Pioneerof the Nile

American racing thoroughbred.
Died on Monday March 18th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Pioneerof the Nile:

@Joe_Nevills: Hip 122, a Pioneerof the Nile colt o/o stakes-winning Flower Alley mare Saturday Nite Ride. Breezed in :10 1/5. Con… - 6 years ago

@4LogrosParley: RT @coolmoreamerica: More cracking foals for Champion 2YO & 3 x Gr.1 winner Classic Empire (Pioneerof The Nile) at Burleson Farm! "We have… - 6 years ago

@DRFBreeding: RT @DRFRusso: Late Pioneerof the Nile has two juveniles set to sell today at #FTGulfstream - 6 years ago

@Sexy2Sadie: 距離1400だったか。(更にいい) そしてPioneerof the Nileはつい最近亡くなっていたことを知る… - 6 years ago


@Sexy2Sadie: Pioneerof the Nile産駒1800→1500の短縮は結果気になるのでメモ - 6 years ago

@DRFRusso: Late Pioneerof the Nile has two juveniles set to sell today at #FTGulfstream - 6 years ago

@DRFBreeding: RT @coolmoreamerica: More cracking foals for Champion 2YO & 3 x Gr.1 winner Classic Empire (Pioneerof The Nile) at Burleson Farm! "We have… - 6 years ago

@georgemallet: @kaitlinefree Those strong Pioneerof The Nile genes will live on for generations. - 6 years ago

@BurlesonFarm: RT @coolmoreamerica: More cracking foals for Champion 2YO & 3 x Gr.1 winner Classic Empire (Pioneerof The Nile) at Burleson Farm! "We have… - 6 years ago

@darrenshaw99: Sad times for racing losing Pioneerof The Nile firstly and now Redoutes Choice, gone. But still their legacy lives on through champions. - 6 years ago

@Keven85972982: RT @coolmoreamerica: More cracking foals for Champion 2YO & 3 x Gr.1 winner Classic Empire (Pioneerof The Nile) at Burleson Farm! "We have… - 6 years ago

@dandelionmilk19: RT @gazehoundart: RIP Pioneerof the Nile hope you're winning every big race in horse heaven 🐎🌤️ - 6 years ago

@ericdecotbreds: Tomorrow two-year olds head through the Gulfstream Park paddock for the @FasigTiptonCo Miami Sale, here are my thre… - 6 years ago

@RafSilva5: RT @Centennial_Farm: Love and condolences to @WinStarFarm on the loss of Pioneerof the Nile - here's hoping this guy, Centurion, can do his… - 6 years ago

@amelobquiz: 父はパイオニアオブザナイル(Pioneerof the Nile)母はリトルプリンセスエマ(Littleprincessemma)、1978年のアファームド以来37年ぶりに史上12頭目となるアメリカクラシック三冠を2015年に達成した競走馬は何でしょう? - 6 years ago

@onemoore: RT @coolmoreamerica: More cracking foals for Champion 2YO & 3 x Gr.1 winner Classic Empire (Pioneerof The Nile) at Burleson Farm! "We have… - 6 years ago

@PPhoals: The American Pharoah filly out of Saint Bernadette! This stocky filly is a half-sister to 2014 Preakness Stakes thi… - 6 years ago

@clarknyberg: RT @BloodHorse: A tribute to @WinStarFarm's Pioneerof the Nile @PMADV - 6 years ago

@jeanne60224465: RT @coolmoreamerica: More cracking foals for Champion 2YO & 3 x Gr.1 winner Classic Empire (Pioneerof The Nile) at Burleson Farm! "We have… - 6 years ago

@blaiseb85: RT @coolmoreamerica: More cracking foals for Champion 2YO & 3 x Gr.1 winner Classic Empire (Pioneerof The Nile) at Burleson Farm! "We have… - 6 years ago

@northhills_love: Pioneerof the Nile産駒 American Pharoah(米三冠) レヴァンテライオン(函館2歳S) Scat Daddy産駒 Justify(米三冠) ミスターメロディ(高松宮記念) これって何かの偶然??? - 6 years ago

@ky_derby2018: Since 2000, 69 Derby horses have failed to produce an E2+LP of at least 190 in at least one of their last 2 preps.… - 6 years ago

@YoertyE: RT @AntelizJr: Inmortal Pioneerof the Nile. #PioneeroftheNile @WinStarFarm - 6 years ago

@Kaidhicksii: Meant to have this up the day of, but you always keep on pushing even when stuff gets in your way. R.I.P. Pioneero… - 6 years ago

@mbauerherzog: Bricks and Mortar is a good win for a family that had a rough week with the colt sharing a fourth dam with the late Pioneerof the Nile. - 6 years ago

@Lisa42482520: RT @PPhoals: The yearling Kindle colt by the late Pioneerof The Nile is growing up fast! This colt is a half sibling to last year's Keenela… - 6 years ago

@sonofUSFLdad: RT @sonofUSFLdad: We break down Saturday's Louisiana Derby, and Sunday's Sunland Park Derby! Points on the road to the Ky. Derby now at a… - 6 years ago

@PPhoals: The yearling Kindle colt by the late Pioneerof The Nile is growing up fast! This colt is a half sibling to last yea… - 6 years ago

@Adri64307529: RT @HR_Nation: "I usually take these things well. This one really hit home." @JustinZayat on the late Pioneerof the Nile, who led to Ameri… - 6 years ago

@Adri64307529: RT @WinStarFarm: We would like to share our employees' photos they have taken with PIONEEROF THE NILE. Thanks for the memories, champ. #Sha… - 6 years ago

@Lisa42482520: The King Daddy.. Pioneerof The Nile - 3/1 ... Wanting peppermints.. - 6 years ago

@LYNNESMITHSILVE: RT @WinStarFarm: Larry Best lands this strong colt by PIONEEROF THE NILE at @OBSSales for a cool $1,200,000! The colt is a 1/2 to G1 winner… - 6 years ago

@Lisa42482520: 3 weeks ago today, I met Pioneerof The Nile ❤ - 6 years ago

@amelobquiz: 父はパイオニアオブザナイル(Pioneerof the Nile)母はリトルプリンセスエマ(Littleprincessemma)、1978年のアファームド以来37年ぶりに史上12頭目となるアメリカクラシック三冠を2015年に達成した競走馬は何でしょう? - 6 years ago

@HnRRacingLLC: Photo handsome, large #HnR Pioneerof the Nile colt o/o Kindle blowing mane on a windy day ForeverSpring Farm Danvil… - 6 years ago

@Amara49590721: RT @CFhcims: خبر عاجل ‼ 🇺🇸 مزرعة .. وينستار تعلن عن نفوق الفحل .. Pioneerof the Nile الفحل العالمي و آب العديد من أبطال السباقات أبرزهم ال… - 6 years ago

@sonofUSFLdad: We break down Saturday's Louisiana Derby, and Sunday's Sunland Park Derby! Points on the road to the Ky. Derby now… - 6 years ago

@amysruffian: RT @DistractionTb: Bonne Chance Farm welcomed a colt by Pioneerof the Nile out of Rubindy (Bernardini). Born 3/3/19. Rubindy is a half-sist… - 6 years ago

@jamesburns: American Pharoah's sire Pioneerof the Nile dies suddenly at 13 - - 6 years ago

@bbfrenchi: RT @DistractionTb: Bonne Chance Farm welcomed a colt by Pioneerof the Nile out of Rubindy (Bernardini). Born 3/3/19. Rubindy is a half-sist… - 6 years ago

@graymidway: RT @BloodHorse: A tribute to @WinStarFarm's Pioneerof the Nile @PMADV - 6 years ago

@jesst914: RT @WinStarFarm: We would like to share our employees' photos they have taken with PIONEEROF THE NILE. Thanks for the memories, champ. #Sha… - 6 years ago

@karlakakes56: RT @WinStarFarm: We would like to share our employees' photos they have taken with PIONEEROF THE NILE. Thanks for the memories, champ. #Sha… - 6 years ago

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