Pita Paraone

New Zealand politician
Died on Sunday August 25th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Pita Paraone:

@HenareHoward: Audrey Young muses on the passing of Pita Paraone and the challenge of rising Māori issues for Jacinda Ardern's Gov… - 6 years ago

@electionnewsbay: Pita Paraone funeral draws hundreds of mourners - 6 years ago

@Karere: Pita Paraone funeral draws hundreds of mourners | RNZ News - - 6 years ago

@MaramaDavidson: - 6 years ago


@xD69nZNVo0BcYQO: RT @MaramaDavidson: It was pretty special to be able to attend the tangi of Pita Paraone today in Motatau. At the beautiful Takapuna wāhi t… - 6 years ago

@brodiesaurusrex: RT @Mihi_Forbes: Pita Paraone laid to rest in Motatau - 6 years ago

@Mihi_Forbes: Pita Paraone laid to rest in Motatau - 6 years ago

@CheckpointRNZ: Pita Paraone laid to rest in Motatau - 6 years ago

@MaramaDavidson: It was pretty special to be able to attend the tangi of Pita Paraone today in Motatau. At the beautiful Takapuna wā… - 6 years ago

@Greyfoxznz: - 6 years ago

@Greyfoxznz: - 6 years ago

@loneseawolf: Pita Paraone funeral draws hundreds of mourners - 6 years ago

@Karere: Northland Mourns Pita Paraone | Te Ao Māori News - - 6 years ago

@radionz: Mourners have gathered in their hundreds in Northland today to farewell Ngāti Hine elder Pita Paraone, who died on… - 6 years ago

@rnz_news: Pita Paraone funeral draws hundreds of mourners - 6 years ago

@TonyStuart55: @brutus_bb @sootytweet Nearer ten, I would say. Twyford wasn't there, nor was Shane Jones, and I don't recall seein… - 6 years ago

@Aleeyne: Ngāti Hine mourns kaumatua and Waitangi stalwart Pita Paraone, via @nzherald - 6 years ago

@mknytf: RT @winstonpeters: Tragic news for so many of us to learn that our great friend and colleague Pita Paraone passed away over night. When fin… - 6 years ago

@dpfdpf: RIP Pita Paraone - 6 years ago

@KiwiblogDPF: RIP Pita Paraone - 6 years ago

@sammasamadhi: RT @Kingi187: Very sad to hear the news that Tahu Potiki, Ngai Tahu rangatira, has passed away. His loss follows the recent passing of Ngat… - 6 years ago

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