Peter Kivy

American musicologist
Died on Wednesday May 17th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Peter Kivy:

@osanaiyuta: RT @osanaiyuta: みんな大好きドリアンスケールの哲学的な解釈。「戦士」とか「勇敢」とか。わかる。 Peter Kivy 『音楽哲学入門』第2章補足 プラトン『国家』第3巻第399α-399β節に関するコメント - Lichtung - 8 years ago

@hilbert_d: 【はてブ新着学問】 Peter Kivy 『音楽哲学入門』第2章補足 プラトン『国家』第3巻第399α-399β節に関するコメント - Lichtung - 8 years ago

@sciencenewsbot: #はてなブックマーク #新着 #学び Peter Kivy 『音楽哲学入門』第2章補足 プラトン『国家』第3巻第399α-399β節に関するコメント - Lichtung - 8 years ago

@osanaiyuta: みんな大好きドリアンスケールの哲学的な解釈。「戦士」とか「勇敢」とか。わかる。 Peter Kivy 『音楽哲学入門』第2章補足 プラトン『国家』第3巻第399α-399β節に関するコメント - Lichtung - 8 years ago


@serai_hobby: Peter Kivy 『音楽哲学入門』第2章補足 プラトン『国家』第3巻第399α-399β節に関するコメント - Lichtung - 8 years ago

@music_news_20XX: Peter Kivy 『音楽哲学入門』第2章補足 プラトン『国家』第3巻第399α-399β節に関するコメント - Lichtung - 8 years ago

@music_news_20XX: Dedicated to Peter Kivy. Introduction to a philosphy of music 読書ノート その1 - Lichtung - 8 years ago

@pubkugyo: RT @tanaberou: 言及されている違いはこの論文で論じられている。 Kivy, Peter. "Fictional form and symphonic structure." Ratio 22.4 (2009): 421-438. - 8 years ago

@tanaberou: 言及されている違いはこの論文で論じられている。 Kivy, Peter. "Fictional form and symphonic structure." Ratio 22.4 (2009): 421-438. - 8 years ago

@sakstyle: 音楽の哲学の歴史。音楽と情動の関係について、プラトン・アリストテレスから20世紀のレンガーまで。 / “Dedicated to Peter Kivy. Introduction to a philosphy of music …” - 8 years ago

@NatashaLoges: RT @RMA_MPSG: BREAKING: A touching obituary for Peter Kivy - 8 years ago

@jacquesdupuis: RIP, Peter Kivy: - 8 years ago

@robhaskins: RIP Peter Kivy - 8 years ago

@MikeHamad: RIP music theorist/philosopher Peter Kivy. The Corded Shell is a classic. - 8 years ago

@annalisep: RT @handsrm: I never got to meet Peter Kivy, but his works taught me a lot about how I think about music. RIP. - 8 years ago

@giveawaydotdash: RIP Peter Kivy. The last time I saw him was at a keynote where he got torn a new you-know-what by you-know-who while I furiously took notes - 8 years ago

@jurlee_mang: RIP Peter Kivy. The last time I saw him was at a keynote where he got torn a new you-know-what by you-know-who while I furiously took notes - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Peter Kivy - #PeterKivy #Peter #Kivy #rip - 8 years ago

@jonathanclinch: RT @RMA_MPSG: BREAKING: A touching obituary for Peter Kivy - 8 years ago

@jglcoleman: RT @RMA_MPSG: BREAKING: A touching obituary for Peter Kivy - 8 years ago

@jonno50: RT @RMA_MPSG: BREAKING: A touching obituary for Peter Kivy - 8 years ago

@Ethnotweeter: RIP Peter Kivy. I shall re-read one of his chapters this morning. #Philosopher #Philosophy - 8 years ago

@postmoshemendel: RT @RMA_MPSG: BREAKING: A touching obituary for Peter Kivy - 8 years ago

@RMA_MPSG: BREAKING: A touching obituary for Peter Kivy - 8 years ago

@sufjan_wallace: RT @amjsew: Peter Kivy (1934-2017) - American Society For Aesthetics - 8 years ago

@drjosh81: RT @amjsew: Peter Kivy (1934-2017) - American Society For Aesthetics - 8 years ago

@seandoylemusic: :-( Kivy's "Introduction To A Philosophy Of Music" should be required reading for all young musical thinkers. - 8 years ago

@jlboul: RT @amjsew: Peter Kivy (1934-2017) - American Society For Aesthetics - 8 years ago

@imanimosley: RT @amjsew: Peter Kivy (1934-2017) - American Society For Aesthetics - 8 years ago

@amjsew: Peter Kivy (1934-2017) - American Society For Aesthetics - 8 years ago

@handsrm: I never got to meet Peter Kivy, but his works taught me a lot about how I think about music. RIP. - 8 years ago

@ASA_aesthetics: Aaron Meskin remembers Peter Kivy: - 8 years ago

@Kent_Aesthetics: RT @EleenDeprez: Aaron Meskin Remembers Peter Kivy - 8 years ago

@EleenDeprez: Aaron Meskin Remembers Peter Kivy - 8 years ago

@SinfoniaVirtual: Acabamos de publicar en Sinfonía Virtual, en edición bilingüe, una necrológica sobre Peter Kivy, fallecido el... - 8 years ago

@minia_tura: bromas a parte, de verdad que lo de peter kivy me dá muchísima pena, y a dani se lo va a echar de menos, el tío controla - 8 years ago

@minia_tura: rip dani u will be missed peter kivy techaremos de meno, jefe uy esperad que creo que me he liao - 8 years ago

@carlosjoao: RT @philosophybites: Sad to learn of the philosopher of art Peter Kivy's death - 8 years ago

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