Raghunath Patnaik

Indian politician
Died on Thursday May 12th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Raghunath Patnaik:

@sasmitpatra: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@Yugabda: Former FM of Odisha Raghunath Patnaik Passes away - Yugabda: Odisha's Most Trusted news.. - - 9 years ago

@ENIN_NW_Nationa: Veteran Congress leader passes away - : Senior Congress leader and former Minister Raghunath Patnaik passed awa... - 9 years ago

@ENIN_NewsWaver: Veteran Congress leader passes away - : Senior Congress leader and former Minister Raghunath Patnaik passed awa... - 9 years ago


@SambitSrichand1: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@SambitSrichand1: RT @pccodisha: @pccodisha President expresses deep condolences on the sad demise of Former Minister Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik - 9 years ago

@SaahilNayak1996: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@tapanjenabbsr: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@AnkitaMishra90: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@ashishdash407: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@PoojaPandaPP: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@snehasahucuty: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@palakmisty: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@Yugabda: Former FM of Odisha Raghunath Patnaik Passes away - Yugabda: Odisha's Most Trusted news.. - - 9 years ago

@BJPsudhanRSS: RT @dpradhanbjp: Deeply saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Raghunath Patnaik.He was an inspirational leader who will always be remem… - 9 years ago

@bhubaneswarbuzz: Raghunath Patnaikpasses away at 87: Senior Congress leader and former minister Raghunath Patnaik died at a private… - 9 years ago

@otvnews: CM Naveen Patnaik moves condolence motion in #Odisha Assembly over demise of former minister Raghunath Patnaik - 9 years ago

@ArunPrasadSinha: RT @pccodisha: @pccodisha President expresses deep condolences on the sad demise of Former Minister Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik - 9 years ago

@Sheikhitcell111: RT @pccodisha: @pccodisha President expresses deep condolences on the sad demise of Former Minister Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik - 9 years ago

@Sheikhitcell111: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@EyeOnTheReaper: Raghunath Patnaik, 89, Indian politician, heart disease. - 9 years ago

@svettapatnaik: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@abhisekpatnaik: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@PDrsudhakar: RT @pccodisha: @pccodisha President expresses deep condolences on the sad demise of Former Minister Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik - 9 years ago

@PDrsudhakar: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@Rakesh40717956: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@NNaseemahmad071: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@umeshmohan: RT @pccodisha: @pccodisha President expresses deep condolences on the sad demise of Former Minister Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik - 9 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Raghunath Patnaik is now pushing up daisies: - 9 years ago

@NNaseemahmad071: RT @pccodisha: @pccodisha President expresses deep condolences on the sad demise of Former Minister Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik - 9 years ago

@RanaRajeevrana: RT @dpradhanbjp: Deeply saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Raghunath Patnaik.He was an inspirational leader who will always be remem… - 9 years ago

@ramsarswat16: RT @dpradhanbjp: Deeply saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Raghunath Patnaik.He was an inspirational leader who will always be remem… - 9 years ago

@DeonHinds_Inc: Raghunath Patnaik, Indian politician, Died at 89 - 9 years ago

@damionhinds: Raghunath Patnaik, Indian politician, Died at 89 - 9 years ago

@121reggae: Raghunath Patnaik, Indian politician, Died at 89 - 9 years ago

@PrabhakarThanks: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@bjppcs: RT @dpradhanbjp: Deeply saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Raghunath Patnaik.He was an inspirational leader who will always be remem… - 9 years ago

@oneworldnews_in: - 9 years ago

@oneworldnews_in: Congress leader Raghunath Patnaik passes away-->> - 9 years ago

@alokswaink: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@samrao209: RT @AmanSha02590898: Former Odisha minister Raghunath Patnaik passes away: Senior Congress leader and former Odisha minister Raghu... https… - 9 years ago

@jameelsjam: RT @AmanSha02590898: Former Odisha minister Raghunath Patnaik passes away: Senior Congress leader and former Odisha minister Raghu... https… - 9 years ago

@AmanSha02590898: Former Odisha minister Raghunath Patnaik passes away: Senior Congress leader and former Odisha minister Raghu... - 9 years ago

@MahanandaIYC: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@mahananda_inc: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@Chandra_bhs: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@Barsum79: Senior Congress leader Raghunath Patnaik passes away: Senior Congress leader and former Odisha minister Raghu... - 9 years ago

@kamzou08: Senior Congress leader Raghunath Patnaik passes away: Senior Congress leader and former Odisha minister Raghu... - 9 years ago

@tandi_charan: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Raghunath Patnaik - #RaghunathPatnaik #Raghunath #Patnaik #rip - 9 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Raghunath Patnaik, 89, Indian politician, heart disease. - 9 years ago

@honeywriter: @AnayaOdisha - 9 years ago

@polysmind: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@MBCTVODISHA: Yesteryears finance and law minister Raghunath Patnaik passed away at the age of 89 today morning #condolences - 9 years ago

@icsekhar: Former Odisha Minister Raghunath Patnaik passes away - 9 years ago

@Outlookindia: Raghunath Patnaik Dies at 87 | - 9 years ago

@mrinaljnu: RT @dpradhanbjp: Deeply saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Raghunath Patnaik.He was an inspirational leader who will always be remem… - 9 years ago

@imvishav: RT @dpradhanbjp: Deeply saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Raghunath Patnaik.He was an inspirational leader who will always be remem… - 9 years ago

@tarunited: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@Nikhil5191: RT @dpradhanbjp: Deeply saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Raghunath Patnaik.He was an inspirational leader who will always be remem… - 9 years ago

@NetaAvilash: Former #Odisha Minister Raghunath Patnaik passes away. May his soul Rest In Peace. #RipRaghunathPatnaik - 9 years ago

@AbhilashNsui: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@bijusahu: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@TussarJitu: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@AshutoshDash37: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@PriyabrataT: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@lingarajsatapat: RT @pranabpdas: Deepest condolences on sad demise of veteran leader & former minister Shri Raghunath Patnaik - 9 years ago

@know_Odisha: RT @Naveen_Odisha: My condolences to the family of ex-minister & popular leader Raghunath Patnaik. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@rohitpanwar9999: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

@skmobshir: RT @pccodisha: Our condolences to the bereaved family on the sad demise of Veteran Congress Leader Late Shri Raghunath Patnaik (Former Mini… - 9 years ago

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