Peter Velappan

Malaysian football administrator.
Died on Saturday October 20th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Peter Velappan:

@selliyal: Selliyal - செல்லியல் - Peter Velappan : "He saw beyond dreams" - 6 years ago

@azrulbice: RT @bernamadotcom: He saw beyond dreams - Peter Velappan - 6 years ago

@Berita1957: RT @bernamadotcom: He saw beyond dreams - Peter Velappan - 6 years ago

@bernamadotcom: He saw beyond dreams - Peter Velappan - 6 years ago


@piyuanker12: RT @bernamadotcom: Dilihat melangkaui impian - Peter Velappan - 6 years ago

@bernamadotcom: Dilihat melangkaui impian - Peter Velappan - 6 years ago

@Berita1957: RT @bernamadotcom: He saw beyond dreams - Peter Velappan - 6 years ago

@bernamadotcom: He saw beyond dreams - Peter Velappan - 6 years ago

@quybuiafp: So sad to hear the passing of Dato’o Peter Velappan - 6 years ago

@widyalifah: RT @widyalifah: @OKS_HarimauMsia INNAA LILLAHI WAINNAA ILAIHI RAAJIUN" Kami Fans club Persebaya surabaya🇲🇨 turut berduka Cita atas Meningga… - 6 years ago

@widyalifah: @OKS_HarimauMsia INNAA LILLAHI WAINNAA ILAIHI RAAJIUN" Kami Fans club Persebaya surabaya🇲🇨 turut berduka Cita atas… - 6 years ago

@TalekHarris: Enjoyed this portrait by @GlocalNewsMan. Always found Velappan calm, accessible, pleasant and honest - which is not… - 6 years ago

@PrzemekLonyszyn: RT @declan_hill: #AFC #MatchFixing Just saw the news that the great Peter Velappan has died. A complete gentleman and a gentle fighter for… - 6 years ago

@halagore: RT @bernamadotcom: [Infographics] Datuk Peter Velappan, the longest serving secretary-general in Asian Football Confederation (AFC) history… - 6 years ago

@halagore: RT @bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those prese… - 6 years ago

@ClarimUKSW19: RT @declan_hill: #AFC #MatchFixing Just saw the news that the great Peter Velappan has died. A complete gentleman and a gentle fighter for… - 6 years ago

@CikSueCinta: RT @ManOlimpik: Bekas setiausaha agung AFC Datuk Peter Velappan meninggal dunia - Setiausaha Agung AFC Windsor Paul John - 6 years ago

@Pickman_Jones: RT @declan_hill: #AFC #MatchFixing Just saw the news that the great Peter Velappan has died. A complete gentleman and a gentle fighter for… - 6 years ago

@BernamaNewsCH: #ICYMI Jasa Datuk Peter Velappan terus dikenang... - 6 years ago

@declan_hill: #AFC #MatchFixing Just saw the news that the great Peter Velappan has died. A complete gentleman and a gentle fight… - 6 years ago

@JamieWarren09: RT @JensWeinreich: RIP, Dato' Peter Velappan. I always enjoyed our conversations. #AFC #FIFA - 6 years ago

@JensWeinreich: RIP, Dato' Peter Velappan. I always enjoyed our conversations. #AFC #FIFA - 6 years ago

@munisjothee2: RT @fmtoday: “But he won’t just go an extra mile for a friend, he will go out of his way to help anybody.” #petervelappan - 6 years ago

@Berita1957: RT @fmtoday: “But he won’t just go an extra mile for a friend, he will go out of his way to help anybody.” #petervelappan - 6 years ago

@fmtoday: “But he won’t just go an extra mile for a friend, he will go out of his way to help anybody.” #petervelappan - 6 years ago

@ashokmuscat: RT @KeirRadnedge: Peter Velappan: The man who laid AFC foundations for better and for worse . . . - 6 years ago

@abearfromSEA: RT @KeirRadnedge: Peter Velappan: The man who laid AFC foundations for better and for worse . . . - 6 years ago

@PaulWilliams_85: RT @KeirRadnedge: Peter Velappan: The man who laid AFC foundations for better and for worse . . . - 6 years ago

@KeirRadnedge: Peter Velappan: The man who laid AFC foundations for better and for worse . . . - 6 years ago

@Noriarzmar: I knew him since I was a kid when I played in the Burnley Cup When I joined the national team for the first time I… - 6 years ago

@shokarmaz: Sharing the same view was former Selangor and Melaka player and Santokh’s partner, Datuk Soh Chin Aun who enjoyed e… - 6 years ago

@caralam98: “Great loss to the football fraternity and of course to Malaysian soccer because he was a very good person who real… - 6 years ago

@Angelawamor: Former national and Selangor defender Datuk Santokh Singh paid his tribute and said it was a great loss to local fo… - 6 years ago

@yaniyouan12: Several national football greats have expressed their sadness over the death of former Asian Football Confederation… - 6 years ago

@Aiman3157: RT @ASTROARENA: Pemergian Peter Velappan satu kehilangan besar -- Legenda bola sepak - 6 years ago

@AdeliaAmarr: Peter Velappan's death a great loss - football legends - 6 years ago

@parvishababy: RT @bernamadotcom: Pemergian Peter Velappan satu kehilangan besar - Lagenda Bola Sepak - 6 years ago

@InsyirahAmmar: the former #Asian #Football Confederation (AFC) secretary-general Datuk Peter Velappan had done a lot for football… - 6 years ago

@AzimJeffrey: Several national football greats have expressed their sadness over the death of former Asian Football Confederation… - 6 years ago

@DiyanaAziim: former #Selangor and Melaka player and Santokh’s partner, Datuk Soh Chin Aun who enjoyed every moment playing under… - 6 years ago

@CassandraBrainn: the death of Datuk Peter Velappan is a Great loss to the football fraternity and of course to #Malaysian #soccer be… - 6 years ago

@BalqiisAkmal: #RIP Datuk Peter Velappan Several national football greats have expressed their sadness over the death of former… - 6 years ago

@Jiwansalam: RT @bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those prese… - 6 years ago

@bernamaradio: RT @bernamadotcom: Pemergian Peter Velappan satu kehilangan besar - Lagenda Bola Sepak - 6 years ago

@pahmie1395: RT @ASTROARENA: Pemergian Peter Velappan satu kehilangan besar -- Legenda bola sepak - 6 years ago

@ASTROARENA: Pemergian Peter Velappan satu kehilangan besar -- Legenda bola sepak - 6 years ago

@KaiChoh: RT @bernamadotcom: Pemergian Peter Velappan satu kehilangan besar - Lagenda Bola Sepak - 6 years ago

@Berita1957: RT @bernamadotcom: Pemergian Peter Velappan satu kehilangan besar - Lagenda Bola Sepak - 6 years ago

@bernamadotcom: Pemergian Peter Velappan satu kehilangan besar - Lagenda Bola Sepak - 6 years ago

@GBK_Tweets: RT @IndianFootball: AIFF President Mr. @praful_patel condoles Dato Peter Velappan's death. - 6 years ago

@preetz_a: RT @bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those prese… - 6 years ago

@mpoobalan: RT @bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those prese… - 6 years ago

@ShahRezzaRs: RT @FASelangorMy: Kami dari FA Selangor mengucapkan takziah kepada ahli keluarga mendiang Dato' Peter Velappan, bekas Setiausaha Agung Konf… - 6 years ago

@GlocalNewsMan: Football mourns Velappan – architect behind the first-ever co-hosted World Cup - 6 years ago

@asterix484: RT @bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those prese… - 6 years ago

@shaiful_hisham: RT @bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those prese… - 6 years ago

@menezeshenry: RT @IndianFootball: AIFF President Mr. @praful_patel condoles Dato Peter Velappan's death. - 6 years ago

@ManOlimpik: RT @bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those prese… - 6 years ago

@AminZulkarnain: RT @bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those prese… - 6 years ago

@Berita1957: RT @bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those prese… - 6 years ago

@adzlifrds: RT @bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those prese… - 6 years ago

@DuniaSukan: RT @bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those prese… - 6 years ago

@manlukeman: RT @bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those prese… - 6 years ago

@bernamadotcom: National football legends, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun and Datuk Thanabalan Nadarajah were among those… - 6 years ago

@HAIndonesia: Mantan Sekjen AFC Peter Velappan Tutup Usia - 6 years ago

@BernamaNewsCH: #ICYMI #BuletinBernama Hundreds pay their last repects to Peter Velappan... - 6 years ago

@JohnnyWarren: RT @FFA: FFA pays tribute to Dato’ Peter Velappan - - 6 years ago

@FootballDelhi: RT @Shaji4Football: My tribute to Dato' Peter Velappan. #RIP - 6 years ago

@pearllee22: RT @Twentytwo13news: As condolences pour in for family of veteran football administrator Datuk Peter Velappan, #Twentytwo13 takes a look at… - 6 years ago

@ilamaranr: RT @fmtoday: “Peter served Asian football with passion and professionalism and the news of his passing will shock and sadden all those who… - 6 years ago

@KMurthychettiar: RT @fmtoday: “Peter served Asian football with passion and professionalism and the news of his passing will shock and sadden all those who… - 6 years ago

@fmtoday: “Peter served Asian football with passion and professionalism and the news of his passing will shock and sadden all… - 6 years ago

@cfbenninghoff: TRIBUTES FOR FORMER TOP ASIAN FOOTBALL OFFICIAL VELAPPAN Kuala Lumpur (AFP) – Tributes have poured in after the de… - 6 years ago

@estuernesto: hening sejenak sebelum INA U19 vs QAT U19 untuk Dato' Peter Velappan #afcu19championship - 6 years ago

@XHIndonesia: Legenda sepak bola Malaysia Peter Velappan, yang menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal Federasi Sepak Bola Asia tahu… - 6 years ago

@sunish_manorama: RT @mithunmdelhi: Shaji Prabhakaran remembers the pillar of Asian football, Peter Velappan. Today’s #manorama #Sports - 6 years ago

@_zulll_: RT @ManOlimpik: Bekas setiausaha agung AFC Datuk Peter Velappan meninggal dunia - Setiausaha Agung AFC Windsor Paul John - 6 years ago

@Aceface4ever: RT @SCMPNews: ‘World’s most famous Malaysian’ died on Saturday at 83 years old - 6 years ago

@SCMPNews: ‘World’s most famous Malaysian’ died on Saturday at 83 years old - 6 years ago

@poshwoshsmosh: RT @FAM_Malaysia: Condolences FAM President, Dato’ Haji Hamidin Haji Mohd Amin and the entire FAM workforce express their condolences to t… - 6 years ago

@ivanzhai: ‘World’s most famous Malaysian’ died on Saturday at 83 years old. - 6 years ago

@joemat: Veteran football administrator Peter Velappan dies - 6 years ago

@DannyThorai: RT @bernamadotcom: [Infographics] Datuk Peter Velappan, the longest serving secretary-general in Asian Football Confederation (AFC) history… - 6 years ago

@salmanbrahman: Takziah utk kita semua. "@InikanBola: Bola sepak Malaysia dan Asia telah kehilangan tokoh bola sepak dengan pemergian Datuk Peter Velappan. - 6 years ago

@pidutDin: RT @InikanBola: Bola sepak Malaysia dan Asia telah kehilangan tokoh bola sepak dengan pemergian Datuk Peter Velappan. Gambar: - 6 years ago

@DarthVadai: RT @Twentytwo13news: As condolences pour in for family of veteran football administrator Datuk Peter Velappan, #Twentytwo13 takes a look at… - 6 years ago

@FansSelangor: RT @FASelangorMy: Kami dari FA Selangor mengucapkan takziah kepada ahli keluarga mendiang Dato' Peter Velappan, bekas Setiausaha Agung Konf… - 6 years ago

@IkhsxnIshak: RT @FASelangorMy: Kami dari FA Selangor mengucapkan takziah kepada ahli keluarga mendiang Dato' Peter Velappan, bekas Setiausaha Agung Konf… - 6 years ago

@___hilmann17: RT @FASelangorMy: Kami dari FA Selangor mengucapkan takziah kepada ahli keluarga mendiang Dato' Peter Velappan, bekas Setiausaha Agung Konf… - 6 years ago

@xaviast: RT @FAM_Malaysia: Condolences FAM President, Dato’ Haji Hamidin Haji Mohd Amin and the entire FAM workforce express their condolences to t… - 6 years ago

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