Pua Magasiva

Samoan actor.
Died on Saturday May 11th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Pua Magasiva:

@ScreeTut2000: RT @TaikaWaititi: Pua... brother. Just found out. Gonna miss your smile, soul, and side-step. Aroha and awhi to the Magasiva aiga. 💔 - 6 years ago

@Bronytran: RT @Santanamax21: We lost a great man when we lost Pua Magasiva. Rest in power. #RIPPuaMagasiva - 6 years ago

@Deoxy360: RT @Santanamax21: We lost a great man when we lost Pua Magasiva. Rest in power. #RIPPuaMagasiva - 6 years ago

@RangerCommandPH: RT @Santanamax21: We lost a great man when we lost Pua Magasiva. Rest in power. #RIPPuaMagasiva - 6 years ago


@AnfasaKaffah: RT @TaikaWaititi: Pua... brother. Just found out. Gonna miss your smile, soul, and side-step. Aroha and awhi to the Magasiva aiga. 💔 - 6 years ago

@ravenwing263: RT @TaikaWaititi: Pua... brother. Just found out. Gonna miss your smile, soul, and side-step. Aroha and awhi to the Magasiva aiga. 💔 - 6 years ago

@LarryLeeHodge: RT @TaikaWaititi: Pua... brother. Just found out. Gonna miss your smile, soul, and side-step. Aroha and awhi to the Magasiva aiga. 💔 - 6 years ago

@PeterSAdrian: RT @TaikaWaititi: Pua... brother. Just found out. Gonna miss your smile, soul, and side-step. Aroha and awhi to the Magasiva aiga. 💔 - 6 years ago

@kongzilla10: Muito obrigado Pua Magasiva, Shane foi com certeza um dos melhores rangers vermelhos - 6 years ago

@StevenWhitstin1: Power Rangers Actor Pua Magasiva Found Dead in New Zealand at 38 - 6 years ago

@Alfred_Vitale: RIP Pua Magasiva Thanks for brining laughter and representing our Polynesian people in the industry condolences, pr… - 6 years ago

@Savageredgamer: RT @ASJAustin: Pua Magasiva from Power Rangers Ninja Storm... Rest in Peace brother. -ASJ #PowerRangersForever #NinjaStorm #RealSuperhero… - 6 years ago

@8rucewayn3: Tribute - In loving memory of Pua Magasiva - 6 years ago

@PinkTokyoBunny8: RT @PowerRangersNOW: R.I.P. to Pua Magasiva, the Red Ranger from #PowerRangers Ninja Storm. The actor was found dead in New Zealand this mo… - 6 years ago

@tishmio: RT @muthaterina: I’ve written an updated version of our article on @PuaMagasiva a simple but honourable dedication to the Samoan-born actor… - 6 years ago

@Limguuuiiisss77: R.I.P Pua Magasiva a.k.a Ninja Storm Red - 6 years ago

@Ashley201511: RT @TokuNation: Our most heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Pua Magasiva, known to all #PowerRangers fans as Shane, the Red… - 6 years ago

@Ashley201511: RT @OrangeRangerVid: Shocked and saddened to hear that Ninja Storm Red Ranger Shane’s actor, Pua Magasiva, has apparently died. - 6 years ago

@WGreene2002: #puamagasiva just found out that one of my favorite childhood actors passed away last week his name was Pua Magasiv… - 6 years ago

@Maycallaghan1: RT @PowerMorphicon: We are devastated by the news that one of the lights in the Power Rangers family has gone dark. Pua Magasiva, known to… - 6 years ago

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