Rachel Held Evans

American Christian writer
Died on Saturday May 4th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Rachel Held Evans:

@daveyboydanger: @robinbarfield78 Inspired by Rachel Held Evans. :) - 6 years ago

@LindaLarsonKemp: RT @Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@v2aggie2: RT @Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@kjulieoconnor: RT @Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago


@TroyMTyler: RT @amconmag: "The Polish dissident writer Czeslaw Milosz wrote that so many intellectuals accepted communism because it gave them a sense… - 6 years ago

@sadiebeth78: RT @Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@newmac72: RT @Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@dcexaminer: Rachel Held Evans' death is a poignant reminder of how to live - 6 years ago

@Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@Ortiz_A_M: RT @Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@newmac72: RT @Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@janie55x: RT @Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@darrenmicheall_: @thesassymandi Rachel Held Evans writings gave me hope that there was a voice that truly understood my interpretati… - 6 years ago

@GabriellaRusso: RT @HillaryClinton: My prayers go out to everyone grieving the tragic loss of @RachelHeldEvans. She lived a life of generosity, justice-see… - 6 years ago

@ashrrs: "WHENEVER I WANT TO SCARE MYSELF, I CONSIDER WHAT would happen to the world if Rachel Held Evans stopped writing." - 6 years ago

@LeonharEuler: RT @amconmag: "The Polish dissident writer Czeslaw Milosz wrote that so many intellectuals accepted communism because it gave them a sense… - 6 years ago

@YIhere: RT @amconmag: "The Polish dissident writer Czeslaw Milosz wrote that so many intellectuals accepted communism because it gave them a sense… - 6 years ago

@judsontaylor: Inventing Rachel Held Evans ⁦@roddreher⁩ - 6 years ago

@bbsquirt24: RT @amconmag: "The Polish dissident writer Czeslaw Milosz wrote that so many intellectuals accepted communism because it gave them a sense… - 6 years ago

@NotRealLife1: RT @amconmag: "The Polish dissident writer Czeslaw Milosz wrote that so many intellectuals accepted communism because it gave them a sense… - 6 years ago

@judsontaylor: “The older I get the more wary I become of anyone trying to convince me that I’ve been wronged. Jesus didn’t tell p… - 6 years ago

@Laurel_Loflund: RT @amconmag: "The Polish dissident writer Czeslaw Milosz wrote that so many intellectuals accepted communism because it gave them a sense… - 6 years ago

@RonColeman: RT @amconmag: "The Polish dissident writer Czeslaw Milosz wrote that so many intellectuals accepted communism because it gave them a sense… - 6 years ago

@amconmag: "The Polish dissident writer Czeslaw Milosz wrote that so many intellectuals accepted communism because it gave the… - 6 years ago

@ehleehah: RT @Mepaynl: It’s been a week since Rachel Held Evans passed. As someone who assumes my Twitter community to be immortal (and hopes they ar… - 6 years ago

@gloriousness: RT @Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@andreadbennett: RT @jeffchu: So maybe @sarahbessey and I did have something to say after all. We will always love you, Rachel, for who you were and who you… - 6 years ago

@NirvanaMonk116: @Mepaynl Rachel Held Evans was a neighbor, prophet, saint, sister, friend and mother to each and every one of us. H… - 6 years ago

@NirvanaMonk116: RT @Mepaynl: It’s been a week since Rachel Held Evans passed. As someone who assumes my Twitter community to be immortal (and hopes they ar… - 6 years ago

@Beverly22072760: RT @tbayly: Rachel Held Evans has died. She left husband and 2 young children. Any mother's death leaving children behind is heartbreaking.… - 6 years ago

@JohnDalyNews: RT @Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@DrJohnHardie: “Imagine if every church became a place where everyone is safe, but no one is comfortable. Imagine if every church… - 6 years ago

@kathleenjoness: RT @PostOpinions: From @sarahbessey and @jeffchu: How Rachel Held Evans really should be remembered - 6 years ago

@chaseandre: RT @d_l_mayfield: also my editor pointed out that this piece I wrote for Rachel Held Evans really was about mothering, and therefore approp… - 6 years ago

@Tvbona: I was not aware Rachel Held Evans claimed Jesus carried money... - 6 years ago

@SMurray1000: Loved her so much.The Radically Inclusive Christianity of Rachel Held Evans - 6 years ago

@SMurray1000: RT @PB_Curry: Today is a sad day for our Church and for everyone who found the path home to our loving, liberating, life-giving God because… - 6 years ago

@SMurray1000: RT @HillaryClinton: My prayers go out to everyone grieving the tragic loss of @RachelHeldEvans. She lived a life of generosity, justice-see… - 6 years ago

@SMurray1000: RT @Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@carmetchus: RT @HillaryClinton: My prayers go out to everyone grieving the tragic loss of @RachelHeldEvans. She lived a life of generosity, justice-see… - 6 years ago

@teresareads: On page 91 of 236 of Inspired, by Rachel Held Evans - 6 years ago

@marcidarling: RT @Mepaynl: It’s been a week since Rachel Held Evans passed. As someone who assumes my Twitter community to be immortal (and hopes they ar… - 6 years ago

@dcexaminer: Rachel Held Evans' death is a poignant reminder of how to live - 6 years ago

@ashleybc33: RT @Mepaynl: It’s been a week since Rachel Held Evans passed. As someone who assumes my Twitter community to be immortal (and hopes they ar… - 6 years ago

@DavidATitus2: RT @ShaneClaiborne: I have come to regard with some suspicion those who claim that the Bible never troubles them. I can only assume this me… - 6 years ago

@PostOpinions: From @sarahbessey and @jeffchu: How Rachel Held Evans really should be remembered - 6 years ago

@numbersnthedark: RT @jesuiticalshow: Like so many, we were devastated by the news of Rachel Held Evans’s death last weekend. To honor her life and legacy,… - 6 years ago

@randywoodley7: Rachel Held Evans Tribute - 6 years ago

@mburm201: Inventing Rachel Held Evans - 6 years ago

@JPiperLee: RT @quinncy: Co-teacher found perfect Rachel Held Evans quote for the wall. - 6 years ago

@KatinOxford: Happy Mother’s Day to my wonderful mommy. She cried w/ me when Rachel Held Evans died & made me my favorite food… - 6 years ago

@chinweajalla: RT @HillaryClinton: My prayers go out to everyone grieving the tragic loss of @RachelHeldEvans. She lived a life of generosity, justice-see… - 6 years ago

@really_its_jess: RT @JonathanMerritt: Here is my tribute to @rachelheldevans. I hope it honors my friend. Miss you, Rach. - 6 years ago

@FLReza: RT @Slate: How a progressive Christian blogger stood up to the evangelical establishment. - 6 years ago

@brooke_scott95: RT @JonathanMerritt: She will speak a final word: “Rachel’s last book, ‘Wholehearted Faith’ is currently scheduled to release from HarperOn… - 6 years ago

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