Philip Roth

American writer (Goodbye
Died on Wednesday May 23rd 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Philip Roth:

@jfolantine: RT @sheilakathleen: And there was the "Only dudes love Philip Roth" bullshit a couple weeks ago. Seriously - do you think this makes you lo… - 7 years ago

@j6YFg66cRi2dwO1: The Book Review Podcast: Dinosaurs, the Master of Horror and Philip Roth - 7 years ago

@artfrontierpro: The Book Review Podcast: Dinosaurs, the Master of Horror and Philip Roth - 7 years ago

@TenneyNaumer: @DaraHorn Thanks so much for this review - now I know why I never finished one of his books - 7 years ago


@TenneyNaumer: Thank you! This: What Philip Roth Didn’t Know About Women Could Fill a Book - 7 years ago

@7jm2VUQQCzMIYvX: The Book Review Podcast: Dinosaurs, the Master of Horror and Philip Roth - 7 years ago

@AUyMZRn5R3EXgv7: The Book Review Podcast: Dinosaurs, the Master of Horror and Philip Roth - 7 years ago

@onlynessuno: “Tu sai che lo desideri e sai che lo vuoi fare e che nulla te lo impedirà. In questa fase nessuno dirà nulla che po… - 7 years ago

@4blogsdelivros: "Doutor, diga-me, de que será melhor livrar-me: do ódio... ou do amor?" O complexo de Portnoy (Philip Roth) é o te… - 7 years ago

@DreamingwithKS: RT @JesseE_club: Jesse on the Relentless Work Ethic of Philip Roth: #JesseEisenberg #news1 - 7 years ago

@tchemtcem: RT @nel_katia: Philip Roth : (auto)portrait en cinq romans : #VendrediLecture.. - 7 years ago

@Radio3Extra: Solo online 💻 y en nuestra app 📱 Los miércoles nos 📖 zambullimos en los libros con @PalabraVoyeur Esta semana, h… - 7 years ago

@danigarciausa: "Escribir te convierte en alguien que siempre se equivoca. La ilusión de que algún día puedes acertar es la pervers… - 7 years ago

@JesseE_club: Jesse on the Relentless Work Ethic of Philip Roth: #JesseEisenberg #news1 - 7 years ago

@sultandosamba: RT @tabletmag: Philip Roth, 1933-2018 - 7 years ago

@sultandosamba: RT @tabletmag: Since Roth never technically won the award, Tablet just went ahead and gave it to him anyway. - 7 years ago

@sultandosamba: RT @tabletmag: Bernard-Henri Lévy remembers watching Trump’s inauguration with Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@sultandosamba: RT @tabletmag: Philip Roth’s legacy of writerly narcissism left a generation of young novelists with the wrong idea of what makes great lit… - 7 years ago

@nopseudo444: Angelo Rinaldi, le village gaulois, les frères Goncourt fin du siècle d'après, la précieuse… - 7 years ago

@51snowKim: Dinosaurs, the Master of Horror and Philip Roth - 7 years ago

@_notnerdy: RT @PsychologyDoc: “You be greater than your feelings. I don't demand this of you - life does. Otherwise you'll be washed away by feelings.… - 7 years ago

@karinetuil: RT @Le1hebdo: « Philip Roth ne plus écrire ? Est-ce que Picasso a renoncé à peindre ? » @josavigneau se rappelle d'une amitié dans les colo… - 7 years ago

@Le1hebdo: 📖 Qui était Philip Roth ? François Busnel, qui a réalisé le documentaire "#PhilipRoth, biographie d’une oeuvre", se… - 7 years ago

@madiali540: RT @karinetuil: « On a tous horreur des larmes, ça n’empêche pas de pleurer. » Philip Roth, Un homme. - 7 years ago

@rapuch1: RT @karinetuil: « On a tous horreur des larmes, ça n’empêche pas de pleurer. » Philip Roth, Un homme. - 7 years ago

@crazybunkum2: @BBCRadio4 - Philip Roth’s ‘American Pastoral’. - 7 years ago

@DiegoKlatAl: RT @gn_rebeca: Martin Amis on Philip Roth: 'the kind of satirical genius that comes along once in a generation' - 7 years ago

@lacasaazul_85: RT @libro_viernes: Con "Pastoral americana" recordamos a #PhilipRoth, uno de los escritores estadounidense más influyentes del siglo XX y d… - 7 years ago

@Vassilena1985: The Joy of Reading Philip Roth, Riffer, Rhetorical Flamethrower, Super-Monologuist - 7 years ago

@OctavioLemos: RT @davidsylvian58: - 7 years ago

@RivistaNansen: Seconda puntata di "Radices – Coltivare il passato", la rubrica online di Passaporto Nansen a cura di Maria Letizia… - 7 years ago

@coldhillside: Roth on Writing: “Don't judge it. Just write it. Don't judge it. It's not for you to judge it." Philip Roth 1933-2… - 7 years ago

@JoanHoeyEIU: - 7 years ago

@PyconDongle: he resigned himself to the Philip Roth calendar - 7 years ago

@uliklammt: RT @kenanmalik: Narcissism and Philip Roth: - 7 years ago

@Litserendipity: "Stop worrying about growing old. And think about growing up.” ~ Philip Roth #FridayFeeling - 7 years ago

@oneworldonepeo1: RT @JaySchiffman: Portnoy’s Complaint was not Philip Roth’s best book, but I’m not sure there’s another book that has made me laugh harder.… - 7 years ago

@ericfotto: RT @Le1hebdo: « Philip Roth ne plus écrire ? Est-ce que Picasso a renoncé à peindre ? » @josavigneau se rappelle d'une amitié dans les colo… - 7 years ago

@Blanca_Arenas: RT @luisharistizbal: "Que algunos no te entiendan y no sepan quién o qué eres realmente no significa, a mi modo de ver, que tengas la oblig… - 7 years ago

@ericfotto: RT @mirjossbom: Philip Roth: Je retiens du "voyage" en @Le1hebdo les DESTINS, le #ContrePied de @philippelabro dont l'article pourrait être… - 7 years ago

@BlogindexHu: Philip Roth hagyatéka... - 7 years ago

@julienbisson: RT @ericfotto: Le 1 du mois, la date idéale pour déplier @Le1hebdo spécial Philip Roth.Achetez le en kiosque,offrez le,partagez le! https:/… - 7 years ago

@Lnaltmann: RT @karinetuil: « On a tous horreur des larmes, ça n’empêche pas de pleurer. » Philip Roth, Un homme. - 7 years ago

@aralvarez00: Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@inventionarts: RT @openculture: Hear Philip Roth Read from Five of His Major Novels: Sabbath’s Theater, The Ghost Writer and More - 7 years ago

@LIEVINStephane: RT @ericfotto: Philip Roth est entré dans le monde des lettres par un scandale. On l'a accusé d'antisémitisme. Fr Busnel, @Le1hebdo https:/… - 7 years ago

@LucBiecq: RT @karinetuil: « On a tous horreur des larmes, ça n’empêche pas de pleurer. » Philip Roth, Un homme. - 7 years ago

@GiovanniCals: @FaiSempBurdell È un periodo difficile, Philip Roth è morto, Lega e 5S al governo e niente giffettine di Stoya - 7 years ago

@ChMeggle: RT @ericfotto: Ce week-end, faites découvrir l'œuvre de Philip Roth à vos amis avec @Le1hebdo & ses plumes: François Busnel et alii https:/… - 7 years ago

@IsaHorlans: RT @Le1hebdo: « Philip Roth ne plus écrire ? Est-ce que Picasso a renoncé à peindre ? » @josavigneau se rappelle d'une amitié dans les colo… - 7 years ago

@Dorham75: Comme si les auteurs cités par la journaliste de Télérama en question (Philip Roth, Ōe...) ne pouvaient pas eux aus… - 7 years ago

@civismeAPHG: RT @ericfotto: Ce week-end, faites découvrir l'œuvre de Philip Roth à vos amis avec @Le1hebdo & ses plumes: François Busnel et alii https:/… - 7 years ago

@BeaMandine: RT @karinetuil: « On a tous horreur des larmes, ça n’empêche pas de pleurer. » Philip Roth, Un homme. - 7 years ago

@ThornillRoger: RT @Fil100preguntas: "La meta consistía en tener metas, el objetivo en tener objetivos. A menudo esto formaba una maraña con la histeria, l… - 7 years ago

@ericfotto: Ce week-end, faites découvrir l'œuvre de Philip Roth à vos amis avec @Le1hebdo & ses plumes: François Busnel et alii - 7 years ago

@LaLangelliere: RT @ericfotto: Le 1 du mois, la date idéale pour déplier @Le1hebdo spécial Philip Roth.Achetez le en kiosque,offrez le,partagez le! https:/… - 7 years ago

@Le1hebdo: « Philip Roth ne plus écrire ? Est-ce que Picasso a renoncé à peindre ? » @josavigneau se rappelle d'une amitié dan… - 7 years ago

@Daliene6: RT @ericfotto: Le 1 du mois, la date idéale pour déplier @Le1hebdo spécial Philip Roth.Achetez le en kiosque,offrez le,partagez le! https:/… - 7 years ago

@ActionTime: RT @ActionTime: Inspiration For Writers Jesse Eisenberg on the relentless work ethic of Philip Roth #AmWriting #Retweet #Writings #PhilipRo… - 7 years ago

@acceentee: RT @Newsweek: Philip Roth was one of the great novelists of the 20th century. He was also a remarkable chronicler of his own life. - 7 years ago

@crisglamorosa: RT @MerryLevov: Martin Amis on Philip Roth: 'the kind of satirical genius that comes along once in a generation' - 7 years ago

@highlander_the: RT @PublishersWkly: ‘I did the best I could with what I had…’: Writers on the Philip Roth they knew | @guardian - 7 years ago

@sauryasengupta: Philip Roth's 'The Ghost Writer' is the first novel featuring Nathan Zuckerman, the author's alter ego. - 7 years ago

@CatharineMorris: RT @thea_lenarduzzi: This week’s @TheTLS podcast: Benjamin Markovits on the nice/nasty of Philip Roth; @RozDineen speaks to #MBI2018 winner… - 7 years ago

@PaulWoodsWriter: Excellent article in @NewYorker by Zadie Smith on the legacy of Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@Dr_JMLV: @JuanAGAmado Sería peor decir 'ectoplasma', para referirse a un alumno ausente que, sin tú saberlo, fuese de una mi… - 7 years ago

@jotalmz1306: RT @LiteraturayMas_: "Aunque el mundo está lleno de gente que va por ahí creyendo saberlo todo de ti o de tu vecino, en realidad lo que no… - 7 years ago

@JGollhammer: @Buchbeginn #buchbeginn 'Im Sommer 1998 gestand mir mein Nachbar Coleman Silk - der, bevor er zwei Jahre zuvor in R… - 7 years ago

@AlymanaAly: A propos de l'amitié entre 2 grands écrivains #Emmanuel Dongala et #PhilipRoth - 7 years ago

@StefSpA_: RT @ippoghigno: la prima volta che apprezzo Langone. Questo grido di dolore di uno che non scopa, quasi mi ha commosso. “Solo scopando si è… - 7 years ago

@GarciaMa45: Philip Roth - 7 years ago

@folkniko: Je n'ai jamais lu Philip #roth (défaut d'historien, on ne lit que de l'histoire...), mais à la lecture de @Le1hebdo… - 7 years ago

@WolfsWandelplan: RT @Athenaeum: Vandaag verschijnt Waarom schrijven? De verzamelde non-fictie 1960-2013 van Philip #Roth! Lees alvast een deel van het eerst… - 7 years ago

@RaquelErdtmann: @mauerfallkind "Lieber Philip Roth, hat es sich gelohnt, das Leben mit einem Bleistift zu verbringen?" (...) Ahem. - 7 years ago

@Athenaeum: Vandaag verschijnt Waarom schrijven? De verzamelde non-fictie 1960-2013 van Philip #Roth! Lees alvast een deel van… - 7 years ago

@FictionTweetter: Worth noting that Philip Roth knew little about America outside of NY: in "The Plot..." is clear he believes a Repu… - 7 years ago

@JP_Lorenzo: RT @story_jungle: Un hommage à l'un des plus grands écrivains de l'Amérique contemporaine. @ARTEfr diffuse le documentaire « Philip Roth sa… - 7 years ago

@maartendek: Goh. Vorige week op een of andere manier gemist dat Philip Roth is overleden. Gigant. - 7 years ago

@LesaPR: RT @FastCoDesign: Philip Roth’s other legacy: a revolution in cover design - 7 years ago

@barryinstock: RT @davidsylvian58: - 7 years ago

@fullstop_bot: RT @fullstopmag: I can’t remember whether my first Roth novel was The Plot Against America or American Pastoral, but whatever that first do… - 7 years ago

@demunerduda: RT @ImperioMundial: #IndiqueLivros Infância, de Graciliano Ramos O Feijão e o Sonho, de Orígenes Lessa Além do Desejo, de Pierre La Mure Ar… - 7 years ago

@WokingLibrary: Philip Roth, famed American novelist, died on 22 May 2018 - RIP. His novels are best known for their provocative ex… - 7 years ago

@wannabewriterr: RT @AdviceToWriters: The effort when you're #writing a #book is to think through the mental processes of each of the #characters as they co… - 7 years ago

@johnblase: Thank you, Zadie Smith. Beautiful. ~ - 7 years ago

@PietroBassi_: RT @00doppiozero: "Primo Levi è lo scrittore che probabilmente #PhilipRoth ha più ammirato, almeno tra quelli non americani". Roth e le tre… - 7 years ago

@RyeCat773: @WendyMolyneux Sinclair Lewis's 'It Can't Happen Here's or Philip Roth's 'The Plot Against America' would be good p… - 7 years ago

@fullstopmag: I can’t remember whether my first Roth novel was The Plot Against America or American Pastoral, but whatever that f… - 7 years ago

@foxesandfangs: RT @AdviceToWriters: The effort when you're #writing a #book is to think through the mental processes of each of the #characters as they co… - 7 years ago

@Girlwiththeboo1: RT @bardessdmdenton: "I don't think about the reader; I think about the book. I think about the sentence. I think about the paragraph. I th… - 7 years ago

@Gianpaolo_Satta: RT @varruzzu: "Tutto quello che ho per difendermi è l'alfabeto, è quanto mi hanno dato al posto di un fucile" Philip Roth - 7 years ago

@selectall: Remember when Philip Roth got into one of the weirdest literary feuds of the 21st century with Wikipedia? - 7 years ago

@AnnnibaleFrossi: RT @UnoTipoMe: Philip Roth e le tre interviste a Primo Levi - 7 years ago

@arielpalacios: RT @parisreview: Philip Roth’s Art of Fiction interview is free this week. Find out what else we’ve unlocked: - 7 years ago

@lwall6710: RT @AdviceToWriters: The effort when you're #writing a #book is to think through the mental processes of each of the #characters as they co… - 7 years ago

@RescueEcstasy: Shiva ends today for Philip Roth. Mourn him no longer. #WednesdayWisdom - 7 years ago

@SolomonAnna: Rereading Zadie Smith on Philip Roth this morning before I get down to rewriting because it says everything and rem… - 7 years ago

@mirjossbom: @Le1hebdo PHILIP ROTH, son Amérique. #LeMotDeRobertSolé [Uchronie] (reconstruction fictive de l'histoire) en quelqu… - 7 years ago

@formatbiz: RT @LeConversazioni: Philip Roth (March 19, 1933 - May 22, 2018) - 7 years ago

@angelllcarrillo: RT @hector_pg11: Excelente episodio de @lalatademaiz esta semana: Mención a Austin Meadows por parte @FernandoDiazMLB y genial entrevista… - 7 years ago

@richardguedj: RT @karinetuil: J’ai écrit un texte sur Philip Roth dans le @Le1hebdo qui paraît aujourd’hui - Avec également @josavigneau @Passouline @phi… - 7 years ago

@ericfotto: RT @mirjossbom: @Le1hebdo PHILIP ROTH, son Amérique. Dans LA VOIX DU POETE, @lchevaillier nous propose: N’entre pas sans violence dans cett… - 7 years ago

@nctsf2011: "His Jewishness reminds me of what Hannah Arendt said she was asked what she thought of being a Jew, she replied, “… - 7 years ago

@_ThePage: Latest: Poking the giant: how radio reported the death of Philip Roth - 7 years ago

@fandoetlis: RT @karinetuil: J’ai écrit un texte sur Philip Roth dans le @Le1hebdo qui paraît aujourd’hui - Avec également @josavigneau @Passouline @phi… - 7 years ago

@mirjossbom: @Le1hebdo PHILIP ROTH, son Amérique. Dans LA VOIX DU POETE, @lchevaillier nous propose: N’entre pas sans violence d… - 7 years ago

@HervGautier: LA BÊTE QUI MEURT - Philip Roth - 7 years ago

@jilevin: Philip Roth's journey from "enemy of the Jews" to great Jewish-American novelist - 7 years ago

@DanielNester: Why oh why isn't Claire Bloom's memoir about Philip Roth available as an ebook? - 7 years ago

@alex_omeara: RT @AdviceToWriters: The effort when you're #writing a #book is to think through the mental processes of each of the #characters as they co… - 7 years ago

@ChristinaStirka: RT @VanessaSporto: Claire Bloom telling all her admiration for Philip Roth in a tRemembering the 'thrilling' work of Philip Roth - BBC News… - 7 years ago

@richardguedj: @nathaliecouderc merci de nous permettre de lire ces mots magnifiques de @karinetuil toujours profonde intelligente… - 7 years ago

@Causeur: "Ce qui m’a toujours motivé chez Roth, ce sont ses femmes. Il avait le chic avec les nanas." - 7 years ago

@DieHoren: Er und Newark und Amerika: - 7 years ago

@ayla_reals: RT @ImperioMundial: #IndiqueLivros Infância, de Graciliano Ramos O Feijão e o Sonho, de Orígenes Lessa Além do Desejo, de Pierre La Mure Ar… - 7 years ago

@correa_meri: RT @fdbedout: “La posteridad es una cosa buena para los que están todavía vivos”. Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@correa_meri: RT @fdbedout: “Tu propio país te puede volver loco, como tu familia, como tu mujer, pero lo quieres y lo odias al tiempo”. Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@EricStoffle: RT @AdviceToWriters: The effort when you're #writing a #book is to think through the mental processes of each of the #characters as they co… - 7 years ago

@ChristinaStirka: RT @PSimonet: « Philip Roth par Philippe Sollers », C’est arrivé cette semaine, par David Abiker, Europe 1 - 7 years ago

@Le_Reel: "Ce qui m’a toujours motivé chez Roth, ce sont ses femmes. Il avait le chic avec les nanas." - 7 years ago

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