Peter Gumpel

German Jesuit priest and historian.
Died on Wednesday October 12th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Peter Gumpel:

@HendroM: 3/ Fr. Kurt Peter Gumpel has been buried there between his Jesuit brothers. The tomb monument has three floors and… - 2 years ago

@miguelunatico28: RT @HendroM: 4/ I wrote this long article about this incredible story in the Dutch newspaper I work for as a correspondent in Rome: https:/… - 2 years ago

@Rl23rL: RT @EdwardPentin: German Jesuit Father Peter Gumpel, who tirelessly defended Pius XII against accusations he should have spoken out more du… - 2 years ago

@rtoledosj: The church was his family, the Jesuits his companions, the saints his only royalty. - 2 years ago


@InJeremiah: RT @EdwardPentin: German Jesuit Father Peter Gumpel, who tirelessly defended Pius XII against accusations he should have spoken out more du… - 2 years ago

@dianemontagna: RT @EdwardPentin: German Jesuit Father Peter Gumpel, who tirelessly defended Pius XII against accusations he should have spoken out more du… - 2 years ago

@blognaturgesetz: Very interesting article, especially for monarchists. - 2 years ago

@dghunter54: The final secret of the Vatican’s Jesuit saint maker - 2 years ago

@Robkearney1981: RT @HendroM: 6/ This is a 'royal dynasty of kings and princes, electors and emperors' to whom also the last German Emperor and King of Prus… - 2 years ago

@panganibananita: The final secret of the Vatican’s Jesuit saint maker - 2 years ago

@steinerjc: RT @JamesMartinSJ: Fascinating. And as only Kenneth Woodward could write it. I had no idea, nor, I suppose, did many Jesuits. May he rest… - 2 years ago

@JohnHittinger: The final secret of the Vatican’s Jesuit saint maker | America Magazine - 2 years ago

@SebdePoth: RT @HendroM: 18/ d) In 1942 the Nazis deported all Catholic Jews in The Netherlands as a reprisal for the protests against the Dutch bishop… - 2 years ago

@inesanma: It was also fitting that Kurt Peter Gumpel S.J., was laid to rest in the German cemetery inside the Vatican’s walls… - 2 years ago

@CatholicChannel: Katie came across this interesting story and she wants to share it with you: - 2 years ago

@woelfelc: RT @Strack_C: „He told me the family name he was born with—the family he was born into—was #Hohenzollern, the royal dynasty of kings and pr… - 2 years ago

@Kpilaakaa: RT @MrJohnstone_: i read at least one article about the Jesuits everyday (this is unplanned), today i read about John, a scholar who did no… - 2 years ago

@BuiltByBuehre: RT @JamesMartinSJ: Fascinating. And as only Kenneth Woodward could write it. I had no idea, nor, I suppose, did many Jesuits. May he rest… - 2 years ago

@MrJohnstone_: i read at least one article about the Jesuits everyday (this is unplanned), today i read about John, a scholar who… - 2 years ago

@austeni: RT @JamesMartinSJ: Fascinating. And as only Kenneth Woodward could write it. I had no idea, nor, I suppose, did many Jesuits. May he rest… - 2 years ago

@RyanHaecker: RT @americamag: He had a secret that he casually shared with me during one of our longer conversations. It was a secret known only to a few… - 2 years ago

@americamag: He had a secret that he casually shared with me during one of our longer conversations. It was a secret known only… - 2 years ago

@EricdeBeukelaer: RT @americamag: The church was his family, the Jesuits his companions, the saints his only royalty. - 2 years ago

@EricdeBeukelaer: The final secret of the Vatican’s Jesuit saint maker - 2 years ago

@Americaeditor: RT @americamag: The church was his family, the Jesuits his companions, the saints his only royalty. - 2 years ago

@jzipple: RT @ColleenDulle: Fascinating piece from Ken Woodward: The final secret of the Vatican’s Jesuit saint maker - 2 years ago

@KSprowsCummings: More from Ken Woodward on our mutual friend, the brilliant and unfailingly gracious Peter Gumpel SJ. The church was… - 2 years ago

@SeverinaBa: Neuigkeiten zu der mysteriösen Herkunft von Jesuit Peter #Gumpel. Während er nun auf dem Campo Santo ruht, gibt es… - 2 years ago

@traddingtonbear: RT @HendroM: 6/ This is a 'royal dynasty of kings and princes, electors and emperors' to whom also the last German Emperor and King of Prus… - 2 years ago

@AukevanEijsden: RT @HendroM: De jezuïet Peter Gumpel overleed woensdag in Rome, vlak voor zijn 99e verjaardag. Zijn afkomst is in nevelen gehuld. Joods? Of… - 2 years ago

@TheresaMac1960: RT @JamesMartinSJ: Fascinating. And as only Kenneth Woodward could write it. I had no idea, nor, I suppose, did many Jesuits. May he rest… - 2 years ago

@HendroM: 19/ e) And most importantly, of course, who were Kurt Peter Gumpel's mother, father and grandfather? "I come from a… - 2 years ago

@HendroM: 18/ d) In 1942 the Nazis deported all Catholic Jews in The Netherlands as a reprisal for the protests against the D… - 2 years ago

@HendroM: 14/ So two questions of my article remain open: was Father Kurt Peter Gumpel SJ of half-Jewish descent or not? He h… - 2 years ago

@HendroM: 11/ If true, Kurt Peter Gumpel's mother (under that name he is registered with the Jesuits of the Netherlands, the… - 2 years ago

@HendroM: 6/ This is a 'royal dynasty of kings and princes, electors and emperors' to whom also the last German Emperor and K… - 2 years ago

@HendroM: 4/ I wrote this long article about this incredible story in the Dutch newspaper I work for as a correspondent in Ro… - 2 years ago

@HendroM: 2/ Last Wednesday, a fellow journalist here in Rome informed me of the death of a German Jesuit, Fr. Peter Gumpel,… - 2 years ago

@byronandjack: RT @americamag: Peter Gumpel, S.J., who died last week, devoted his life to the work of the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints… - 2 years ago

@americamag: Peter Gumpel, S.J., who died last week, devoted his life to the work of the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes o… - 2 years ago

@RayGlennon: RT @JamesMartinSJ: Fascinating. And as only Kenneth Woodward could write it. I had no idea, nor, I suppose, did many Jesuits. May he rest… - 2 years ago

@helios_sakai: The church was his family, the Jesuits his companions, the saints his only royalty. - 2 years ago

@EAviraneta: The final secret of the Vatican’s Jesuit saint maker - 2 years ago

@Sacerdotus: RT @americamag: The final secret of the Vatican’s Jesuit saint maker - 2 years ago

@TereVidalTorres: @MarGonGara @dralauritao @FedericoJovine The final secret of the Vatican’s Jesuit saint maker - 2 years ago

@drew_deacon: RT @JamesMartinSJ: Fascinating. And as only Kenneth Woodward could write it. I had no idea, nor, I suppose, did many Jesuits. May he rest… - 2 years ago

@rpwpb: The final secret of the Vatican’s Jesuit saint maker | America Magazine - 2 years ago

@americamag: Father Gumpel’s name will always be linked with one still-undecided cause: his sturdy defense of Pius XII against t… - 2 years ago

@DictatorPope: RT @americamag: The final secret of the Vatican’s Jesuit saint maker - 2 years ago

@FinnChuHi: RT @americamag: The final secret of the Vatican’s Jesuit saint maker - 2 years ago

@americamag: The final secret of the Vatican’s Jesuit saint maker - 2 years ago

@jamestkeane: - 2 years ago

@Oberndorf_PX: - 2 years ago

@cathoreac: Décès du père Peter Gumpel défenseur du Pape Pie XII - 2 years ago

@NDkatholiek: RT @HendroM: De jezuïet Peter Gumpel overleed woensdag in Rome, vlak voor zijn 99e verjaardag. Zijn afkomst is in nevelen gehuld. Joods? Of… - 2 years ago

@pfarrer39387: RT @HendroM: Fr. Peter Gumpel SJ was the most erudite defender of wartime Pope Pius XII. It turns out he himself was of Jewish descent, lik… - 2 years ago

@Lesterh82: RT @HendroM: De jezuïet Peter Gumpel overleed woensdag in Rome, vlak voor zijn 99e verjaardag. Zijn afkomst is in nevelen gehuld. Joods? Of… - 2 years ago

@Lesterh82: RT @HendroM: >>> Fr. Peter Gumpel was "always very discreet about this dramatic time of his youth, but he himself told that his mother had… - 2 years ago

@Lesterh82: RT @HendroM: >>> In the Osservatore Romano Fr. Frederico Lombardi (jesuit and former spokesman of John Paul II and Benedict XVI) writes abo… - 2 years ago

@Lesterh82: RT @HendroM: Fr. Peter Gumpel SJ was the most erudite defender of wartime Pope Pius XII. It turns out he himself was of Jewish descent, lik… - 2 years ago

@Un_Lezard: RT @HendroM: Fr. Peter Gumpel SJ was the most erudite defender of wartime Pope Pius XII. It turns out he himself was of Jewish descent, lik… - 2 years ago

@breeadail: RT @HendroM: Fr. Peter Gumpel SJ was the most erudite defender of wartime Pope Pius XII. It turns out he himself was of Jewish descent, lik… - 2 years ago

@HendroM: >>> Fr. Peter Gumpel was "always very discreet about this dramatic time of his youth, but he himself told that his… - 2 years ago

@HendroM: >>> In the Osservatore Romano Fr. Frederico Lombardi (jesuit and former spokesman of John Paul II and Benedict XVI)… - 2 years ago

@TheresaMac1960: RT @HendroM: Fr. Peter Gumpel SJ was the most erudite defender of wartime Pope Pius XII. It turns out he himself was of Jewish descent, lik… - 2 years ago

@HendroM: RT @HendroM: Fr. Peter Gumpel SJ was the most erudite defender of wartime Pope Pius XII. It turns out he himself was of Jewish descent, lik… - 2 years ago

@neuepresse: Vom Flüchtling aus Hannover zum Papstberater: Pater Gumpel ist mit 98 Jahren gestorben - 2 years ago

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