Rahul Desikan

Indian-born American neuroscientist.
Died on Friday July 19th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Rahul Desikan:

@moorthycbe: Rahul Desikan - A Life Eternal - 6 years ago

@TheScientistLLC: Obituary: Rahul Desikan was studying the genetics of ALS when he was diagnosed with the disease himself.… - 6 years ago

@BMCMedicine: RT @UCSF: It's with heavy hearts that we mark the death of @rahuldesikan, who was "a deeply committed and caring husband and father, a bril… - 6 years ago

@rajab: Rahul Desikan - A Life Eternal: What a moving tribute !! - 6 years ago


@shabbylad: أنعي صديقي راهول ديسيكان الذي توفي مؤخراً بمرض كان يدرسه وهو ALS, With great sorrow I share with you the sad news… - 6 years ago

@lakshmisub: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@chaitu_Insideme: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@tishtriya: - 6 years ago

@tishtriya: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@simhan_kl: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@vakibs: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@kedardk: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@MorbidHera: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies - 6 years ago

@chowkidarpunni9: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@mgopik: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@VivekNSharma87: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@AravindAK47: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@Thatawesomechap: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@Sandeepba4: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@samudramanthana: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@Subhash_Data: - 6 years ago

@vaa3: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@arvindneela: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@rituvashi: RT @prasannavishy: Obituary: Rahul Desikan - A Life Eternal. Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then… - 6 years ago

@ChowkidarDesi: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@kr_shaurabh: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@Shreeshankar15: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@twittegb: RT @SwarajyaMag: Obituary: Dr Rahul Desikan immersed himself in research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. https:… - 6 years ago

@hsraghav: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@JS_Chandra: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@prasannavishy: RT @ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41. A mo… - 6 years ago

@ArushTandon: Dr Rahul Desikan devoted his life to research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. He was 41.… - 6 years ago

@gladeolie: RT @SwarajyaMag: Obituary: Dr Rahul Desikan immersed himself in research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. https:… - 6 years ago

@LmaooDead: RT @SwarajyaMag: Obituary: Dr Rahul Desikan immersed himself in research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. https:… - 6 years ago

@AlokJai65975914: RT @SwarajyaMag: Obituary: Dr Rahul Desikan immersed himself in research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. https:… - 6 years ago

@SwarajyaMag: Obituary: Dr Rahul Desikan immersed himself in research on diseases like the ALS. Then he was diagnosed with it. - 6 years ago

@GangFighterKy2: “Even as Desikan is pouring his life into curing ALS, ALS is stealing the life he had,” - 6 years ago

@Gaui_mnd: RT @jjyerbury: 'Now, I have one of the diseases that I study.. Even with this lethal disease, I continue to find neurology fascinating and… - 6 years ago

@KirstenHarley2: RT @jjyerbury: 'Now, I have one of the diseases that I study.. Even with this lethal disease, I continue to find neurology fascinating and… - 6 years ago

@DrDayaSharma: RT @jjyerbury: 'Now, I have one of the diseases that I study.. Even with this lethal disease, I continue to find neurology fascinating and… - 6 years ago

@infinite8horizo: Vale Rahul - 6 years ago

@grecialdawn: RT @jjyerbury: 'Now, I have one of the diseases that I study.. Even with this lethal disease, I continue to find neurology fascinating and… - 6 years ago

@jjyerbury: 'Now, I have one of the diseases that I study.. Even with this lethal disease, I continue to find neurology fascina… - 6 years ago

@dasphysio: - 6 years ago

@telminho: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies - 6 years ago

@crutchertherese: It looks like UCSF and the world for that matter, has lost a brilliant neuroscientist - 6 years ago

@JewishNewsViews: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies | The Scientist Magazine® - 6 years ago

@ivanvpillay611: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies - 6 years ago

@BIOCIENCIA2013: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies - 6 years ago

@ERogalskiPhD: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan will be deeply missed - 6 years ago

@sunitachandra29: RT @UCSF: It's with heavy hearts that we mark the death of @rahuldesikan, who was "a deeply committed and caring husband and father, a bril… - 6 years ago

@sunitachandra29: RT @Educated_Change: RT @UCSFimaging: "Even with this lethal disease, I continue to find #neurology fascinating & beautiful," says Dr. @rah… - 6 years ago

@bill_fischer: “I went into medicine to take care of patients with brain diseases. Now, I have one of the diseases that I study [A… - 6 years ago

@charlesazorn: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies - 6 years ago

@felixandbuddy: RT @UCSF: It's with heavy hearts that we mark the death of @rahuldesikan, who was "a deeply committed and caring husband and father, a bril… - 6 years ago

@NeilIndranil: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies. @NeilIndranil @SNACCNeuro @UAMSneurosurg - 6 years ago

@alsadvocacy: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan, respected for research in genetic diseases, is no more via @newzhook - 6 years ago

@NewzHook: Rahul Desikan, the India born neuroscientist, widely renowned for his work in the field of neurodegenerative diseas… - 6 years ago

@RhythmBonesLit: RT @paulsrowe: The neuroscientist Rahul Desikan, creator of the “Desikan atlas,” an anatomic description of the brain’s surface, has died o… - 6 years ago

@sunnyberasmus: RT @alsagoldenwest: IN THE NEWS: We are so sad to report that @UCSF neuroscientist @rahuldesikan has died. We are so grateful for his extra… - 6 years ago

@sunnyberasmus: iamalsorg fearless leader dropping truth bombs in honor of Dr. Rahul Desikan’s passing from ALS - read more about h… - 6 years ago

@specialKLW: RT @AudacityofGoats: This thread is not just a tribute to an extraordinary man, but a lesson in a life well lived. Let us all stand in awe… - 6 years ago

@NeurologiaNews: Rahul Desikan: Uno de los grandes en los últimos 20 años en el campo de neuroimagen murió hace una semana. Neurosc… - 6 years ago

@pskeyes1457: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies - 6 years ago

@KPassWis: RT @AudacityofGoats: This thread is not just a tribute to an extraordinary man, but a lesson in a life well lived. Let us all stand in awe… - 6 years ago

@paulhernandz718: RT @DashGenomics: @bsw5020 Added to ⚡️ “In memory of Rahul Desikan” by @DashGenomics @rahuldesikan You will be… - 6 years ago

@Charlottereulet: RT @DashGenomics: @bsw5020 Added to ⚡️ “In memory of Rahul Desikan” by @DashGenomics @rahuldesikan You will be… - 6 years ago

@AudacityofGoats: This thread is not just a tribute to an extraordinary man, but a lesson in a life well lived. Let us all stand in a… - 6 years ago

@manoach_d: RT @UCSFHospitals: UCSF & the scientific community mourn the loss of Dr. Rahul Desikan, who has passed away after a 2 1/2 year battle with… - 6 years ago

@natashasamani: RT @Educated_Change: RT @UCSFimaging: "Even with this lethal disease, I continue to find #neurology fascinating & beautiful," says Dr. @rah… - 6 years ago

@susu1954: RT @Educated_Change: RT @UCSFimaging: "Even with this lethal disease, I continue to find #neurology fascinating & beautiful," says Dr. @rah… - 6 years ago

@korn2005: RT @DashGenomics: @bsw5020 Added to ⚡️ “In memory of Rahul Desikan” by @DashGenomics @rahuldesikan You will be… - 6 years ago

@alsagoldenwest: IN THE NEWS: We are so sad to report that @UCSF neuroscientist @rahuldesikan has died. We are so grateful for his e… - 6 years ago

@alsagoldenwest: RT @UCSF: It's with heavy hearts that we mark the death of @rahuldesikan, who was "a deeply committed and caring husband and father, a bril… - 6 years ago

@jineto_ARL: RT @UCSFimaging: The 2019 @alzassociation Conference included a moment of silence dedicated to Dr. Rahul Desikan. A brilliant scientist & r… - 6 years ago

@SamirGadepalli: RT @iamalsorg: In this constant battle against ALS, there are days where opportunity and hope drive us forward and ones where heartbreak an… - 6 years ago

@SamirGadepalli: RT @AjayKamalakaran: I'll see you on the other side, my brother. - 6 years ago

@SamirGadepalli: RT @UCSF: It's with heavy hearts that we mark the death of @rahuldesikan, who was "a deeply committed and caring husband and father, a bril… - 6 years ago

@AjayKamalakaran: RT @AjitPaiFCC: RIP, Rahul Desikan: @UCSF MD/PhD dedicated his life to studying the brain, developing a "computational brain atlas." "It wa… - 6 years ago

@AjayKamalakaran: RT @UCSF: It's with heavy hearts that we mark the death of @rahuldesikan, who was "a deeply committed and caring husband and father, a bril… - 6 years ago

@DashGenomics: RT @UCSFimaging: The 2019 @alzassociation Conference included a moment of silence dedicated to Dr. Rahul Desikan. A brilliant scientist & r… - 6 years ago

@BMRRgroup: RT @NeuroDx: Rahul was exceptional. He excelled, he loved, he created and he inpired. We have lost one of the greats at UCSF and in science… - 6 years ago

@PsychPLockwood: RT @Neuroscience365: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies - The Scientist - 6 years ago

@Neuroscience365: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies - The Scientist - 6 years ago

@AjayKamalakaran: I'll see you on the other side, my brother. - 6 years ago

@tiannag92: RT @paulsrowe: The neuroscientist Rahul Desikan, creator of the “Desikan atlas,” an anatomic description of the brain’s surface, has died o… - 6 years ago

@UCSF: RT @UCSFimaging: The 2019 @alzassociation Conference included a moment of silence dedicated to Dr. Rahul Desikan. A brilliant scientist & r… - 6 years ago

@meredithjane63: RT @DashGenomics: @bsw5020 Added to ⚡️ “In memory of Rahul Desikan” by @DashGenomics @rahuldesikan You will be… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Rahul Desikan - 6 years ago

@yamagatm3: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies - 6 years ago

@luisperezart: Rest in peace Rahul. I haven't seen him since highschool where in P.E. we constantly tried to one-up each other at… - 6 years ago

@TheScientistLLC: Obituary: Rahul Desikan was studying the genetics of ALS when he was diagnosed with the disease himself. - 6 years ago

@into_AI: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies - He studied neuroscience at Bos - 6 years ago

@BrainsMedicine: RT @UCSFimaging: The 2019 @alzassociation Conference included a moment of silence dedicated to Dr. Rahul Desikan. A brilliant scientist & r… - 6 years ago

@genphys: Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan Dies - The Scientist - +GENERAL PHYSICS LABORATORY (GPL) Neuroscientist Rahul Desikan - 6 years ago

@UCSFimaging: The 2019 @alzassociation Conference included a moment of silence dedicated to Dr. Rahul Desikan. A brilliant scient… - 6 years ago

@drthomasa: RT @AnswerALS: Rahul’s light may not shine as brightly, but it will never go out. His life and work will be missed by all who were fortunat… - 6 years ago

@syedmoinhassan: RT @UCSF: It's with heavy hearts that we mark the death of @rahuldesikan, who was "a deeply committed and caring husband and father, a bril… - 6 years ago

@leafs_s: RT @profkimgraham: Terribly sad to hear of the death of Rahul Desikan, a brilliant scientist, extraordinary person & an inspiration in the… - 6 years ago

@JenYeh76: RT @lauriemcginley2: Rahul Desikan, the ALS/Alzheimer’s researcher stricken by ALS, has died. Here is my story about him from last year: De… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Rahul Desikan has passed away - #RahulDesikan #Rahul #Desikan #rip - 6 years ago

@BhavyaRehaniMD: RT @UCSFHospitals: UCSF & the scientific community mourn the loss of Dr. Rahul Desikan, who has passed away after a 2 1/2 year battle with… - 6 years ago

@BonnieJoeMD: RT @NeuroDx: Rahul was exceptional. He excelled, he loved, he created and he inpired. We have lost one of the greats at UCSF and in science… - 6 years ago

@ArmondeMd: RT @NeuroDx: Rahul was exceptional. He excelled, he loved, he created and he inpired. We have lost one of the greats at UCSF and in science… - 6 years ago

@jana_ivanidze: RT @NeuroDx: Rahul was exceptional. He excelled, he loved, he created and he inpired. We have lost one of the greats at UCSF and in science… - 6 years ago

@MoonHarvest1: RT @DashGenomics: @bsw5020 Added to ⚡️ “In memory of Rahul Desikan” by @DashGenomics @rahuldesikan You will be… - 6 years ago

@swalterscience: RT @UCSF: It's with heavy hearts that we mark the death of @rahuldesikan, who was "a deeply committed and caring husband and father, a bril… - 6 years ago

@RMNyC808: RT @UCSF: "I love my research, and it gives me reason to live." A moving profile of a determined UCSF scientist, via @washingtonpost. Rahu… - 6 years ago

@hmgcoa2: RT @lauriemcginley2: Rahul Desikan, the ALS/Alzheimer’s researcher stricken by ALS, has died. Here is my story about him from last year: De… - 6 years ago

@CombinationProd: Poignant story about Rahul Desikan, a #ALS and #Alzheimer’s researcher diagnosed with ALS: Devastated by ALS, tryin… - 6 years ago

@DashGenomics: ⚡️ “In memory of Rahul Desikan” by @DashGenomics @rahuldesikan You will be greatly miss… - 6 years ago

@HinmanLabUCLA: Very sad to hear about the passing of an old acquaintance Rahul Desikan, MD, PhD (1978-2019) | UCSF Radiology. Will… - 6 years ago

@datsunian: RT @Kilidoc2: Rahul Desikan, MD, PhD (1978-2019) RIP my friend - 6 years ago

@Kilidoc2: Rahul Desikan, MD, PhD (1978-2019) RIP my friend - 6 years ago

@LessneVIR: @UCSFimaging @UCSFHospitals @BUmedical @RadiologyUcsd @melina_mccarty - 6 years ago

@tmprowell: RT @lauriemcginley2: Rahul Desikan, the ALS/Alzheimer’s researcher stricken by ALS, has died. Here is my story about him from last year: De… - 6 years ago

@suzyshealyart: RT @UCSF: It's with heavy hearts that we mark the death of @rahuldesikan, who was "a deeply committed and caring husband and father, a bril… - 6 years ago

@afraupascual: RT @NeuroDx: Rahul was exceptional. He excelled, he loved, he created and he inpired. We have lost one of the greats at UCSF and in science… - 6 years ago

@MarkSchiebler: RT @etpisano: Sorry today for the too early loss of a great researcher in neurosciences and imaging. I did not know him, but from his obit… - 6 years ago

@sunnyberasmus: RT @UCSF: It's with heavy hearts that we mark the death of @rahuldesikan, who was "a deeply committed and caring husband and father, a bril… - 6 years ago

@madamscientist: RT @UCSFimaging: "Rahul was a deeply committed & caring husband and father, a brilliant neuroscientist & radiologist, & an inspiring friend… - 6 years ago

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