Peter Reith

Australian politician.
Died on Tuesday November 8th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Peter Reith:

@georgie_levy: @lesstenny Liar, war criminal, union hater, suck up to George Bush Jnr, enabler of Peter Reith. gaslighter, racist fcuk wit - 2 years ago

@toninicho: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@refuse100: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@SteveRezdo: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago


@AgnusMunshin: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@trevc6968: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@Byrner1400: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@JulieWilliams81: Peter Reith is scum till the day he dies. Oh 🤦‍♂️🤦 - 2 years ago

@oldguy537: RT @DukeLongley: let the stevedores handle peter reith’s funeral - 2 years ago

@LEEONYAK: This 👇. The then Defence Minister the late Peter Reith lied from sun up to sundown over the children over board inc… - 2 years ago

@GAKing111: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@BeKind_BeCool: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@goulburn1: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@lovinglimbo: RT @D_Melissa2: Peter Reith has died. Remember two things Children overboard architect Howard election. Setting dogs on union members o… - 2 years ago

@JulieWilliams81: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@oldguy537: RT @Trixie_Boo: It would only be fitting if Peter Reith is buried at sea - 2 years ago

@ardousadastra: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@wattleleaf: RT @nviolets49: I do not remember Peter Reith fondly … his “Children overboard” and the Reith and Corrigan’s attack on the union under the… - 2 years ago

@philYoung17: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@TheWelshGirl2: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@Definit02209600: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@MrPhillipJHall1: RT @nviolets49: I do not remember Peter Reith fondly … his “Children overboard” and the Reith and Corrigan’s attack on the union under the… - 2 years ago

@3wombats: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@RichardYabsley: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@voiceau: RT @noplaceforsheep: Peter Reith was vile. - 2 years ago

@Aurora8n8: 'I can't abide the Liberal Front Bench. Send them away to the Germans and the French. Take Peter Reith and throw hi… - 2 years ago

@EFoenander: RT @Trixie_Boo: It would only be fitting if Peter Reith is buried at sea - 2 years ago

@marieelement: RT @johnsy123aus: Peter Reith and John Howard are monsters , just because one of them has died , I’d say the worlds a better place, now we… - 2 years ago

@thebugonline: RT @canberratimes: Peter Reith was a Liberal minister at the heart of two of the most controversial events of the Howard era - the battle f… - 2 years ago

@thebugonline: The Bug's ranter-in-residence has his final spray on Peter Reith! - 2 years ago

@thebugonline: The Bug's ranter-in-residence has his final spray on Peter Reith! - 2 years ago

@janice_martin5: Coalition complains of ‘witch-hunt’ during question time – as it happened | Australia news | The Guardian ‘But…no o… - 2 years ago

@thebugonline: The Bug's ranter-in-residence has his final spray on Peter Reith! - 2 years ago

@MarieColemanAO: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@janice_martin5: Coalition complains of ‘witch-hunt’ during question time – as it happened | Australia news | The Guardian - 2 years ago

@lorraindeer: RT @noplaceforsheep: Peter Reith was vile. - 2 years ago

@ivanprosper: RT @DukeLongley: let the stevedores handle peter reith’s funeral - 2 years ago

@Laup561: RT @Trixie_Boo: It would only be fitting if Peter Reith is buried at sea - 2 years ago

@maiyamcdono: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@Lucky_Country_: RT @ChrisRathMLC: Vale former Howard Government Minister and a truly great Australian, Peter Reith. Peter has always been a hero of mine a… - 2 years ago

@shootin4love: RT @m_mann1: Peter Reith has died aged 72. He will be remembered for the part he played in the Patrick's waterside workers dispute, and for… - 2 years ago

@stephengeo4: RT @Igh0108: In pure political terms there’s very little sympathy about for Peter Reith today ..and for very good reason 😬#auspol - 2 years ago

@BookerKeryn: RT @Trixie_Boo: It would only be fitting if Peter Reith is buried at sea - 2 years ago

@Peter20074170: RT @GayCarBoys: i will not be shedding a tear for peter reith, none - 2 years ago

@CoralGiffin: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@HarmlessTim: RT @pwjudge: @marquelawyers I don’t buy this. Peter Reith perpetrated one of the great lies of our time, in the children overboard affair,… - 2 years ago

@HarmlessTim: RT @wheredidgogogo: @marquelawyers Disagree - Peter Reith was a cruel man with a pleasant persona - if Scott Morrison dies tomorrow I am si… - 2 years ago

@GeorgeKalinows1: RT @m_mann1: Peter Reith has died aged 72. He will be remembered for the part he played in the Patrick's waterside workers dispute, and for… - 2 years ago

@EdAndTheLX: RT @pwjudge: @marquelawyers I don’t buy this. Peter Reith perpetrated one of the great lies of our time, in the children overboard affair,… - 2 years ago

@25MMCC: RT @AJGardineresq: Peter Reith, the man who bragged of being "born to plot" and pulled the strings during the waterfront dispute (1998) and… - 2 years ago

@Olfella56: RT @Trixie_Boo: It would only be fitting if Peter Reith is buried at sea - 2 years ago

@lesleygood1: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@MaggieMacphers6: @Dom_Perrottet Vale, Peter Reith.🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🌹 - 2 years ago

@HeatherMacaule1: RT @JJKALE2: Josh Frydenberg: "Peter Reith was a person of real courage and conviction." So glad the voters of Kooyong got it right on Ma… - 2 years ago

@otiose94: RT @bbox: Kids Overboard was a racist disgrace from a racist, disgraceful PM and govt so I’ll not shed a tear for Peter Reith. - 2 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @bbox: Kids Overboard was a racist disgrace from a racist, disgraceful PM and govt so I’ll not shed a tear for Peter Reith. - 2 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @nviolets49: I do not remember Peter Reith fondly … his “Children overboard” and the Reith and Corrigan’s attack on the union under the… - 2 years ago

@72seconds: RT @JJKALE2: Peter Reith must be remembered for his appalling lies about children overboard and Tampa. He is like Peter Dutton with glasse… - 2 years ago

@HeatherMacaule1: RT @Trixie_Boo: It would only be fitting if Peter Reith is buried at sea - 2 years ago

@HeatherMacaule1: RT @nviolets49: I do not remember Peter Reith fondly … his “Children overboard” and the Reith and Corrigan’s attack on the union under the… - 2 years ago

@JackyStreet1: RT @TheUnOz: Dutton Calls On Australians To Throw Their Kids Overboard In Honour Of Peter Reith - 2 years ago

@efd777: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@FaulcoBear: RT @Trixie_Boo: It would only be fitting if Peter Reith is buried at sea - 2 years ago

@tieray4: Peter Reith was in the same category as Alan Joyce . A greedy union basher . No substance! - 2 years ago

@LelHulagirl101: RT @nviolets49: I do not remember Peter Reith fondly … his “Children overboard” and the Reith and Corrigan’s attack on the union under the… - 2 years ago

@GaeleMaat: RT @nviolets49: I do not remember Peter Reith fondly … his “Children overboard” and the Reith and Corrigan’s attack on the union under the… - 2 years ago

@GaeleMaat: RT @johnsy123aus: I remember what Peter Reith did to ordinary workers on the waterfront to make his mate corrigan happy and make both of th… - 2 years ago

@simmey88_lucas: RT @strangerous10: Dutton’s speech at the passing of former LNP MP Peter Reith. “He will be remembered most…for his fearlessness in the fa… - 2 years ago

@OMarian: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@mangitolai: RT @Trixie_Boo: It would only be fitting if Peter Reith is buried at sea - 2 years ago

@SueAshford3: RT @m_mann1: Peter Reith has died aged 72. He will be remembered for the part he played in the Patrick's waterside workers dispute, and for… - 2 years ago

@Brockleb: RT @beema41: @mjrowland68 The night of the long knives by Peter Reith. - 2 years ago

@masondc886: RT @Helodare: Not shedding a single tear for Peter Reith, architect of children overboard lie. - 2 years ago

@masondc886: RT @bbox: Kids Overboard was a racist disgrace from a racist, disgraceful PM and govt so I’ll not shed a tear for Peter Reith. - 2 years ago

@LelHulagirl101: RT @JonesHowdareyou: If I manage to think of something nice to say about Peter Reith ... and that's a big IF ... I promise you I'll write i… - 2 years ago

@LelHulagirl101: RT @SirWonderLlama: They say you shouldn't speak ill of the dead. They're wrong. Peter Reith shouldn't be celebrated except by his friends… - 2 years ago

@RayGrevillea: @nviolets49 I dont think Peter Reith was saved. Believe in the Gospel (1Corinthians 15:1-4 by faith alone. For… - 2 years ago

@luminexal: RT @JimRHoughton: Condolences for his family, but this man, with Howard and co, ushered in the era of racist dog-whistling, bare-faced lyin… - 2 years ago

@RayGrevillea: RT @nviolets49: I do not remember Peter Reith fondly … his “Children overboard” and the Reith and Corrigan’s attack on the union under the… - 2 years ago

@deayton_kerry: RT @TheUnOz: Dutton Calls On Australians To Throw Their Kids Overboard In Honour Of Peter Reith - 2 years ago

@islandgirl268: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@Colleen59639601: RT @TheUnOz: Dutton Calls On Australians To Throw Their Kids Overboard In Honour Of Peter Reith - 2 years ago

@xaunc01: RT @TinaMQ: The “Children Overboard” saga dominated discussion at my family dinner table when I was a kid, as I’m sure it must have for man… - 2 years ago

@RobertF23004448: RT @JJKALE2: Peter Reith was the rodents hatchet man and was caught lying to the Australian people as reported in Parliament hansard. I wee… - 2 years ago

@Cnoon15: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@INPrimeMinister: Tuesday’s total lunar eclipse the last until 2025 - Follow/RT/Fav - #PakvsNz : #Midterms2022 : Pakistan :… - 2 years ago

@IxatDnats: RT @JonesHowdareyou: If I manage to think of something nice to say about Peter Reith ... and that's a big IF ... I promise you I'll write i… - 2 years ago

@Cnoon15: RT @JonesHowdareyou: If I manage to think of something nice to say about Peter Reith ... and that's a big IF ... I promise you I'll write i… - 2 years ago

@faully33: RT @m_mann1: Peter Reith has died aged 72. He will be remembered for the part he played in the Patrick's waterside workers dispute, and for… - 2 years ago

@DeborahLambart: RT @strangerous10: Dutton’s speech at the passing of former LNP MP Peter Reith. “He will be remembered most…for his fearlessness in the fa… - 2 years ago

@MelisaB39884862: RT @Leahym34Some: @PeterDutton_MP Workchoices, union busting and Children Overboard. Not all will shed a tear for Peter Reith. - 2 years ago

@raywilton4: RT @vanbadham: On Peter Reith, and perfect. #auspol Obit - 2 years ago

@MareeTimbs: RT @Helodare: Not shedding a single tear for Peter Reith, architect of children overboard lie. - 2 years ago

@RobertF23004448: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@aussiekerstin: RT @JJKALE2: Peter Reith must be remembered for his appalling lies about children overboard and Tampa. He is like Peter Dutton with glasse… - 2 years ago

@Mapleandmadeli1: RT @JonesHowdareyou: If I manage to think of something nice to say about Peter Reith ... and that's a big IF ... I promise you I'll write i… - 2 years ago

@iratecaller: RT @TheUnOz: Dutton Calls On Australians To Throw Their Kids Overboard In Honour Of Peter Reith - 2 years ago

@Gaelforce1972: @PatrickGormanMP Did you have a reflection on Peter Reith? - 2 years ago

@polliebill: RT @TheUnOz: Dutton Calls On Australians To Throw Their Kids Overboard In Honour Of Peter Reith - 2 years ago

@MareeTimbs: RT @johnsy123aus: I remember what Peter Reith did to ordinary workers on the waterfront to make his mate corrigan happy and make both of th… - 2 years ago

@dodona777: RT @Helodare: Not shedding a single tear for Peter Reith, architect of children overboard lie. - 2 years ago

@Bolt_RSS: Peter Reith was a ‘generous’ man with ‘political courage’ #auspol - 2 years ago

@W1Incognito: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@EdmundMorley: RT @Helodare: Not shedding a single tear for Peter Reith, architect of children overboard lie. - 2 years ago

@dodona777: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@EdmundMorley: RT @m_mann1: Peter Reith has died aged 72. He will be remembered for the part he played in the Patrick's waterside workers dispute, and for… - 2 years ago

@sammijain7: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@CrankYanker2: RT @TheUnOz: Dutton Calls On Australians To Throw Their Kids Overboard In Honour Of Peter Reith - 2 years ago

@MayasDragon: RT @D_Melissa2: Peter Reith has died. Remember two things Children overboard architect Howard election. Setting dogs on union members o… - 2 years ago

@TheGrommett: RT @Trixie_Boo: It would only be fitting if Peter Reith is buried at sea - 2 years ago

@Brockleb: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@missingparl: RT @TheUnOz: Dutton Calls On Australians To Throw Their Kids Overboard In Honour Of Peter Reith - 2 years ago

@missingparl: RT @Igh0108: In pure political terms there’s very little sympathy about for Peter Reith today ..and for very good reason 😬#auspol - 2 years ago

@HeskethTuck: - 2 years ago

@HeskethTuck: RT @SkyNewsAust: Former prime minister John Howard says Peter Reith was a "great colleague and a driven policy maker" following his death o… - 2 years ago

@FeiginBoris: Dutton Calls On Australians To Throw Their Kids Overboard In Honour Of Peter Reith - 2 years ago

@HeskethTuck: - 2 years ago

@HeskethTuck: RT @SkyNewsAust: Former prime minister John Howard says Peter Reith was a “wonderful friend and great colleague” and he was very proud to s… - 2 years ago

@RWaltho: RT @LadyDedlock2: @JoshFrydenberg Peter Reith, together with John Howard, made this country meaner & less humane. If he’s remembered by his… - 2 years ago

@markpcrimmins: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@the_LoungeFly: RT @TheUnOz: Dutton Calls On Australians To Throw Their Kids Overboard In Honour Of Peter Reith - 2 years ago

@whoetus: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@zanetaco: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@Pikiran2ku: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@spike4169: RT @billy_blog: An enemy of Australian workers (Peter Reith) who as Federal Minister of Industrial Relations in 1988 oversaw the waterfront… - 2 years ago

@adaptive_ape: RT @bronte__lee: GOOD FUCKEN RIDDANCE - 2 years ago

@MColvinMcKenzie: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, Howard Govt minister behind the "children overboard" lie, has died. Reith even used photos from a different… - 2 years ago

@WizePenguin: RT @SirWonderLlama: They say you shouldn't speak ill of the dead. They're wrong. Peter Reith shouldn't be celebrated except by his friends… - 2 years ago

@Vermeera: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@hollydays2022: RT @JJKALE2: Peter Reith must be remembered for his appalling lies about children overboard and Tampa. He is like Peter Dutton with glasse… - 2 years ago

@Kooka1071: RT @JonesHowdareyou: If I manage to think of something nice to say about Peter Reith ... and that's a big IF ... I promise you I'll write i… - 2 years ago

@CecPedersen: @JJKALE2 I’m hoping Peter Reith might be thrown overboard as an appropriate memorial burial at sea - suitably ancho… - 2 years ago

@RossiTardelli: I see Peter Reith has fallen overboard. No need for a lifeboat, won't be missed. #PeterReith - 2 years ago

@Zoppy_McZop: RT @TheUnOz: Dutton Calls On Australians To Throw Their Kids Overboard In Honour Of Peter Reith - 2 years ago

@stoic_caro: RT @m_mann1: Peter Reith has died aged 72. He will be remembered for the part he played in the Patrick's waterside workers dispute, and for… - 2 years ago

@silrodau: RT @Trixie_Boo: It would only be fitting if Peter Reith is buried at sea - 2 years ago

@AngryNana4: RT @SirWonderLlama: They say you shouldn't speak ill of the dead. They're wrong. Peter Reith shouldn't be celebrated except by his friends… - 2 years ago

@LathamNorm: RT @Trixie_Boo: It would only be fitting if Peter Reith is buried at sea - 2 years ago

@Zoppy_McZop: RT @Trixie_Boo: It would only be fitting if Peter Reith is buried at sea - 2 years ago

@hollydays2022: RT @johnsy123aus: I remember what Peter Reith did to ordinary workers on the waterfront to make his mate corrigan happy and make both of th… - 2 years ago

@afrodykee: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@Lucille69932448: RT @strangerous10: Dutton’s speech at the passing of former LNP MP Peter Reith. “He will be remembered most…for his fearlessness in the fa… - 2 years ago

@katiebecker16: RT @ChrisRathMLC: Vale former Howard Government Minister and a truly great Australian, Peter Reith. Peter has always been a hero of mine a… - 2 years ago

@DaRadDad1: RT @JimRHoughton: Condolences for his family, but this man, with Howard and co, ushered in the era of racist dog-whistling, bare-faced lyin… - 2 years ago

@CaptJeff: RT @m_mann1: Peter Reith has died aged 72. He will be remembered for the part he played in the Patrick's waterside workers dispute, and for… - 2 years ago

@ChloefromC: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@pressm1: RT @JonesHowdareyou: If I manage to think of something nice to say about Peter Reith ... and that's a big IF ... I promise you I'll write i… - 2 years ago

@SandraConnors17: RT @D_Melissa2: Peter Reith has died. Remember two things Children overboard architect Howard election. Setting dogs on union members o… - 2 years ago

@Ivan8orr: RT @JonesHowdareyou: If I manage to think of something nice to say about Peter Reith ... and that's a big IF ... I promise you I'll write i… - 2 years ago

@samisaun1414: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@katelance6: RT @DukeLongley: let the stevedores handle peter reith’s funeral - 2 years ago

@ev_romina: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@L_DeWeaver: RT @ricklevy67: Disgraced #ChildrenOverboard scandal minister #PeterReith dies aged 72. Peter Reith doctored video footage of desperate ref… - 2 years ago

@jesbaam3: RT @m_mann1: Peter Reith has died aged 72. He will be remembered for the part he played in the Patrick's waterside workers dispute, and for… - 2 years ago

@transitioning: RT @D_Melissa2: Peter Reith has died. Remember two things Children overboard architect Howard election. Setting dogs on union members o… - 2 years ago

@shamathahaven: RT @DukeLongley: let the stevedores handle peter reith’s funeral - 2 years ago

@KimFraser62: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@peterke60628957: RT @strangerous10: Dutton’s speech at the passing of former LNP MP Peter Reith. “He will be remembered most…for his fearlessness in the fa… - 2 years ago

@deplusil2: RT @D_Melissa2: Peter Reith has died. Remember two things Children overboard architect Howard election. Setting dogs on union members o… - 2 years ago

@jesbaam3: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@transitioning: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@jesbaam3: RT @JJKALE2: Peter Reith must be remembered for his appalling lies about children overboard and Tampa. He is like Peter Dutton with glasse… - 2 years ago

@lorraindeer: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@obsuredbyclouds: RT @nviolets49: I do not remember Peter Reith fondly … his “Children overboard” and the Reith and Corrigan’s attack on the union under the… - 2 years ago

@4Czens: RT @nviolets49: I do not remember Peter Reith fondly … his “Children overboard” and the Reith and Corrigan’s attack on the union under the… - 2 years ago

@Peter47798569: RT @strangerous10: Dutton’s speech at the passing of former LNP MP Peter Reith. “He will be remembered most…for his fearlessness in the fa… - 2 years ago

@4Czens: RT @DawsonEJ: Peter Reith died. I won’t reflect on his legacy now because there are people who loved him. #auspol - 2 years ago

@wattleleaf: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@TyrendarraBoy: RT @m_mann1: Peter Reith has died aged 72. He will be remembered for the part he played in the Patrick's waterside workers dispute, and for… - 2 years ago

@AnitaSloss: RT @JonesHowdareyou: If I manage to think of something nice to say about Peter Reith ... and that's a big IF ... I promise you I'll write i… - 2 years ago

@EmmCee2111: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@LebbernGraham: RT @LisaHay92756018: @EddyJokovich Peter Reith was an awful politician. His only legacy is his abuses of power and his lies. - 2 years ago

@GeorgeL737: @AndrewPStreet @mackaysuzie Yep the Tampa incident - 2 years ago

@alfstackhouse: RT @SirWonderLlama: They say you shouldn't speak ill of the dead. They're wrong. Peter Reith shouldn't be celebrated except by his friends… - 2 years ago

@obsuredbyclouds: RT @D_Melissa2: Peter Reith has died. Remember two things Children overboard architect Howard election. Setting dogs on union members o… - 2 years ago

@William99017145: RT @JJKALE2: I still remember siev 11 and children overboard and the wharfie business. Peter Reith will not be remembered fondly by many!… - 2 years ago

@lroc1501: Australia politics live news: Katy Gallagher says fixing energy crisis ‘not just about tax’; Future Fund’s $3.4bn i… - 2 years ago

@Imnotonfire3: RT @JJKALE2: Peter Reith must be remembered for his appalling lies about children overboard and Tampa. He is like Peter Dutton with glasse… - 2 years ago

@truthful_100: RT @strangerous10: Dutton’s speech at the passing of former LNP MP Peter Reith. “He will be remembered most…for his fearlessness in the fa… - 2 years ago

@FreddieBulsara4: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@iDGiam: RT @PeterWMurphy1: Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard Govt minister at the centre of the 2001 "children overboard" lie, has died over… - 2 years ago

@bronwyn20121: RT @bbox: Kids Overboard was a racist disgrace from a racist, disgraceful PM and govt so I’ll not shed a tear for Peter Reith. - 2 years ago

@PSOffice: . Peter Reith. Former Notorious and Leading Aussie human rights criminal. #auspol #kidsoverboard Author of the… - 2 years ago

@slsandpet: RT @JonesHowdareyou: If I manage to think of something nice to say about Peter Reith ... and that's a big IF ... I promise you I'll write i… - 2 years ago

@Lisaisalooseun1: RT @JJKALE2: Peter Reith must be remembered for his appalling lies about children overboard and Tampa. He is like Peter Dutton with glasse… - 2 years ago

@AustraliaPM: Australia politics live news: defence minister orders investigation into reports ex-ADF personnel were asked to pro… - 2 years ago

@CqrolynW: RT @JJKALE2: Peter Reith must be remembered for his appalling lies about children overboard and Tampa. He is like Peter Dutton with glasse… - 2 years ago

@stomp_city: RT @JJKALE2: Peter Reith must be remembered for his appalling lies about children overboard and Tampa. He is like Peter Dutton with glasse… - 2 years ago

@CqrolynW: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@CqrolynW: RT @killmebilly: Wherever the next step of Peter Reith's journey takes him I hope he is met by armed goons with Dobermans. #NeverForget #Fu… - 2 years ago

@davidbewart: RT @MelbournianMutt: @JoshFrydenberg Peter Reith, the disgraced former Howard government minister at the centre of the 2001 Children Overbo… - 2 years ago

@netsurfau: RT @inxanadudid: @BazzaCC Evil deeds should not be commemorated or forgotten. - 2 years ago

@CqrolynW: RT @BernardKeane: Wow, cop that Peter Costello, Alexander Downer, Tony Abbott, Tim Fischer, John Anderson, John Fahey, Nick Minchin, Malcol… - 2 years ago

@hailants: RT @evansmithhist: Peter Reith, the former Liberal government minister who was involved in two prominent controversies of the John Howard y… - 2 years ago

@CqrolynW: RT @twoshedslegit: @kentparktweet I’ll comment. Peter Reith was a truly appalling individual. Addicted to increasing the wealth of the we… - 2 years ago

@FordFairlane008: RT @D_Melissa2: Peter Reith has died. Remember two things Children overboard architect Howard election. Setting dogs on union members o… - 2 years ago

@Heageney: RT @nviolets49: I do not remember Peter Reith fondly … his “Children overboard” and the Reith and Corrigan’s attack on the union under the… - 2 years ago

@davidbewart: RT @MarkJoseWil: @davidbewart Peter Reith's industrial relations political style - 2 years ago

@mazt_t: RT @johnsy123aus: I remember what Peter Reith did to ordinary workers on the waterfront to make his mate corrigan happy and make both of th… - 2 years ago

@Ashby03824020: RT @JJKALE2: Peter Reith must be remembered for his appalling lies about children overboard and Tampa. He is like Peter Dutton with glasse… - 2 years ago

@jongresham: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@timwrig1: RT @leevardi: Peter Reith…pfft! - 2 years ago

@JeffLormans: RT @JimRHoughton: Condolences for his family, but this man, with Howard and co, ushered in the era of racist dog-whistling, bare-faced lyin… - 2 years ago

@steveat31545038: @JonesHowdareyou Clearly Peter Reith came from the same #LNP mould as the current shelf of misfits - 2 years ago

@GlenMur21242567: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@Tenielle666: @Gary_Hardgrave Wonderful tribute Gary I can remember watching peter hosting the show beattie and Reith with Peter… - 2 years ago

@rodneycsmith1: RT @JonesHowdareyou: If I manage to think of something nice to say about Peter Reith ... and that's a big IF ... I promise you I'll write i… - 2 years ago

@Samm35910997: RT @strangerous10: Dutton’s speech at the passing of former LNP MP Peter Reith. “He will be remembered most…for his fearlessness in the fa… - 2 years ago

@LIndaJo09311641: Yes, sad. He was a good Man .... 👍💯% Peter Reith... Many Thanks.🌹🌹 - 2 years ago

@MareeTimbs: RT @JJKALE2: Peter Reith must be remembered for his appalling lies about children overboard and Tampa. He is like Peter Dutton with glasse… - 2 years ago

@TheGrommett: RT @nviolets49: I do not remember Peter Reith fondly … his “Children overboard” and the Reith and Corrigan’s attack on the union under the… - 2 years ago

@iDGiam: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@PullCal: RT @ChrisRathMLC: Vale former Howard Government Minister and a truly great Australian, Peter Reith. Peter has always been a hero of mine a… - 2 years ago

@kybab: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@WeAreAllVIPs: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@WeAreAllVIPs: RT @JJKALE2: Peter Reith must be remembered for his appalling lies about children overboard and Tampa. He is like Peter Dutton with glasse… - 2 years ago

@Lisaisalooseun1: RT @JonesHowdareyou: If I manage to think of something nice to say about Peter Reith ... and that's a big IF ... I promise you I'll write i… - 2 years ago

@DopedByMurdoch: RT @strangerous10: Dutton’s speech at the passing of former LNP MP Peter Reith. “He will be remembered most…for his fearlessness in the fa… - 2 years ago

@kelvinparam: RT @AndrewPStreet: Hey, remember that time the senate committee found Peter Reith “deliberately deceived the nation” by claiming refugee ch… - 2 years ago

@BaileysSydney: @kentparktweet We’re allowed to pillory criminals like Ivan Milat when they die How come it’s bad form to do the s… - 2 years ago

@klaust1: RT @nviolets49: I do not remember Peter Reith fondly … his “Children overboard” and the Reith and Corrigan’s attack on the union under the… - 2 years ago

@Nowran: #RNBreakfast @PatsKarvelas No question to John Howard about Children Overboard? One of Peter Reith's less glorious moments. #auspol - 2 years ago

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