Peter Pollen

Canadian politician
Died on Wednesday January 4th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Peter Pollen:

@hazeloakbay: RT @CityOfVictoria: Condolences to the family of former Victoria Mayor Peter Pollen. He served as Mayor from 1971-75 &1981-85 #yyj - 8 years ago

@UBCM: Obituary for former Victoria Mayor Peter Pollen highlights his concern with heritage & character of the City - 8 years ago

@RichardGEarl: Remembering Peter Pollen, a mayor who helped shape Victoria - Victoria News - 8 years ago

@warawa: Rest In Peace former #BCCP Leader and Victoria Mayor Peter Pollen. - 8 years ago


@sweetvips: RT @OakBayNews: Remembering Peter Pollen, who helped shape Victoria: Former Victoria mayor called Oak Bay home for… - 8 years ago

@OakBayNews: Remembering Peter Pollen, who helped shape Victoria: Former Victoria mayor called Oak Bay home for…… - 8 years ago

@victoriabcbuzz: Remembering Peter Pollen, a mayor who helped shape Victoria: The night Peter Pollen was elected mayor for the City… - 8 years ago

@VictoriaNews: Remembering Peter Pollen, a mayor who helped shape Victoria: The night Peter Pollen was elected mayor for the…… - 8 years ago

@iWireService: The British Columbia Conservative Party marks the passing of Peter Pollen, a good man #bcpoli - 8 years ago

@RashidaMalikYYJ: RT @CityOfVictoria: Condolences to the family of former Victoria Mayor Peter Pollen. He served as Mayor from 1971-75 &1981-85 #yyj - 8 years ago

@Raincoast: RT @tc_comment: Editorial: Peter Pollen’s vision benefits Victoria #yyj - 8 years ago

@CalebJHorn: RT @tc_comment: Editorial: Peter Pollen’s vision benefits Victoria #yyj - 8 years ago

@DarrellLecorre: RT @tc_comment: Editorial: Peter Pollen’s vision benefits Victoria #yyj - 8 years ago

@timescolonist: RT @tc_comment: Editorial: Peter Pollen’s vision benefits Victoria #yyj - 8 years ago

@tc_comment: Editorial: Peter Pollen’s vision benefits Victoria #yyj - 8 years ago

@llweynf: RT @CityOfVictoria: Condolences to the family of former Victoria Mayor Peter Pollen. He served as Mayor from 1971-75 &1981-85 #yyj - 8 years ago

@MayorNils: RT @frank_leonard: Credit for inner harbour; & mentions personality - Editorial: Peter Pollen’s vision benefits Victoria - 8 years ago

@frank_leonard: Credit for inner harbour; & mentions personality - Editorial: Peter Pollen’s vision benefits Victoria - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Peter Pollen, Canadian politician, Died at 89 - 8 years ago

@KathyBaan: RT @frank_leonard: Story just updated: Former mayor Peter Pollen, who shaped modern Victoria, dies at 89 - 8 years ago

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