Phillip E. Johnson

American lawyer
Died on Thursday November 14th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Phillip E. Johnson:

@ReligionMag: "I think Christians have done pretty well during the 20th Century with matters of the heart. But they have often su… - 5 years ago

@Steve_Garofalo: Men must endure their going hence (Phillip E. Johnson) #ReasonForTruth #StevenGarofalo - 5 years ago

@NormGeisler: RT @sesapologetics: Read more at #thankyou #intelligentdesign #science #apologetics - 5 years ago

@TheInsp58760917: Phillip E. Johnson – The assumption that nature is… - 5 years ago


@Wombat389: Phillip E. Johnson: A Reading List from Gandalf - 5 years ago

@thatdougsmith: “The point of life is not to have your own way about everything thing but to become the person God meant you to be.… - 5 years ago

@joe_nuzz: RT @DiscoveryCSC: Following a private memorial service on November 23, the Discovery Institute is pleased to host a brief public symposium… - 5 years ago

@ctuton1: The Legacies of Phillip E. Johnson | The Institute for Creation Research Johnson’s book Darwin on Trial explored,… - 5 years ago

@AnteSarlija: RT @Laurel700: 20 years ago Darwin's theory seemed a truism, simply because rival explanations had been ruled out of bounds from the start.… - 5 years ago

@epistolizer: Intelligent Design Apologist Phillip Johnson Passes - 5 years ago

@eric_jacobs: Today “The Daily Briefing” talks about @FredFredSanders article on Phillip E. Johnson - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Phillip E. Johnson - #PhillipEJohnson #Phillip #E.Johnson #rip - 5 years ago

@StephenCMeyer: RT @DiscoveryCSC: Following a private memorial service on November 23, the Discovery Institute is pleased to host a brief public symposium… - 5 years ago

@TimScheiderer: Phillip E. Johnson was called "the godfather of the intelligent design movement." In a touching tribute piece by… - 5 years ago

@Slaves4Christ: The Legacies of Phillip E. Johnson - 5 years ago

@timcook44: RT @albertmohler: Phillip E. Johnson, Brilliant and Courageous Truthteller, Dies at 79: Understanding the Centrality of Creation to Christi… - 5 years ago

@atime4truth: RT @albertmohler: Phillip E. Johnson, Brilliant and Courageous Truthteller, Dies at 79: Understanding the Centrality of Creation to Christi… - 5 years ago

@WhyTrustJesus: ICR Update: The Legacies of Phillip E. Johnson - - 5 years ago

@barrydschneider: Just added to my Amazon Wish List: Darwin on Trial by Phillip E. Johnson - 5 years ago

@Gisgatt6: RT @albertmohler: Phillip E. Johnson, Brilliant and Courageous Truthteller, Dies at 79: Understanding the Centrality of Creation to Christi… - 5 years ago

@albertmohler: Phillip E. Johnson, Brilliant and Courageous Truthteller, Dies at 79: Understanding the Centrality of Creation to C… - 5 years ago

@SBTS: Phillip E. Johnson, Brilliant and Courageous Truthteller, Dies at 79: Understanding the Centrality of Creation to C… - 5 years ago

@KnoxvilleDotcom: Academic samurai Phillip E. Johnson enjoyed lively debates ... and fellowship - 5 years ago

@pastorjpettus: Grateful for this brother. Glad he’s home. Phillip E. Johnson, Who Put Darwin on Trial, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@juanmuriangoski: Phillip E. Johnson, Who Put Darwin on Trial, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@paularitchie3: RT @DiscoveryCSC: Following a private memorial service on November 23, the Discovery Institute is pleased to host a brief public symposium… - 5 years ago

@987baz: RT @Laurel700: 20 years ago Darwin's theory seemed a truism, simply because rival explanations had been ruled out of bounds from the start.… - 5 years ago

@JonPaulien: RT @_Fulcrum7: Intelligent Design Apologist Phillip E. Johnson DiesDavid Read - 5 years ago

@_Fulcrum7: Intelligent Design Apologist Phillip E. Johnson DiesDavid Read - 5 years ago

@DiscoveryCSC: Following a private memorial service on November 23, the Discovery Institute is pleased to host a brief public symp… - 5 years ago

@PERLOU55: Phillip E. Johnson's seminal book 'Darwin on Trial' is as fresh and relevant as ever -- Science & Technology --… - 5 years ago

@KJovich: RT @Laurel700: 20 years ago Darwin's theory seemed a truism, simply because rival explanations had been ruled out of bounds from the start.… - 5 years ago

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