Philip Bond

British actor.
Died on Saturday January 21st 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Philip Bond:

@bond_philip: RT @StephenKing: Imagine a hooligan pouring sugar into the gas tank of an expensive and well-maintained car. Trump is that hooligan. Americ… - 8 years ago

@sunshine2475: ♪☆【 ♫ Long Distance Love ( 隔たりをものともしない愛 ) - Philip Bailey ♬ 】☆♪ The mutual bond is very deep!(o⌒0⌒o)… - 8 years ago

@Glams_Radio: #AHORA en @Glams_Radio #Philip George & Anton Powers - Alone No More (Danny Bond Remix) - #Philip George & Anton Powers - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: RT @Colvinius: Steve Bannon, Trump's Top Guy, Told Me He Was 'A Leninist' Who Wants To ‘Destroy the State’ - 8 years ago


@bond_philip: @LibyaLiberty scares the crap outa me! - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: @MikeCarlton01 @smh let's jump with tRump? - 8 years ago

@philip_darrow: RT @MattOswaltVA: Obama must feel like Sean Connery watching George Lazenby playing James Bond - 8 years ago

@Philip_Nieto: RT @MattOswaltVA: Obama must feel like Sean Connery watching George Lazenby playing James Bond - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: @barriecassidy 'tis a new tRump paradigm. - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: This will embolden one nation ratbags and their sympathisers to duplicate. Donald Trump's Muslim ban - - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: Oh the cross overs, Terrorism, WestConnx, Innovation and Better regulation... a camel by committee? - 8 years ago

@ElectricNP: #nowplaying Alone No More (Danny Bond Mix) by Philip George, Anton Powers @philipgeorgeuk @antonpowers - 8 years ago

@Glams_Radio: #AHORA en @Glams_Radio #Philip George & Anton Powers - Alone No More (Danny Bond Remix) - #Philip George & Anton Powers - 8 years ago

@otakugangsta: 📷 Philip Bond - 8 years ago

@trumpetguy57: Fun Science Fact #2: Table Salt, or Sodium Chloride, is an example of an ionic bond, where the Sodium Atoms each... - 8 years ago

@charlywarl03: RT @TheGinBirkins: 'The Gin Birkins are Charlotte Bond and Philip Collings ( no relationship with bald guys, spies, lemon incest and so on.… - 8 years ago

@CedricONeal: @ATLBlackStar 💡 for Black history month tweet Blacks they don't tell us about. Like Horace Mann Bond, Philip Randolph . - 8 years ago

@Jwnewall: RT @TobyHadoke: Philip Bond RIP – The Daleks guest star dies aged 82 - 8 years ago

@philip_jena: #Indilens Ruskin Bond admits he did not like parts of Priyanka Chopra’s 7 Khoon Maaf - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: "The United States has no better friend than Australia," - I'm so fcukin' relieved! - 8 years ago

@Glams_Radio: #AHORA en @Glams_Radio #Philip George & Anton Powers - Alone No More (Danny Bond Remix) - #Philip George & Anton Powers - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: @dmaguz @fairwork_gov_au - not surprising - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: Australia is investing billions in a madman - - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: @lilyallen @sluggahjells - pathetic, incredibly pathetic! - 8 years ago

@Glams_Radio: #AHORA en @Glams_Radio #Philip George & Anton Powers - Alone No More (Danny Bond Remix) - #Philip George & Anton Powers - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: @MikeCarlton01 @SkyNewsAust irrelevance in search of relevance. - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: @Kate_McClymont @smh not conservative enough? - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: A day that includes everyone, yes please Settlers or invaders? Australia’s conflict | - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: As opposed to reducing availability of guns - Trump ready to 'send in the Feds' - Breitbart - 8 years ago

@stonelionusa: Philip Lane: ECB Bond Purchases Swayed by Financial Markets #stonelioncapitalpartners - 8 years ago

@arthurwyatt: @LeavittAlone Now I see it as drawn by Glynn Dillon or Philip Bond or Chris Bachalo or someone. - 8 years ago

@mrcrh11: RT @Watcha_Trigger: Sad to hear that Philip Bond A.K.A Hendrik Van Kleefe has passed away. #tohullandback #OnlyFoolsAndHorses - 8 years ago

@Glams_Radio: #AHORA en @Glams_Radio #Philip George & Anton Powers - Alone No More (Danny Bond Remix) - #Philip George & Anton Powers - 8 years ago

@KeySignals: Philip Lane: ECB bond purchases swayed by financial markets - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: @QuentinDempster @PhillipAdams_1 @PaulKeatingPM @johnpilger was it not trade embargos against Japan that led to WW2? - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: @Kate_McClymont @simonvandore they're in my coles too - 8 years ago

@wats30928046: @andytrinity82 We see the gentle & tender love emerging in Lukas as he grows into his bond with Philip. This scene grips our hearts.👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 - 8 years ago

@Glams_Radio: #AHORA en @Glams_Radio #Philip George & Anton Powers - Alone No More (Danny Bond Remix) - #Philip George & Anton Powers - 8 years ago

@ToddBuell: Philip Lane: ECB bond purchases swayed by financial markets - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: Not only have we sold the farm, but the post holes too - Rio Tinto's NSW coal mines sold for $US2.5 billion - 8 years ago

@SignalsMe: Philip Lane: ECB Bond Purchases Swayed by Financial Markets - Wall Street Journal - 8 years ago

@FinanRegulation: Philip Lane: ECB Bond Purchases Swayed by Financial Markets - Wall Street Journal - 8 years ago

@MWhitbourn: @bond_philip @Bedeapk @smurray38 and mine! - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: @MWhitbourn @Bedeapk @smurray38 surprised it's taken so long. Famous Five and Secret Seven enthralled my childhood. - 8 years ago

@DWTARGETBC: We received word while editing the DALEKS episode that Philip Bond, who played Ganatus, has died. We dedicate this episode to him. - 8 years ago

@Davidsideas: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Philip Bond (Samantha's father), who played Ganatus in The Daleks (1963-64). He died while on holiday in Madeira on… - 8 years ago

@DrWhoCastCrew: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Philip Bond (Samantha's father), who played Ganatus in The Daleks (1963-64). He died while on holiday in Madeira on… - 8 years ago

@The_Tommy_B: Philip looks like a snazzy James bond. - 8 years ago

@PennyDFans: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Philip Bond (Samantha's father), who played Ganatus in The Daleks (1963-64). He died while on holiday in Madeira on… - 8 years ago

@ChrisJHudson: RT @TobyHadoke: Philip Bond RIP – The Daleks guest star dies aged 82 - 8 years ago

@allibails: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Philip Bond (Samantha's father), who played Ganatus in The Daleks (1963-64). He died while on holiday in Madeira on… - 8 years ago

@spacemagick: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Philip Bond (Samantha's father), who played Ganatus in The Daleks (1963-64). He died while on holiday in Madeira on… - 8 years ago

@SarahWright323: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Philip Bond (Samantha's father), who played Ganatus in The Daleks (1963-64). He died while on holiday in Madeira on… - 8 years ago

@IreneWildthyme: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Philip Bond (Samantha's father), who played Ganatus in The Daleks (1963-64). He died while on holiday in Madeira on… - 8 years ago

@DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Philip Bond (Samantha's father), who played Ganatus in The Daleks (1963-64). He died while on holiday in Madeir… - 8 years ago

@CarwynCymro: RIP Philip Bond - 8 years ago

@rgledz24: RT @JimHalbur1: Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, #emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant..Phili… - 8 years ago

@JimHalbur1: Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, #emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant..Philip. 2:5, 7 NASB - 8 years ago

@Philip_Ellis: RT @CalumSPlath: Dangerous Woman should be the next Bond theme with Alyssa Edwards as Bond. - 8 years ago

@Glams_Radio: #AHORA en @Glams_Radio #Philip George & Anton Powers - Alone No More (Danny Bond Remix) - #Philip George & Anton Powers - 8 years ago

@TobyHadoke: My website is back online again, sorry for the inconvenience.Two new blog posts were made on Saturday: obits for Philip Bond & Peter Thomas. - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: @MikeCarlton01 some of us remember 'all the way with LBJ, what's changed since? - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: RT @nytimes: The Trump administration is pushing “alternative facts.” Here are real facts about the inaugural crowd and more - 8 years ago

@cobaltmale: RT @Dene71: RIP actor Philip Bond (Samantha's father). Many TV creds incl. the first Dalek serial, Shoestring "Where Was I?", OFAH "To Hull… - 8 years ago

@StephB667: RT @Dene71: RIP actor Philip Bond (Samantha's father). Many TV creds incl. the first Dalek serial, Shoestring "Where Was I?", OFAH "To Hull… - 8 years ago

@BreakALegReview: RT @Dene71: RIP actor Philip Bond (Samantha's father). Many TV creds incl. the first Dalek serial, Shoestring "Where Was I?", OFAH "To Hull… - 8 years ago

@woodg31: RT @Dene71: RIP actor Philip Bond (Samantha's father). Many TV creds incl. the first Dalek serial, Shoestring "Where Was I?", OFAH "To Hull… - 8 years ago

@Dene71: Philip Bond with Angela Browne in The Saint: "The Elusive Ellshaw", 1963. - 8 years ago

@Dene71: RIP actor Philip Bond (Samantha's father). Many TV creds incl. the first Dalek serial, Shoestring "Where Was I?", O… - 8 years ago

@SeanCarlsen1: Such sad news about Philip Bond. A really fine actor, a lovely man, great company & an absolute gentleman. Proud to… - 8 years ago

@wats30928046: @Mnycz222 the "love that began in the cabin" has blossomed into a flower of enduring beauty as Philip & Lukas discover the bond of love. - 8 years ago

@gallifreyannr: Philip Bond – 1934 – 2017 - 8 years ago

@Olivia_Brown95: RT @Watcha_Trigger: Sad to hear that Philip Bond A.K.A Hendrik Van Kleefe has passed away. #tohullandback #OnlyFoolsAndHorses - 8 years ago

@amandafclark: RT @scott_handcock: Gutted to hear about the death of Philip Bond. Had the pleasure of working with him on Torchwood and he was utterly cha… - 8 years ago

@scott_handcock: Gutted to hear about the death of Philip Bond. Had the pleasure of working with him on Torchwood and he was utterly charming and delightful. - 8 years ago

@PABHERE: RT @DoctorWhoNews: Philip Bond 1934-2017: The actor Philip Bond has died at the age of 82. Philip Bond appeared in five episodes .. https:/… - 8 years ago

@HenkBrugge: Actor Philip Bond - remembered as The Onedin Line's Albert Frazer - dies at 82. RIP - 8 years ago

@Glams_Radio: #AHORA en @Glams_Radio #Philip George & Anton Powers - Alone No More (Danny Bond Remix) - #Philip George & Anton Powers - 8 years ago

@Karentwiny: RT @Watcha_Trigger: Sad to hear that Philip Bond A.K.A Hendrik Van Kleefe has passed away. #tohullandback #OnlyFoolsAndHorses - 8 years ago

@wwwIREMINIScom: Actor Philip Bond lived for 30028 days. Exactly as long as costa rican writer León Pacheco Solano and cinematographer Gerald Gibbs. RIP - 8 years ago

@vangully: RT @Watcha_Trigger: Sad to hear that Philip Bond A.K.A Hendrik Van Kleefe has passed away. #tohullandback #OnlyFoolsAndHorses - 8 years ago

@67gaz: RT @Watcha_Trigger: Sad to hear that Philip Bond A.K.A Hendrik Van Kleefe has passed away. #tohullandback #OnlyFoolsAndHorses - 8 years ago

@bond_philip: @MikeCarlton01 @HuffPostAU only 1457 days remain. - 8 years ago

@alexisy95: R.I.P. Philip Bond Gust star from Doctor Who:The Daleks @bbcdoctorwho - 8 years ago

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