - 2 years ago

@PlenoInfoSV: #Internacionales || Muere en un accidente aéreo Rainer Schaller, multimillonario alemán dueño de la gigantesca cade… - 2 years ago

@SalvadorActual: 🟦 #Internacionales l El multimillonario alemán Rainer Schaller y su familia viajaban a bordo de una avioneta que se… - 2 years ago

@smkstead: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller and 5 others Feared Dead after Plane Crash... - NBC News - 2 years ago

@disinformate_lu: RT @Wort_LU: Auf dem Weg von Mexiko nach Costa Rica stürzt ein Business-Jet ins Meer. Auch der deutsche Unternehmer Rainer Schaller war mit… - 2 years ago

@kkolosio: Se confirma que el empresario aleman Rainer Schaller, fundador y propietario de la cadena Gold’s Gym y del Grupo RS… - 2 years ago

@TND: Company spokeswoman Kristen Kauffman distributed a message Monday confirming that Rainer Schaller, "his family, and… - 2 years ago

@JonasBrandon: Ronald McDonald is even more dangerous than you thought... - 2 years ago

@News__Poster: Unfall: Abgestürzte Maschine von Schaller wohl ohne Flugschreiber Das vor der Küste von Costa Rica abgestürzte Pri… - 2 years ago

@KFOX14: The founder and CEO Rainer Schaller along family and friends were aboard a small plane that disappeared from radar… - 2 years ago

@1worldvs1virus: Flugzeugabsturz in Costa Rica McFit-Gründer Schaller war mit Familie an Bord von Unglücksmaschine Der McFit-Gründe… - 2 years ago

@fnjkud: Costa Rica's Security Minister Jorge Torres said a search was underway for a plane carrying five German citizens th… - 2 years ago

@JenniferErmer7: RT @promiflash: Tragische Nachrichten von Rainer Schaller – der McFit-Gründer, seine Lebensgefährtin und seine Kinder sind mit einem Privat… - 2 years ago

@newschannelnine: DEVELOPING: Gold's Gym founder & CEO was aboard a small plane that disappeared from radar just off Costa Rica's Car… - 2 years ago

@MRSGOLDGRL: RT @TMZ: The man who owns Gold's Gym, among other fitness chains, is presumed dead after his plane went missing off the coast of Costa Rica… - 2 years ago

@PlugMarkk: RT @News4SA: Founder and CEO Rainer Schaller, family and friends were aboard a small plane that disappeared from radar just off Costa Rica'… - 2 years ago

@ParadizePapi: RT @TMZ: The man who owns Gold's Gym, among other fitness chains, is presumed dead after his plane went missing off the coast of Costa Rica… - 2 years ago

@RND_de: Die Suche nach den Passagieren der Maschine von McFit-Gründer Rainer #Schaller geht weiter. Medienberichten zufolge… - 2 years ago

@KRCG13: A spokesperson for the parent company of Gold's Gym said the CEO and his family was on a plane that disappeared fro… - 2 years ago

@dany_freire: Rainer Schaller, Owner of Gold's Gym, Among Dead in Weekend Plane Crash - 2 years ago

@CarreroToro: RT @ReporteYa: #23Oct #Mundo Las autoridades de Costa Rica confirmaron la presencia del multimillonario alemán Rainer Schaller y su famili… - 2 years ago

@LEISUREGODDESS: RT @askjimmycarter: Costa Rica confirms Golds Gym owner,German millionaire Rainer Schaller on board crashed plane - 2 years ago

@LEISUREGODDESS: RT @CNN: Gold's Gym owner Rainer Schaller, his family and two others are feared dead after a plane they were on apparently crashed off Cost… - 2 years ago

@RonDani52540451: - 2 years ago

@youyoulovemedo: RT @wasshoimarichan: 今度はゴールドジムオーナー一家を乗せた飛行機が墜落。家族(子供含む6人)の生存が絶望視。 また偶然なの?← - 2 years ago

@tma360: Rainer Schaller, Owner of Gold's Gym, Among Dead in Weekend Plane Crash - 2 years ago

@CBSEveningNews: Authorities in Costa Rica have found two bodies in the search for six people, apparently including the German busin… - 2 years ago

@schwarzwaelder: Auf dem Weg von Mexiko nach Costa Rica stürzt der Businessflieger ins Meer. Nun ist klar: Auch der deutsche Unterne… - 2 years ago

@KMPHFOX26: A representative of the RSG Group of gym outlets, including Gold's Gym and McFit, confirmed Monday that founder and… - 2 years ago

@FelizVuelo: Un jet privado con el fundador de la cadena alemana de fitness McFit se ha perdido el sábado 22; despegó de México… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Loveparade, the owner of the McFit gym Rainer Schaller is missing #LatestNews - 2 years ago

@TND: Company spokeswoman Kristen Kauffman distributed a message Monday confirming that Rainer Schaller, "his family, and… - 2 years ago

@G9KExam: RT @wasshoimarichan: 今度はゴールドジムオーナー一家を乗せた飛行機が墜落。家族(子供含む6人)の生存が絶望視。 また偶然なの?← - 2 years ago

@AAE_Entrepreu: Entrepreneur: #UPDATE: Tragically, RSG Group has confirmed that its CEO, entrepreneur Rainer Schaller, was among th… - 2 years ago

@ZDFheute: Flugzeug-Absturz vor Costa Rica: McFit-Gründer Rainer Schaller an Bord - 2 years ago

@HK93491: - 2 years ago

@OnHoldMusic1: Entrepreneur: #UPDATE: Tragically, RSG Group has confirmed that its CEO, entrepreneur Rainer Schaller, was among th… - 2 years ago

@peter14421788: #Red Bull-Dietrich Mateschitz verstorben!#McFit-Rainer Schaller verschol... - 2 years ago

@mo45055896: RT @jennifergould: Tycoon Rainer Schaller, Gold's Gym Owner, Missing After Plane Vanishes - 2 years ago

@Yoda38691359: RT @_MajorNews: BREAKING: Costa Rica has just located the bodies the plane crash of CEO @GoldsGym Rainer Schaller and family. No survivors… - 2 years ago

@Peroponpon: あら… ゴールドジムのオーナー、飛行墜落事故で死亡か - 2 years ago

@gethypedllc: Gold's Gym owner Rainer Schaller, 5 others feared dead after plane crash off Costa Rica - 2 years ago

@ElNuevoDia: El multimillonario alemán, dueño de una de las firmas más importantes de la industria del ejercicio a nivel global,… - 2 years ago

@DoKscho: RT @Entrepreneur: #UPDATE: Tragically, RSG Group has confirmed that its CEO, entrepreneur Rainer Schaller, was among those who died in a pl… - 2 years ago

@Entrepreneur: #UPDATE: Tragically, RSG Group has confirmed that its CEO, entrepreneur Rainer Schaller, was among those who died i… - 2 years ago

@SportnewsWsn: Gold’s Gym Owner Rainer Schaller Died in Plane Crash - 2 years ago

@VenancioNolasc3: RT @nuriapiera: Hallan segundo cuerpo del accidente aéreo donde falleció el propietario Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@VanityFairFR: Six corps sans vie ont été retrouvés, ce samedi 22 octobre, dans le crash du jet privé de l'entrepreneur allemand R… - 2 years ago

@InvestorVerlag: Mutmaßlich gleich zwei ebenso schillernde wie umstrittene Unternehmer aus Deutschland und Österreich sind am vergan… - 2 years ago

@swissbusiness: Die Klitschkos, der FC Bayern und die Love-Parade: Der verunglückte Rainer Schaller spannte alle für McFit ein - 2 years ago

@Christi1465: 😞😢 sehr traurig "McFit-Gründer: Rainer Schaller war an Bord des abgestürzten Flugzeugs" - 2 years ago

@ChanDannyTse2: German gym tycoon Rainer Schaller, partner and kids on plane that disappeared off Costa Rican coast | Fox Business… - 2 years ago

@disinformate_it: RT @repubblica: Aereo precipita ai Caraibi, disperso il magnate tedesco Rainer Schaller [a cura della redazione Esteri] - 2 years ago

@dasshu22miracle: RT @Scarlet52876115: ゴールドジムのオーナー、飛行墜落事故で死亡か - 2 years ago

@BILANZ: Opfer identifiziert: Der Gründer der Fitness-Kette McFit Rainer Schaller starb bei einem Flugzeugabsturz in der Kar… - 2 years ago

@AbsolutCreative: RT @TMZ: The man who owns Gold's Gym, among other fitness chains, is presumed dead after his plane went missing off the coast of Costa Rica… - 2 years ago

@jlints58: RT @KTVU: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been identified. https… - 2 years ago

@vijesti_tv: Kralj teretana. Tako su ga zvali u Njemačkoj. Jer u toj zemlji Rainer Schaller je za svijet fitnessaučinio nešto sl… - 2 years ago

@ZaRossiuu: RT @TeamSanta_SRdL: Multimillonario dueño de la cadena mundial Gold's Gym y su familia son los ocupante del jet privado desaparecido en el… - 2 years ago

@AhNuNgSlOs9: RT @dneuerer: Rainer #Schaller: #McFit-Gründer war an Bord des Unglücksjets – Wer ist der Mann hinter dem Fitness-Imperium? - 2 years ago

@IrishSunOnline: Haunting pic of millionaire & family days before they 'died in plane crash' - 2 years ago

@ZaRossiuu: RT @schweizok2: NUN IST ES WOHL GEWISSHEIT Rainer Schaller ist tot. #Schaller gründete die Fitnessstudios #McFit + war Finanzier der Lovepa… - 2 years ago


@marko_g333: RT @FOXLA: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been identified. http… - 2 years ago

@elfinancierocr: Aunque el negocio de Rainer Schaller es uno de los más reconocidos a nivel mundial dentro de la industria fitness,… - 2 years ago

@BPAIR1990: RT @SZ: Die Mitarbeiter der #RSG-Group trauern um ihren Firmengründer Rainer #Schaller. Offiziell weiß man bislang nur, dass der McFit-Erfi… - 2 years ago

@ZaRossiuu: RT @_MajorNews: BREAKING: Costa Rica has just located the bodies the plane crash of CEO @GoldsGym Rainer Schaller and family. No survivors… - 2 years ago

@jeanine80022239: - 2 years ago

@AndreasAndy3131: RT @BR24: Vor der Küste von Costa Rica sind Flugzeugtrümmerteile und zwei Leichen entdeckt worden. Der aus Bamberg stammende "#McFit"-Gründ… - 2 years ago

@dneuerer: RT @dneuerer: Rainer #Schaller: #McFit-Gründer war an Bord des Unglücksjets – Wer ist der Mann hinter dem Fitness-Imperium? - 2 years ago

@handelsblatt: RT @dneuerer: Rainer #Schaller: #McFit-Gründer war an Bord des Unglücksjets – Wer ist der Mann hinter dem Fitness-Imperium? - 2 years ago

@thalhofer4: RT @focusonline: Flugzeug-Drama: Bericht: McFit-Gründer Schaller war bei Absturz bei vollem Bewusstsein - 2 years ago

@dneuerer: Rainer #Schaller: #McFit-Gründer war an Bord des Unglücksjets – Wer ist der Mann hinter dem Fitness-Imperium?… - 2 years ago

@jesusmio: RT @AFPespanol: Las autoridades de Costa Rica confirmaron el domingo la presencia del multimillonario alemán Rainer Schaller y su familia e… - 2 years ago

@Sakura034081583: RT @wasshoimarichan: 今度はゴールドジムオーナー一家を乗せた飛行機が墜落。家族(子供含む6人)の生存が絶望視。 また偶然なの?← - 2 years ago

@whitecellar: RT @wasshoimarichan: 今度はゴールドジムオーナー一家を乗せた飛行機が墜落。家族(子供含む6人)の生存が絶望視。 また偶然なの?← - 2 years ago

@ArthurKrischke: RT @ArthurKrischke: McFit-Gründer Rainer Schaller mit dem Flugzeug ins Meer gestürzt! - 2 years ago

@bestaffiliatezz: Rainer Schaller, Owner of Gold's Gym, Possibly Among Dead in Weekend Plane Crash - 2 years ago

@TruthBites55: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller and 5 others Feared Dead after Plane Crash... - NBC News - 2 years ago

@fox35orlando: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been iden… - 2 years ago

@fox13seattle: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been iden… - 2 years ago

@simplymiisha: RT @FOXLA: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been identified. http… - 2 years ago

@SZ: Die Mitarbeiter der #RSG-Group trauern um ihren Firmengründer Rainer #Schaller. Offiziell weiß man bislang nur, das… - 2 years ago

@SZ_TopNews: Die Mitarbeiter der #RSG-Group trauern um ihren Firmengründer Rainer #Schaller. Offiziell weiß man bislang nur, das… - 2 years ago

@huffyhut1: RT @_MajorNews: BREAKING: Costa Rica has just located the bodies the plane crash of CEO @GoldsGym Rainer Schaller and family. No survivors… - 2 years ago

@quibresciait: Cade aereo in Costa Rica, disperso il fondatore della Loveparade - Sul velivolo privato anche il magnate tedesco Ra… - 2 years ago

@Lupita345orM: RT @Sarah83336937: transportaba al fundador de Mcfit, Rainer Schaller, y otros cinco pasajeros. - 2 years ago

@kanaake3: RT @wasshoimarichan: 今度はゴールドジムオーナー一家を乗せた飛行機が墜落。家族(子供含む6人)の生存が絶望視。 また偶然なの?← - 2 years ago

@scholezforum: RT @CNN: Gold's Gym owner Rainer Schaller, his family and two others are feared dead after a plane they were on apparently crashed off Cost… - 2 years ago

@SZ_Panorama: Die Mitarbeiter der #RSG-Group trauern um ihren Firmengründer Rainer #Schaller. Offiziell weiß man bislang nur, das… - 2 years ago

@infoitsalute: Aereo precipita ai Caraibi, disperso il magnate tedesco Rainer Schaller - 2 years ago

@Sarah83336937: transportaba al fundador de Mcfit, Rainer Schaller, y otros cinco pasajeros. - 2 years ago

@issy_victory: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller and 5 others Feared Dead after Plane Crash... - NBC News - 2 years ago

@PerpillouGerard: Décès du millionnaire allemand Rainer Schaller et de sa famille dans un crash d'avion - 2 years ago

@despicablemec: RT @CNN: Gold's Gym owner Rainer Schaller, his family and two others are feared dead after a plane they were on apparently crashed off Cost… - 2 years ago

@OKIEMAGA1962: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller and 5 others Feared Dead after Plane Crash... - NBC News - 2 years ago

@tadfundotnet: Gold's Gym owner among 6 feared dead after plane crash off Costa Rica - 2 years ago

@fox5ny: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been iden… - 2 years ago

@pitniff95: RT @LCI: Costa Rica : le millionnaire Rainer Schaller et sa famille meurent dans un accident d'avion - 2 years ago

@Hashi1157: RT @wasshoimarichan: 今度はゴールドジムオーナー一家を乗せた飛行機が墜落。家族(子供含む6人)の生存が絶望視。 また偶然なの?← - 2 years ago

@didiman12: #Red Bull-Dietrich Mateschitz verstorben!#McFit-Rainer Schaller verschol... - 2 years ago

@GolfMamba: RT @FOXLA: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been identified. http… - 2 years ago

@FOXLA: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been iden… - 2 years ago

@Noticias69: Uno de los pasajeros del jet D-IRSG P180 era el empresario alemán Rainer Schaller, dueño de las cadenas de gimnasio… - 2 years ago

@TheSun_NI: Haunting pic of millionaire & family days before they 'died in plane crash' - 2 years ago

@xhertx: RT @fox5dc: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been identified. htt… - 2 years ago

@SharonSchatz1: RT @CBSNews: Authorities in Costa Rica have found two bodies in the search for six people, apparently including the German businessman behi… - 2 years ago

@DoesItFreeUs: RT @fox5dc: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been identified. htt… - 2 years ago

@mydeeds: Rainer Schaller: Gold's Gym owner feared dead after plane crash off Costa Rica, 5 others also on board | CNN - 2 years ago

@marisastio: RT @fox5dc: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been identified. htt… - 2 years ago

@cecilet09924864: RT @LCI: Costa Rica : le millionnaire Rainer Schaller et sa famille meurent dans un accident d'avion - 2 years ago

@CindyBreeden2: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller and 5 others Feared Dead after Plane Crash... - NBC News - 2 years ago

@AnneKaspar111: - 2 years ago

@Peter_Szymaniak: Trauriges Flugzeugunglück: In Oberhausen bleibt der ideenstarke Unternehmer Rainer Schaller nachhaltig in Erinnerun… - 2 years ago

@LatestN72062740: Gold’s Gym owner Rainer Schaller, 5 others feared dead after plane crash off Costa Rica - 2 years ago

@fox5dc: Costa Rican authorities said Sunday that the bodies of one adult and one child were found but had not yet been iden… - 2 years ago

@Got2beerealG: RT @CBSNews: Authorities in Costa Rica have found two bodies in the search for six people, apparently including the German businessman behi… - 2 years ago

@calipette: RT @CBSNews: Authorities in Costa Rica have found two bodies in the search for six people, apparently including the German businessman behi… - 2 years ago

@le_quotidien_lu: Le millionnaire allemand Rainer Schaller et sa famille à bord de l’avion accidenté au #CostaRica… - 2 years ago

@fm_aktuell: Gesamte Fitnessbranche vom Drama um #RainerSchaller bestürzt: Große Anteilnahme und #Statements seiner Partner, Fre… - 2 years ago

@BenMar53: Fallece Rainer Schaller, fundador y consejero delegado de RSG Group - 2 years ago

@Richard38819581: RT @CBSNews: Authorities in Costa Rica have found two bodies in the search for six people, apparently including the German businessman behi… - 2 years ago

@Groove_Mag: Rainer Schaller ist als Veranstalter der 2010er Loveparade mit 21 Toten eine düstere Figur. Nun ist der McFit-Gründ… - 2 years ago

@xhertx: RT @CBSNews: Authorities in Costa Rica have found two bodies in the search for six people, apparently including the German businessman behi… - 2 years ago

@CBSNews: Authorities in Costa Rica have found two bodies in the search for six people, apparently including the German busin… - 2 years ago

@barbigled: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller and 5 others Feared Dead after Plane Crash... - NBC News - 2 years ago

@RosettaAtchley5: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Gold's Gym Owner Rainer Schaller and 5 others Feared Dead after Plane Crash... - NBC News - 2 years ago

@CarlaSanRoque: RT @CNN: Gold's Gym owner Rainer Schaller, his family and two others are feared dead after a plane they were on apparently crashed off Cost… - 2 years ago

@JayKarmagetsu: @businessteshno Well, Mr. Rainer Schaller is responsible for the deaths of 21 people and over 500 injured at the 20… - 2 years ago

@CultEvent_tweet: RT @repubblica: Aereo precipita ai Caraibi, disperso il magnate tedesco Rainer Schaller [a cura della redazione Esteri] - 2 years ago

@CultEvent_tweet: RT @CNN: Gold's Gym owner Rainer Schaller, his family and two others are feared dead after a plane they were on apparently crashed off Cost… - 2 years ago

@CultEvent_tweet: RT @Giornaleditalia: Incidente aereo in Costa Rica con a bordo l’imprenditore tedesco Rainer Schaller: possibile avaria al motore - 2 years ago

@CultEvent_tweet: RT @lau_fasani: Da venerdì è disperso Rainer Schaller, proprietario della McFit e a capo della società che organizzò la Loveparade del 2010… - 2 years ago

@CultEvent_tweet: RT @estero24hnews: #NEW Un piccolo aereo che trasportava 6 persone, tra cui Rainer Schaller, si è schiantato in Costa Rica. Nessuna informa… - 2 years ago

@CultEvent_tweet: RT @radioromait: Rainer Schaller, chi è il magnate delle palestre McFit disperso in aereo ai Caraibi - 2 years ago

@CultEvent_tweet: RT @fanpage: Tragedia nel mar dei Caraibi, a bordo dell'aereo c’era il magnate Rainer Schaller, proprietario e fondatore delle palestre McF… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Rainer Schaller dies - #RainerSchaller #Rainer #Schaller #rip - 2 years ago

@green_mag_media: Haunting last photo of McFit millionaire Rainer Schaller with his family days before they all died in plane crash - 2 years ago

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