Rafi Eitan

Israeli intelligence officer and politician
Died on Saturday March 23rd 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Rafi Eitan:

@allencline12b: RT @EspionageNews: Other than running Pollard, this guy was pretty amazing. - 6 years ago

@Planning203: RT @ForeignPolicy: Rafi Eitan rose to fame as one of the Mossad operatives who captured Adolf Eichmann. But he had many lesser-known operat… - 6 years ago

@homados: “if you are determined and creative everything is possible, even the most seemingly crazy plans.” —Rafi Eitan - 6 years ago

@deghteghfateh: RT @EspionageNews: Other than running Pollard, this guy was pretty amazing. - 6 years ago


@ardoilcorp: RT @ForeignPolicy: Rafi Eitan rose to fame as one of the Mossad operatives who captured Adolf Eichmann. But he had many lesser-known operat… - 6 years ago

@Freedoonia310: @nfsgalibh The Eitan method applied to Labor-left elections methods: Telling Haaretz in 2010, “In principle, when t… - 6 years ago

@EspionageNews: Other than running Pollard, this guy was pretty amazing. - 6 years ago

@rogue_corq: Remembering Israel’s Most Celebrated Spy - 6 years ago

@bilderberg54: Rafi Eitan, Israeli Spymaster Who Caught Eichmann, Is Dead at 92 - 6 years ago

@WolfNW: RT @ForeignPolicy: Rafi Eitan rose to fame as one of the Mossad operatives who captured Adolf Eichmann. But he had many lesser-known operat… - 6 years ago

@sproggar: - 6 years ago

@eddydaud: RT @ForeignPolicy: Rafi Eitan rose to fame as one of the Mossad operatives who captured Adolf Eichmann. But he had many lesser-known operat… - 6 years ago

@ManginiE: RT @ForeignPolicy: Rafi Eitan rose to fame as one of the Mossad operatives who captured Adolf Eichmann. But he had many lesser-known operat… - 6 years ago

@ConstructivEdge: RT @ForeignPolicy: Rafi Eitan rose to fame as one of the Mossad operatives who captured Adolf Eichmann. But he had many lesser-known operat… - 6 years ago

@ForeignPolicy: Rafi Eitan rose to fame as one of the Mossad operatives who captured Adolf Eichmann. But he had many lesser-known o… - 6 years ago

@dangerdaveball: RT @ForeignPolicy: Rafi Eitan was involved in enhancing Israel’s nuclear weapons capabilities, cultivating clandestine relations with Arab… - 6 years ago

@Wonder_Sapin: RT @ForeignPolicy: Rafi Eitan was involved in enhancing Israel’s nuclear weapons capabilities, cultivating clandestine relations with Arab… - 6 years ago

@theChrisTuthill: RT @jaynordlinger: Before they hanged him, Eichmann looked at Eitan and said, "Your time will come to follow me, Jew." Eitan replied, "But… - 6 years ago

@Planning203: RT @ForeignPolicy: Rafi Eitan was involved in enhancing Israel’s nuclear weapons capabilities, cultivating clandestine relations with Arab… - 6 years ago

@shahzad402: RT @ForeignPolicy: Rafi Eitan was involved in enhancing Israel’s nuclear weapons capabilities, cultivating clandestine relations with Arab… - 6 years ago

@fictionarrative: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@m1chaelis: RT @rubenmcloop: Rafi Eitan, der Adolf Eichmann 1960 in Argentinien festnahm, ist 92-jährig in Israel gestorben. Rest in Power. Kein Vergeb… - 6 years ago

@whisperair: RT @Independent: Remembering, Rafi Eitan, Israeli intelligence chief who kidnapped Adolf Eichmann - 6 years ago

@rjrwired: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@orochijes: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@MinerwaU: RT @EspionageNews: Rafi Eitan: Mossad spy who captured Adolf Eichmann dies - 6 years ago

@JuanMartinFdez: RT @andresmalamud: Se fue Rafi Eitan, uno de los hombres más inteligentes y el espía más emblemático del mundo. Si todavía no lo hicieron,… - 6 years ago

@Laduger: RT @jaynordlinger: Before they hanged him, Eichmann looked at Eitan and said, "Your time will come to follow me, Jew." Eitan replied, "But… - 6 years ago

@EncycloAgora: RT @Independent: Remembering, Rafi Eitan, Israeli intelligence chief who kidnapped Adolf Eichmann - 6 years ago

@LauraSedorPhoto: In honor of Rafi Eitan who died this week, I watched Operation Finale about the capture of Eichmann. If there was a… - 6 years ago

@Kayisa: RT @Independent: Remembering, Rafi Eitan, Israeli intelligence chief who kidnapped Adolf Eichmann - 6 years ago

@Independent: Remembering, Rafi Eitan, Israeli intelligence chief who kidnapped Adolf Eichmann - 6 years ago

@fourrive1: RT @germany_plow: Rafi Eitan obituary +1 DeutchesBot #Germany #news - 6 years ago

@Lynn_Rose1: RT @albertmohler: Rafi Eitan dies at 92: A look at the Israeli Spymaster who caught Adolf Eichmann and the inescapability of justice. #The… - 6 years ago

@TheAceMan1234: RT @BillKristol: Rafi Eitan, 1926-2019. "Mr. Eitan spoke to Eichmann in the execution chamber. 'Eichmann looked at me and said, "Your time… - 6 years ago

@awalmsley11: To Rafi Eitan I say, good work, good hunting, AND TO YOU! - 6 years ago

@awalmsley11: So I've realised I'm 6 days late on Rafi Eitan. I am appalled at myself at parliament for the lack of grand statem… - 6 years ago

@JulesNYNY: RT @BillKristol: Rafi Eitan, 1926-2019. "Mr. Eitan spoke to Eichmann in the execution chamber. 'Eichmann looked at me and said, "Your time… - 6 years ago

@buzz_commander: RT @jaynordlinger: Before they hanged him, Eichmann looked at Eitan and said, "Your time will come to follow me, Jew." Eitan replied, "But… - 6 years ago

@soaprookie: RT @BillKristol: Rafi Eitan, 1926-2019. "Mr. Eitan spoke to Eichmann in the execution chamber. 'Eichmann looked at me and said, "Your time… - 6 years ago

@thetawaves1618: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@DrJoseOrtizB: RT @SBTS: Rafi Eitan dies at 92: A look at the Israeli Spymaster who caught Adolf Eichmann and the inescapability of justice @albertmohler… - 6 years ago

@SBTS: Rafi Eitan dies at 92: A look at the Israeli Spymaster who caught Adolf Eichmann and the inescapability of justice… - 6 years ago

@Aer_O_Head: Rafi Eitan, spy at center of Israel’s great uranium heist from the U.S. - 6 years ago

@CommunityParty1: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@Coops_tv: "Their commander was Rafi Eitan, who became known as one of his country’s greatest, if most controversial, spies..." - 6 years ago

@ncholas_muthama: RT @Independent: Remembering, Rafi Eitan, Israeli intelligence chief who kidnapped Adolf Eichmann - 6 years ago

@HaroldBaylor2: RT @Independent: Remembering, Rafi Eitan, Israeli intelligence chief who kidnapped Adolf Eichmann - 6 years ago

@Independent: Remembering, Rafi Eitan, Israeli intelligence chief who kidnapped Adolf Eichmann - 6 years ago

@MxRevenge1: RT @jncatron: Rafi Eitan: Israel’s Notorious Spymaster, Deconstructed - 6 years ago

@Mithra301: Rafi Eitan: Israel’s Notorious Spymaster, Deconstructed - 6 years ago

@pessoptimistic: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@StoriesTweet: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@StoriesTweet: RT @helenacobban: Very important piece by Jefferson Morley recalling role of "Rafi" Eitan, key procurer for Israel's nuclear weapons arsena… - 6 years ago

@StoriesTweet: RT @jeffersonmorley: The obituaries of this Zionist spymaster omitted one of his most remarkable operations. It happened in a factory town… - 6 years ago

@StoriesTweet: RT @trapwire: Among other things: Captured Eichman; handled Pollard; assassinated the Olympic terrorist planners; stole uranium from Pittsb… - 6 years ago

@StoriesTweet: RT @yossi_melman: Rafi Eitan 1 of the founders of Mossad's operational department died at 93 .He participated in the abduction in 1960 of N… - 6 years ago

@GinebraTxistu: RT @KRLS: La maldat pot prendre moltes formes i expressar-se de moltes maneres. Però sempre acaba igual: present al capçal del llit de les… - 6 years ago

@littlepalooza: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@KatNL: RT @PintoAmsterdam: de Volkskrant citeerd de legendarische Rafi Eitan: “Waar ter wereld ook moslims zijn, kun je geweld en terreur verwacht… - 6 years ago

@theissuecollect: Rafi Eitan, 92, Israeli Spymaster Who Caught Eichmann, Is Dead - 6 years ago

@freegazaorg: Rafi Eitan: Israel’s Notorious Spymaster, Deconstructed - 6 years ago

@CaptCompliance: Seeking An Ethics Verdict On Rafi Eitan. - 6 years ago

@LalehKhalili: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@whypad: RT @HevershamIntel: Rafi Eitan: Mossad spy who captured Adolf Eichmann dies. Also one of the Handlers for the US Informant POLLARD. #CHIS #… - 6 years ago

@richards105: NEW POST Rafi Eitan: Israel’s Notorious Spymaster, Deconstructed - 6 years ago

@grassfed: RT @jncatron: Rafi Eitan: Israel’s Notorious Spymaster, Deconstructed - 6 years ago

@andre__levy: Rafi Eitan: Israel’s Notorious Spymaster, Deconstructed NOTE: As a freelance journalist you look for major events… - 6 years ago

@jncatron: Rafi Eitan: Israel’s Notorious Spymaster, Deconstructed - 6 years ago

@LisaPozner: RT @jncatron: Rafi Eitan, spy at center of Israel’s great uranium heist from the U.S. - 6 years ago

@rettiwtotseted: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@apwriter: RT @jaynordlinger: Before they hanged him, Eichmann looked at Eitan and said, "Your time will come to follow me, Jew." Eitan replied, "But… - 6 years ago

@geopol_mongoose: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@salihpeerzada: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@BuckFushmas: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@brownpundit: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@MrPimpino: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

@LoveBegetsPeace: RT @Mondoweiss: Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan died last week. After a pro-Israel group complained, the @nytimes obituary removed mention tha… - 6 years ago

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