Pierre Daix

French journalist
Died on Sunday November 2nd 2014

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Pierre Daix:

@pierrelenaour: Pas daix ✌ http://t.co/l43IU7rpOM

@Parisshortstory: RT @ParisWriters: In 1949 French communist Pierre Daix smeared David Rousset for speaking of Soviet Camps. Rousset sued for libel-& won htt…

@ParisWriters: In 1949 French communist Pierre Daix smeared David Rousset for speaking of Soviet Camps. Rousset sued for libel-& won http://t.co/CMaWJHD0fB

@ParisWriters: RT @Parisshortstory: When #French #pc writers denied #gulag A #mustread for #prose #carey #trudeau #nyrb #PEN #narrative (in French) http:/…

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