Peter Tennant

English cricketer (Warwickshire).
Died on Thursday June 23rd 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Peter Tennant:

@Katapult: RT @01Publishing: Critic Peter Tennant named #SadistsBible in his top reads of 2016! - 9 years ago

@01Publishing: Critic Peter Tennant named #SadistsBible in his top reads of 2016! - 9 years ago

@oswaldaleks: as vozes de david tennant jenna coleman ou peter capaldi eu identifico a 3 metros de distância - 9 years ago

@NicoleCushing: Nifty! THE SADIST'S BIBLE makes critic Peter Tennant's list of best reads of 2016 (so far). - 9 years ago


@LeaderOfBtches: RT @mizzy_banner: @David_Tennant David Tennant as Peter Vincent in #FrightNight - 9 years ago

@The_Kitsu: @AngelaAndFriend I liked David Tennant too but I don't go gaga for him the way others do. The gaga-ing as aaaalll for Peter Capaldi. - 9 years ago

@Heavygoatmetal: Just learned the other day David Tennant and Peter Capaldi are Scottish. - 9 years ago

@dielittlehero: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@SDShakespeare: RT @BBCShakespeare: From Peter O'Toole and Orson Welles to David Tennant and Maxine Peake, explore #Hamlet in depth with @BBCArchive https:… - 9 years ago

@librariesval: RT @BBCShakespeare: From Peter O'Toole and Orson Welles to David Tennant and Maxine Peake, explore #Hamlet in depth with @BBCArchive https:… - 9 years ago

@ChrisCr711: RT @red13charlie: Retweeted Peter Tennant (@AcesWalling): @Johnfrededdy @ChrisCr711 @red13charlie @socialist1959 Time people... - 9 years ago

@red13charlie: Retweeted Peter Tennant (@AcesWalling): @Johnfrededdy @ChrisCr711 @red13charlie @socialist1959 Time people... - 9 years ago

@_Allyria: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@_Young_homie: RT @AriannaLennon: @_Young_homie Vabbè anche Peter è bravo ma Chris è Chris hahaha. David Tennant è tutto. Lui è IL dottore. - 9 years ago

@AriannaLennon: @_Young_homie Vabbè anche Peter è bravo ma Chris è Chris hahaha. David Tennant è tutto. Lui è IL dottore. - 9 years ago

@ProjektMyra: Peter Capaldi and David Tennant on Donald J. Trump's #Brexit mistake. on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee... - 9 years ago

@MrFloboss: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@LeBonChouarles: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@jorahrdy: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@DTForum: RT @TishChambers: I've listened to both Peter Capaldi's and David Tennant's voices watching @OIAF_Animation entries today. #JobPerks - 9 years ago

@equillusionist: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@KristaBsblo: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@2fab4skl: O David Tennant (10th Doctor) é casado c/a Georgia Moffett q fez de filha do Doctor, é filha do Peter Davison (5th Dr.) aka David's fav Dr. - 9 years ago

@yeahitsjustfarz: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@samuelfey: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@11thsTardis: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@Osforthewin: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@fangirllikeapro: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@smithsclara: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@theweepingdeath: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@hufflepuffinn: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@tenncapaldis: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@missystardis: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@QuirkyWhoNerd: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@JonesValenceLec: RT @capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@capxIdi: "peter capaldi is too old to play the doctor" "clara was the worst companion" "bring back tennant" - 9 years ago

@Kalarien: 1° fue el Peter Parker de Andrew Garfield. Luego el Doctah de David Tennant. Hoy ha sido el Howard Stark de Agente Carter. #PeluqueríaFriki - 9 years ago

@MuttClunk: David Tennant will always be the best Doctor so suck a sock Peter Capaldi - 9 years ago

@JoshBlake98: @Dungarees_Dw That's what Peter and Steven gets right and what Tennant and RTD didn't!!! - 9 years ago

@JessChapmanTO: Watching David Tennant read mean Scottish tweets to Trump was fun. Watching Peter Capaldi do so IN CHARACTER would have been even better. - 9 years ago

@Von_a_thon: Peter Capaldi and David Tennant. Well someone is a Doctor Who fan. DT reads tweets to Trump - 9 years ago

@CalumetPhotoUK: @peterwood_home @Hasselblad Hi Peter, our Edinburgh location is on Tennant St, Leith. "Drummond St" is known as our London flagship store. - 9 years ago

@LournEidal: RT @HeartofTARDIS: Praise the (Time) Lord: [Contains Peter Capaldi and David Tennant.] [Warning: Profanity] - 9 years ago

@Apollostowel: Peter did say in the ttoi commentaries that Malc would regenerate… Into David Tennant. - 9 years ago

@ceejbot: David Tennant and Peter Capaldi both? OH YES. - 9 years ago

@zdoctorwho: david tennant, louis garrel, james franco, peter capaldi e ezra miller - 9 years ago

@red13charlie: Retweeted Peter Tennant (@AcesWalling): @red13charlie and just as big a LIAR! - 9 years ago

@FlintyRich: RT @townsendoutdoor: Retweeted Peter Curran (@moridura): WATCH: Former Doctor Who star David Tennant reads out mean Scottish tweets... htt… - 9 years ago

@NancyinTampa: Love this, especially the voice of Scotland, thanks to David Tennant and Peter Capaldi. - 9 years ago

@CE_Ahn: Peter Capaldi > David Tennant > Matt Smith > Christopher Eccelston - 9 years ago

@peter_mount: RT @RollingStone: Watch actor David Tennant read hilarious tweets from Scottish people aimed at Donald Trump on 'Samantha Bee' - 9 years ago

@MJHerbert: RT @HeartofTARDIS: Praise the (Time) Lord: [Contains Peter Capaldi and David Tennant.] [Warning: Profanity] - 9 years ago

@ChiDeltaWithNOR: RT @HeartofTARDIS: Praise the (Time) Lord: [Contains Peter Capaldi and David Tennant.] [Warning: Profanity] - 9 years ago

@AmbahInvasion: RT @HeartofTARDIS: Praise the (Time) Lord: [Contains Peter Capaldi and David Tennant.] [Warning: Profanity] - 9 years ago

@HeartofTARDIS: Praise the (Time) Lord: [Contains Peter Capaldi and David Tennant.] [Warning: Profanity] - 9 years ago

@DrsCompanions: RT @TishChambers: I've listened to both Peter Capaldi's and David Tennant's voices watching @OIAF_Animation entries today. #JobPerks - 9 years ago

@TishChambers: I've listened to both Peter Capaldi's and David Tennant's voices watching @OIAF_Animation entries today. #JobPerks - 9 years ago

@CCTabet: It's like Tennant turned into Peter Capaldi and Capaldi turned into David Tennant. - 9 years ago

@theadequate: After seeing the clip from Full Frontal, I want David Tennant and Peter Capaldi to join forces in an Scottish Insult For Hire service. - 9 years ago

@Lionesskeeper: RT @johnlees927: @CamachoJess David Tennant is but a student, Peter Capaldi is the master: - 9 years ago

@townsendoutdoor: Retweeted Peter Curran (@moridura): WATCH: Former Doctor Who star David Tennant reads out mean Scottish tweets... - 9 years ago

@johnlees927: @CamachoJess David Tennant is but a student, Peter Capaldi is the master: - 9 years ago

@Lionesskeeper: Love David Tennant, but surely it would have been rather glorious to hear Peter Capaldi read those tweets out #ttoi - 9 years ago

@Peter_affiliate: David Tennant Unleashes His Inner Time Lord On Donald Trump - 9 years ago

@gokce_canbaz: RT @StetsonDoctor: SUCH a great cliffhanger! At the time there were rumours that Tennant would 'regenerate' into Peter Davison or even Rive… - 9 years ago

@StetsonDoctor: SUCH a great cliffhanger! At the time there were rumours that Tennant would 'regenerate' into Peter Davison or even River Song! - 9 years ago

@astralweeks82: Whoa. Peter makes an appearance as Malcolm, and David Tennant rips Trump! Praise the (Time) Lord | Full Frontal | - 9 years ago

@BobbieHill: #DrWho on @FullFrontalSamB David Tennant reading the #ScotlandHatesTrump tweets!!! Brilliant! Plus Peter Capaldi - highlarious! - 9 years ago

@DrsCoffeeCup: RT @kweidleman: There's a TARDIS, a clip of Peter Capaldi & then DAVID TENNANT read Scottish tweets @ Trump on @FullFrontalSamB. SOMEONE'S… - 9 years ago

@kweidleman: There's a TARDIS, a clip of Peter Capaldi & then DAVID TENNANT read Scottish tweets @ Trump on @FullFrontalSamB. SOMEONE'S A #DoctorWho FAN. - 9 years ago



@Peter_Smyk: David Tennant reading Scottish anti-Trump tweets. Thank you @FullFrontalSamB and @iamsambee #DoctorWho - 9 years ago

@felipevangeli: @_rphl_ O Peter Capaldi, David Tennant, Chris Ecclestone... putz, são fodas demais. Aí eu ouço o nerdcast e os lixos tão metendo o pau - 9 years ago

@deanwnchstrr: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@LoserKumagawa: David Tennant es mío. Matt Smith es mío. Peter Capa... — Tu ya tienes novio dejáme el harem de doctores a mi... - 9 years ago

@vaiestudarEloi: RT @tasardour: a jenna elogiando o tennant aí olha pra cara do peter e - 9 years ago

@AndyGaby21: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@agentaswald: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@redtommo: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@castiellz: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@buckybarnns: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@capaldisco: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@capaldiwatson: I had a really weird dream.. david tennant was there and peter capaldi and peter and I were just such fkn space nerds. It was amazing - 9 years ago

@cheeriotina: I had a dream I was talking about Peter capaldi but everyone started saying how much they prefer tennant - 9 years ago

@SouVicPotter: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@pieggycarter: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@kilgravennant: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@KyraMHudson: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@Gi_RafaeCellbit: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@doctorwald: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@tenthjedi: RT @tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@tardiswins: 17. Georgia Moffett é casada com David Tennant (10th doctor) e também filha de Peter Davison (5th doctor) - 9 years ago

@MaggiMyland: RT @philewis: Retweeted Peter Tennant (@AcesWalling): Andy Burnham, a man who stands with Corbyn and the membership of the... - 9 years ago

@philewis: Retweeted Peter Tennant (@AcesWalling): Andy Burnham, a man who stands with Corbyn and the membership of the... - 9 years ago

@AgentDfi: @eyasilvers Le changement David Tennant - Mat Smith n’est pas trop dérangeant. Mais Peter Capaldi... c’est pas très potable pour moi ☹️ - 9 years ago

@DealsMalls: #Buzz Casanova (Masterpiece US #DVD Region 1 NTSC, 2006) - David Tennant, Peter O'Toole - 9 years ago

@bellah_rose: RT @BipolarBlogger: @Peter_Tennant @PhDisabled - 9 years ago

@AnnMTaylor61: Retweeted Peter Tennant (@PWGTennant): This petition means so much to me personally. For my dear European... - 9 years ago

@CharleneDragon: RT @ItsTheDoctor: It's recommend you should get at least Paul McGann hours of sleep. David Tennant at most. Peter Capaldi levels is just… - 9 years ago

@TARDIXtom: I love john simm's master as he really was the polar opposite of david tennant same as michelle gomez & peter capaldi - 9 years ago

@iDavidTenInch: my tl is full of peter capaldi and david tennant pics. guys. i have found paradise. - 9 years ago

@RudolphUcker: @hnelke1973 No, Peter Capaldi. He's no Tennant unfortunately. - 9 years ago

@DINAHOSPEDA: vcs penso q minja vida e so krysten ritter e david tennant?) erraro tem jenna coleman e peter capaldi tb e matt smith e , so esses msm pORR - 9 years ago

@RainbowPikachu7: I finished season 8 of Doctor Who and I still don't like Peter Capaldi so I'm rewatching seasons 3 and 4 because David Tennant - 9 years ago

@cobaltmale: RT @GirlyLetters: Ingrid Oliver may be in a comedy film called Fish Without Bicycles starring David Tennant and Peter Davison. - 9 years ago

@datadivajf: RT @GirlyLetters: Ingrid Oliver may be in a comedy film called Fish Without Bicycles starring David Tennant and Peter Davison. - 9 years ago

@seulgisbears: i love peter capaldi a lot, matt smith even more so but david tennant will always be the best doc of the 3 recents imo - 9 years ago

@GirlyLetters: Ingrid Oliver may be in a comedy film called Fish Without Bicycles starring David Tennant and Peter Davison. - 9 years ago

@The4thDiamond: プロコフィエフのPeter and the Wolfのビッグバンド編成にDavid Tennantがナレーターで参加してるのがGoogleミュージックにあったので買ってみたんだけど、ほんとこの人の才能は留まるところを知らないな…起用した人の読み大当たりだよ…ってなってる - 9 years ago

@sarahpaulsorn: RT @anacarolinabu15: David Tennant e lindo por isso uso ele Thiago Elias e pft Matt Smith pftttt Peter , Meu velho lindddooo - 9 years ago

@VGCinema_: @ShidoniiSenpai Christopher Eccleston: "Fantasitc!" David Tennant: "Allon-sy!" Matt Smith: Genronimo!" Peter Capaldi: "Shut Up!" - 9 years ago

@MrFloboss: Du coup Sylvester McCoy, David Tennant et Peter Capaldi pourraient devenir des Doctors étrangers à la G-B. #ScotlandIndependence - 9 years ago

@anacarolinabu15: David Tennant e lindo por isso uso ele Thiago Elias e pft Matt Smith pftttt Peter , Meu velho lindddooo - 9 years ago

@xinwenxiaojie: @krislc @David_Tennant shame we can't have Peter O'Toole doing it - 9 years ago

@a8a3e5a4f0a142a: RT @PCA: Obituary of former @WarwickshireCCC w/k Peter Tennant - 9 years ago

@Andrewandynm: @David_Tennant I did also enjoyed Peter Davidson's time as The Doctor too! - 9 years ago

@bunny_cricket: RT @PCA: We are sorry to hear of death of former @WarwickshireCCC w/k Peter Tennant. Thoughts with his family & friends - 9 years ago

@boltersp: RT @PCA: Obituary of former @WarwickshireCCC w/k Peter Tennant - 9 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Peter Tennant - #PeterTennant #Peter #Tennant #rip - 9 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Peter Tennant, 74, English cricketer (Warwickshire). - 9 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Peter Tennant (cricketer) has popped their clogs: - 9 years ago

@red13charlie: Retweeted Peter Tennant (@AcesWalling): @red13charlie Corbyn has travelled the country convincing people to vote... - 9 years ago

@PCA: Obituary of former @WarwickshireCCC w/k Peter Tennant - 9 years ago

@a8a3e5a4f0a142a: RT @PCA: We are sorry to hear of death of former @WarwickshireCCC w/k Peter Tennant. Thoughts with his family & friends - 9 years ago

@kristen_1124: RT @Who_News: Meet the stars of Doctor Who before they were famous: From a teenage Tennant to Peter Capaldis… - 9 years ago

@boltersp: RT @PCA: We are sorry to hear of death of former @WarwickshireCCC w/k Peter Tennant. Thoughts with his family & friends - 9 years ago

@PCA: We are sorry to hear of death of former @WarwickshireCCC w/k Peter Tennant. Thoughts with his family & friends - 9 years ago

@MontyCheev0: @AriPond I'm NOT a DW fan (but that might change if vlavla gets to be the Doc, haha). But I absolutely love Peter Capaldi and David Tennant. - 9 years ago

@Who_News: Meet the stars of Doctor Who before they were famous: From a teenage Tennant to Peter Capaldis… - 9 years ago

@Turtle_Dustin: Emmy Nods?! - So Peter Capaldi & David Tennant could gets nods for Doctor Who & Jessica Jones. Tennant is... - 9 years ago

@SMrtinlli: @David_Tennant - One of the 3 sexiest Doctors, along with Tom Baker & Peter Capaldi - 9 years ago

@agentaswald: RT @tasardour: a jenna elogiando o tennant aí olha pra cara do peter e - 9 years ago

@HerLovingJerk: RT @mizzy_banner: David's very hilarious in this film! 😂👍 David Tennant as Peter Vincent in the horror vampire film #FrightNight - 9 years ago

@HerLovingJerk: RT @mizzy_banner: @David_Tennant David Tennant as Peter Vincent in #FrightNight - 9 years ago

@AfterPubertyES: Mira la foto en la que David Tennant posa como Peter Capaldi en Doctor Who - 9 years ago

@Hali_Nancy: Can anyone make my nerdy-girl dream of hanging out in the tardis with Peter Capaldi, David Tennant & @Team_Barrowman come true. #BdayWishes - 9 years ago

@DSlSTELLAGIBSON: RT @DSlSTELLAGIBSON: david tennant and peter capaldi are LIVING proof dreams come true - 9 years ago

@1b988c8693cd474: RT @spaceshoup: En sevdiğim İskoçlar listesi: 1. PETER CAPALDI 2. David Tennant 3. John Hannah 4. Çek C.-Türkiye maçı hakemi 5. John Barrow… - 9 years ago

@theweepingdeath: RT @spaceshoup: En sevdiğim İskoçlar listesi: 1. PETER CAPALDI 2. David Tennant 3. John Hannah 4. Çek C.-Türkiye maçı hakemi 5. John Barrow… - 9 years ago

@spaceshoup: En sevdiğim İskoçlar listesi: 1. PETER CAPALDI 2. David Tennant 3. John Hannah 4. Çek C.-Türkiye maçı hakemi 5. John Barrowman 😂😂😂 - 9 years ago

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