Peter Kaplan

American newspaper editor (The New York Observer)
Died on Friday November 29th 2013

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Peter Kaplan:

@lhs8: Good article from Dan Kaplan on why even famous investor Peter Thiel misunderstood about the Lean Startup

@Peter_Christian: @Seth_Kaplan we'll see who wins out here. I'm thinking the Vikes will cave.

@Seth_Kaplan: @Peter_Christian Again, the situation just kind of matters. Renegotiate after a career year? Awesome. After this? Not so awesome (or smart).

@Peter_Christian: @Seth_Kaplan @APkrawczynski there are holdouts every year. It's the only leverage players have, should we be mad when they use it?


@Seth_Kaplan: @Peter_Christian @APkrawczynski Ummm... point me to last time a player tried to renegotiate after situation like AP's. I'll hang up & listen

@Peter_Christian: @Seth_Kaplan @APkrawczynski also not breaking news that an NFL player is trying to renegotiate. Have you not watched ESPN the past 5 yrs?

@ashypoz: #James #Cherry MD MSc, #Gail J ... #Cherry039s #DemmlerHarrison #Diseases #PhDFeigin

@Goda_rd: "Black Is The Color Of My True Love's Hair" Avi Kaplan & Peter Hollens

@jon24201: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist Black Is The Color Of My True Love's Hair - Peter Hollens & Avi Kaplan

@ListenToMelanie: @Jetman2021 Not Peter Cullen--Neil Kaplan (Transformers: Robots In Disguise. Also in Digimon and Naruto. He's great!

@DianeLively: @Avi_Kaplan Just saw Peter Hollens "Song of the Lonely Mountain" How awesone it would be if you did a solo video. #bass

@peterheyck: RT @InklessPW: Via @nathanheller, this prescient Letterman profile - from 1981! - by the great Peter Kaplan http://…

@peter_donnelly: RT @BenjaminNorton: US analyst Robert Kaplan—who defends murderous Western imperialism—served in the Israeli army. h…

@Peter_Christian: @Seth_Kaplan @darrenrovell real issues

@VaraakuaniH: "Black Is The Color Of My True Love's Hair" Avi Kaplan & Peter Hollens via @YouTube

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