Peter Mayhew

English-American actor (Star Wars).
Died on Thursday May 2nd 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Peter Mayhew:

@SylvainM23: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@NewsFromSpace: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@tv_poro: RT @afpfr: Mort de Peter Mayhew, le Chewbacca de "Star Wars", à l’âge de 74 ans - 6 years ago

@charissgarcia: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago


@angelssonico: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@Trekvar: 📷 thygeek: Peter Mayhew (1944 - 2019) - 6 years ago

@Aillondickson: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@doug_jenkins: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@DisneyMom717: RT @mikepasqualeart: Heartbroken over the loss of our beloved co-pilot, Mr. Peter Mayhew. I'll never forget your kindness the few times we… - 6 years ago

@darrenbullock61: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@karinesabatier: On pouvait rêver d'un meilleur hommage à Peter Mayhew mais bon... - 6 years ago

@gmattorivarola: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@eradio: Αν είσαι λάτρεις των sci - fi ταινιών Star Wars σίγουρα γνωρίζεις τον κυριολεκτικά γίγαντα Peter Mayhew, ο οποίος υ… - 6 years ago

@Dionswitch: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@DecayedMother: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@antonsheker: RT @mashable: Peter Mayhew, soul of Chewbacca, has died at 74 - 6 years ago

@kaplanikids: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@O_HuevoPoeta_O: @LuisBarriales Amén. Soy fanático incondicional de star wars desde el 77 y me parece buenisima, más que Rogue One i… - 6 years ago

@MarielleWthrich: RT @Nouvo: Peter Mayhew, l’acteur qui incarnait #Chewbacca, est mort à 74 ans. Mais saviez-vous comment était née la langue des Wookies ? h… - 6 years ago

@MatthewWolfff: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@ae_rivera: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@TaylorHose: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@MarilynRude: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@GamerGeekGuy91: @JoonasSuotamo R.I.P Peter Mayhew, you were a great man/Wookiee. You will be missed. - 6 years ago

@elsbet: RT @marcusgilmer: Peter Mayhew gets touching Star Wars tribute from astronaut on International Space Station - 6 years ago

@Camila_DiazS: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@MacaLescornez: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@TouchItMedia_: Peter Mayhew gets touching Star Wars tribute from astronaut on International Space Station - 6 years ago

@BanthaFodderFM: The Star Wars Show: Remembering Peter Mayhew and Star Wars Day 2019 in Review - 6 years ago

@KimmoVaint40: @TheFrankOzJam Hi Frank oz there i'm From Finland can i tweet back You Twitter tweets on my Twitter on my Page are… - 6 years ago

@malesapiens: RT @SPACEdotcom: Farewell, Chewbacca: Astronaut Honors Peter Mayhew of 'Star Wars' in Space - 6 years ago

@Virkkala_: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@Thiago70387251: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@TavoSeamus: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@edm00se: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@madameleota_: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@SunceMore1: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@MegNrdyFreakx3: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@The_Prime_Jedi: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@ArvadonRaxin: RT @AstroHague: Honoring Peter Mayhew (also known as Chewbacca) up here on @Space_Station. Thank you Peter for inspiring generations of exp… - 6 years ago

@tjsny_card: チューバッカの貴重な直筆サイン!しかもhightek1/1が...! Check out 2015 Topps High Tek Star Wars - Peter Mayhew Autograph - Chewbacca… - 6 years ago

@pod_bay: The Pod Bay Doors Podcast, Mini Ep. #5: Unwise promotions, damning movie trailers and the legend of Peter Mayhew… - 6 years ago

@gechavab: RT @ENTERCO: Todavía no superamos la muerte de Peter Mayhew, por eso quisimos agradecerle por darnos la mejor versión posible del gigantesc… - 6 years ago

@BlancherEddie: George Lucas remembers 'wonderful,' 'gentle giant' Peter Mayhew - 6 years ago

@BlancherEddie: George Lucas Remembers 'Star Wars' Chewbacca: Peter Mayhew "Was a Gentle Giant" - 6 years ago

@BlancherEddie: New 'Star Wars' Chewbacca Remembers Original Chewie Peter Mayhew: "Giant Man With a Big Heart" - 6 years ago

@SylviaS43317546: RT @BBCBreaking: Actor Peter Mayhew, famous for playing Chewbacca in Star Wars, has died aged 74 - 6 years ago

@i_van21: RT @pictoline: Thank you, Peter Mayhew. Goodbye, Chewie 😔 - 6 years ago

@AntonioBedout: RT @pictoline: Thank you, Peter Mayhew. Goodbye, Chewie 😔 - 6 years ago

@luis_miranda95: RT @ElUniversal_SV: Murió el actor que interpretó a Chewbacca en 5 películas de #StarWars. Se llamaba Peter Mayhew, tenía 74 años de edad y… - 6 years ago

@EXR32: - Episode 65 - Met Gala be crazy - sweets like a mother effer - MTV peace’s out on Janelle Evans - The Perfect… - 6 years ago

@geni256: RT @BrothersBrick: May the force be with you, Peter Mayhew - 6 years ago

@hhhlaugh: RT @FiersaBesari: Peter Mayhew telah berpulang ke galaksi nan jauh di sana, satu hari sebelum Hari #StarWars. Kami akan selalu mengenangmu… - 6 years ago

@dewmarketingltd: Peter Mayhew, soul of Chewbacca, has died at 74 - 6 years ago

@CaetanoDresch: "R.I.P. Peter Mayhew 1944 -2919" - 6 years ago

@RadiosMisfits: #CaffeinatedComics: Positivity - In the afterglow of "Avengers: Endgame", Jon and Steven seem to like everything, f… - 6 years ago

@DavidZammit: Chewbacca Peter Mayhew R.I.P A tribute to a Great man! (Follow the link in my description… - 6 years ago

@FillingTheVoidP: 📣 New Podcast! "Episode 455 - Disney News 05/08/2019" on @Spreaker #about #all #animal #disney #disneyland #epcot… - 6 years ago

@MBandmann: RT @pitbullsad: R.I.P. Peter Mayhew, thanks for the memories! - 6 years ago

@dscqi: RT @CarrieKeagan: #Maythe4thBeWithYou ...and May Peter Mayhew, Carrie Fisher, Kenny Baker, Sir Alec Guinness #RestInPeace. Thank you for a… - 6 years ago

@DianaVidigal: RT @CCXPoficial: Ontem, nós perdemos nosso melhor amigo, copiloto e companheiro de viagens intergalácticas. Obrigado por tudo, Peter Mayhew - 6 years ago

@waynehpf: Why Chewbacca Means So Much to Fans - 6 years ago

@CindyKayHogan1: RT @RealMattCouch: RIP Chewy - 6 years ago

@RamosGa87959162: RT @CarrieKeagan: #Maythe4thBeWithYou ...and May Peter Mayhew, Carrie Fisher, Kenny Baker, Sir Alec Guinness #RestInPeace. Thank you for a… - 6 years ago

@RealJonnyUtah: RT @rianjohnson: RIP Peter Mayhew. To create a beloved character with warmth and humor is a testament to any actor’s spirit. To do it under… - 6 years ago

@sloankelly: RT @superkellybros: Episode #24 - Let the Wookie Win We talk about the passing of Peter Mayhew and Avengers: Endgame reaching $2bn, what's… - 6 years ago

@boliviamaya: Muere Peter Mayhew, el actor de Chewbacca en ‘Star Wars’ - 6 years ago

@stidinger: RT @Lupita_Nyongo: Dear World, #MayTheFourthBeWithYou. Paying respects to Peter Mayhew. His kindness and joy always illuminated our cheris… - 6 years ago

@anabatphras: RT @Micki_Ann: 😢 I was not ready for this. A great disturbance in the force with this loss. - 6 years ago

@SmthcokD: RT @nowthisnews: Peter Mayhew, best known for playing Chewbacca in 'Star Wars,' passed away this week — here's how he came to portray one o… - 6 years ago

@groso3000: RT @DigitalTrendsEs: Muere el actor Peter Mayhew, el gigante con corazón de oro que interpretó a Chewbacca - 6 years ago

@reporte1uno: Falleció Peter Mayhew quien le dio vida a Chewbacca en "Star Wars" - 6 years ago


@MolinasJazminn: Rest in peace Peter Mayhew (1944-2019). He will be dearly missed by friends, family, and definitely by fans. His me… - 6 years ago

@donisettibr: Morre Peter Mayhew, o Chewbacca de Star Wars - 6 years ago

@MaryGriffin28: RT @TheWookieeRoars: The family of Peter Mayhew, with deep love and sadness, regrets to share the news that Peter has passed away. He left… - 6 years ago

@EchoR2490: RT @pitbullsad: R.I.P. Peter Mayhew, thanks for the memories! - 6 years ago

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