Philip Gossett

American musicologist
Died on Tuesday June 13th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Philip Gossett:

@dsDanceSide: RT RomaPete: Lovely gesture - the performance of Il Viaggio a Reims OperaRoma this evening is dedicated to the memory of Philip Gossett. - 8 years ago

@OperaRoma: RT @RomaPete: Lovely gesture - the performance of Il Viaggio a Reims @OperaRoma this evening is dedicated to the memory of Philip Gossett. - 8 years ago

@humanitiesmag: RT @NEHgov: NEH grantee #PhilipGossett transformed the way opera is studied, performed, & perceived. He will be greatly missed. - 8 years ago

@RomaPete: Lovely gesture - the performance of Il Viaggio a Reims @OperaRoma this evening is dedicated to the memory of Philip Gossett. - 8 years ago


@NEHgov: NEH grantee #PhilipGossett transformed the way opera is studied, performed, & perceived. He will be greatly missed.… - 8 years ago

@Ariella09: @Aphilli4 Italian Opera Scholar of 19th Cent. works @ U of C: - 8 years ago

@UChicagoMag: Philip Gossett, scholar of 19th-century Italian opera, 1941–2017. - 8 years ago

@trameproject: .@NEH_ODH Remembering Philip Gossett, - 8 years ago

@elknight20: RT @NYTObits: Philip Gossett, a scholar who brought operas back to life, has died at 75: - 8 years ago

@TodalamusicaEs: - 8 years ago

@RQueralt: Philip Gossett (Nova York, 27 setembre 1941–Chicago, 13 juny 2017) musicòleg i historiador.Professor de música a la Universitat de Chicago. - 8 years ago

@Joseeduardomirz: Philip Gossett, Scholar Who Brought Operas Back to Life, Dies at 75 - 8 years ago

@omarbastida125: Philip Gossett, Scholar Who Brought Operas Back to Life, Dies at 75 - 8 years ago

@JazziReyes: Philip Gossett, Scholar Who Brought Operas Back to Life, Dies at 75 - 8 years ago

@AndyJuaarez: Philip Gossett, Scholar Who Brought Operas Back to Life, Dies at 75 - 8 years ago

@BejahFACTS: #Latest #Music Philip Gossett, Scholar Who Brought Operas Back to Life, Dies a.. - 8 years ago

@ninatypewriter: RT @NYTObits: Philip Gossett, a scholar who brought operas back to life, has died at 75: - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Philip Gossett, a scholar who brought operas back to life, has died at 75: - 8 years ago

@jamesstevenpugh: Philip Gossett, Scholar Who Brought Operas Back to Life, Dies at 75 - 8 years ago

@NYT: Philip Gossett, Scholar Who Brought Operas Back to Life, Dies at 75. - 8 years ago

@mariacristinazz: Philip Gossett, destacado musicólogo y autoridad en Rossini - 8 years ago

@MARIOANTONIOTO: Philip Gossett, destacado musicólogo y autoridad en Rossini - 8 years ago

@jphdenis: RT @josavigneau: Philip Gossett, Scholar Who Brought Operas Back to Life, Dies at 75, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@sabor809: #RETWEET #TFB #news Philip Gossett, destacado musicólogo y autoridad en Rossini - 8 years ago

@haroldpollack: Philip Gossett, scholar of 19th-century Italian opera, 1941–2017 | Delightful cross-campus colleague, RIP. - 8 years ago

@apemusicale: Stefano Ceccarelli ricorda Philip Gossett attraverso l'incontro per il corso di Drammaturgia Musicale... - 8 years ago

@josavigneau: Philip Gossett, Scholar Who Brought Operas Back to Life, Dies at 75, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@Casa_Ricordi: “Philip, in a way, founded the critical approach to Italian operas” – Cristiano Ostinelli in the @nytimes - 8 years ago

@dirigent: Musikwissenschaftler und Opern-Spezialist Philip Gossett gestorben - 8 years ago

@ConcertoArts: Sad news -> - 8 years ago

@klassikcom: Musikwissenschaftler und Opern-Spezialist Philip Gossett gestorben #Musikwissenschaft #Oper #Verdi - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Philip Gossett, a scholar who brought operas back to life, has died at 75: - 8 years ago

@collnewsupdates: Philip Gossett, scholar of 19th-century Italian opera, 1941–2017 - 8 years ago

@chicagoinformer: Philip Gossett, scholar of 19th-century Italian opera, 1941–2017 - 8 years ago

@UChiVirtue: RT @UChicagoHum: Philip Gossett, longtime #UChicago professor of music and former Dean of the Humanities Division, 1941–2017 - 8 years ago

@UChicago: Philip Gossett, scholar of 19th-century Italian opera, 1941–2017: - 8 years ago

@kimpeiter: Philip Gossett, Scholar Who Brought Operas Back to Life, Dies at 75 - 8 years ago

@UChicagoHum: Philip Gossett, longtime #UChicago professor of music and former Dean of the Humanities Division, 1941–2017 - 8 years ago

@DistinctiveLife: RT @NYTObits: Philip Gossett, a scholar who brought operas back to life, has died at 75: - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Philip Gossett, a scholar who brought operas back to life, has died at 75: - 8 years ago

@belenmusica: Philip Gossett, destacado musicólogo y autoridad en Rossini - 8 years ago

@The_music_gala: RT @apemusicale: L'Istituto Nazionale di Studi Verdiani ricorda Philip Gossett, insostituibile studioso verdiano ed esempio per le... https… - 8 years ago

@Consonarte: RT @apemusicale: L'Istituto Nazionale di Studi Verdiani ricorda Philip Gossett, insostituibile studioso verdiano ed esempio per le... https… - 8 years ago

@apemusicale: L'Istituto Nazionale di Studi Verdiani ricorda Philip Gossett, insostituibile studioso verdiano ed esempio per le... - 8 years ago

@PaPaShArMFbI: RT @NYTObits: Philip Gossett, a scholar who brought operas back to life, has died at 75: - 8 years ago

@Annemiikika1945: RT @NYTObits: Philip Gossett, a scholar who brought operas back to life, has died at 75: - 8 years ago

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