Piero Tosi

Italian costume designer (Senso
Died on Saturday August 10th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Piero Tosi:

@isidepelagica: Remembering Piero Tosi, Visionary Costume Designer to Visconti and Fellini - 6 years ago

@sandman_gr: RT @AnOtherMagazine: The brilliant costume designer died earlier this month – here we look at his enduring legacy - 6 years ago

@LucyMoreno: RT @AnOtherMagazine: The brilliant costume designer died earlier this month – here we look at his enduring legacy - 6 years ago

@TiniDo: RT @AnOtherMagazine: The brilliant costume designer died earlier this month – here we look at his enduring legacy - 6 years ago


@AnOtherMagazine: The brilliant costume designer died earlier this month – here we look at his enduring legacy - 6 years ago

@MODENUMB1: Remembering Piero Tosi, Visionary Costume Designer to Visconti and Fellini - 6 years ago

@lchadbou: One of the giants of Italian Cinema.Piero Tosi obituary - 6 years ago

@BernardGuillot2: RT @RepSpettacoli: È morto Piero Tosi, l'artista che vestì il grande cinema italiano [news aggiornata alle 11:21] - 6 years ago

@laureyeli: RT @RepSpettacoli: È morto Piero Tosi, l'artista che vestì il grande cinema italiano [news aggiornata alle 11:21] - 6 years ago

@GalleriaFutura: RT @RepSpettacoli: È morto Piero Tosi, l'artista che vestì il grande cinema italiano [news aggiornata alle 11:21] - 6 years ago

@DesignGlobal: RT @ItalyDesign: Piero Tosi, Who Outfitted Stars of Italian Films, Dies at 92 #ItalyDesign #PieroTosi - 6 years ago

@neildrewitt: Piero Tosi obit:92. Meticulous Italian designer of film costumes who set new standards in his work with Visconti an… - 6 years ago

@PatsyAstur: RT @coolandchic: Ha muerto Piero Tosi, el diseñador de vestuario de El gatopardo. Y de Muerte en Venecia. Quién fuera (bella como) Angélica… - 6 years ago

@Venice: Piero Tosi, Who Outfitted Stars of Italian Films, Dies at 92 - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@Schwejk_Sands: RT @sandsfilmscine: Special Screening of Visconti's THE LEOPARD to mark the death of costume designer Piero Tosi. Monday 19th August at 1… - 6 years ago

@SouthwarkWOT: RT @sandsfilmscine: Special Screening of Visconti's THE LEOPARD to mark the death of costume designer Piero Tosi. Monday 19th August at 1… - 6 years ago

@WorgInfo: RT @sandsfilmscine: Special Screening of Visconti's THE LEOPARD to mark the death of costume designer Piero Tosi. Monday 19th August at 1… - 6 years ago

@ItalyDesign: Piero Tosi, Who Outfitted Stars of Italian Films, Dies at 92 #ItalyDesign #PieroTosi - 6 years ago

@sandsfilmscine: Special Screening of Visconti's THE LEOPARD to mark the death of costume designer Piero Tosi. Monday 19th August… - 6 years ago

@joseluisintwite: Piero Tosi, Who Outfitted Stars of Italian Films, Dies at 92 @joseluisintwite - nytimes - Twitter - News - Noticia… - 6 years ago

@IsabelettaVilar: Piero Tosi, Who Outfitted Stars of Italian Films, Dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@ClodaghCostume: RIP Piero Tosi - 6 years ago

@GimZ14: RT @enricomagrelli: RIP Piero Tosi, tra i più importanti costumisti della storia del cinema, ci ha lasciato - 6 years ago

@latinofilmworks: RT @KennethTuran: One of the little known giants of international film-making, five time Oscar nominated costume designer Piero Tosi, has d… - 6 years ago

@JeremyBond_film: RT @KennethTuran: One of the little known giants of international film-making, five time Oscar nominated costume designer Piero Tosi, has d… - 6 years ago

@ABQSatellite: Piero Tosi, ‘The Leopard,’ ‘Death in Venice’ Costume Designer, Dies at 92 - - 6 years ago

@PhilippaBateman: It’s no wonder these films are extraordinary. The time, care and creativity of the decision making. The story abou… - 6 years ago

@48OreNews: RT @Agenzia_Ansa: Addio a Piero Tosi, costume come arte della scena #ANSA - 6 years ago

@ClaireCapitaine: RT @CollectorVhs: Le grand Piero Tosi s'est éteint à l'âge de 92 ans. Costumier de légende dans plusieurs chefs-d’œuvre du cinéma italien :… - 6 years ago

@DrPhil29852009: RT @gramilano: Great costume designer Piero Tosi dies in Rome at 92. His many award winning film and theatre designs include Senso, Belliss… - 6 years ago

@jlmbloodwo: RT @19Averil: Those film costumes, so evocative - 6 years ago

@19Averil: Those film costumes, so evocative - 6 years ago

@SebastiaPortell: RT @fearofyou: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Piero Tosi, Maria Callas on the set of Medea (1969) - 6 years ago

@sutekh69: Piero Tosi obituary - 6 years ago

@joansafont: RT @fearofyou: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Piero Tosi, Maria Callas on the set of Medea (1969) - 6 years ago

@jvilaboix: RT @fearofyou: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Piero Tosi, Maria Callas on the set of Medea (1969) - 6 years ago

@joverlo2: RT @fearofyou: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Piero Tosi, Maria Callas on the set of Medea (1969) - 6 years ago

@ItalianPolitics: L'Obituary (ricordo) per la scomparsa di Piero Tosi: Film costume designer whose work with Visconti and Zeffirelli… - 6 years ago

@Lyconbu: RT @VanityFairSpain: El director de vestuario de 'Medea', 'El Gatopardo' o 'Muerte en Venecia' falleció la semana pasada en Roma a los 92 a… - 6 years ago

@piercrilu: RT @ziggymagenta_d: Ieri è scomparso Piero Tosi. Grande costumista, di un'epoca in cui il cinema si faceva in altro modo e i sodalizi artis… - 6 years ago

@Maitechus: La fascinante vida de Piero Tosi, el hombre que vistió a la Callas de lagarterana y que no veía a Romy Schneider co… - 6 years ago

@Alejotrocheb: RT @martinbianchi: "Si su ambición hubiese acompañado a su talento habría sido mucho más famoso, pero seguramente menos feliz". Estas palab… - 6 years ago

@MattRSays: RT @fearofyou: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Piero Tosi, Maria Callas on the set of Medea (1969) - 6 years ago

@seallypally: Piero Tosi obituary - 6 years ago

@martinbianchi: "Si su ambición hubiese acompañado a su talento habría sido mucho más famoso, pero seguramente menos feliz". Estas… - 6 years ago

@DignaMVelazquez: RT @VanityFairSpain: El director de vestuario de 'Medea', 'El Gatopardo' o 'Muerte en Venecia' falleció la semana pasada en Roma a los 92 a… - 6 years ago

@palomarando: “Si su ambición hubiese acompañado a su talento habría sido mucho más famoso, pero seguramente menos feliz". Esto d… - 6 years ago

@VanityFairSpain: El director de vestuario de 'Medea', 'El Gatopardo' o 'Muerte en Venecia' falleció la semana pasada en Roma a los 9… - 6 years ago

@practicarte: RT @MrDiegolito: Me he enterado AHORA que Piero Tosi falleció la semana pasada. En mi opinión ha sido el figurinista más grande del cine: h… - 6 years ago

@josavigneau: - 6 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: "In the end the costume is not just clothing any more, but it becomes the skin of the character" - 6 years ago

@cinematografo: No The Guardian: Piero Tosi obituary - Meticulous designer of film costumes who set new standards in his work with… - 6 years ago

@clanapis: RT @TheAcademy: Piero Tosi was an exemplary storyteller. A master of color, texture, form and flow, Tosi worked to mold actor to costume as… - 6 years ago

@jhpcine: RIP Piero Tosi, a true master of his craft. Alida Valli’s first appearance in Visconti’s masterpiece Senso is engra… - 6 years ago

@jhpcine: RT @nytimesarts: "In the end the costume is not just clothing any more, but it becomes the skin of the character" — Piero Tosi - 6 years ago

@jhpcine: RT @iiclosangeles: 👋 🇮🇹🎬 Goodbye to another legend of #italiancinema, Costume Designer Piero Tosi who in his 60-year-plus career worked wit… - 6 years ago

@j_llisterri: RT @fearofyou: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Piero Tosi, Maria Callas on the set of Medea (1969) - 6 years ago

@DillunsD: RT @Manuel_Huerga: Piero Tosi, Who Outfitted Stars of Italian Films, Dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@Manuel_Huerga: Piero Tosi, Who Outfitted Stars of Italian Films, Dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@svnphile: RT @TheAcademy: Piero Tosi was an exemplary storyteller. A master of color, texture, form and flow, Tosi worked to mold actor to costume as… - 6 years ago

@JoriahGoad: RT @fearofyou: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Piero Tosi, Maria Callas on the set of Medea (1969) - 6 years ago

@ItaloCinema2day: RT @nytimesarts: "In the end the costume is not just clothing any more, but it becomes the skin of the character" — Piero Tosi - 6 years ago

@ItalyinUS: RT @nytimesarts: "In the end the costume is not just clothing any more, but it becomes the skin of the character" — Piero Tosi - 6 years ago

@adolis_fetewi: Piero Tosi + Visconti + Hayez + Boito + Valli + Granger = S E N… - 6 years ago

@debbiewfleck: RT @KennethTuran: One of the little known giants of international film-making, five time Oscar nominated costume designer Piero Tosi, has d… - 6 years ago

@kamla: RT @KennethTuran: One of the little known giants of international film-making, five time Oscar nominated costume designer Piero Tosi, has d… - 6 years ago

@akstanwyck: RT @KennethTuran: One of the little known giants of international film-making, five time Oscar nominated costume designer Piero Tosi, has d… - 6 years ago

@mrfidalgo: RT @fearofyou: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Piero Tosi, Maria Callas on the set of Medea (1969) - 6 years ago

@alex2008a: RT @fearofyou: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Piero Tosi, Maria Callas on the set of Medea (1969) - 6 years ago

@cinema_jazz: RT @fearofyou: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Piero Tosi, Maria Callas on the set of Medea (1969) - 6 years ago

@joseluisintwite: Piero Tosi, Who Outfitted Stars of Italian Films, Dies at 92 @joseluisintwite - nytimes - Twitter - News - Noticia… - 6 years ago

@Aakaashaz: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎭 Uno scatto eccezionale che immortala un capolavoro eccezionale: ‘Senso’ di Luchino Visconti. Lei è Alida Valli nella… - 6 years ago

@Aakaashay: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎭 Uno scatto eccezionale che immortala un capolavoro eccezionale: ‘Senso’ di Luchino Visconti. Lei è Alida Valli nella… - 6 years ago

@JulieCarmen3: RT @KennethTuran: One of the little known giants of international film-making, five time Oscar nominated costume designer Piero Tosi, has d… - 6 years ago

@nerafurbina: RT @fernandochavese: En honor a Piero Tosi, quien falleció la semana pasada, quería reunir algunos de mis diseños favoritos de este artista… - 6 years ago

@ninaberries: RT @KennethTuran: One of the little known giants of international film-making, five time Oscar nominated costume designer Piero Tosi, has d… - 6 years ago

@MarleneDermer: RT @KennethTuran: One of the little known giants of international film-making, five time Oscar nominated costume designer Piero Tosi, has d… - 6 years ago

@DesigningMovies: RT @nytimesarts: "In the end the costume is not just clothing any more, but it becomes the skin of the character" — Piero Tosi - 6 years ago

@redroomrantings: Piero Tosi, Who Outfitted Stars of Italian Films, Dies at 92 - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@IndieFocus: RT @KennethTuran: One of the little known giants of international film-making, five time Oscar nominated costume designer Piero Tosi, has d… - 6 years ago

@DSlotnik: RT @NYTObits: "In the end the costume is not just clothing any more, but it becomes the skin of the character" - 6 years ago

@Mahaastaamax: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎭 Uno scatto eccezionale che immortala un capolavoro eccezionale: ‘Senso’ di Luchino Visconti. Lei è Alida Valli nella… - 6 years ago

@silvermurph: RT @NYTObits: "In the end the costume is not just clothing any more, but it becomes the skin of the character" - 6 years ago

@Mahaasamantax: RT @teatrolafenice: 🎭 Uno scatto eccezionale che immortala un capolavoro eccezionale: ‘Senso’ di Luchino Visconti. Lei è Alida Valli nella… - 6 years ago

@fernandochavese: Perdón por el spam, pero aquí me puse a buscar fotos de los vestuarios más hermosos diseñados por Piero Tosi - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: "In the end the costume is not just clothing any more, but it becomes the skin of the character" - 6 years ago

@ElMoo2012: RT @RaiCultura: Addio a Piero Tosi Premio Oscar alla carriera, lavorò con Visconti e Zeffirelli, De Sica, Fellini e Pasolini. #PieroTosi #1… - 6 years ago

@ElMoo2012: RT @teatroallascala: Il Teatro alla Scala ricorda Piero Tosi - 6 years ago

@ElMoo2012: RT @TheAcademy: Piero Tosi was an exemplary storyteller. A master of color, texture, form and flow, Tosi worked to mold actor to costume as… - 6 years ago

@ElMoo2012: RT @nytimesarts: Piero Tosi, a costume designer whose careful research and intuitive eye were prized by leading Italian directors like Vitt… - 6 years ago

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