Philip Coppens

Dutch-born American chemist and crystallographer.
Died on Friday June 23rd 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Philip Coppens:

@SelvarajGuru: RT @TheScientistLLC: ICYMI: Philip Coppens, “a giant in his field,” died June 21.  - 8 years ago

@TheScientistLLC: ICYMI: Philip Coppens, “a giant in his field,” died June 21.  - 8 years ago

@TheScientistLLC: ICYMI: Philip Coppens, “a giant in his field,” died June 21.  - 8 years ago

@mariaj677: RT @EditorialOdeon: Ya está viajando a las librerías #LaNuevaEradelasPiramides de Philip Coppens (Generación Alien - Canal HISTORIA) https:… - 8 years ago


@sam_c: RT @XtalGrrl: Sad news today, SUNY Distinguished Professor Philip Coppens has died - 8 years ago

@LimfiniteDotCom: RT @004nino: RIP 16 244 ) #SUNY #Distinguished #Professor #chemist #American #Philip #Coppens 86 has #died #June 21, 2017 - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 16 244 ) #SUNY #Distinguished #Professor #chemist #American #Philip #Coppens 86 has #died #June 21, 2017 - 8 years ago

@apoethig: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@rita_strack: In today's sad news, Philip Coppens has passed away. - 8 years ago

@kenji_sakurai: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@sreejithomkaram: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@CNC_Crystals: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@ActaCrystC: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@HelliwellJohn: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@SRayLab: RT @BenedictLabs: The scientific community lost a great one this week. @UBChemistry Prof. Philip Coppens passed away 6.21.2017. #RIP @UBSci… - 8 years ago

@widows_ke: Books by Philip Coppens - 8 years ago

@widows_ke: Terra Preta~It seems to have been “primitive man’s” attempt to terraform the Amazon into… - 8 years ago

@XtalGrrl: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@MikeGlazer1: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@J_ap_M: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@rigaku: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@rigaku: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@ActaCrystF: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@JApplCryst: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@ActaCrystB: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@ActaCrystA: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@GFAudette: RT @IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@IUCr: Philip Coppens 1930-2017 - 8 years ago

@banerjee_r: RT @ankushsood630: RIP Professor Philip Coppens - 8 years ago

@drheaddamage: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@CheukWaiTAI: RT @HelliwellJohn: We will miss Philip Coppens very much; a Giant in crystallography. He was always very helpful and supportive. I am very… - 8 years ago

@AfSynchrotron: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@Messier100: RT @HelliwellJohn: We will miss Philip Coppens very much; a Giant in crystallography. He was always very helpful and supportive. I am very… - 8 years ago

@bobburrow: RT @ChemXtal: SUNY Distinguished Professor Philip Coppens has died - 8 years ago

@dvgroupumass: RT @BenedictLabs: The scientific community lost a great one this week. @UBChemistry Prof. Philip Coppens passed away 6.21.2017. #RIP @UBSci… - 8 years ago

@MikeGlazer1: RT @ChemXtal: SUNY Distinguished Professor Philip Coppens has died - 8 years ago

@MikeGlazer1: RT @HelliwellJohn: We will miss Philip Coppens very much; a Giant in crystallography. He was always very helpful and supportive. I am very… - 8 years ago

@ActaCrystC: RT @BritCryst_Pres: Very sorry to hear the news - 8 years ago

@ActaCrystC: RT @ChemXtal: SUNY Distinguished Professor Philip Coppens has died - 8 years ago

@ankushsood630: RIP Professor Philip Coppens - 8 years ago

@ActaCrystC: RT @HelliwellJohn: We will miss Philip Coppens very much; a Giant in crystallography. He was always very helpful and supportive. I am very… - 8 years ago

@AdamsCioaba: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@melancholysci: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@GautamDesiraju: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@Irpod5: RT @damionhinds: Philip Coppens, Dutch-born American chemist and crystallographer, Died at 86 - 8 years ago

@LimfiniteDotCom: RT @damionhinds: Philip Coppens, Dutch-born American chemist and crystallographer, Died at 86 - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Philip Coppens, Dutch-born American chemist and crystallographer, Died at 86 - 8 years ago

@Brice_Kauffmann: RT @HelliwellJohn: We will miss Philip Coppens very much; a Giant in crystallography. He was always very helpful and supportive. I am very… - 8 years ago

@Cahill_ArlVa: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@ehmke_pohl: RT @HelliwellJohn: We will miss Philip Coppens very much; a Giant in crystallography. He was always very helpful and supportive. I am very… - 8 years ago

@HelliwellJohn: We will miss Philip Coppens very much; a Giant in crystallography. He was always very helpful and supportive. I am very sad. - 8 years ago

@MikeGlazer1: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@DrMogg: RT @colessj: So very sad to hear that one of the crystallography "greats", Philip Coppens, passed away last night... - 8 years ago

@HelliwellJohn: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@AliceVrielink: RT @colessj: So very sad to hear that one of the crystallography "greats", Philip Coppens, passed away last night... - 8 years ago

@mousebsu: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@GFAudette: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@LouiseDawe: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@_EggsAnd_: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@XtalGrrl: RT @leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@leexray: Crystallography lost a great pioneer who moved boundaries for a whole generation. RIP, Philip Coppens. - 8 years ago

@ChemicalEyeGuy: RT @BritCryst_Pres: Very sorry to hear the news - 8 years ago

@BenedictLabs: The scientific community lost a great one this week. @UBChemistry Prof. Philip Coppens passed away 6.21.2017. #RIP… - 8 years ago

@GFAudette: RT @BritCryst_Pres: Very sorry to hear the news - 8 years ago

@corduroy: RT @BritCryst_Pres: Very sorry to hear the news - 8 years ago

@ActaCrystD: RT @BritCryst_Pres: Very sorry to hear the news - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Philip Coppens - #PhilipCoppens #Philip #Coppens #rip - 8 years ago

@mapp135: RT @BritCryst_Pres: Very sorry to hear the news - 8 years ago

@XtalGrrl: Sad news today, SUNY Distinguished Professor Philip Coppens has died - 8 years ago

@Nekrologium: Philip Coppens, amerikanischer Kristallograph, am 21.06.2017 im Alter von 86 Jahren - - 8 years ago

@MikeGlazer1: RT @BritCryst_Pres: Very sorry to hear the news - 8 years ago

@ZeoliteMiFi: RT @BritCryst_Pres: Very sorry to hear the news - 8 years ago

@BritCryst_Pres: Very sorry to hear the news - 8 years ago

@ThGutberlet: RT @colessj: So very sad to hear that one of the crystallography "greats", Philip Coppens, passed away last night... - 8 years ago

@HelliwellJohn: RT @colessj: So very sad to hear that one of the crystallography "greats", Philip Coppens, passed away last night... - 8 years ago

@colessj: So very sad to hear that one of the crystallography "greats", Philip Coppens, passed away last night... - 8 years ago

@Academiareport: COPPENS, Philip PhD. - Buffalo News - 8 years ago

@DiegoZ_ambrano: RT @EditorialOdeon: Ya está viajando a las librerías #LaNuevaEradelasPiramides de Philip Coppens (Generación Alien - Canal HISTORIA) https:… - 8 years ago

@madomartinez: RT @EditorialOdeon: Ya está viajando a las librerías #LaNuevaEradelasPiramides de Philip Coppens (Generación Alien - Canal HISTORIA) https:… - 8 years ago

@EditorialOdeon: Ya está viajando a las librerías #LaNuevaEradelasPiramides de Philip Coppens (Generación Alien - Canal HISTORIA) - 8 years ago

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