Phyllis A. Kravitch

American judge.
Died on Thursday June 15th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Phyllis A. Kravitch:

@BouchardAlyson: RT @NYTObits: Phyllis Kravitch, a judge who opened doors for herself, has died at 96 - 8 years ago

@fordm: RT @NYTObits: Phyllis Kravitch, a judge who opened doors for herself, has died at 96 - 8 years ago

@DaroldCuba: RT @NYTObits: Phyllis Kravitch, a judge who opened doors for herself, has died at 96 - 8 years ago

@HackingRacism: RT @NYTObits: Phyllis Kravitch, a judge who opened doors for herself, has died at 96 - 8 years ago


@LJQwerty: RT @NYTObits: Phyllis Kravitch, a judge who opened doors for herself, has died at 96 - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Phyllis Kravitch, a judge who opened doors for herself, has died at 96 - 8 years ago

@kyjlue: RT @CarolMossEsq: Out of law school, she was denied jobs either because she was a woman or Jewish. - 8 years ago

@CarolMossEsq: Out of law school, she was denied jobs either because she was a woman or Jewish. - 8 years ago

@dgerl11: RT @NYTObits: Phyllis Kravitch, a judge who opened doors for herself, has died at 96 - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Phyllis Kravitch, a judge who opened doors for herself, has died at 96 - 8 years ago

@NYTNational: Phyllis Kravitch, a judge who opened doors for herself, has died at 96 - 8 years ago

@MRSJONEZ: RT @NYTNational: In 1979, Kravitch became the 3rd woman appointed to a United States Court of Appeals. She died last week at 96. - 8 years ago

@JessicaHuseman: RT @NYTNational: In 1979, Kravitch became the 3rd woman appointed to a United States Court of Appeals. She died last week at 96. - 8 years ago

@therealreyZion: RT @NYTNational: In 1979, Kravitch became the 3rd woman appointed to a United States Court of Appeals. She died last week at 96. - 8 years ago

@robgo84: RT @NYTNational: In 1979, Kravitch became the 3rd woman appointed to a United States Court of Appeals. She died last week at 96. - 8 years ago

@jose_ville1: RT @NYTNational: In 1979, Kravitch became the 3rd woman appointed to a United States Court of Appeals. She died last week at 96. - 8 years ago

@MsMaddieGonzale: RT @NYTNational: In 1979, Kravitch became the 3rd woman appointed to a United States Court of Appeals. She died last week at 96. - 8 years ago

@liamstack: RT @NYTNational: In 1979, Kravitch became the 3rd woman appointed to a United States Court of Appeals. She died last week at 96. - 8 years ago

@NYTNational: In 1979, Kravitch became the 3rd woman appointed to a United States Court of Appeals. She died last week at 96. - 8 years ago

@DSlotnik: When Phyllis Kravitch began carving a legal career for herself in Georgia women weren't allowed on juries there. - 8 years ago

@AnnaHarffey: RT @NYTNational: In 1979, Kravitch became the 3rd woman appointed to a United States Court of Appeals. She died last week at 96. - 8 years ago

@kimvoss: RT @NYTNational: Judge Phyllis Kravitch, the third woman appointed to a United States Court of Appeals, has died at 96 - 8 years ago

@allgringo: RT @NYTNational: Judge Phyllis Kravitch, the third woman appointed to a United States Court of Appeals, has died at 96 - 8 years ago

@NYTNational: Judge Phyllis Kravitch, the third woman appointed to a United States Court of Appeals, has died at 96… - 8 years ago

@E_LucasTaylor: RIP: Phyllis Kravitch, 96, Judge who opened doors 4 herself a decade B4 women were allowed 2 sit on juries in state - 8 years ago

@leHotz: Judge Phyllis Kravitch launched a legal career 10 yrs before women were allowed to sit on juries. via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@thus_spake: Judge Kravitch embarked on her legal career in Savannah, Ga., her hometown, in 1944, more than a decade before w... - 8 years ago

@thelegalintel: Remembering @PennLaw grad and 11th Circuit Judge Phyllis Kravitch: "She was a remarkable woman in so many ways."… - 8 years ago

@dbreview: RIP, Judge Phyllis Kravitch. "She had a powerful presence, even if people didn't notice it right off."… - 8 years ago

@rrobinmcdonald: RT @LeahSears1: So sorry about the death of Judge Phyllis Kravitch. She was a woman who blazed many trails. - 8 years ago

@ptoau78: RT @GACourts: Editorial: Judge Phyllis Kravitch - Kravitch made a difference - 8 years ago

@ProBono_GA: RT @GACourts: Editorial: Judge Phyllis Kravitch - Kravitch made a difference - 8 years ago

@GACourts: Editorial: Judge Phyllis Kravitch - Kravitch made a difference - 8 years ago

@SavannahNow: Editorial: Judge Phyllis Kravitch - Kravitch made a difference - 8 years ago

@LeahSears1: So sorry about the death of Judge Phyllis Kravitch. She was a woman who blazed many trails. - 8 years ago

@SavannahNow: Editorial: Judge Phyllis Kravitch - Kravitch made a difference - 8 years ago

@AndyMcCanse: RT @SavannahNow: Editorial: Judge Phyllis Kravitch - Kravitch made a difference - 8 years ago

@SavannahNow: Editorial: Judge Phyllis Kravitch - Kravitch made a difference - 8 years ago

@andria_segedy: RT @SavannahNow: Judge Phyllis Kravitch: Kravitch made a difference - 8 years ago

@SavannahNow: Judge Phyllis Kravitch: Kravitch made a difference - 8 years ago

@wikireaper: Phyllis A. Kravitch, American judge has kicked the bucket. - 8 years ago

@500PearlStreet: RT @LucianDervan: Mourning the passing of Judge Phyllis Kravitch of the 11th Cir. A pioneer, judicial powerhouse, and one of the kindest pe… - 8 years ago

@GAPABALaw: The Hon. Phyllis Kravitch, the first woman to serve on a U.S. Court of Appeals in the Deep South, was a titan.... - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Phyllis A. Kravitch, American judge, Died at 96 - 8 years ago

@BrianWToth: RT @domarkus: RIP 11th Circuit Judge Phyllis Kravitch. She was 96 and was quite a woman. From the Daily Report:When told she could - 8 years ago

@MDAppeal: Judge Phyllis Kravitch, who passed yesterday at 96, is a fellow @gouchercollege alum. One of my regrets is I never got a chance to meet her. - 8 years ago

@domarkus: RIP 11th Circuit Judge Phyllis Kravitch. She was 96 and was quite a woman. From the Daily Report:When told she could - 8 years ago

@RIP2017x: RT @leHotz: Judge Phyllis Kravitch -- first woman appointed to the federal bench in the South - has died at 96. A warrior for equal rights.… - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Phyllis A. Kravitch - #PhyllisAKravitch #Phyllis #A.Kravitch #rip - 8 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Phyllis A. Kravitch, 96, American judge. - 8 years ago

@SchiavoneLawGrp: Groundbreaking Judge Phyllis Kravitch Dies at 96 - Judge Phyllis Kravitch, the first woman to serve on a federa... - 8 years ago

@LucianDervan: Mourning the passing of Judge Phyllis Kravitch of the 11th Cir. A pioneer, judicial powerhouse, and one of the kind… - 8 years ago

@leHotz: Judge Phyllis Kravitch -- first woman appointed to the federal bench in the South - has died at 96. A warrior for e… - 8 years ago

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