Phil Chess

Polish-born American record producer and company executive.
Died on Wednesday October 19th 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Phil Chess:

@niafronin70: - 8 years ago

@MarcoPetroz: @AzzurriFanPhil Montreal & Toronto could be bitter rivals in a chess game Phil - 8 years ago

@MondoTunes: #PhilChess, #Pioneering #Blues and #Rock #Exec, Dead at 95 - Rolling Stone - 8 years ago

@rootsnroll: RT @blueshamilton: News Roundup (@rootsnroll Garnet Rogers, Phil Chess, @FestofFriends): - 8 years ago


@the_RockSite: RT @muddyofficial: Rest in Peace, Phil Chess. You took a chance on a #blues man from Mississippi & changed the music industry forever: http… - 8 years ago

@bigcitybluesmag: RT @muddyofficial: Rest in Peace, Phil Chess. You took a chance on a #blues man from Mississippi & changed the music industry forever: http… - 8 years ago

@blueshamilton: News Roundup (Samantha Martin, Garnet Rogers, Phil Chess, Festival of Friends) M ichael Ochs Archives, Getty… - 8 years ago

@blueshamilton: News Roundup (@rootsnroll Garnet Rogers, Phil Chess, @FestofFriends): - 8 years ago

@putlinar2: - 8 years ago

@VoicebyDavid: Life Well Lived: Record producer Phil Chess dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@CementerioTW: Philip "Phil" Chess (1921-2016) Ejecutivo y productor musical estadounidense. - 8 years ago

@lafeevivianeb: JewPop | Jews in Black 1 : Phil Chess, une histoire américaine pleine de blues, de juifs et de noirs - 8 years ago

@In_State: IN MEMORIAM: Phil Chess, co-Founder of Music Label That Brought Blues to the World, Dies… - 8 years ago

@comusicbizorg: IN MEMORIAM: Phil Chess, co-Founder of Music Label That Brought Blues to the World, Dies… - 8 years ago

@comusicbizorg: Philip "Phil" Chess (March 27, 1921 – October 19, 2016) was an American record producer and company executive,... - 8 years ago

@LwandoMaku: RT @Malume_uJay: Phil Chess, Whose Record Label Elevated Unknown Blues Musicians, Dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@Malume_uJay: Phil Chess, Whose Record Label Elevated Unknown Blues Musicians, Dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@realMrsMac1: Phil Chess, co-founder of Chicago's Chess Records, dead at 95 - 8 years ago

@realMrsMac1: RT @CSTsizzle: He recorded Muddy Waters and Chuck Berry. Phil Chess, dead at 95, co-founded label that helped create rock 'n' roll. https:/… - 8 years ago

@HSB_Records: RT @Getintothis: "Without Chess Records the British blues explosion would never have happened" - a tribute to Phil Chess: - 8 years ago

@stinkykiwi: RT @BowalleyRoad: Phil Goff's opening moves suggest we're in for three years of pretty depressing political chess. - 8 years ago

@BowalleyRoad: Phil Goff's opening moves suggest we're in for three years of pretty depressing political chess. - 8 years ago

@Winningwillie: - 8 years ago

@Marley__Monroe: Life Well Lived: Record producer Phil Chess dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@LinkOnTheM: Fallece Phil Chess, creador de Chess Records - 8 years ago

@Superdread: Wow. Lived here in Tucson. - 8 years ago

@Origins_Justice: RT @ChicagoMuseum: Chess Records cofounder Philip Chess, who worked w/ Howlin' Wolf, Koko Taylor & the @RollingStones, has passed away: htt… - 8 years ago

@CelebObituaries: Phil Chess, Whose Record Label Elevated Unknown Blues Musicians, Dies at 95: Chess Records, the label founded... - 8 years ago

@pam226: RT @lasserscott: What a life! Phil Chess, Whose Record Label Elevated Unknown Blues Musicians, Dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@JimBessman: Asked why he had been so successful, Phil Chess shrugged and said, "I didn’t know what I was doing." - 8 years ago

@CalixteStamp: RT @DTMysticBand: Phil Chess, Pioneering Blues and Rock Exec, Dead at 95 - 8 years ago

@DTMysticBand: Phil Chess, Pioneering Blues and Rock Exec, Dead at 95 - 8 years ago

@JimBessman: Late historic blues label Chess Records co-founder Phil Chess born in small Polish "shtetl" of Motal. No running.. - 8 years ago

@JimBessman: New post: Phil Chess and Chess Records--An appreciation - 8 years ago

@Paul_Stevens_: 〰 #Polish #immigrant #blues #Chicago - 8 years ago

@tonemonkey: Paying tribute to Phil Chess this week's Blues is the Truth is not to be missed! - 8 years ago

@M_finestprinz: RT @Getintothis: "Without Chess Records the British blues explosion would never have happened" - a tribute to Phil Chess: - 8 years ago

@toddsschneider: - 8 years ago

@ljcisneros: RT @DiegoAManrique: La gloria del sello CHESS ¡Programa hecho con vinilos! Abajo, el difunto Phil Chess con Muddy Waters y Little Walter ht… - 8 years ago

@EllenFo11914682: RT @muddyofficial: Rest in Peace, Phil Chess. You took a chance on a #blues man from Mississippi & changed the music industry forever: http… - 8 years ago

@neilpartrick: Phil Chess, Whose Record Label Elevated Unknown Blues Musicians, Dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@Jaureguizar: RT @DiegoAManrique: Muere(95 años) PHIL CHESS único superviviente de los fundadores de Chess Records sello de Chuck Berry Muddy Waters.. ht… - 8 years ago

@G3Padilla: “@kcrw: Rhythm Planet's latest: Phil Chess, Co-Founder of Chess Records, RIP - 8 years ago

@mustangmario: RT @kcrw: Rhythm Planet's latest: Phil Chess, Co-Founder of Chess Records, RIP - 8 years ago

@sirpovitch: RT @NYTObits: Phil Chess, who co-founded Chess Records, a Chicago label that recorded blues legends like Muddy Waters, died at 95 - 8 years ago

@kcrw: Rhythm Planet's latest: Phil Chess, Co-Founder of Chess Records, RIP - 8 years ago

@RadioFreeKJLH: RADIO FREE ENTERTAINMENT: Chess, Chess Records co-founder, dies aged 95 - 8 years ago

@KJLHNews: Phil Chess, Chess Records co-founder, dies aged 95 - 8 years ago

@ktlagayle: Phil Chess, Chess Records co-founder, dies aged 95 - 8 years ago

@Embalajedigital: Phil Chess, co-founder of beloved blues label Chess Records, dies - 8 years ago

@iga_bonobo: RT @bluesginza: シカゴ・ブルース、R&Bに輝かしい足跡を刻んだチェス・レコードの共同創設者、フィル・チェスが10月19日、アリゾナ州トゥーソンで死去。95歳。兄のレナードの影に隠れている印象ですが、兄弟2人で立ち上げたレーベルでした。 - 8 years ago

@popnoisy: Phil Chess, Co Founder of Legendary Chess Records, Has Died, Aged 95 - 8 years ago

@RIP_Alert: - 8 years ago

@Rwecross: @RealKidPoker @WSOP @phil_hellmuth That's why you don't see @espn showing the national chess tournaments because people don't want to see it - 8 years ago

@ChessFansclub: Phil Chess, co-founder of blues label Chess Records, dies - New Pittsburgh Courier - 8 years ago

@ljtettey: Life Well Lived: Record producer Phil Chess dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@nickmalago: Launching the careers of Howlin’ Wolf, Muddy Waters, Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, John Lee Hooker and Etta James - 8 years ago

@TomSprints: Obituary for the co-founder of Chess Records. Thanks, Phil! - 8 years ago

@blckpittsburgh: Phil Chess, co-founder of blues label Chess Records, dies: CHICAGO (AP) _ Chess Records co-founder Phil Chess, who… - 8 years ago

@NewPghCourier: Phil Chess, co-founder of blues label Chess Records, dies - 8 years ago

@stephanbroadus: Phil Chess, co-founder of blues label Chess Records, dies - 8 years ago

@BGSFunk: RT @reverbdotcom: RIP Phil Chess – producer and co-founder of the legendary Chicago blues label Chess Records. - 8 years ago

@alisdairbirch: RIP: Phil Chess, Whose Record Label Elevated Unknown Blues Musicians, Dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@berghahnbooks: Phil Chess, the Polish immigrant who brought blues to the world - 8 years ago

@lightweightblue: - 8 years ago

@MattStepanski: Also, it should be noted, record pioneer Phil Chess passed away last week. On Chuck Berry's 90th birthday. Insane. - 8 years ago

@FestivalBoca: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@Gloria_Miller: Phil Chess, co-founder of music label that brought blues to the world, dies at 95 - The Washington Post - 8 years ago

@dianarosstrib: Phil Chess, co-founder of music label that brought blues to the world, dies at 95 - The Washington Post... - 8 years ago

@dianarosstrib: Phil Chess, co-founder of music label that brought blues to the world, dies at 95 - The Washington Post - 8 years ago

@CosmicSlopper: RT @GetintothisHQ: #PhilChess was responsible for so much great music, @andyholland01 picks the very best of Chess Records - 8 years ago

@chassirridge: RT @englewoodelaine: #chessrecords has great impact on #Blues music. - 8 years ago

@MetcalfeLinda: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our "Life Well Lived" tribute to Phil Chess, who brought the blues to the world. - 8 years ago

@Nlsbarza: RT @TeddyGarcia66: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@GregMorseAuthor: RT @TeddyGarcia66: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@michaelstjames: RT @TeddyGarcia66: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@Audiostar: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@QkTipcom: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@QkTipcom: Phil Chess, Who Helped Bring Blues Music to America, Dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@iodax: RiP #PhilChess Only just found out that Phil Chess, who helped capture the sounds of a generation and worked with... - 8 years ago

@TheTrumpMagazin: Life Well Lived: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@johnstonwade: Phil Chess is gone but the legend will live on forever with #chessrecords and their amazing stable of artists. - 8 years ago

@dtvunleashed: Life Well Lived: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@SweetTMJ: Phil Chess obituary - the guardian - 8 years ago

@maryclairerose: Phil Chess, Whose Record Label Elevated Unknown Blues Musicians, Dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@isaackey: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@PaulMick: RT @Goldmine_mag: RIP Phil Chess. #Blues - 8 years ago

@SoundsMagazine: Phil Chess obituary - 8 years ago

@WDeadwyler: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@WDeadwyler: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@omamac: Phil Chess obituary - the guardian Co-owner of Chess record label - 8 years ago

@JanWagn31417446: Life Well Lived: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@EntertainNutz: Life Well Lived: Phil Chess, who helped bring blues music to America, dies at 95: comment… - 8 years ago

@mfastow: - 8 years ago

@mfastow: When The Chicago Sun-Times asked Phil Chess in 1997 why he had been so successful, he shrugged. “I didn’t know what I was doing,” he said. - 8 years ago

@NewsInnOfficial: Phil Chess, who helped brings #music to America, dies at 95 #unitedstatesofamerica - 8 years ago

@mercykingsband: RT @dorarokk: In the Chess Studios: Phil Chess, Muddy Waters, Little Walter, Bo Diddley - 8 years ago

@jim_bouldin: RT @pgammo: Phil Chess, 95 - 8 years ago

@koolmuddyjoe: Phil Chess, Whose Record Label Elevated Unknown Blues Musicians, Dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@BillFigel: Phil Chess considered Chuck Berry, not Elvis Presley, the real king of rock ’n’ roll. May the soundtrack of your li… - 8 years ago

@steveholio: The recent death of Phil Chess should cause #Blues fans to offer thanks to a man instrumental in Black recordings - 8 years ago

@AlisaBosnic: RT @lenanordlund: Phil Chess dog nyss 95 år gammal. Här lite @SRvetenskap om Chess studios o blues fr Chicago för exakt ett år sedan. https… - 8 years ago

@MomKnwsBstOnLn: #Huffington RIP Phil Chess, Who Gave Us Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters While Rising From a - 8 years ago

@DoveJonesBlues: R.I.P. Phil Chess #Blues #PhilChess #ChessRecords #WhatTheBluesMeansToMe #DoveJonesBlues #ChuckBerry… - 8 years ago

@Majik2u: Phil Chess, Whose Record Label Elevated Unknown Blues Musicians, Dies at 95 - 8 years ago

@YoureInTheKNOW: Chess Records co-founder Phil Chess dies aged 95 - 8 years ago

@numero42: Phil Chess, the Polish immigrant who brought blues to the world | Music | The Guardian #blues #chessrecords - 8 years ago

@BeverlyRecords: RT @TruGemsRecords: He left us an incredible legacy, RIP: Phil Chess, Whose Record Label Elevated Unknown #Blues Musicians, Dies at 95 http… - 8 years ago

@AFROZONEN1: ECHEC ET MAT POUR CHESS RECORDS: Ca peut paraître étrange, mais Phil Chess ne s’appelait pas Phil Chess. Né e... - 8 years ago

@ECONEWSN1: ECHEC ET MAT POUR CHESS RECORDS: Ca peut paraître étrange, mais Phil Chess ne s’appelait pas Phil Chess. Né e... - 8 years ago

@Pat_Coppock: Phil Chess, Whose Record Label Elevated Unknown Blues Musicians, Dies at 95, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@RobSample: RT @bigfishmusic: Thoughts out to friends & family of Phil Chess, co-founder of the mighty #ChessRecords who has passed away - LEGEND https… - 8 years ago

@slystone72: Tipsade om the Radiants för några veckor sedan. Vi kör en repris till minnet av Phil Chess. - 8 years ago

@Ojweh: RT @AmeriBluesScene: Chess Records co-founder, and Blues Hall of Fame inductee, #PhilChess has died at 95. - 8 years ago

@Quetzalcoatl777: Phil Chess, co-founder of Chicago's Chess Records, dead at 95 - 8 years ago

@ArielFornari: RT @AmeriBluesScene: Chess Records co-founder, and Blues Hall of Fame inductee, #PhilChess has died at 95. - 8 years ago

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