Radu Lupu

Romanian pianist.
Died on Monday April 18th 2022

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Radu Lupu:

@MarkdeZabaleta: Genial ...Mozart, Concierto para piano Nº 19, K459. Radu Lupu, piano - 3 years ago

@stationsimone22: #NowPlaying Radu Lupu - Schubert: 6 Moments musicaux, Op.94 D780 - No.3 in F Minor (Allegro moderato) sur… - 3 years ago

@BBC3MusicBot: 🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBCRadio3's #Breakfast 🕊️ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Murray Perahia, Radu Lupu & English Chamber… - 3 years ago

@BBCR3MusicBot: Now Playing Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Murray Perahia, Radu Lupu - Concerto in E flat ma... #wolfgangamadeusmozart, #murrayperahia, #radulupu - 3 years ago


@HGanescu: RT @HGanescu: Romanian Pianist Radu Lupu has Died, Age 76 - 3 years ago

@HGanescu: Romanian Pianist Radu Lupu has Died, Age 76 - 3 years ago

@HGanescu: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@tasminlittle: Very, very sad to hear that we have lost another truly great musician… RIP, Radu Lupu 🌸 - 3 years ago

@CMosslund: RT @robin95768063: Radu Lupu: Mozart - Piano Concerto K 459 (Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie, D... - 3 years ago

@pianoguard8: RT @latimes: Appreciation: Remembering the incomparable pianist Radu Lupu and his legacy of brilliant work - 3 years ago

@IScottDavenport: RT @playinglesshurt: Radu Lupu obituary - 3 years ago

@Norpete: - 3 years ago

@VictorMattoon: RT @playinglesshurt: Radu Lupu obituary - 3 years ago

@playinglesshurt: Radu Lupu obituary - 3 years ago

@SullivanAbos: Brahms Intermezzo Op.117 No.2 - Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@malkisulki: Radu Lupu plays Schumann Fantasie, op. 17 – live 1994 - 3 years ago

@balladeballade: RT @latimes: Appreciation: Remembering the incomparable pianist Radu Lupu and his legacy of brilliant work - 3 years ago

@unique_0914: RT @ceparkgrace: <FM실황음악 마에스트로를 추모하며> •4월 28일 Nicholas Angelich •4월 29일 Radu Lupu (1) •4월 30일 Radu Lupu (2) - 3 years ago

@aboutvirginia1: 이것도 콘서트헤바우 실황. 1983년 5월 리사이틀 슈만의 <빈 사육제> <유모레스크> 슈베르트 소나타 D850, 즉흥곡 D935중 2번 즉흥곡 2번만 살짝 들어봤는데 이미 너무 행복해서 어지럽다 - 3 years ago

@aboutvirginia1: 네덜란드 라디오 아카이브에서. 그리그 피아노 협주곡 1975년 실황 정말 훌륭합니다 - 3 years ago

@TennesseeTaco: @TheCliburn R.I.P. Radu Lupu. You will be missed. 🙏 - 3 years ago

@Elizabethaslam: RT @JorgeIgnacio: Falleció este mes el pianista rumano Radu Lupu, uno de los grandes. - 3 years ago

@MCasadeus: Schumann: Humoreske Op. 20 1839; Kinderszenen Op. 15 1838; Kreisleriana Op.16 1938 Radu Lupu 1995 when a copy of K… - 3 years ago

@MEEHOO4U: RT @ceparkgrace: <FM실황음악 마에스트로를 추모하며> •4월 28일 Nicholas Angelich •4월 29일 Radu Lupu (1) •4월 30일 Radu Lupu (2) - 3 years ago

@4_ighs: RT @petit_list: 220427 수요일 🪦Franck: Sonata in A Major for Violin and Piano - Ⅰ. Allegretto ben moderato/ 정경화, Radu Lupu 🪦Beethoven: 2 Rond… - 3 years ago

@jewel_me_: RT @latimes: Appreciation: Remembering the incomparable pianist Radu Lupu and his legacy of brilliant work - 3 years ago

@Luecke_Bernhard: Radu Lupu Live Savona, Schumann Arabeske,Fantasia + Encore - 3 years ago

@aboutvirginia1: 먼저 라디오프랑스. 이건 몇 년 전 루푸 생일축하 방송의 재방송이라고 한다 프로그램은 아래와 같은데… 여기에 무려 쇼팽 소나타 3번이 있다 루푸의 쇼소 3번이라니 상상이 가십니까 1987년 도쿄 실황이고 제… - 3 years ago

@BetweenTheWords: Radu Lupu , Murray Perahia 4 hands Schubert Fantasy F minor Part 1 - 3 years ago

@BetweenTheWords: Romanian Pianist Radu Lupu has Died, Age 76 - 3 years ago

@petit_list: 220427 수요일 🪦Franck: Sonata in A Major for Violin and Piano - Ⅰ. Allegretto ben moderato/ 정경화, Radu Lupu 🪦Beethoven… - 3 years ago

@eyesonlife_gina: RT @ICSOM: Sad News: Radu Lupu, Pianist Who Awed Listeners, Is Dead at 76 - 3 years ago

@camilafanrick03: RT @LAMusicFestival: - 3 years ago

@LAMusicFestival: - 3 years ago

@JorgeIgnacio: Falleció este mes el pianista rumano Radu Lupu, uno de los grandes. - 3 years ago

@gomatama1: Radu Lupu, Brahms 3 Intermezzi for Piano Op117 Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@gomatama1: RT @fafnerthekite: My Lupu obituary, now apparently also in the Boston Globe. - 3 years ago

@LaHJCK: El mundo de la #músicaclásica se vistió de luto con el fallecimiento de dos grandes pianistas, el rumano Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@iboboc: RT @CasuraFlurin: Ending the day on a sad note. The great pianist Radu Lupu has died yesterday 17 April 2022 in Lausanne. He was born 30 No… - 3 years ago

@ConcertHu: RT @netradio_wiki: パストデイリーもルプーを追悼して1979ザルツブルク音楽祭のムーティ/ウィーン・フィルからベートーヴェンのP協奏曲第1番とブルックナーの交響曲第1番@8.12祝祭大劇場を出してきていた…!これはNHK-FMでもやらなかったかも知れない超レア… - 3 years ago

@BestDrWho: Radu Lupu obituary - 3 years ago

@MCasadeus: Radu Lupu farewell encore Brahms, Intermezzo Op.117/1, recorded on 3rd February 2019 at the Royal Festival Hall, Lo… - 3 years ago

@marquis_d_c1726: - 3 years ago

@The_Infallible_: Radu Lupu, Pianist Who Awed Listeners, Is Dead at 76 - 3 years ago

@paoloigna1: RT @mezzo_tv: En hommage au grand Radu Lupu... - 3 years ago

@micol_ascoli: The effort of carrying on living. Goodbye, Maestro Radu Lupu. - 3 years ago

@stationsimone22: #NowPlaying Radu Lupu - Schubert: 6 Moments musicaux, Op.94 D780 - No.3 in F Minor (Allegro moderato) sur… - 3 years ago

@PoopOnBezos: He brought another dimension to Brahms. I haven't heard another interpreter with the same effect. - 3 years ago

@PoopOnBezos: Oh fuck. Radu Lupu has died. 😰 - 3 years ago

@okaka_1968: RT @netradio_wiki: パストデイリーもルプーを追悼して1979ザルツブルク音楽祭のムーティ/ウィーン・フィルからベートーヴェンのP協奏曲第1番とブルックナーの交響曲第1番@8.12祝祭大劇場を出してきていた…!これはNHK-FMでもやらなかったかも知れない超レア… - 3 years ago

@okaka_1968: RT @hidekazuno: @netradio_wiki ジュリーニ/シカゴ響の1980年のライヴでルプーとのシューマンと、ブルックナー9番がありましたよ(*´ω`*) - 3 years ago

@bernardlhughes: #NowPlaying Schubert's Fantasie in F Minor - Murray Perahia, Radu Lupu on @TIDAL. Love this piece, and this recordi… - 3 years ago

@socialmiliac: #Musica, morto a 76 anni #Radu #Lupu, leggenda del #pianoforte - 3 years ago

@waizst: 【Radu Lupu】 Johannes Brahms Piano Concerto No. 1 in D minor op. 15 Jukka-Pekka Saraste Finnish Radio Symphony Orc… - 3 years ago

@MCasadeus: RT @SanchezGamaG: Radu Lupu obituary - 3 years ago

@MelodyR41366338: @Fa8as Awesome! @changmaoguai123 @MariusSafta1 @bjornskaa @realitywatcher6 @ciberantro @spaceclub101 @t_allen81… - 3 years ago

@okaka_1968: オランダ公共放送Radio4。ラドゥ・ルプー追悼企画。2002年11月21日収録、ハイティンク&ベルリンフィルのライブ音源。ルプーはモーツァルトK453のソリスト。メインは「アルプス交響曲」。日本時間4/27(水)午前3時から。 - 3 years ago

@J_inmarch: RT @ceparkgrace: <FM실황음악 마에스트로를 추모하며> •4월 28일 Nicholas Angelich •4월 29일 Radu Lupu (1) •4월 30일 Radu Lupu (2) - 3 years ago

@NTNrpa: RT @LongfellowReeds: Esta noche “El desconcierto” de @NTNrpa será en recuerdo del pianista rumano Radu Lupu, fallecido el pasado día 17, a… - 3 years ago

@GaneaComposer: Radu Lupu plays Mozart: - 3 years ago

@Crystal88496043: @Fa8as Awesome! @changmaoguai123 @MariusSafta1 @bjornskaa @realitywatcher6 @ciberantro @spaceclub101 @t_allen81… - 3 years ago

@malkisulki: Radu Lupu - Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 1, 2, 3, 5 - Live 2005 라두 루푸, 베토벤 - 3 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @TimAshAsh: Radu Lupu, playing Schubert's Impromptu in G flat D899:- One of the greatest of pianists. RIP - 3 years ago

@lonelyreader: RT @netradio_wiki: パストデイリーもルプーを追悼して1979ザルツブルク音楽祭のムーティ/ウィーン・フィルからベートーヴェンのP協奏曲第1番とブルックナーの交響曲第1番@8.12祝祭大劇場を出してきていた…!これはNHK-FMでもやらなかったかも知れない超レア… - 3 years ago

@ElStumpel: @Medien_News Wo bleiben die Nachrufe auf Harrison Birtwistle und Radu Lupu? Sind Binswanger, Zweifel & Co. derart a… - 3 years ago

@ElStumpel: @10178berlin Wo bleiben die Nachrufe auf Harrison Birtwistle und Radu Lupu? Sind Binswanger, Zweifel & Co. derart a… - 3 years ago

@pasmila: RT @pasmila: Radu Lupu - Piano Recital (2001.11) - 3 years ago

@haitink1109: RT @netradio_wiki: パストデイリーもルプーを追悼して1979ザルツブルク音楽祭のムーティ/ウィーン・フィルからベートーヴェンのP協奏曲第1番とブルックナーの交響曲第1番@8.12祝祭大劇場を出してきていた…!これはNHK-FMでもやらなかったかも知れない超レア… - 3 years ago

@haitink1109: RT @hidekazuno: @netradio_wiki ジュリーニ/シカゴ響の1980年のライヴでルプーとのシューマンと、ブルックナー9番がありましたよ(*´ω`*) - 3 years ago

@netradio_wiki: RT @hidekazuno: @netradio_wiki ジュリーニ/シカゴ響の1980年のライヴでルプーとのシューマンと、ブルックナー9番がありましたよ(*´ω`*) - 3 years ago

@_caro_s: RT @pasmila: Radu Lupu - Piano Recital (2001.11) - 3 years ago

@pasmila: Radu Lupu - Piano Recital (2001.11) - 3 years ago

@VanBugs: RT @pasmila: Radu Lupu - Mozart Piano Concerto No.20 in D minor, K.466 - Live 1996 - 3 years ago

@hidekazuno: @netradio_wiki ジュリーニ/シカゴ響の1980年のライヴでルプーとのシューマンと、ブルックナー9番がありましたよ(*´ω`*) - 3 years ago

@pasmila: RT @pasmila: Radu Lupu - Live in Bologna 2017 - Haydn, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Schubert - 3 years ago

@VanBugs: RT @pasmila: Radu Lupu - Live in Bologna 2017 - Haydn, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Schubert - 3 years ago

@neildrewitt: Radu Lupu obituary - 3 years ago

@Tiggerbey: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Nicholas Angelich acclaimed classical pianist, dead at 51... "Mr. Angelich was one of three major figures in classical… - 3 years ago

@ALBERTOHZARATE: Recién falleció hace 8 días, me acabo de enterar, el extraordinario pianista rumano Radu Lupu. Q.E.P.D. - 3 years ago

@gojauregui: RT @PabloEspinosaB: La Jornada: Radu Lupu, ese poeta místico - 3 years ago

@LauraHertreiter: @ElStumpel @NRPollatschek - 3 years ago

@ecoblogs: @tylercowen Tuesday assorted links 1. Peter Greenaway movie coming this year. 2. How the Demand for Dignity Can Cr… - 3 years ago

@HuguesUlysse: RT @T_d_Argoubet: Hier soir à la @halleauxgrains, le vibrant hommage de David Fray pour Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich. Avec les musiciens… - 3 years ago

@huguesmarganne: RT @T_d_Argoubet: Hier soir à la @halleauxgrains, le vibrant hommage de David Fray pour Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich. Avec les musiciens… - 3 years ago

@HuguesUlysse: RT @T_d_Argoubet: L’aria des variations Goldberg. #Bach. David Fray. Intense moment de recueillement pour Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich. @… - 3 years ago

@huguesmarganne: RT @T_d_Argoubet: L’aria des variations Goldberg. #Bach. David Fray. Intense moment de recueillement pour Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich. @… - 3 years ago

@BSJazz: RT @Wf4Hahaha_: Radu Lupu plays Schumann Fantasie, op. 17 – live 1994 - 3 years ago

@MaIsabelQ1: RT @RadNalCo: De Radu Lupu se resaltan muchas cualidades al piano, entre ellas la finura del sonido y la atención a los detalles. #AhoraSue… - 3 years ago

@SenalClasica: RT @RadNalCo: De Radu Lupu se resaltan muchas cualidades al piano, entre ellas la finura del sonido y la atención a los detalles. #AhoraSue… - 3 years ago

@RadNalCo: De Radu Lupu se resaltan muchas cualidades al piano, entre ellas la finura del sonido y la atención a los detalles.… - 3 years ago

@MaIsabelQ1: RT @RadNalCo: Una de las sonatas para piano más difíciles de Beethoven es la No. 21 en do mayor, conocida también como “Sonata Waldstein”,… - 3 years ago

@SenalClasica: RT @RadNalCo: Una de las sonatas para piano más difíciles de Beethoven es la No. 21 en do mayor, conocida también como “Sonata Waldstein”,… - 3 years ago

@RadNalCo: Una de las sonatas para piano más difíciles de Beethoven es la No. 21 en do mayor, conocida también como “Sonata Wa… - 3 years ago

@MaIsabelQ1: RT @RadNalCo: Los 4 Impromptus de Schubert, son piezas bisagra entre el piano clásico y el piano romántico. Cada uno tiene tres partes que… - 3 years ago

@SenalClasica: RT @RadNalCo: Los 4 Impromptus de Schubert, son piezas bisagra entre el piano clásico y el piano romántico. Cada uno tiene tres partes que… - 3 years ago

@ReligionProf: Radu Lupu, celebrated Romanian pianist, dies at age 76 : Deceptive Cadence : NPR - 3 years ago

@RadNalCo: Los 4 Impromptus de Schubert, son piezas bisagra entre el piano clásico y el piano romántico. Cada uno tiene tres p… - 3 years ago

@SCPublicRadio: NPR Remembrances ... including: NHL great Mike Bossy, DJ Kay Slay, composer Harrison Birtwistle, pianist Radu Lupu,… - 3 years ago

@MaIsabelQ1: RT @RadNalCo: Radu Lupu nació en Rumania y falleció en Suiza, a los 76 años. En 1966 fue primer puesto en Concurso Internacional de piano V… - 3 years ago

@SenalClasica: RT @RadNalCo: Radu Lupu nació en Rumania y falleció en Suiza, a los 76 años. En 1966 fue primer puesto en Concurso Internacional de piano V… - 3 years ago

@RadNalCo: Radu Lupu nació en Rumania y falleció en Suiza, a los 76 años. En 1966 fue primer puesto en Concurso Internacional… - 3 years ago

@LauraGalindoM: RT @RadNalCo: ¡Comienza @SenalClasica! Hoy, @lauragalindom, @jhccorp y @MaIsabelQ1 recuerda al pianista Radu Lupu, fallecido el pasado 17 d… - 3 years ago

@SenalClasica: RT @RadNalCo: ¡Comienza @SenalClasica! Hoy, @lauragalindom, @jhccorp y @MaIsabelQ1 recuerda al pianista Radu Lupu, fallecido el pasado 17 d… - 3 years ago

@MaIsabelQ1: RT @RadNalCo: ¡Comienza @SenalClasica! Hoy, @lauragalindom, @jhccorp y @MaIsabelQ1 recuerda al pianista Radu Lupu, fallecido el pasado 17 d… - 3 years ago

@RadNalCo: ¡Comienza @SenalClasica! Hoy, @lauragalindom, @jhccorp y @MaIsabelQ1 recuerda al pianista Radu Lupu, fallecido el p… - 3 years ago

@ElStumpel: Es ist unsäglich, dass Michèle Binswanger ihr Herumkauen an Johnny Depp für #Kulturjournalismus hält. Dasselbe gilt… - 3 years ago

@musubidou1: RT @Wf4Hahaha_: Radu Lupu plays Schumann Fantasie, op. 17 – live 1994 - 3 years ago

@novelletten: Grieg & Schumann: Piano Concertos (DECCA) Radu Lupu, André Previn, LSO Apple Amazon… - 3 years ago

@330miso: ラドゥ・ルプーさんのアムステルダム・リサイタル。プログラムはシューマン&シューベルト。シューベルトはソナタ17番D-dur D.850 がメイン。私はルプーさんの17番、初めて。 - 3 years ago

@330miso: ラドゥ・ルプーのグリーグ 1975年3月アムステルダム公演。 ジャン・フルネ指揮オランダ放送フィル - 3 years ago

@JoLynSeq: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Nicholas Angelich acclaimed classical pianist, dead at 51... "Mr. Angelich was one of three major figures in classical… - 3 years ago

@Golffanzz: RT @novelletten: 聴いている。 シューマン/ピアノ協奏曲 イ短調 op.54 ラドゥ・ルプー(ピアノ) Radu Lupu アンドレ・プレヴィン(指揮) André Previn ロンドン交響楽団 London Symphony Orchestra 197… - 3 years ago

@kilimanjaro338: RT @novelletten: 聴いている。 シューマン/ピアノ協奏曲 イ短調 op.54 ラドゥ・ルプー(ピアノ) Radu Lupu アンドレ・プレヴィン(指揮) André Previn ロンドン交響楽団 London Symphony Orchestra 197… - 3 years ago

@novelletten: 聴いている。 シューマン/ピアノ協奏曲 イ短調 op.54 ラドゥ・ルプー(ピアノ) Radu Lupu アンドレ・プレヴィン(指揮) André Previn ロンドン交響楽団 London Symphony Orchest… - 3 years ago

@_yunotyoo: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@CHRISTINELEM007: RT @SteinwayAndSons: Steinway & Sons mourns the loss of Steinway Artist Radu Lupu. The pianist, lauded for his Beethoven, Grieg, Schubert a… - 3 years ago

@Soy_Luchick: RT @MUSICA_CECILIA: #RIP ■ラドゥルプー  □ブラームス 「ロマンス へ長調 作品118 第5番」 ■Radu Lupu □Brahms "Romance in F major, Op. 118 No. 5" - 3 years ago

@Fotograffa: RT @paoloigna1: Radu Lupu , Murray Perahia 4 hands Schubert Fantasy F minor Part 1 - 3 years ago

@KayeMenner: RT @paoloigna1: Radu Lupu , Murray Perahia 4 hands Schubert Fantasy F minor Part 1 - 3 years ago

@KayeMenner: RT @paoloigna1: Brahms 4 Pieces for Piano Op.119, Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@fifteen_march: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Nicholas Angelich acclaimed classical pianist, dead at 51... "Mr. Angelich was one of three major figures in classical… - 3 years ago

@noise_random: RT @Norpete: - 3 years ago

@dichterliebe__: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@flower8327: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Nicholas Angelich acclaimed classical pianist, dead at 51... "Mr. Angelich was one of three major figures in classical… - 3 years ago

@Norpete: - 3 years ago

@aboutvirginia1: RT @kirillgerstein: @fafnerthekite See Radu Lupu’s program page in the 1966 @TheCliburn brochure - a fascinating artefact - 3 years ago

@vaiduakhu: #NowPlaying "Lupu Plays Schubert" by Radu Lupu on @TIDAL - 3 years ago

@EAGLE_TIBET: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎹 Di Brahms ascoltiamo qualche battuta dal Concerto n. 1 per pianoforte e orchestra. Jukka-Pekka Saraste dirige la Finn… - 3 years ago

@imkrapfenwaldl: RT @LegendusEst: Écoutez notamment la sonate en si mineur de Franz Liszt (dédiée à Robert Schumann), interprétée ici par Radu Lupu en 1990… - 3 years ago

@imkrapfenwaldl: RT @francemusique: Hommage à Radu Lupu. Rediffusion de l’émission du 28 novembre 2020 : Bon anniversaire, Radu Lupu ! - 3 years ago

@Thuy15231687: @soulaylien @ConnorSzb @BigBeatsJakey @dashbladee @HU57LAA @GarethHooton @cryptowolf174 @its_lydz1 @forex15900513… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Preferring the stage (and an office chair) to the recording studio, the pianist Radu Lupu left audiences enthralled… - 3 years ago

@riyoridori: RT @Novellette_Arts: 聴きました。その後1991年に初めてルプーさんのツアーに同行していかにこのショパンに感動したかをご本人にお伝えすると「ショパンを弾いたのは間違いだった」と。自分に厳しいのも度を越していますね。ルプー本でアルゲリッチさんが驚嘆したリストも… - 3 years ago

@hvatteveld: - 3 years ago

@EasyPeasy_3: RT @barcalloreop60: Hommage à Radu Lupu (30 /11 / 1945 – 17/ 04/ 2022) Schubert Piano Sonata Fantasie No.18 in G major D 894, op 78… - 3 years ago

@jall69: RT @barcalloreop60: Hommage à Radu Lupu (30 /11 / 1945 – 17/ 04/ 2022) Schubert Piano Sonata Fantasie No.18 in G major D 894, op 78… - 3 years ago

@Anapatriciao: RT @francemusique: Hommage à Radu Lupu. Rediffusion de l’émission du 28 novembre 2020 : Bon anniversaire, Radu Lupu ! - 3 years ago

@LimelightArtsAu: RT @AgneseFiducia: Radu Lupu has died - 3 years ago

@languor_languor: RT @book_sori: ‘듣기 전과 들은 후에 몸의 구조가 조금은 달라지듯 느껴지는 음악’이 분명이 있다고 느끼게 해주신 분. 슬프다. 고인의 명복을 빈다. 🙏 RIP Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@Z5HuwD4gR8QPZq2: RT @pianist_dai: Radu Lupu 彼の音色に惹き付けられて譜読みを始めた曲が何曲もある。 シューベルトのImpromptusもその1つだった。 - 3 years ago

@cellofan2: Fascinant concert donné en 1984. Merci pour les extraits d'ITW @philippcassard @francemusique - 3 years ago

@jamesamarcus: Amazing passage from Michael Haas's little memoir of producing Radu Lupu: - 3 years ago

@ClaraBrunie: RT @francemusique: Hommage à Radu Lupu. Rediffusion de l’émission du 28 novembre 2020 : Bon anniversaire, Radu Lupu ! - 3 years ago

@bahman79271782: RT @andrewCDmcg: Today: pianist Joanna MacGregor's favourite Radu Lupu recordings; Zemlinsky's Lyric Symphony heads for the Library, plus n… - 3 years ago

@1chriswebber: RT @andrewCDmcg: Today: pianist Joanna MacGregor's favourite Radu Lupu recordings; Zemlinsky's Lyric Symphony heads for the Library, plus n… - 3 years ago

@classical963fm: A very special Main Dish on Dinner Classics tonight: A Tribute to Radu Lupu. Daniel Vnukovski joins… - 3 years ago

@mif869: RT @Novellette_Arts: 聴きました。その後1991年に初めてルプーさんのツアーに同行していかにこのショパンに感動したかをご本人にお伝えすると「ショパンを弾いたのは間違いだった」と。自分に厳しいのも度を越していますね。ルプー本でアルゲリッチさんが驚嘆したリストも… - 3 years ago

@franzpeter_d944: RT @Novellette_Arts: 聴きました。その後1991年に初めてルプーさんのツアーに同行していかにこのショパンに感動したかをご本人にお伝えすると「ショパンを弾いたのは間違いだった」と。自分に厳しいのも度を越していますね。ルプー本でアルゲリッチさんが驚嘆したリストも… - 3 years ago

@novelletten: RT @Novellette_Arts: 聴きました。その後1991年に初めてルプーさんのツアーに同行していかにこのショパンに感動したかをご本人にお伝えすると「ショパンを弾いたのは間違いだった」と。自分に厳しいのも度を越していますね。ルプー本でアルゲリッチさんが驚嘆したリストも… - 3 years ago

@waizst: RT @Novellette_Arts: 聴きました。その後1991年に初めてルプーさんのツアーに同行していかにこのショパンに感動したかをご本人にお伝えすると「ショパンを弾いたのは間違いだった」と。自分に厳しいのも度を越していますね。ルプー本でアルゲリッチさんが驚嘆したリストも… - 3 years ago

@Novellette_Arts: 聴きました。その後1991年に初めてルプーさんのツアーに同行していかにこのショパンに感動したかをご本人にお伝えすると「ショパンを弾いたのは間違いだった」と。自分に厳しいのも度を越していますね。ルプー本でアルゲリッチさんが驚嘆したリ… - 3 years ago

@Olegaroy: Si en Youtube, como dice Pablo en su siempre límpido Disquero, buscan “Radu Lupu, Sándor Végh, Mozart”, podrán obse… - 3 years ago

@carolatte44: RT @rowenamezzo: @StevenIsserlis I adore Prokofiev... @MacgregorPiano had a very interesting feature on Record Review at 1045 where she di… - 3 years ago

@rbk_rouge: So romantic : Radu Lupu plays #Schumann Fantasie, op. 17 – live 1994 #RaduLupu - 3 years ago

@AlexTensor: RIP: Radu Lupu CBE (30 November 1945 – 17 April 2022) was a Romanian pianist. He was widely recognized as one of… - 3 years ago

@AlexTensor: RT @nybooks: The Romanian pianist Radu Lupu, a renowned interpreter of Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, and many others, died on Sunday. In 2… - 3 years ago

@AlexTensor: RT @fafnerthekite: I wrote the New York Times obituary of Radu Lupu, one of the finest pianists ever to have graced his instrument. https:/… - 3 years ago

@AlexTensor: RT @LeoJCarey: RIP the irreplaceable Radu Lupu. My 2¢ on his greatness, from 2013: “Listen, the music seemed to say, sound is sad. As you h… - 3 years ago

@cirrkus: Radu Lupu, celebrated Romanian pianist, dies at age 76 : Deceptive Cadence : NPR... - 3 years ago

@lumimichelle: @CesarGamboaA This tweet makes me mad at my husband all over again. He was responsible for making us late to a no-l… - 3 years ago

@Seamus01952928: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Nicholas Angelich acclaimed classical pianist, dead at 51... "Mr. Angelich was one of three major figures in classical… - 3 years ago

@miamibeachPI: RT @FizaPathan: Happy Birthday, Radu Lupu! - 3 years ago

@rominapetrini2: La morte non esiste è solo lo spazio tra tante vite. Romina Petrini Schumann Kinderszenen op. 15 Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@rominapetrini2: La morte non esiste è solo lo spazio tra tante vite. Romina Petrini Schumann Kinderszenen op. 15 Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@tbeshy99: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Nicholas Angelich acclaimed classical pianist, dead at 51... "Mr. Angelich was one of three major figures in classical… - 3 years ago

@fujioo26xxx: RT @novelletten: ラドゥ・ルプー DECCA 協奏曲 全集 Radu Lupu Complete Decca Concerto Recordings (6CD) Apple Amazon - 3 years ago

@aboutvirginia1: 라두 루푸와 슈베르트, 모차르트, 브람스 음반 등을 작업했던 프로듀서가 며칠 전 쓴 글. 너무 재밌고 소중하다 - 3 years ago

@imeldamirabal: RT @GautierCapucon: Infinite sadness to say goodbye to Nicholas Angelich yesterday... 51 years old A friend and accomplice for so many year… - 3 years ago

@mariatontini1: RT @archimusiques: « Je ne me fie pas aux mots mais seulement à la musique » Radu LUPU 🎹 BEETHOVEN Sonate No 8 en Ut mineur o… - 3 years ago

@mariatontini1: RT @chiccomassetti: Radu Lupu, carissimo indimenticabile Brahms: 6 Piano Pieces, Op.118 - 2. Intermezzo In A Major - 3 years ago

@paduafernandes: "Merci Messieurs" : pluie d'hommages après les disparitions de Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich via @francemusique - 3 years ago

@acunderhill: RT @interludeHK: We join with the entire classical music world in mourning the death of pianist Radu Lupu, who has passed away at the age o… - 3 years ago

@GrimmettDeborah: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@PeterIntheswim: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎹 Stasera ci lasciamo con qualche istante dal Concerto n. 19 di Mozart. David Zinman dirige la Deutsche Kammerphilharmo… - 3 years ago

@Markarian_231: @BrunoMasure Ne pas oublier les immenses pianistes décédés le même jour (Radu Lupu 76ans et Nicolas Angelich 51ans)… - 3 years ago

@BOblivius: RT @WinstonMei1967: #NowPlaying Radu Lupu & Murray Perahia in Schubert’s Fantasie for four hands, D. 940. Divine music and piano playing.… - 3 years ago

@wvmustangsfan: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Nicholas Angelich acclaimed classical pianist, dead at 51... "Mr. Angelich was one of three major figures in classical… - 3 years ago

@MDS34512180: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Nicholas Angelich acclaimed classical pianist, dead at 51... "Mr. Angelich was one of three major figures in classical… - 3 years ago

@JennyBlaylock3: @fouad_khayyat Thanks dev @ElChin0Casas @vvalera_design @ngbfrank @_lupu_radu_ @louis_udry @Adedayoolaitan5… - 3 years ago

@BOblivius: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎹 Stasera ci lasciamo con qualche istante dal Concerto n. 19 di Mozart. David Zinman dirige la Deutsche Kammerphilharmo… - 3 years ago

@dderivery: RT @Antoine_Moreau_: Clara Haskil (1895-1960), Dinu Lipatti (1917-1950), Radu Lupu (1945-2022), trois pianistes mythiques, c’est dire l’imm… - 3 years ago

@lindnerconte: RT @kirillgerstein: @fafnerthekite See Radu Lupu’s program page in the 1966 @TheCliburn brochure - a fascinating artefact - 3 years ago

@fafnerthekite: RT @kirillgerstein: @fafnerthekite See Radu Lupu’s program page in the 1966 @TheCliburn brochure - a fascinating artefact - 3 years ago

@robtrumpetsmith: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Nicholas Angelich acclaimed classical pianist, dead at 51... "Mr. Angelich was one of three major figures in classical… - 3 years ago

@suenodak: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Nicholas Angelich acclaimed classical pianist, dead at 51... "Mr. Angelich was one of three major figures in classical… - 3 years ago

@MaxwellToniRoHe: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎹 Stasera ci lasciamo con qualche istante dal Concerto n. 19 di Mozart. David Zinman dirige la Deutsche Kammerphilharmo… - 3 years ago

@egretimemur: RT @yilmazemre: Bu hafta cuma müziği kaçınılmaz olarak Radu Lupu’dan. Geçtiğimiz hafta içinde hayatını kaybeden piyanistin, Schubert’in 94… - 3 years ago

@deepbluevoid: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Nicholas Angelich acclaimed classical pianist, dead at 51... "Mr. Angelich was one of three major figures in classical… - 3 years ago

@Oslo_frenchie: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Nicholas Angelich acclaimed classical pianist, dead at 51... "Mr. Angelich was one of three major figures in classical… - 3 years ago

@ephraim1983: Radu Lupu ~ Schumann Humoreske, op 20 ~ live 1983 - 3 years ago

@PaxCyber: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎹 Stasera ci lasciamo con qualche istante dal Concerto n. 19 di Mozart. David Zinman dirige la Deutsche Kammerphilharmo… - 3 years ago

@RafaelOrozcoAP: RT @PaxCyber: Radu Lupu: Mozart – Piano Concerto K 459 (Orquesta Filarmónica Alemana, ... - 3 years ago

@LetullePatricia: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎹 Stasera ci lasciamo con qualche istante dal Concerto n. 19 di Mozart. David Zinman dirige la Deutsche Kammerphilharmo… - 3 years ago

@budget_tourist: RT @pedumit: Radu Lupu: Five key performances - 3 years ago

@LilyBelle05: @jaynordlinger His playing was unlike any other pianist. Unfortunately, I didn't have the pleasure of seeing Radu… - 3 years ago

@Naotoodagiri: Radu Lupu 30. November 1945 - 17. April 2022 - 3 years ago

@rbk_rouge: #RaduLupu #Schubert Once, Radu Lupu played Schubert 4 Impromptus D. 935 - live 2012 - 3 years ago

@nami0758: RT @YukoKawai: RIP Maestro Radu Lupu I’ll remember You forever. - 3 years ago

@LilyBelle05: RT @jaynordlinger: Like many others, I've been listening to Radu Lupu my whole life. Some years ago, a pianist friend of mine heard Lupu pl… - 3 years ago

@SquidMitchell: RT @barcalloreop60: Hommage à Radu Lupu (30 /11 / 1945 – 17/ 04/ 2022) Schubert Piano Sonata Fantasie No.18 in G major D 894, op 78… - 3 years ago

@ray_ma: RT @EleonorBindman: Radu Lupu with his wife Lisa, 1974. Most vivid concert memory is from my 1990’s Lincoln Center ushering days: him playi… - 3 years ago

@TjnShn: RT @fazilsaymusic: Dün beklenmedik bir şekilde iki acı haber aldık; iki çok değerli sanatçı, harika müzisyenler, Radu Lupu ve Nicholas Ang… - 3 years ago

@balladeballade: RT @deccaclassics: We're extremely saddened to hear that Radu Lupu has passed away at the age of 76. He leaves behind a legacy of immense m… - 3 years ago

@kimuragen: RT @momo_sax_: 次回のopenradioでは彼の、ラドゥ・ルプー氏のブラームスを。 間奏曲OP117を。 Brahms Intermezzo Op.117 No.2 - Radu Lupu 哀悼。 - 3 years ago

@johnrambow: RT @jaynordlinger: Like many others, I've been listening to Radu Lupu my whole life. Some years ago, a pianist friend of mine heard Lupu pl… - 3 years ago

@adetozero_O: RT @juliusdrake: Farewell Radu Lupu, pianist’s pianist and the greatest I have heard live. Thank you for inspiring us with the beauty of yo… - 3 years ago

@jaynordlinger: Like many others, I've been listening to Radu Lupu my whole life. Some years ago, a pianist friend of mine heard Lu… - 3 years ago

@nataliaroavial: RT @Maeterlinck: Muere en Suiza a los 76 años el pianista rumano Radu Lupu, gran intérprete de Brahms, Schubert, Mozart, Beethoven y Bela B… - 3 years ago

@a440arts: A beautiful appreciation of pianist Radu Lupu by @fafnerthekite: - 3 years ago

@DuchessedArcos: RT @caecilia1003: ■Radu Lupu Rest In Peace □Brahms; Intermezzo A Major Op 118 No 2, Rec 1976 - 3 years ago

@PoonKhanabkeaw: RT @EleonorBindman: Radu Lupu with his wife Lisa, 1974. Most vivid concert memory is from my 1990’s Lincoln Center ushering days: him playi… - 3 years ago

@Marialovessea: RT @caecilia1003: ■Radu Lupu Rest In Peace □Brahms; Intermezzo A Major Op 118 No 2, Rec 1976 - 3 years ago

@Maeterlinck: Muere en Suiza a los 76 años el pianista rumano Radu Lupu, gran intérprete de Brahms, Schubert, Mozart, Beethoven y… - 3 years ago

@omykappa: Radu Lupu: Five key performances The celebrated Romanian pianist has died aged 76. We pick five of his greatest re… - 3 years ago

@cydaedalus: RT @fafnerthekite: I wrote the New York Times obituary of Radu Lupu, one of the finest pianists ever to have graced his instrument. https:/… - 3 years ago

@plutoniumpage: RT @fafnerthekite: I wrote the New York Times obituary of Radu Lupu, one of the finest pianists ever to have graced his instrument. https:/… - 3 years ago

@lUbvqxBqcN3jN7w: Radu Lupu, Pianist Who Awed Listeners and Colleagues, Dies at 76 - 3 years ago

@omykappa: Radu Lupu, Pianist Who Awed Listeners and Colleagues, Dies at 76 Preferring the stage (and an office chair) to th… - 3 years ago

@dvieriu: RT @Enescu_Festival: Radu Lupu: Five key performances - 3 years ago

@SteelTownRunner: RT @fafnerthekite: I wrote the New York Times obituary of Radu Lupu, one of the finest pianists ever to have graced his instrument. https:/… - 3 years ago

@elizavetaka: RT @juliusdrake: Farewell Radu Lupu, pianist’s pianist and the greatest I have heard live. Thank you for inspiring us with the beauty of yo… - 3 years ago

@fedram67: RT @MUSICA_CECILIA: #RIP ■ラドゥルプー  □ブラームス 「ロマンス へ長調 作品118 第5番」 ■Radu Lupu □Brahms "Romance in F major, Op. 118 No. 5" - 3 years ago

@zachcarstensen: RT @zwoolfe: Lupu’s “ruminative, enigmatic performances and recordings wove spells over his listeners, induced awe among his colleagues and… - 3 years ago

@eisho353: @sarahfritzwritr I have a different experience: I had listened Radu Lupu’s Schubert D959 live in Tokyo - I thought… - 3 years ago

@momo_sax_: 次回のopenradioでは彼の、ラドゥ・ルプー氏のブラームスを。 間奏曲OP117を。 Brahms Intermezzo Op.117 No.2 - Radu Lupu 哀悼。… - 3 years ago

@zwoolfe: Lupu’s “ruminative, enigmatic performances and recordings wove spells over his listeners, induced awe among his col… - 3 years ago

@DouvrisWilliam: "Radu Lupu, Pianist Who Awed Listeners and Colleagues, Dies at 76" by BY DAVID ALLEN via NYT - 3 years ago

@MmeDirectrice: RT @fafnerthekite: I wrote the New York Times obituary of Radu Lupu, one of the finest pianists ever to have graced his instrument. https:/… - 3 years ago

@whet: RT @fafnerthekite: I wrote the New York Times obituary of Radu Lupu, one of the finest pianists ever to have graced his instrument. https:/… - 3 years ago

@fafnerthekite: I wrote the New York Times obituary of Radu Lupu, one of the finest pianists ever to have graced his instrument. - 3 years ago

@jazprose: RT @caecilia1003: ■Radu Lupu Rest In Peace □Brahms; Intermezzo A Major Op 118 No 2, Rec 1976 - 3 years ago

@favrojm: RT @Antoine_Moreau_: Dans ces impromptus de Schubert, live en 2012, Radu Lupu était au sommet de son art. - 3 years ago

@jazprose: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎹 Di Brahms ascoltiamo qualche battuta dal Concerto n. 1 per pianoforte e orchestra. Jukka-Pekka Saraste dirige la Finn… - 3 years ago

@anayasa1: RT @roberbergamasco: Hoy está siendo un Lunes Negro para la música, hoy se han ido Harrison Birtwistle, Radu Lupu y Nicholas Angelich... ht… - 3 years ago

@angelaalacchi: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@hhama1965: ラドゥー・ルプーさん死去。この人のシューベルト、とても好きです。 #RaduLupurip Radu Lupu: Five key performances - 3 years ago

@juliusdrake: Farewell Radu Lupu, pianist’s pianist and the greatest I have heard live. Thank you for inspiring us with the beaut… - 3 years ago

@VictorMattoon: RT @alexrossmusic: In memoriam Radu Lupu: a brief catalogue of failed attempts at articulating the unsayable, 1994 to the present - 3 years ago

@kinolina: The widely admired Romanian pianist Radu Lupu has died at age 76. His manager, Jenny Vogel, told NPR that he died "… - 3 years ago

@larwoolf: RT @larwoolf: #NicolasAngelich 51. RIP On the same day as Radu Lupu’s passing, news arrives of the death from a degenerative lung conditi… - 3 years ago

@telegraphobits: Radu Lupu, pianist revered for the depth and sensitivity of his interpretations of the great German composers – obi… - 3 years ago

@tamaramilesSC: RT @aliner: Radu Lupu 💔 - 3 years ago

@josbondi: RT @gkleinburg: Ha muerto Radu Lupu: ese sosegado y hondo poeta rumano del piano. Un gigante sereno. Un titán delicado. Inmenso y entrañabl… - 3 years ago

@chevalieretart: RT @RCapucon: Radu Lupu & Nicholas Angelich: Deux anges pianistes au @FestivalPaques il y a quelques années. - 3 years ago

@dWRPzSyYNTF1RGN: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎹 Di Brahms ascoltiamo qualche battuta dal Concerto n. 1 per pianoforte e orchestra. Jukka-Pekka Saraste dirige la Finn… - 3 years ago

@kalanihakoi: RT @carnegiehall: We remember pianist Radu Lupu, who made his Carnegie Hall and New York debut in 1967 after winning the Second Van Cliburn… - 3 years ago

@hhama1965: RT @FurubeKen: R.I.P. 心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします。。舞台を共に出来たことやゴールドベルグ先生について話せたことなどは一生の宝物です。ありがとうございました。 - 3 years ago

@BFleurot: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎹 Di Brahms ascoltiamo qualche battuta dal Concerto n. 1 per pianoforte e orchestra. Jukka-Pekka Saraste dirige la Finn… - 3 years ago

@tuttlebee_gilda: Radu Lupu, celebrated Romanian pianist, dies at age 76 - 3 years ago

@AchtungBrazil: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎹 Di Brahms ascoltiamo qualche battuta dal Concerto n. 1 per pianoforte e orchestra. Jukka-Pekka Saraste dirige la Finn… - 3 years ago

@xavidomenech99: Music is like painting in sound. You take it into your inner heart and never lose it. It’s eternally mysterious. In… - 3 years ago

@hairygit: @mikeirons12 Bach: Sonatas & Partitas - Isabelle Faust Brahms: Violin concerto - David Oistrakh / French National R… - 3 years ago

@330miso: Radu Lupu plays Schumann Fantasie, op. 17 – live 1994 - 3 years ago

@AsnounJo: RT @RCapucon: Radu Lupu & Nicholas Angelich: Deux anges pianistes au @FestivalPaques il y a quelques années. - 3 years ago

@KejiaJura: RT @Antoine_Moreau_: Dans ces impromptus de Schubert, live en 2012, Radu Lupu était au sommet de son art. - 3 years ago

@clibanus: RT @Antoine_Moreau_: Dans ces impromptus de Schubert, live en 2012, Radu Lupu était au sommet de son art. - 3 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @Antoine_Moreau_: Dans ces impromptus de Schubert, live en 2012, Radu Lupu était au sommet de son art. - 3 years ago

@DavidCuPe: RT @lars_vogt: Nicholas Angelich and Radu Lupu. Two geniuses and gentle giants. So loved. Will be so missed. Such sadness. - 3 years ago

@AsnounJo: RT @stephanegrant: Mort de Radu Lupu et de Nicholas Angelich : l'hommage d'@ALompech au micro de @jburbain sur #FranceMusique à deux poètes… - 3 years ago

@Jamonthebloc: RT @guardian: Radu Lupu: Five key performances - 3 years ago

@boisset_mc: RT @larwoolf: #NicolasAngelich 51. RIP On the same day as Radu Lupu’s passing, news arrives of the death from a degenerative lung conditi… - 3 years ago

@mementohaya4: RT @carnegiehall: We remember pianist Radu Lupu, who made his Carnegie Hall and New York debut in 1967 after winning the Second Van Cliburn… - 3 years ago

@blanlacan: RT @alexrossmusic: For Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@rickyshake: Mozart piano concerto # 19 in F major ~ RADU LUPU / David Zinman conducting in memoriam radu lupu - 3 years ago

@GGMCantagallo: RT @bentivoglio_l: Morto Radu Lupu. Pianista immenso. Uno dei grandissimi, degli insostituibili. Un genio segnato dall’inquietudine 🎹 Il m… - 3 years ago

@mementohaya4: RT @deccaclassics: We're extremely saddened to hear that Radu Lupu has passed away at the age of 76. He leaves behind a legacy of immense m… - 3 years ago

@clibanus: RT @CneytOzansoy: Radu Lupu (1945 - 2022) - 3 years ago

@klassikpunk: Todesfall: Starpianist Radu Lupu ist tot - 3 years ago

@yoidore_DX: RT @NPR: Radu Lupu, a pianist widely admired by his fellow artists, has died at age 76. Lupu was known for his interpretations of Brahms, S… - 3 years ago

@paolomadron: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎹 Di Brahms ascoltiamo qualche battuta dal Concerto n. 1 per pianoforte e orchestra. Jukka-Pekka Saraste dirige la Finn… - 3 years ago

@tdellorto1: RT @santa_cecilia: L'Accademia di Santa Cecilia si unisce al cordoglio del mondo della musica per la scomparsa del grande pianista Radu Lup… - 3 years ago

@mariaporfy: RT @guardian: Radu Lupu: Five key performances - 3 years ago

@Cronopio60: RT @guardian: Radu Lupu: Five key performances - 3 years ago

@1755Dictionary: Radu Lupu: Five key performances - 3 years ago

@ClauGranados_: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece el gigante del piano Radu Lupu a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@CWaddington504: RT @EmmaHarding01: More sad news from the music world. RIP the sublime Radu Lupu. Here’s his beautifully tender, passionate recording of Sc… - 3 years ago

@Publico: Obituário: Morreu o pianista romeno Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@P_Cultura: Obituário: Morreu o pianista romeno Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@Ipasmantier: RT @LJNicolaou: Radu Lupu, mort d’un poète du piano - 3 years ago

@isato_ochi: RT @TTMLUPE: ラドゥ・ルプー Radu Lupu さんがお亡くなりになりました。ご冥福をお祈りします。 内田光子さんが以前、BBC Radio 3でルプー氏について語っておられました(2002年)。「私が16で彼が18,9歳くらいの時だったと思いますが、ウィーンの… - 3 years ago

@Tara_9754: RT @FundScherzo: Desde la Fundación Scherzo lamentamos profundamente la pérdida de dos de los grandes genios del piano actual, Radu Lupu y… - 3 years ago

@DennisPeartree: RT @MannGeorgia: Our Essential Classics Slow Moment is coming next @BBCRadio3 - a recording by the late, great Radu Lupu of the slow moveme… - 3 years ago

@uitbijter: Ik heb niet veel opnames van Radu Lupu, maar deze uit 1988 is wel een juweeltje. - 3 years ago

@TerpmanR: RT @AureliMoreau: “Je ne me fie pas aux mots, mais seulement à la musique.” 🕔🎹😪Radu Lupu, musicien légendaire, hommage dans #LevanBeethove… - 3 years ago

@juanpeburgos: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece el gigante del piano Radu Lupu a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@desangli: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@petgigs: RT @davidgweininger: RIP Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@auditoribcn: RT @OrquestraOBC: Ens ha deixat el gran pianista Radu Lupu, una llegenda del món de la música que havia tocat amb L'@OrquestraOBC. El nostr… - 3 years ago

@Holger: RT @NPR: Radu Lupu, a pianist widely admired by his fellow artists, has died at age 76. Lupu was known for his interpretations of Brahms, S… - 3 years ago

@grand_nagus2012: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@framboise23O2: RT @AureliMoreau: “Je ne me fie pas aux mots, mais seulement à la musique.” 🕔🎹😪Radu Lupu, musicien légendaire, hommage dans #LevanBeethove… - 3 years ago

@fabiodanesi: O algoritmo do Twitter criou um mundo pra mim onde, nos últimos dois dias, as pessoas só escrevem sobre morte do Ra… - 3 years ago

@juanlinoas: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece el gigante del piano Radu Lupu a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@13harps: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@sergeiprokopiev: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@CrossEyedPiano: RT @pianistmagazine: Enjoy the best of the late Radu Lupu 🎹 - 3 years ago

@PepeMolt: RT @stephanegrant: Mort de Radu Lupu et de Nicholas Angelich : l'hommage d'@ALompech au micro de @jburbain sur #FranceMusique à deux poètes… - 3 years ago

@410_302: RT @libe: Son dernier disque en studio date du milieu des années 1990 : Radu Lupu ne croyait pas que l’enregistrement puisse restituer fidè… - 3 years ago

@novelletten: RT @BR_KLASSIK: IN MEMORIAM RADU LUPU: Wir widmen dem Pianisten die heutige Sendung Klassik-Stars - ab 18:05 Uhr im Radio. - 3 years ago

@natureismother: RT @yniold_: 집에 계신 분들은 창문을 열고 이 곡을 들어보세요. RIP Radu Lupu. Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 2. In B-Flat Minor - 3 years ago

@PepeMolt: RT @SteinwayAndSons: Steinway & Sons mourns the loss of Steinway Artist Radu Lupu. The pianist, lauded for his Beethoven, Grieg, Schubert a… - 3 years ago

@MassimoChiaram7: RT @FQMagazineit: Morto Radu Lupu, addio al grande pianista: le sue interpretazioni hanno fatto la storia della musica, suonò con Karajan e… - 3 years ago

@Noname63840335: RT @FQMagazineit: Morto Radu Lupu, addio al grande pianista: le sue interpretazioni hanno fatto la storia della musica, suonò con Karajan e… - 3 years ago

@msgigicapone: RT @GiGiCaponePR: News: Radu Lupu, celebrated Romanian pianist, dies at age 76 - 3 years ago

@GiGiCaponePR: News: Radu Lupu, celebrated Romanian pianist, dies at age 76 - 3 years ago

@cuyper_paul: RT @angelagheorghiu: Deeply saddened by the death of legendary pianist and my dear compatriot,Radu Lupu.Wonderful to have spent great momen… - 3 years ago

@UrsulaBarth5: RT @BR_KLASSIK: Zum Tod des Pianisten Radu Lupu. Der "Leisemagier" ist an Ostern im Alter von 76 Jahren gestorben. - 3 years ago

@sergeiprokopiev: RT @carnegiehall: We remember pianist Radu Lupu, who made his Carnegie Hall and New York debut in 1967 after winning the Second Van Cliburn… - 3 years ago

@RobbShep: RT @libe: Son dernier disque en studio date du milieu des années 1990 : Radu Lupu ne croyait pas que l’enregistrement puisse restituer fidè… - 3 years ago

@H_Nobunaga: RT @TTMLUPE: ラドゥ・ルプー Radu Lupu さんがお亡くなりになりました。ご冥福をお祈りします。 内田光子さんが以前、BBC Radio 3でルプー氏について語っておられました(2002年)。「私が16で彼が18,9歳くらいの時だったと思いますが、ウィーンの… - 3 years ago

@keawijkstra: .@Teletekst @NOS doet ook wel eens iets goed: 'Roemeense meesterpianist Radu Lupu (76) overleden - 3 years ago

@cha56321: RT @BR_KLASSIK: Zum Tod des Pianisten Radu Lupu. Der "Leisemagier" ist an Ostern im Alter von 76 Jahren gestorben. - 3 years ago

@paolo_porcari: RT @libe: Son dernier disque en studio date du milieu des années 1990 : Radu Lupu ne croyait pas que l’enregistrement puisse restituer fidè… - 3 years ago

@JFBalaude: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@ZugolJannone: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@geekeconomist: RT @RobertoBurioni: Purtroppo è mancato un grandissimo pianista, Radu Lupu. Grazie per le ore di bella musica che mi ha regalato. - 3 years ago

@Preguimbeau: RT @GautierCapucon: Tristesse infinie de dire au revoir à Nicholas Angelich hier … 51 ans Un ami et complice depuis tant d’années, Un poète… - 3 years ago

@laetitia_leca: RT @stephanegrant: Demain @francemusique salue la mémoire de Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu. Une matinale spéciale avec @jburbain, et deux… - 3 years ago

@ccilbdc: RT @mvoinchet: La musique est en deuil... Le pianiste américain Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un aut… - 3 years ago

@Jean26500: En hommage à #RaduLupu qui vient de nous quitter, Brahms 3 Intermezzi for Piano Op117 Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@CyriaqueGros: RT @ZhangZhangZhang: Des pertes incommensurables. Deux immenses artistes. Le grand et légendaire Radu Lupu et le remarquable Nicholas Angel… - 3 years ago

@CyriaqueGros: RT @Antoine_Moreau_: Difficile de réaliser que Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich nous quittent au même moment, deux poètes de génie qui nous o… - 3 years ago

@CyriaqueGros: RT @GinotSlacik: Deux pianistes fabuleux s’en sont allés : Radu Lupu et Nicolas Angelich. Tristes journées pour la musique qu’ils ont habit… - 3 years ago

@julienquentin: RT @lars_vogt: Nicholas Angelich and Radu Lupu. Two geniuses and gentle giants. So loved. Will be so missed. Such sadness. - 3 years ago

@franzpeter_d944: RT @GautierCapucon: Infinite sadness to say goodbye to Nicholas Angelich yesterday... 51 years old A friend and accomplice for so many year… - 3 years ago

@ramonroyo: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago


@BertaIsla: RT @bentivoglio_l: Morto Radu Lupu. Pianista immenso. Uno dei grandissimi, degli insostituibili. Un genio segnato dall’inquietudine 🎹 Il m… - 3 years ago

@BuonArabella: RT @starlakim: 몇 번 공유했던 글이지만... 라두 루푸 70세 생일을 맞아서 스티븐 이설리스가 들려준 일화. 다시 찾아보았다. 나 라두 루푸 선생님 진짜 좋아했나 보다. 마음이 꽤 허전하네. - 3 years ago

@mixdevil66: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@jmorat: RT @RobertoBurioni: Purtroppo è mancato un grandissimo pianista, Radu Lupu. Grazie per le ore di bella musica che mi ha regalato. - 3 years ago

@Enfantdabord2: Radu Lupu nous a quitté 😔 Il nous dit au revoir pour l’éternité par son dernier bis (1er intermezzo de Brahms) - 3 years ago

@BuonArabella: RT @PetrocTrelawny: Good morning. @BBCRadio3 Breakfast today we mark the death of two musical titans - Radu Lupu and Harrison Birtwistle. P… - 3 years ago

@PierreLeonPoint: Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@nlnlnlnl10: RT @yniold_: 집에 계신 분들은 창문을 열고 이 곡을 들어보세요. RIP Radu Lupu. Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 2. In B-Flat Minor - 3 years ago

@rajm: RT @alexrossmusic: Tributes to Radu Lupu from fellow musicians are numerous and impassioned. This one is especially touching: when I first… - 3 years ago

@mvoinchet: RT @LeoJCarey: RIP the irreplaceable Radu Lupu. My 2¢ on his greatness, from 2013: “Listen, the music seemed to say, sound is sad. As you h… - 3 years ago

@RCapucon: RT @Oriol67638017: M’assabento amb llàgrimes als ulls, després de conèixer la mort de Radu Lupu, de la mort de Nicholas Angèlich amb qui va… - 3 years ago

@OM_RCastro: RT @Scherzo_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA/ Muere a los 76 años el gran pianista rumano Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@OM_RCastro: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece el gigante del piano Radu Lupu a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@dhasselmann: RT @stephanegrant: Demain @francemusique salue la mémoire de Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu. Une matinale spéciale avec @jburbain, et deux… - 3 years ago

@WhenIsBirths: RT @PetrocTrelawny: Good morning. @BBCRadio3 Breakfast today we mark the death of two musical titans - Radu Lupu and Harrison Birtwistle. P… - 3 years ago

@hariattery: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@Louisdeconstanc: RT @mvoinchet: La musique est en deuil... Le pianiste américain Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un aut… - 3 years ago

@Marila_g_a: RT @angelagheorghiu: Deeply saddened by the death of legendary pianist and my dear compatriot,Radu Lupu.Wonderful to have spent great momen… - 3 years ago

@jmesvant: RT @francemusique: Le pianiste Radu Lupu, interprète magistral de Schubert et Beethoven, s'est éteint. France Musique lui rend hommage. htt… - 3 years ago

@windwishers: RT @alexrossmusic: Tributes to Radu Lupu from fellow musicians are numerous and impassioned. This one is especially touching: when I first… - 3 years ago

@magicdmw: RT @yuanyi_z: Just saw that Radu Lupu and Nicholas Angelich have both died today, in addition to Harrison Birtwistle. Grim. - 3 years ago

@maguette__: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très attristé par la mort du pianiste roumain Radu Lupu : il était l’humilité faite homme, un des interprètes les plus gé… - 3 years ago

@Astrolab13: RT @GautierCapucon: Tristesse infinie de dire au revoir à Nicholas Angelich hier … 51 ans Un ami et complice depuis tant d’années, Un poète… - 3 years ago

@FurryDuffer: RT @PetrocTrelawny: Good morning. @BBCRadio3 Breakfast today we mark the death of two musical titans - Radu Lupu and Harrison Birtwistle. P… - 3 years ago

@doucetfranck: RT @mvoinchet: La musique est en deuil... Le pianiste américain Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un aut… - 3 years ago

@soniadandras: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@HelmutSchimpfke: . Radu Lupu, celebrated Romanian pianist, dies at age 76 MEGA-D: 2) AUTHORITY - 22) INTERMENT . - 3 years ago

@pucette12: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très attristé par la mort du pianiste roumain Radu Lupu : il était l’humilité faite homme, un des interprètes les plus gé… - 3 years ago

@JohnDickie1: Radu Lupu RIP Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 1. In E-Flat Major - 3 years ago

@Souris_Verte: RT @Cirmeau: Mort de deux géants du piano : le Roumain Radu LUPU, dimanche 17 avril. Il avait 76 ans Le Franco-Etatsunien Nicholas ANGELICH… - 3 years ago

@ElisaCano2020: RT @CronistaErrant: Un dia nefast per a la música, amb una nova trista notícia, la mort d'un dels poetes més excelsos del piano, Radu Lupu,… - 3 years ago

@Bayreuth1943: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@VictorVillena: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@DenisDvezine: Radu Lupu, l’alchimiste - 3 years ago

@stephanegrant: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@yello777: RT @francemusique: Hommages aux deux grands pianistes Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich dans Musique Matin. Avec @ALompech René Martin @Philip… - 3 years ago

@mgmglobal: RT @marcvs_avrelivs: Fallece Radu Lupu, gran pianista rumano, a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@mskopan: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@mvoinchet: RT @francemusique: Hommages aux deux grands pianistes Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich dans Musique Matin. Avec @ALompech René Martin @Philip… - 3 years ago

@stephanegrant: RT @francemusique: Hommages aux deux grands pianistes Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich dans Musique Matin. Avec @ALompech René Martin @Philip… - 3 years ago

@sherlockscot: RT @mvoinchet: La musique est en deuil... Le pianiste américain Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un aut… - 3 years ago

@mvoinchet: RT @stephanegrant: Musique Matin rend hommage jusqu’à 9H à Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich 🖤#FranceMusique @jburbain @MarionGlmt @yasbouzar… - 3 years ago

@mariuccia12345: RT @bentivoglio_l: Morto Radu Lupu. Pianista immenso. Uno dei grandissimi, degli insostituibili. Un genio segnato dall’inquietudine 🎹 Il m… - 3 years ago

@stephanegrant: RT @mvoinchet: La musique est en deuil... Le pianiste américain Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un aut… - 3 years ago

@Zehub: RT @mvoinchet: La musique est en deuil... Le pianiste américain Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un aut… - 3 years ago

@jburbain: RT @mvoinchet: La musique est en deuil... Le pianiste américain Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un aut… - 3 years ago

@FredBughin: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@Aleajactaest31: RT @larwoolf: #NicolasAngelich 51. RIP On the same day as Radu Lupu’s passing, news arrives of the death from a degenerative lung conditi… - 3 years ago

@SanDek7513: RT @philharmonie: Nous avons appris avec tristesse la disparition de deux grands pianistes. Radu Lupu (1945 - 2022) Nicholas Angelich (1970… - 3 years ago

@weloveyw: RT @yniold_: 집에 계신 분들은 창문을 열고 이 곡을 들어보세요. RIP Radu Lupu. Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 2. In B-Flat Minor - 3 years ago

@mantecare__: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@bricolage01: RT @alexrossmusic: Tributes to Radu Lupu from fellow musicians are numerous and impassioned. This one is especially touching: when I first… - 3 years ago

@JohnCam91405227: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@Olivier1brunel: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@thenenelle: RT @stephanegrant: Demain @francemusique salue la mémoire de Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu. Une matinale spéciale avec @jburbain, et deux… - 3 years ago

@mvoinchet: RT @stephanegrant: Demain @francemusique salue la mémoire de Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu. Une matinale spéciale avec @jburbain, et deux… - 3 years ago

@VictorMattoon: RT @playinglesshurt: The great pianist Radu Lupu, has died. #rip I’m listening to Brahms 3 Intermezzi for Piano Op117 Radu Lupu - YouTube h… - 3 years ago

@Olivier1brunel: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@mvoinchet: RT @angelagheorghiu: Deeply saddened by the death of legendary pianist and my dear compatriot,Radu Lupu.Wonderful to have spent great momen… - 3 years ago

@ewallix: RT @Ben_Jarrasse: Radu Lupu dans les Impromptus de Schubert (op. 90, n° 2 en mi bémol majeur) - 3 years ago

@ewallix: RT @bastianellijero: En hommage à Radu Lupu, qui vient de mourir à l’âge de 76 ans, ce concert filmé en 1996 où il interprétait aux côtés d… - 3 years ago

@WallerOne: No no no no no no no Radu Lupu: Famed Romanian Pianist Dead at 76 - 3 years ago

@florthense: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très attristé par la mort du pianiste roumain Radu Lupu : il était l’humilité faite homme, un des interprètes les plus gé… - 3 years ago

@baronnet: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@mantecare__: RT @yniold_: 집에 계신 분들은 창문을 열고 이 곡을 들어보세요. RIP Radu Lupu. Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 2. In B-Flat Minor - 3 years ago

@ewallix: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@karimgzz: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@ImageKingUSA1: Radu Lupu, celebrated Romanian pianist, dies at age 76 - 3 years ago

@rntlfjdrntlf: RT @yniold_: 집에 계신 분들은 창문을 열고 이 곡을 들어보세요. RIP Radu Lupu. Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 2. In B-Flat Minor - 3 years ago

@iclm: RT @Scherzo_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA/ Muere a los 76 años el gran pianista rumano Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@WPhBPh: RT @lars_vogt: Nicholas Angelich and Radu Lupu. Two geniuses and gentle giants. So loved. Will be so missed. Such sadness. - 3 years ago

@hirokominakami: RT @ThePianoFiles: The great Romanian pianist Radu Lupu has died at the age of 76. A peerless musician in the tradition of Lipatti (they ha… - 3 years ago

@para__siempre__: RT @yniold_: 집에 계신 분들은 창문을 열고 이 곡을 들어보세요. RIP Radu Lupu. Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 2. In B-Flat Minor - 3 years ago

@Zhaironymus: 【💥breaking news💥】Piano master Radu Lupu died on April 17 in Lausanne, Switzerland at the age of 76 (1945~2022).🇷🇴🙏 - 3 years ago

@haebarak: RT @yniold_: 집에 계신 분들은 창문을 열고 이 곡을 들어보세요. RIP Radu Lupu. Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 2. In B-Flat Minor - 3 years ago

@4gaji_: RT @yniold_: 집에 계신 분들은 창문을 열고 이 곡을 들어보세요. RIP Radu Lupu. Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 2. In B-Flat Minor - 3 years ago

@mikapletnov: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@C21H22O5: RT @philharmonie: Nous avons appris avec tristesse la disparition de deux grands pianistes. Radu Lupu (1945 - 2022) Nicholas Angelich (1970… - 3 years ago

@eu_phon: RT @yniold_: 집에 계신 분들은 창문을 열고 이 곡을 들어보세요. RIP Radu Lupu. Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 2. In B-Flat Minor - 3 years ago

@pandit_jr: RT @holdengraber: RADU LUPU, R. I. P. “There is only one thing I fear in life, my friend: one day, the black will swallow the red.” ~ M… - 3 years ago

@michelleassay: Radu Lupu was the pianist that made me fall in love with Brahms... Thank you Maestro. Our world is much smaller and emptier without you. - 3 years ago

@gonci2017: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@antobon2: RT @bentivoglio_l: Morto Radu Lupu. Pianista immenso. Uno dei grandissimi, degli insostituibili. Un genio segnato dall’inquietudine 🎹 Il m… - 3 years ago

@lsdvld: RT @gkleinburg: Ha muerto Radu Lupu: ese sosegado y hondo poeta rumano del piano. Un gigante sereno. Un titán delicado. Inmenso y entrañabl… - 3 years ago

@diva_political: RT @TStefanovich: Sometimes giants go in pairs. I was 18 when I worked on Mozart w/Radu Lupu.Wise,deeply human. I cherish the score he wrot… - 3 years ago

@djuna01: RT @yniold_: 집에 계신 분들은 창문을 열고 이 곡을 들어보세요. RIP Radu Lupu. Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 2. In B-Flat Minor - 3 years ago

@57dajyale_yama: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@tcely: RT @NPR: Radu Lupu, a pianist widely admired by his fellow artists, has died at age 76. Lupu was known for his interpretations of Brahms, S… - 3 years ago

@williamzpianist: RT @carnegiehall: We remember pianist Radu Lupu, who made his Carnegie Hall and New York debut in 1967 after winning the Second Van Cliburn… - 3 years ago

@1_20ooo: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@XXEZK: 성스러운 밤이여, 그대가 내려와 깔리니 꿈도 역시 파도처럼 출렁이네 Radu Lupu의 슈베르트를 좋아한다. Barbara Hendricks와 함께 한 음반을 자주 듣곤 했다. 앞으로도 수없이 듣겠지. - 3 years ago

@Hollywood_Funs: What Was RADU LUPU Cause Of Death? Romanian Pianist Dead At 77, Funeral Updates Obituary News! - 3 years ago

@cho_fan_: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@nobleviola: Radu Lupu, celebrated Romanian pianist, dies at age 76 - 3 years ago

@muIgeopum: RT @kirillgerstein: RIP Radu Lupu. His was the most magical music-making I’ve ever heard live. He once told me: ‘I’m not really a pianist…b… - 3 years ago

@Elibarlevi: Radu Lupu - Johannes Brahms | Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 2. in B- Flat Minor - 3 years ago

@suresuresowhat: RT @kirillgerstein: RIP Radu Lupu. His was the most magical music-making I’ve ever heard live. He once told me: ‘I’m not really a pianist…b… - 3 years ago

@himmelklavier: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@cho_fan_: RT @nybooks: The Romanian pianist Radu Lupu, a renowned interpreter of Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, and many others, died on Sunday. In 2… - 3 years ago

@aflyingwarthog: RT @dflat_major: 불안과 고민의 밤에 내게 위안을 주던 연주자들이 세상을 떠났다는 소식을 들었다. 마음이 먹먹하다. R.I.P. Radu Lupu R.I.P. Nicholas Angelich - 3 years ago

@chodelune: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@marcelofarelo: RT @leaoliveira1978: Tive o privilégio de ouvir ao vivo Radu Lupu e Nicholas Angelich. De Lupu fica a memória de uma presença que beira a g… - 3 years ago

@ash_realize: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@marcelofarelo: RT @leaoliveira1978: Acabo de ler sobre a morte de dois gigantes do piano: Nicholas Angelich (1970) e Radu Lupu (1945). Que os tenhamos sem… - 3 years ago

@rengaoflove: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@kanacocco: Radu Lupuのブラームスすごい好きだったんだけど、ついに永遠の人になってしまったのだなあ。悲しいなあ。 - 3 years ago

@cho_fan_: RT @Enescu_Festival: We are deeply saddened to find out about the death of Maestro Radu Lupu, a dear friend of the Enescu Festival and a ma… - 3 years ago

@Asterion4810: RT @book_sori: ‘듣기 전과 들은 후에 몸의 구조가 조금은 달라지듯 느껴지는 음악’이 분명이 있다고 느끼게 해주신 분. 슬프다. 고인의 명복을 빈다. 🙏 RIP Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@cho_fan_: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@eu_phon: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@masandewo: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@Forna____: The widely admired Romanian pianist Radu Lupu has died at age 76. His manager, Jenny Vogel, told NPR that he died "… - 3 years ago

@LadyofSilences: In loving memory of Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@yurarinn0517: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@IngridImajacres: the great Radu Lupu. RIP. Words are failing me. - 3 years ago

@ruhe31: RT @book_sori: ‘듣기 전과 들은 후에 몸의 구조가 조금은 달라지듯 느껴지는 음악’이 분명이 있다고 느끼게 해주신 분. 슬프다. 고인의 명복을 빈다. 🙏 RIP Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@KejiaJura: RT @larwoolf: #NicolasAngelich 51. RIP On the same day as Radu Lupu’s passing, news arrives of the death from a degenerative lung conditi… - 3 years ago

@larwoolf: RT @larwoolf: #NicolasAngelich 51. RIP On the same day as Radu Lupu’s passing, news arrives of the death from a degenerative lung conditi… - 3 years ago

@HussBanai: RT @LeoJCarey: RIP the irreplaceable Radu Lupu. My 2¢ on his greatness, from 2013: “Listen, the music seemed to say, sound is sad. As you h… - 3 years ago

@DieHoren: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@HussBanai: RT @nybooks: The Romanian pianist Radu Lupu, a renowned interpreter of Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, and many others, died on Sunday. In 2… - 3 years ago

@PaulaGatwood: RT @LeoJCarey: RIP the irreplaceable Radu Lupu. My 2¢ on his greatness, from 2013: “Listen, the music seemed to say, sound is sad. As you h… - 3 years ago

@imkrapfenwaldl: RT @LucaNiculescu: Tristesse. Radu Lupu s'est eteint. - 3 years ago

@kaori23800: Brahms Romance in F major, Op. 118 No. 5 - Radu Lupu, pianist - 3 years ago

@3emajor: RT @DrDavidVernon: We've lost another giant today. Rest in peace, Radu Lupu. Surely the greatest pianist that ever lived. - 3 years ago

@PaulaGatwood: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@DJGoatGuy: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@PaulaGatwood: RT @pcellor: A truly sad day, on which two gentle giants of the piano have left us. Rest in Peace Radu Lupu and Nicholas Angelich. Since… - 3 years ago

@PaulaGatwood: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@PaulaGatwood: RT @larwoolf: #NicolasAngelich 51. RIP On the same day as Radu Lupu’s passing, news arrives of the death from a degenerative lung conditi… - 3 years ago

@PaulaGatwood: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@Elogio_de_la_: Radu Lupu と Nicholas Angelich の訃報が流れてきた - 3 years ago

@steve49w: Go with God Maestro. Radu Lupu, celebrated Romanian pianist, dies at age 76 - 3 years ago

@anitanataly: RT @TimAshAsh: Radu Lupu, playing Schubert's Impromptu in G flat D899:- One of the greatest of pianists. RIP - 3 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @pcellor: A truly sad day, on which two gentle giants of the piano have left us. Rest in Peace Radu Lupu and Nicholas Angelich. Since… - 3 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @larwoolf: #NicolasAngelich 51. RIP On the same day as Radu Lupu’s passing, news arrives of the death from a degenerative lung conditi… - 3 years ago

@yuko8973: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@cocoon781: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@yuckycatbreath: @lauritzen_brian Radu Lupu dead and you cannot play Brahms intermezzi? Why do you hate Brahms - 3 years ago

@Altavarr: RT @stephanegrant: Demain @francemusique salue la mémoire de Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu. Une matinale spéciale avec @jburbain, et deux… - 3 years ago

@TraNguyenPiano: “I would have liked to make a career out of playing nothing but slow movements” ~ Radu Lupu R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@Altavarr: RT @ZhangZhangZhang: Des pertes incommensurables. Deux immenses artistes. Le grand et légendaire Radu Lupu et le remarquable Nicholas Angel… - 3 years ago

@JenniferD8133: New story on NPR: Radu Lupu, celebrated Romanian pianist, dies at age 76 - 3 years ago

@isulanabianchi: RT @grimal_david: Dear Radu Lupu, your sound and your soul will remain forever in our hearts, even if the world without you will not be the… - 3 years ago

@FalRec: Radu Lupu, celebrated Romanian pianist, dies at age 76 - 3 years ago

@kgznk_1303: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@EvelyneSchmid2: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@slowaltz: RT @philharmonie: Nous avons appris avec tristesse la disparition de deux grands pianistes. Radu Lupu (1945 - 2022) Nicholas Angelich (1970… - 3 years ago

@lkqhz: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@ConcertHu: RT @davidkadouch: Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich nous ont quittés. Avec eux le temps du concert ne s’inscrivait plus dans une chronologie n… - 3 years ago

@fairy_fragments: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@larwoolf: #NicolasAngelich 51. RIP On the same day as Radu Lupu’s passing, news arrives of the death from a degenerative lu… - 3 years ago

@Oriane_Claude: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@acdelion: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@Geniusbastard: RT @anastasiat: What a very sad day in classical music all around. - 3 years ago

@hocinerouagdia: RT @francemusique: Le pianiste Radu Lupu, interprète magistral de Schubert et Beethoven, s'est éteint. France Musique lui rend hommage. htt… - 3 years ago


@24preludes: An immensely sad day. The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age, Radu Lupu. - 3 years ago

@paginiromanesti: Cunoscutul pianist român Radu Lupu a încetat din viață. - 3 years ago

@kumosanta_mt10: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@ChikaInaoka: おはようございます😃 朝起きたら、ラドゥ・ルプーさんの訃報。学生の頃、サントリーでラヴェルやヤナーチェクの作品を聴いた時、鳥肌が立つ弱美音を未だに肌感覚で記憶している。大好きな素晴らしいピアニスト。rip Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@dhdmsrbcjstk: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@ilha_quadrada: Eu não estava ciente do Radu Lupu e do Nicholas Angelich. Principalmente do último, que era muito novo #RIP - 3 years ago

@J_inmarch: R.I.P. Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@anastasiat: What a very sad day in classical music all around. - 3 years ago

@StephKMarvin: - 3 years ago

@ilha_quadrada: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@a_tempo_rubato: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@impur_sang: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@MoonPavilion: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@DavidFoyCalgary: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@EdwardBognacki: RT @lars_vogt: Nicholas Angelich and Radu Lupu. Two geniuses and gentle giants. So loved. Will be so missed. Such sadness. - 3 years ago

@chopinop64no2: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@Namooro: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@Velma___Dinkley: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece el gigante del piano Radu Lupu a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@Velma___Dinkley: RT @Scherzo_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA/ Muere a los 76 años el gran pianista rumano Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@kykmtmt: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@Campanilla9499: RT @ibermusica_es: Lamentamos profundamente el reciente fallecimiento de los pianistas Radu Lupu y Nicholas Angelich que tan buenos recuerd… - 3 years ago

@Campanilla9499: RT @pablolrguez: Un recuerdo para el gran Radu Lupu, que falleció ayer a los 76 años, en Laussane. Creo que nunca podré olvidar la última p… - 3 years ago

@sunaogoko: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@cesarh444: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece el gigante del piano Radu Lupu a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@dWRPzSyYNTF1RGN: RT @Enescu_Festival: We are deeply saddened to find out about the death of Maestro Radu Lupu, a dear friend of the Enescu Festival and a ma… - 3 years ago

@Tara_9754: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece el gigante del piano Radu Lupu a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@ALarsooo: D. E. P. Radu Lupu. Se'n va un dels grans. - 3 years ago

@KDFCPlaylist: Intermezzo in C Op 119/3 by Johannes Brahms / Radu Lupu, piano / London 417599 - 3 years ago

@Vieilautiste: RT @holdengraber: RADU LUPU, R. I. P. “There is only one thing I fear in life, my friend: one day, the black will swallow the red.” ~ M… - 3 years ago

@SayakoHoki: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@vanrecital: We are deeply saddened to hear of Radu Lupu's passing. Radu made his VRS debut at the Orpheum in 1996 and returned… - 3 years ago

@SimonMusgrave1: @musicperfcoach - quote at the end! ( - 3 years ago

@anitanataly: RT @Cirmeau: Radu #LUPU était entré de son vivant dans la légende. Éternel insatisfait en quête d'une insaisissable perfection sonore et d'… - 3 years ago

@anitanataly: RT @Cirmeau: Mort de deux géants du piano : le Roumain Radu LUPU, dimanche 17 avril. Il avait 76 ans Le Franco-Etatsunien Nicholas ANGELICH… - 3 years ago

@esse_tendr: ルプー安らかに 今日はシューマンのコンチェルトを聴きます、ありがとうございました Grieg/ Schumann: Piano Concertos - Radu Lupu, London Symphony Orchestra,… - 3 years ago

@Daniel45623410: RT @julietaovallep: Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@jwwilken: Radu Lupu - Mozart Piano Concerto No.20 in D minor, K.466 - Live 1996 - 3 years ago

@KDFCPlaylist: Intermezzo in f Op.118/4 by Johannes Brahms / Radu Lupu, piano / London 417599 - 3 years ago

@maoneko: RT @bokunoongaku: ラドゥ・ルプーの訃報。76歳。実演に触れたのは一度だけですが、よく「ルプー体験」などと書かれるように、確かに異様な音の空間で、不思議な、貴重な体験でした。R.I.P. Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicibl… - 3 years ago

@FreyNarvaez: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@3Palaces: RT @M_Castelletti: And another giant leaves… Radu Lupu. A most profound musician. The world is losing too much of its magic… - 3 years ago

@franzpeter_d944: RT @alexrossmusic: For Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@tejassrin: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@novelletten: RT @alexrossmusic: For Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@Cronopio60: RT @alexrossmusic: For Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@musiqueparis: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@Angela23763271: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@roooooooom3: RT @ceparkgrace: 세상에..믿을 수 없어. R.I.P Radu Lupu 아름다운 연주 들려주셔서 감사했습니다. - 3 years ago

@david_wright_jr: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@kananancoco: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@soonmyun: RT @lars_vogt: Nicholas Angelich and Radu Lupu. Two geniuses and gentle giants. So loved. Will be so missed. Such sadness. - 3 years ago

@anitanataly: RT @davidkadouch: Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich nous ont quittés. Avec eux le temps du concert ne s’inscrivait plus dans une chronologie n… - 3 years ago

@dliteralme: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece el gigante del piano Radu Lupu a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@LiberJimenez: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece el gigante del piano Radu Lupu a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@ElliottDominou: RT @alexrossmusic: For Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@conycamelo: RT @tallerdeloido: - 3 years ago

@rudetuesday: Thank you for the Brahms, Radu Lupu. #RIP - 3 years ago

@TomFord83: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@iyeongj52077050: RT @Enescu_Festival: We are deeply saddened to find out about the death of Maestro Radu Lupu, a dear friend of the Enescu Festival and a ma… - 3 years ago

@ckoh: RIP to Radu Lupu whose Schubert recordings (shared by @maxlevinson) made a big impression on me - 3 years ago

@unconcionable: RT @angelagheorghiu: Deeply saddened by the death of legendary pianist and my dear compatriot,Radu Lupu.Wonderful to have spent great momen… - 3 years ago

@Ntsaldaraki: RT @TStefanovich: Sometimes giants go in pairs. I was 18 when I worked on Mozart w/Radu Lupu.Wise,deeply human. I cherish the score he wrot… - 3 years ago

@1novr: RT @r_vecellio_s: Truly saddened by the passing away of two major pianists who had shaped by music path several years ago: #Radu_Lupu and #… - 3 years ago

@1216_isuzu: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@HAL_PLANNING: ルプーが逝ってしまった。 悲しい…。 もっともっと彼の音楽を聴きたかった。 桜の散る光景はいつも彼のBrahmsのop.119-1のようだと思った。溺れ過ぎず静寂の中に音を生み出し深遠を震わす彼のピアノが好きだった。 Brahm… - 3 years ago

@isayitsallgood: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@tallerdeloido: - 3 years ago

@isayitsallgood: RT @VikingurMusic: I just heard the extremely sad news about Radu Lupu’s passing. Lupu brought a lot of lasting beauty to our world. May he… - 3 years ago

@Estefano_lopes: Radu Lupu (Galaţi, 30 de novembro de 1945 - Lausanne, 17 de abril de 2022) foi um pianista clássico romeno. Em 199… - 3 years ago

@memeteria: RIP Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@yanagitohebi: ”音色”はいつも安らか Radu Lupu - SCHUBERT - Moments musicaux Op. 94 D. 780: No.2 in A-Flat - 3 years ago

@okaka_1968: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@ehe_ehe_nanairo: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@kathystott: I remember first hearing Radu Lupu when a young girl studying at Menuhin School. Some of us went to hear his recita… - 3 years ago

@H8ZLDWsB3AzVuKp: RT @TimAshAsh: Radu Lupu, playing Schubert's Impromptu in G flat D899:- One of the greatest of pianists. RIP - 3 years ago

@draken_orium: RT @francemusique: Le pianiste Radu Lupu, interprète magistral de Schubert et Beethoven, s'est éteint. France Musique lui rend hommage. htt… - 3 years ago

@jewel_me_: RT @Scherzo_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA/ Muere a los 76 años el gran pianista rumano Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@hanna19119: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@draken_orium: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@anarchy9786: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@alvarocord: RT @jpsaraste: Radu Lupu, great friend and musician is gone. - 3 years ago

@takeshioi814: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@anitanataly: RT @Enescu_Festival: We will forever cherish his amazing way to transform music into magic. Words are not enough to express our sadness for… - 3 years ago

@machado131213: RT @archimusiques: In Memoriam Radu LUPU 🎹 SCHUBERT - Moment musical Op. 94 D. 780: No.2 in A-Flat - 3 years ago

@yukoz1: RT @alexrossmusic: For Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@anitanataly: RT @Enescu_Festival: We are deeply saddened to find out about the death of Maestro Radu Lupu, a dear friend of the Enescu Festival and a ma… - 3 years ago

@anitanataly: RT @nahokomusic: The last time I heard Radu Lupu. 3 Feb 2019, RFH. A memorable occasion. RIP - 3 years ago

@ioiioi01: RT @lars_vogt: Nicholas Angelich and Radu Lupu. Two geniuses and gentle giants. So loved. Will be so missed. Such sadness. - 3 years ago

@Raquel_peace_: RIP Radu Lupu🦋 - 3 years ago

@janemanuelabras: RT @philharmonie: Nous avons appris avec tristesse la disparition de deux grands pianistes. Radu Lupu (1945 - 2022) Nicholas Angelich (1970… - 3 years ago

@CityManresa: RT @ibermusica_es: Lamentamos profundamente el reciente fallecimiento de los pianistas Radu Lupu y Nicholas Angelich que tan buenos recuerd… - 3 years ago

@jeannemarieM3: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@enigmaticocean: RT @alexrossmusic: For Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@derheribert: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@jewel_me_: Brahms 4 Pieces for Piano Op.119, Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@thegreenveggie_: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@WouterStorioni: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@figarok492na: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@bravoandante: Uno de mis intérpretes favoritos de Schubert, el rumano Radu Lupu, ha fallecido. ¡Que suenen sus Impromptus eternam… - 3 years ago

@bestsoundingcds: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@SdcK0h: RT @KHconductor: Speechless.... Rest In Peace Radu Lupu (1945 – 2022) & Nicholas Angelich (1970 - 2022) #ラドゥルプ #ニコラアンゲリッシュ - 3 years ago

@CHRISTIANNINBO9: RT @OuchikhKarim: J’exprime ma tristesse après la mort des pianistes Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich. L’un était roumain, l’autre américain.… - 3 years ago

@Rochefort_17300: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@johnnywalke2017: RT @OuchikhKarim: J’exprime ma tristesse après la mort des pianistes Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich. L’un était roumain, l’autre américain.… - 3 years ago

@shostakovichian: Radu Lupu (1945-2022)... In Memoriam. - 3 years ago

@mvielleicht: RT @ceparkgrace: 세상에..믿을 수 없어. R.I.P Radu Lupu 아름다운 연주 들려주셔서 감사했습니다. - 3 years ago

@gubo_k: R.I.P Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@Gert: RT @TimAshAsh: Radu Lupu, playing Schubert's Impromptu in G flat D899:- One of the greatest of pianists. RIP - 3 years ago

@jordifranc: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece el gigante del piano Radu Lupu a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@rowenamezzo: RT @alexrossmusic: For Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@OuchikhKarim: J’exprime ma tristesse après la mort des pianistes Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich. L’un était roumain, l’autre amér… - 3 years ago

@teobaratto90: RT @RobertoBurioni: Purtroppo è mancato un grandissimo pianista, Radu Lupu. Grazie per le ore di bella musica che mi ha regalato. - 3 years ago

@cnslana: RT @DrDavidVernon: We've lost another giant today. Rest in peace, Radu Lupu. Surely the greatest pianist that ever lived. - 3 years ago

@FHP10eGT: RT @KHconductor: Speechless.... Rest In Peace Radu Lupu (1945 – 2022) & Nicholas Angelich (1970 - 2022) #ラドゥルプ #ニコラアンゲリッシュ - 3 years ago

@alocaltheater: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@raguilarandrade: RT @larkingrumple: Radu Lupu was truly a legend. As a teenager, I didn't realise just what a legend he was when he played Beethoven 3 in th… - 3 years ago

@BeniHevia: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece el gigante del piano Radu Lupu a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@KHconductor: Speechless.... Rest In Peace Radu Lupu (1945 – 2022) & Nicholas Angelich (1970 - 2022) #ラドゥルプ #ニコラアンゲリッシュ - 3 years ago


@m1cha_dsch: RT @pcellor: A truly sad day, on which two gentle giants of the piano have left us. Rest in Peace Radu Lupu and Nicholas Angelich. Since… - 3 years ago

@lamailomane: Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@ongakuto: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@FurubeKen: R.I.P. 心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします。。舞台を共に出来たことやゴールドベルグ先生について話せたことなどは一生の宝物です。ありがとうございました。 - 3 years ago

@ABroadBrush: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@whet: RT @kirillgerstein: RIP Radu Lupu. His was the most magical music-making I’ve ever heard live. He once told me: ‘I’m not really a pianist…b… - 3 years ago

@Marian__Kennedy: RT @playinglesshurt: The great pianist Radu Lupu, has died. #rip I’m listening to Brahms 3 Intermezzi for Piano Op117 Radu Lupu - YouTube h… - 3 years ago

@KatherineYoun2: RT @kirillgerstein: RIP Radu Lupu. His was the most magical music-making I’ve ever heard live. He once told me: ‘I’m not really a pianist…b… - 3 years ago

@KonstanzFI: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@solange_bruneau: RT @francemusique: Le pianiste Radu Lupu, interprète magistral de Schubert et Beethoven, s'est éteint. France Musique lui rend hommage. htt… - 3 years ago

@lanabudimlic: RT @Ljubisaorfej: Moje srce je slomljeno! Otišao je veliki, jedan od najvećih, Radu Lupu! Koliko puta sam slušao ovog autentičnog umetnik… - 3 years ago

@GRL_Grand: 🎼 Cortege... R.I.P. Philippe Boesmans Radu Lupu Nicholas Angelich Harrison Birtwistle Harri… - 3 years ago

@solange_bruneau: RT @Antoine_Moreau_: Difficile de réaliser que Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich nous quittent au même moment, deux poètes de génie qui nous o… - 3 years ago

@Avocat_s_Eyes: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@mina_marsha: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@rfenlon: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@JyMalmasson: RT @GinotSlacik: Deux pianistes fabuleux s’en sont allés : Radu Lupu et Nicolas Angelich. Tristes journées pour la musique qu’ils ont habit… - 3 years ago

@angelagheorghiu: Deeply saddened by the death of legendary pianist and my dear compatriot,Radu Lupu.Wonderful to have spent great mo… - 3 years ago

@CcilMaisonneuve: RT @alexiskarklins: Radu Lupu nous quitte mais il nous laisse ses interprétations prodigieuses. Comme ici, le premier mouvement de l'excep… - 3 years ago

@AndreiTarnea: RIP Radu Lupu, may your memory be a blessing! - 3 years ago

@AndreiTarnea: Radu Lupu, one of history’s greatest pianist has died. His sound was unique and endowed with a delicacy that was ma… - 3 years ago

@D_minor_lover: RT @ceparkgrace: 세상에..믿을 수 없어. R.I.P Radu Lupu 아름다운 연주 들려주셔서 감사했습니다. - 3 years ago

@JyMalmasson: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@VLesconcours: Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich qui partent le même jour.... triste moment pour le piano :( - 3 years ago

@marater1: RT @pablolrguez: Un recuerdo para el gran Radu Lupu, que falleció ayer a los 76 años, en Laussane. Creo que nunca podré olvidar la última p… - 3 years ago

@wikicatt: Radu Lupu 🥀 Schubert Impromptu No.3 - 3 years ago

@AnnamariaGalav2: RT @LeoJCarey: RIP the irreplaceable Radu Lupu. My 2¢ on his greatness, from 2013: “Listen, the music seemed to say, sound is sad. As you h… - 3 years ago

@fanfi64_secour2: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@filoage: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@si_jacques: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@dieterschnaas: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@jswestpiano: A huge loss for the musical community. I am so grateful to have heard Radu Lupu live once in my life. His recording… - 3 years ago

@TommasiniNYT: RT @kirillgerstein: RIP Radu Lupu. His was the most magical music-making I’ve ever heard live. He once told me: ‘I’m not really a pianist…b… - 3 years ago

@Cronopio60: RT @VikingurMusic: I just heard the extremely sad news about Radu Lupu’s passing. Lupu brought a lot of lasting beauty to our world. May he… - 3 years ago

@jswestpiano: RT @Muzewest: We are remembering the magnificent Romanian pianist, Radu Lupu. He passed away yesterday at his home in Switzerland at age 76… - 3 years ago

@jswestpiano: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@jswestpiano: RT @RosemarieUmetsu: Deeply saddened to hear the incomparable Radu Lupu has passed. I cherish the time we spent with him & the times we got… - 3 years ago

@okariaska: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@YukiNegishFriel: Radu Lupu was my childhood hero- I will never forget the first time I heard him in New York..RIP to two musical gia… - 3 years ago

@Muzewest: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@Avocat_s_Eyes: RT @holdengraber: RADU LUPU, R. I. P. “There is only one thing I fear in life, my friend: one day, the black will swallow the red.” ~ M… - 3 years ago

@dichterliebe__: RT @stephanegrant: Demain @francemusique salue la mémoire de Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu. Une matinale spéciale avec @jburbain, et deux… - 3 years ago

@IGougenheim: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@MarcCharbonnie2: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@MarcCharbonnie2: RT @davidkadouch: Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich nous ont quittés. Avec eux le temps du concert ne s’inscrivait plus dans une chronologie n… - 3 years ago

@stolenswingset: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago


@mcmansionhell: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@DanielaZiemann: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@erzherzogcarl: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@Muzewest: RT @RosemarieUmetsu: Deeply saddened to hear the incomparable Radu Lupu has passed. I cherish the time we spent with him & the times we got… - 3 years ago

@franzpeter_d944: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@rest139139: RT @lars_vogt: Nicholas Angelich and Radu Lupu. Two geniuses and gentle giants. So loved. Will be so missed. Such sadness. - 3 years ago

@franzpeter_d944: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@ottaviodibrizz1: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@kazceoil: RT @kirillgerstein: RIP Radu Lupu. His was the most magical music-making I’ve ever heard live. He once told me: ‘I’m not really a pianist…b… - 3 years ago

@ninotiromusic: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@franzpeter_d944: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@blog_patrick: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@franzpeter_d944: RT @kirillgerstein: RIP Radu Lupu. His was the most magical music-making I’ve ever heard live. He once told me: ‘I’m not really a pianist…b… - 3 years ago

@CBCarey: #RIP Radu Lupu. - 3 years ago

@GARYPOTTER15: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@basarhlt: I once had the opportunity to hear Radu Lupu live on stage playing the Schumann concerto. On that occasion Colin Da… - 3 years ago

@dresden73: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@fxverdot: RT @francemusique: Le pianiste Radu Lupu, interprète magistral de Schubert et Beethoven, s'est éteint. France Musique lui rend hommage. htt… - 3 years ago

@BFleurot: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@D1904Thierry: Radu Lupu était un interprète incomparable de Schubert. J'ai beaucoup aimé son interprétation "lunaire" des morceau… - 3 years ago

@TomokiSakata: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@novelletten: RT @kirillgerstein: RIP Radu Lupu. His was the most magical music-making I’ve ever heard live. He once told me: ‘I’m not really a pianist…b… - 3 years ago

@kirillgerstein: RIP Radu Lupu. His was the most magical music-making I’ve ever heard live. He once told me: ‘I’m not really a piani… - 3 years ago

@Lunapisces: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@tarocaja: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@MarcosBalter: The most memorable recital I’ve ever attended was Radu Lupu playing an all-Brahms program. Unforgettable and magica… - 3 years ago

@CHUOQuidNovi: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@Heraclite: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@rosamirob: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@Astrolab13: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@cuyper_paul: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@delabaronne: RT @AurelienPontier: Deux immenses artistes , Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu. Leurs sonorités vous perçaient le cœur, tout comme leurs dis… - 3 years ago

@QLoana: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@petitefolie2: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@DMuzicar2: Night❤️🖤 Radu Lupu , Murray Perahia 4 hands Schubert Fantasy F minor Part 1 - 3 years ago

@anamaene: RT @Enescu_Festival: We are deeply saddened to find out about the death of Maestro Radu Lupu, a dear friend of the Enescu Festival and a ma… - 3 years ago

@efemeridestoday: Falleció ayer #17abril en Lausana, Suiza, Radu Lupu, fue pianista rumano (retiró de los escenarios en 2019). Ganó… - 3 years ago

@EmmanuelTellier: RT @alexiskarklins: Radu Lupu nous quitte mais il nous laisse ses interprétations prodigieuses. Comme ici, le premier mouvement de l'excep… - 3 years ago

@bdervishiesq: @paavo_jarvi Very sad news, Radu Lupu’s recording of the late Brahms sonatas is treasured. He was an amazing artist. - 3 years ago

@DonLaguardione: RT @Guru_Cultural: Murió uno de los pianistas gigantes de nuestro tiempo; Radu Lupu. El rumano falleció ayer 17 de abril. Indispensable en… - 3 years ago

@elismissoni: RT @VikingurMusic: I just heard the extremely sad news about Radu Lupu’s passing. Lupu brought a lot of lasting beauty to our world. May he… - 3 years ago

@MohamedTERParis: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@NextPaolo: RT @bentivoglio_l: Morto Radu Lupu. Pianista immenso. Uno dei grandissimi, degli insostituibili. Un genio segnato dall’inquietudine 🎹 Il m… - 3 years ago

@BarraCulubret: RT @ThePianoFiles: The great Romanian pianist Radu Lupu has died at the age of 76. A peerless musician in the tradition of Lipatti (they ha… - 3 years ago

@MusicGavalas: The world lost one of the greatest pianists ever. Rest in peace, Radu Lupu. via /r/classicalmusic - 3 years ago

@1fVKRyn0SrUUw2C: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@JOANA47972111: RT @sbuhai: I collected and loved most of his Decca recordings⁠—and virtually 'grew up' listening to his peerless Brahms Concerto 1, with d… - 3 years ago

@simonvaskou: RT @lars_vogt: Nicholas Angelich and Radu Lupu. Two geniuses and gentle giants. So loved. Will be so missed. Such sadness. - 3 years ago

@mattaburns: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@GiobaggioBaggio: Per @RobertoBurioni che come me piange la perdita di Radu Lupu, un motivo per sollevare l'animo è trovare giovani c… - 3 years ago

@MichesVioleta: RT @bentivoglio_l: Morto Radu Lupu. Pianista immenso. Uno dei grandissimi, degli insostituibili. Un genio segnato dall’inquietudine 🎹 Il m… - 3 years ago

@framboise23O2: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@IremciucA: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@VerhelstThomas: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@BettinaPuchault: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@bdervishiesq: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@DominiqueReynie: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@elcaborotativo: RT @philharmonie: Nous avons appris avec tristesse la disparition de deux grands pianistes. Radu Lupu (1945 - 2022) Nicholas Angelich (1970… - 3 years ago

@aratayumivn: Radu Lupu, Nicholas Angelichの訃報… - 3 years ago

@HarroldRoeland: Radu Lupu en Polo de Haas op één dag. #rip - 3 years ago

@mapuppele: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@PSEVEZsj: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@kimbangtong: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@Brasfort49: RT @larkingrumple: Radu Lupu was truly a legend. As a teenager, I didn't realise just what a legend he was when he played Beethoven 3 in th… - 3 years ago

@natsushirogiku: Radu Lupu Schubert: 4 Impromptus, Op.90, D.899 - No.3 in G Flat Major: Andante - 3 years ago

@_abitbol: Murió Radu Lupu. Recordémoslo con esta insuperable versión de la Fantasía en Fa menor de Franz Schubert a dúo con M… - 3 years ago

@aaronkorea: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@MargaretMayHan: R.I.P. Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@Petit_Darwin: RT @lars_vogt: Nicholas Angelich and Radu Lupu. Two geniuses and gentle giants. So loved. Will be so missed. Such sadness. - 3 years ago

@nancy_genevive: RT @philharmonie: Nous avons appris avec tristesse la disparition de deux grands pianistes. Radu Lupu (1945 - 2022) Nicholas Angelich (1970… - 3 years ago

@csballester1750: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@1fVKRyn0SrUUw2C: RT @VikingurMusic: I just heard the extremely sad news about Radu Lupu’s passing. Lupu brought a lot of lasting beauty to our world. May he… - 3 years ago

@csballester1750: RT @monterogabriela: And Radu Lupu has left us as well. Two gentle giants leave a gaping hole in a world desperate for poetry, beauty and m… - 3 years ago

@DoigeMichele: Hommage à deux talentueux pianistes qui viennent de nous quitter Nicholas Angelich et Radu… - 3 years ago

@sbuhai: I collected and loved most of his Decca recordings⁠—and virtually 'grew up' listening to his peerless Brahms Concer… - 3 years ago

@fe_roux: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@GonzaloLahoz: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@Acribie77: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@sslopez_luis: D.E.P. @radulupu #RaduLupu - 3 years ago

@lucdebarochez: RT @SophieWallez: Au delà des mots... Schubert et Radu Lupu 😪 - 3 years ago


@JeanJCSibelius: RT @larkingrumple: Radu Lupu was truly a legend. As a teenager, I didn't realise just what a legend he was when he played Beethoven 3 in th… - 3 years ago

@1fVKRyn0SrUUw2C: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@nickmjohnston: @ClassicFM Please can you make mention of the fact that three extraordinary musicians have left us today? Harrison… - 3 years ago

@MarcellineMull1: RT @BrunoLeMaire: Très attristé par la mort du pianiste roumain Radu Lupu : il était l’humilité faite homme, un des interprètes les plus gé… - 3 years ago

@ceron_baritono: RT @red_mayor: Con el mismo pesar comunicamos el fallecimiento del pianista rumano RADU LUPU ayer domingo. Descanse en paz. - 3 years ago

@BELLEGO5: RT @TheCliburn: The world has lost one of the greatest pianists of our age. The Cliburn joins our international classical music community i… - 3 years ago

@MarieMoses1: RT @SophieWallez: Ouvrir Twitter et apprendre la disparition ce jour de deux immenses pianistes et musiciens : Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angeli… - 3 years ago

@Selvi_Karakoc: RT @makalahmet: Büyük Rumen piyanist Radu Lupu dünyamıza veda etmiş, çok üzgünüm. Huzur içinde uyuyun üstadım... 🌿🌸 - 3 years ago

@thatiskarl: @lars_vogt Боже! Welch’ Verluste! Radu Lupu vor Jahrzehnten mit Perahia im Konzert erlebt, später u.a. seine wunder… - 3 years ago

@MarieMoses1: RT @lars_vogt: Nicholas Angelich and Radu Lupu. Two geniuses and gentle giants. So loved. Will be so missed. Such sadness. - 3 years ago

@MmeDirectrice: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@CharlEdwardLL: Tous les pianistes du monde ont les doigts qui pleurent la triste disparition de deux génies, Radu Lupu (1945-2022)… - 3 years ago

@LGaella: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@kazceoil: RT @VikingurMusic: I just heard the extremely sad news about Radu Lupu’s passing. Lupu brought a lot of lasting beauty to our world. May he… - 3 years ago

@Acribie77: RT @DrDavidVernon: We've lost another giant today. Rest in peace, Radu Lupu. Surely the greatest pianist that ever lived. - 3 years ago

@stanley_wells: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@philharmonie: Nous avons appris avec tristesse la disparition de deux grands pianistes. Radu Lupu (1945 - 2022) Nicholas Angelich… - 3 years ago

@archimusiques: In Memoriam Radu LUPU 🎹 SCHUBERT - Moment musical Op. 94 D. 780: No.2 in A-Flat - 3 years ago

@Petit_Darwin: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@schrekerman: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@eflatmajor73: RT @VikingurMusic: I just heard the extremely sad news about Radu Lupu’s passing. Lupu brought a lot of lasting beauty to our world. May he… - 3 years ago

@proustpantheon: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@bretisrael: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@Thelonious_Moon: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@schrekerman: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@hiro_b_tokio: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@david_valence: Radu #Lupu puis Nicholas #Angelich : tristesse infinie des fêtes de #paques2022 pour tous ceux qui chérissent le… - 3 years ago

@MRMAHZEL: R.I.P. Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@MAMEBONNIN: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@davidgweininger: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@gram63: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@PeterIntheswim: RT @Lirographe: Quelle tristesse, Radu Lupu vient de nous quitter - 3 years ago

@hwfmorris: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@janmoritzonken: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@MisterLeeDaniel: They say bad news/luck comes in threes: musical greats Nicholas Angelich, Radu Lupu and Harrison Birtwistle bade their farewells today… 😥 - 3 years ago

@bcbnyc1: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@trevorw1953: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@GaleraLluis: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@Biroc1: RIP Radu Lupu. On top of Birtwistle, a sad day... - 3 years ago

@Andrema34797557: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@laurenceauer: RT @Enescu_Festival: We are deeply saddened to find out about the death of Maestro Radu Lupu, a dear friend of the Enescu Festival and a ma… - 3 years ago

@JulienJCG: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@jjkiladjian: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@eli_grandi: RT @ROBZIK: È morto il pianista rumeno Radu Lupu. Aveva 76 anni. - 3 years ago

@SRihae: RT @PervinChakar: Mixabin me pianîstê Romen Radu Lupu winda kir. Min ew bi zindî li Bruksel û Perugia gûhdarî kirî bû.Ez gelek xemgîn im! H… - 3 years ago

@RobBowness: @MahanEsfahani Oh no! 😢 One of my absolute favourite pianists. RIP Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@Acribie77: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@james_bb: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@RuthElleson: RT @SebChonion: RIP Radu Lupu, you were a living legend. « God » amongst pianists. Utterly devasted to hear this news... My wife @AlexSiloc… - 3 years ago

@WagnersBarbara: @igorpianist 😢Radu Lupu war einfach großartig. Lange ist es her, dass ich ihn in Mannheim gehört habe. Ein sehr, se… - 3 years ago

@lorenzodeirossi: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@arroyot24: Irreparable pérdida para el mundo de la música y del piano en particular. Se marcha un grande. Permanece su Schuber… - 3 years ago

@QHuisman: Gisteren overleed Radu Lupu, vandaag Nicholas Angelich en Polo de Haas. Een treurig paasweekend voor de pianowereld. - 3 years ago

@lorenzomorandot: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@lorenzomorandot: RT @RobertoBurioni: Purtroppo è mancato un grandissimo pianista, Radu Lupu. Grazie per le ore di bella musica che mi ha regalato. - 3 years ago

@AScholtes: RIP Radu Lupu. - 3 years ago

@Shi_Xue: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@phoosiofficial: Romanian pianist Radu Lupu death cause, how did he died? - 3 years ago

@NaijafileH: Romanian pianist Radu Lupu death cause, how did he died? – Explained! - 3 years ago

@ManuelaFPinto: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@nicougen: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@Nimrafa: RT @nybooks: The Romanian pianist Radu Lupu, a renowned interpreter of Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, and many others, died on Sunday. In 2… - 3 years ago

@zeRapunzel: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@gaialive: RT @DrDavidVernon: We've lost another giant today. Rest in peace, Radu Lupu. Surely the greatest pianist that ever lived. - 3 years ago

@sn_fleck: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@country152: RT @GinotSlacik: Deux pianistes fabuleux s’en sont allés : Radu Lupu et Nicolas Angelich. Tristes journées pour la musique qu’ils ont habit… - 3 years ago

@country152: Brahms Intermezzo A Major Op 118 No 2 Lupu Rec 1976.wmv Radu Lupu s’est tu .RIP 🙏 - 3 years ago

@irishpianoman: Just heard about the death of Radu Lupu just now... One of the world’s greatest musicians , what a loss. Here's my… - 3 years ago

@NeilKBrand: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@mpersivale: @giuseppegenna E anche Radu Lupu, Harrison Birtwistle, che giornata terribile 🤍🤍🤍 - 3 years ago

@katzenschiff: @igorpianist Ich habe Radu Lupu noch in der Philharmonie gesehen, mit meinem Vater damals 💔🎹 - 3 years ago

@Mirjam_Fischer: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@nw_nicholas: Now Radu Lupu. RIP - 3 years ago

@NaijafileH: Radu Lupu dead and obituary, Romanian pianist – cause of death? – Explained! - 3 years ago

@SweetOceanClou1: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@Buntomat: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@claire_galati: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@mariae0725: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@ciropellegrino: Ah! Radu Lupu :( #rip - 3 years ago

@GVolokhine: RT @ThePianoFiles: The great Romanian pianist Radu Lupu has died at the age of 76. A peerless musician in the tradition of Lipatti (they ha… - 3 years ago

@gram63: RT @DrDavidVernon: We've lost another giant today. Rest in peace, Radu Lupu. Surely the greatest pianist that ever lived. - 3 years ago

@aema2yo: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@andrehellerlop: Birtwistle & Radu Lupu. Wow what a sad day of silence for music. - 3 years ago

@makalahmet: Büyük Rumen piyanist Radu Lupu dünyamıza veda etmiş, çok üzgünüm. Huzur içinde uyuyun üstadım... 🌿🌸 - 3 years ago

@cello_pf_pilot: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@BonsFrederic: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@carlamartamari: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@justcountdamnit: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@hackloon: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@coriolan1807: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@Souris_Verte: RT @grimal_david: Dear Radu Lupu, your sound and your soul will remain forever in our hearts, even if the world without you will not be the… - 3 years ago

@DrDavidVernon: We've lost another giant today. Rest in peace, Radu Lupu. Surely the greatest pianist that ever lived. - 3 years ago

@DavidAlvarez_: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece el gigante del piano Radu Lupu a los 76 años. - 3 years ago

@bizouerne261: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@MMillester: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@TecleaTeCrea: RIP Radu Lupu, un grande D.E.P. - 3 years ago

@fabien_salord: Mais c'est une catastrophe ! J ai eu la chance d'écouter Angelich à La Roque d'Anthéron, avec une intégrale des Ann… - 3 years ago

@TelevideoRai101: E' morto il grande pianista Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@PaoloLocatelli: RT @ROBZIK: È morto il pianista rumeno Radu Lupu. Aveva 76 anni. - 3 years ago

@ma_ki_mahler: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@Apollinaire93: Non mais c'est quoi cette hécatombe ??? Nicholas Angelich, Radu Lupu, Harrison Birtwistle, et Philippe Boesmans il… - 3 years ago

@AymericLavin: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@CornerstonePrUK: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@dahinden_urs: RT @igorpianist: Harrison Birtwistle. Radu Lupu. Nicholas Angelich. Three music giants passed away. What a sad shit day for the music wor… - 3 years ago

@MichaBrocke: RT @nybooks: The Romanian pianist Radu Lupu, a renowned interpreter of Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, and many others, died on Sunday. In 2… - 3 years ago

@bekelesabio: RT @Codalario: Muere Radu Lupu, una leyenda del piano. - 3 years ago

@DelgadoHolgado: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@mariaucru: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@tkrooss: RT @Elodieocv92: RIP aux grands Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@Serjones: 2022, o ano em que nos despedimos do grande pianista romeno Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@cadepianist: Very saddened to hear of the passing of Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@condedelamaza: Grandísimo Radu Lupu. Descanse en paz. - 3 years ago

@RostatAlberto: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@ValeBattaglia: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@snooptom: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@miquelgorriz: DEP 😢 - 3 years ago

@JustineMTLMcI: J'ai eu le privilège d'entendre Lupu en performance de Brahms dans les années 90; c'était majestueux, puissant et s… - 3 years ago

@mattcohler: One of my regrets in life is never having gotten to hear Radu Lupu play live. He turned playing music written by ot… - 3 years ago

@antonioaliguori: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@stephanegrant: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@SkepticalHusky: Radu Lupu has died 😞 @Beethoven_110 @irishpianoman - 3 years ago

@RoMaBra77: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@PierreCullen5: @alexdariescu Sad news of the death of your great Romanian predecessor, Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@JaapEilander: 😢 Radu Lupu is niet meer. Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117 - 1. In E-Flat Major - 3 years ago

@dWRPzSyYNTF1RGN: RT @Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et Nicholas A… - 3 years ago

@hdbl4w: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@drammagiocoso: RT @Enescu_Festival: We are deeply saddened to find out about the death of Maestro Radu Lupu, a dear friend of the Enescu Festival and a ma… - 3 years ago

@HHaushahn: RT @paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@Nyantho: Je ne parviens pas à penser à autre chose qu’à ce Concerto pour piano n°3 de Beethoven joué par Radu Lupu et… - 3 years ago

@paavo_jarvi: R.I.P. Radu Lupu💔 - 3 years ago

@Acribie77: RT @Xavier_Abraham_: Disparitions à quelques heures d’intervalles de Radu #Lupu et Nicholas #Angelich. Rudes nouvelles. #Musique #Piano #Ar… - 3 years ago

@Hedgehog1963: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@miquelgorriz: - 3 years ago

@alexsoullard: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@MmeDirectrice: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@FabioBilVecchio: 😰😰 Radu Lupu. - 3 years ago

@c5qZaSYipHssbwR: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@Acribie77: RT @Cirmeau: Mort de deux géants du piano : le Roumain Radu LUPU, dimanche 17 avril. Il avait 76 ans Le Franco-Etatsunien Nicholas ANGELICH… - 3 years ago

@Musiq_3: ⚫️ Journée noire pour le monde de la musique classique, deux génies du #piano s’en sont allés: Radu Lupu, 76 ans et… - 3 years ago

@EmilieMunera: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@LouisMonfor: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@SalemClassical: RT @davidgweininger: RIP Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@EMMANUELCUGNY: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@atsumi_1965: RT @ThePianoFiles: The great Romanian pianist Radu Lupu has died at the age of 76. A peerless musician in the tradition of Lipatti (they ha… - 3 years ago

@86Jokerman: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@Acribie77: RT @davidkadouch: Radu Lupu et Nicholas Angelich nous ont quittés. Avec eux le temps du concert ne s’inscrivait plus dans une chronologie n… - 3 years ago

@AnnCathMoretti: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@treyesb: falleció Radu Lupu 😥 - 3 years ago

@Acribie77: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@Acribie77: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@EmmanuelBethoux: RT @Lirographe: Quelle tristesse, Radu Lupu vient de nous quitter - 3 years ago

@amingardi: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@veryenglishyogi: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@keithmc101: What? And Radu Lupu and Birtwistle? All on the same day? 😢 - 3 years ago

@eflatmajor73: Che brutta brutta bruttissima notizia!! Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@CarmyLombardo96: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@Stefano82505685: @BBCWorld IL MUSICISTA-LOGGIONISTA: RADU LUPU - 3 years ago

@RonanBretel: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@Stefano82505685: @cnnbrk IL MUSICISTA-LOGGIONISTA: RADU LUPU - 3 years ago

@Stefano82505685: @Reuters IL MUSICISTA-LOGGIONISTA: RADU LUPU - 3 years ago

@Stefano82505685: @TIME IL MUSICISTA-LOGGIONISTA: RADU LUPU - 3 years ago

@vtguillemin: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@VincentTenn: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@Stefano82505685: IL MUSICISTA-LOGGIONISTA: RADU LUPU - 3 years ago

@TeresaBongiova1: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@CarloMelato: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@QuentinDelorme: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@vtguillemin: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@Alitorra: RIP Radu Lupu 😔🌹 - 3 years ago

@claudebenoist: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@CorneliusJens: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@MichelE94318006: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@L_LeBer: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@Yasuharu_: RT @violissimo: RIP Radu Lupu. - 3 years ago

@jacquesdupuis: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@alexCssif: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@saphiehashtiany: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@apuntador: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@renaud_patricia: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@gylesnamopaleen: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@Haroldonthejob: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@lellinara: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@Yasuharu_: Radu Lupuの訃報が。 高校の頃、ピアノの先生に彼のシューマンを薦めてもらって沢山聴いた。 2013年には、来日公演にも行くことが出来た。 あんなに繊細で美しい音のピアノを他に知らない。ピアノから発せられているはずなのに、… - 3 years ago

@Ddid1789: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@perandreuj: RT @CronistaErrant: Un dia nefast per a la música, amb una nova trista notícia, la mort d'un dels poetes més excelsos del piano, Radu Lupu,… - 3 years ago

@percorsi3: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@GiobaggioBaggio: RT @RobertoBurioni: Purtroppo è mancato un grandissimo pianista, Radu Lupu. Grazie per le ore di bella musica che mi ha regalato. - 3 years ago

@LFragaSantAnna: RT @teatrolafenice: Schubert e il suo Improvviso n. 1. Pochi minuti, ma un battito di un grande Poeta appena scomparso. A Radu Lupu il nost… - 3 years ago

@AncaCampanie: So sad to hear that Maestro Radu Lupu has left us. The incredible Romanian musician was a legend amongst pianists a… - 3 years ago

@L_LeBer: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@drughiF: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@PervinChakar: Mixabin me pianîstê Romen Radu Lupu winda kir. Min ew bi zindî li Bruksel û Perugia gûhdarî kirî bû.Ez gelek xemgîn… - 3 years ago

@cameracum: RT @mvoinchet: Insondable tristesse, horribles nouvelles, Nicholas Angelich et Radu Lupu sont morts ! 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@Ouistitir: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@ahmedaminghenim: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@GuillaumRouger: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@RachelNaomiKudo: RIP Radu Lupu 💔 - 3 years ago

@FINALED: RT @Lirographe: Quelle tristesse, Radu Lupu vient de nous quitter - 3 years ago

@LVissidarte: RT @GinotSlacik: Deux pianistes fabuleux s’en sont allés : Radu Lupu et Nicolas Angelich. Tristes journées pour la musique qu’ils ont habit… - 3 years ago

@RobertoGMostajo: RT @LeTemps: Radu Lupu: le pianiste de l’indicible s’est tu - 3 years ago

@bncameron1: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@CaptainTranNew: RT @francemusique: Tristesse infinie... Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich vient de nous quitter. Il disparait le lendemain d'un autre géant du… - 3 years ago

@vbmgs: RT @Enescu_Festival: We are deeply saddened to find out about the death of Maestro Radu Lupu, a dear friend of the Enescu Festival and a ma… - 3 years ago

@hiro_b_tokio: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@nomlet: Birtwistle and Radu Lupu? Well today was greedy wasn't it? - 3 years ago

@RobertoGMostajo: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@davidgweininger: RIP Radu Lupu - 3 years ago

@EliseCalais: RT @ALompech: Le pianiste Nicholas Angelich est mort aujourd’hui. Il avait 51 ans, voulait vivre et faire de la musique. Il meurt le lendem… - 3 years ago

@silverlawn: RT @StevenIsserlis: Devastated to hear that Radu Lupu has left us. Not only one of the greatest, warmest, most profound musicians I've ever… - 3 years ago

@janetobikeller: A most tragic loss ❤️ - 3 years ago

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