Philip Tabane

South African musician.
Died on Saturday May 26th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Philip Tabane:

@shoba82: RT @t_mangenam: Since our student days in the early seventies, Malombo music has nourished our souls and entrenched our roots in the Africa… - 7 years ago

@EphraimPooe: #SAMA24 I’m honestly disappointed that Dr Philip Tabane was not honoured tonight. - 7 years ago

@Univenofficial: Check this out on the #univen website: UNIVEN mourns the passing of Dr Philip Tabane - It is with profound... - 7 years ago

@mandisatweets: RT @SAfmRadio: Dr Sello Galane on #SAfmTalkingPoint describes Dr Philip Tabane as an organic intellectual - 7 years ago


@SAfmRadio: Dr Sello Galane on #SAfmTalkingPoint describes Dr Philip Tabane as an organic intellectual - 7 years ago

@SAfmRadio: Next on #SAfmTalkingPoint #FridayMusicWindDown with @GwalaBnews we celebrate the Music of Philip Tabane with Dr Sel… - 7 years ago

@NdoNtladi: #FreshBreakfast "ngwana wa Lela" by Philip Tabane. Dedicated to AKA. - 7 years ago

@KatiaToure: By Philip Tabane. 1989. - 7 years ago

@NkosazanaJay: RT @naz_radebe: I have my heart set on improving my afternoon and this is doing the job --- Philip Tabane & Malombo - Malombo (1988) https:… - 7 years ago

@naz_radebe: I have my heart set on improving my afternoon and this is doing the job --- Philip Tabane & Malombo - Malombo (1988… - 7 years ago

@DjShaunMoloi1: RT @madam_smous: Philip Tabane - Vhavenda(Gintonc Da Colly tribute mix) #2014 #RIPPhilipTabane - 7 years ago

@ma_se_kindd: #art #culture #tradition #afrojazz Philip Tabane - Ngwanya Oyalela - 7 years ago

@KamvelihleGoba: RT @Chimurenga_SA: Doctor Philip Tabane Lives On - 7 years ago

@MG_Friday: How Dr Philip Tabane preserved #malombo as a genre of its own - 7 years ago

@DjPotfonic: RT @ts_chiloane: @Julius_S_Malema Why must everything be names after ANC politicians? Heroes come from all walks of life, not just politics… - 7 years ago

@Xukhashe: RT @kayafm95dot9: [AUDIO DOCUMENTARY] Kea Bereka takes a free form flight to Dr Philip Tabane’s musings about the power of the unseen as w… - 7 years ago

@Moloimonicamoni: RT @ts_chiloane: @Julius_S_Malema Why must everything be names after ANC politicians? Heroes come from all walks of life, not just politics… - 7 years ago

@mashaba_neos: RT @kayafm95dot9: [AUDIO DOCUMENTARY] Kea Bereka takes a free form flight to Dr Philip Tabane’s musings about the power of the unseen as w… - 7 years ago

@KayaFMMusic: RT @kayafm95dot9: [AUDIO DOCUMENTARY] Kea Bereka takes a free form flight to Dr Philip Tabane’s musings about the power of the unseen as w… - 7 years ago

@KayaFMTalk: RT @kayafm95dot9: [AUDIO DOCUMENTARY] Kea Bereka takes a free form flight to Dr Philip Tabane’s musings about the power of the unseen as w… - 7 years ago

@moshta: RT @kayafm95dot9: [AUDIO DOCUMENTARY] Kea Bereka takes a free form flight to Dr Philip Tabane’s musings about the power of the unseen as w… - 7 years ago

@kayafm95dot9: [AUDIO DOCUMENTARY] Kea Bereka takes a free form flight to Dr Philip Tabane’s musings about the power of the unsee… - 7 years ago

@NkunaYannie: RT @ts_chiloane: @Julius_S_Malema Why must everything be names after ANC politicians? Heroes come from all walks of life, not just politics… - 7 years ago

@BGqamlana: RT @ts_chiloane: @Julius_S_Malema Why must everything be names after ANC politicians? Heroes come from all walks of life, not just politics… - 7 years ago

@welangaa: RT @KwaneleSosibo: On Dr Philip Tabane's last performance and the lived philosophy of #malombo - 7 years ago

@MUTSHIDZI_R: RT @KwaneleSosibo: On Dr Philip Tabane's last performance and the lived philosophy of #malombo - 7 years ago

@ItaiHakim: RT @KwaneleSosibo: On Dr Philip Tabane's last performance and the lived philosophy of #malombo - 7 years ago

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