Peter Gill

English golfer
Died on Sunday April 26th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Peter Gill:

@gill_othen: @Dr_Dimitra_Fimi @TolkienSociety @FanLit @UofGFantasy @FantasyArtStudi @BritFantasySoc You said three, but LeGuin a… - 5 years ago

@BEPLtd: The Songs of Tom Lehrer performed by Peter Gill now booking 2021 @petegill - - 5 years ago

@harryrag: @Daphne39717497 @jimjoneskoolai2 Peter Gill, Misleading DNA Evidence: Reasons for Miscarriages of Justice). Peter… - 5 years ago

@harryrag: @Daphne39717497 @jimjoneskoolai2 Peter Gill hasn't considered all the pieces of evidence. - 5 years ago


@harryrag: @Daphne39717497 @jimjoneskoolai2 “Sometimes forensic scientists may try to find meaning in the absence of a DNA pro… - 5 years ago

@PeterEyers: STAGES with Peter Eyers - ‘The Business of Creating Memories’ - Creative Director and Event Producer, Gill Minervi… - 5 years ago

@SrHuix: 109. Eternal Warrior. Edición de lujo. De Greg Pak, Peter Milligan, Trevor Hairsine, Cary Nord, Clayton Crain, Dieg… - 5 years ago

@morryb23: @adampeacock3 @TheRealBozza @TaraRushton @RobbieSlater17 @DanielGarb why is the ALeague so quiet during this pandam… - 5 years ago

@arXiv_astro_ph: [2005.00006] Samuel Gill, Peter J. Wheatley, Benjamin F. Cooke et al.: NGTS-11 b / TIC-54002556 b: A transiting war… - 5 years ago

@Peter_pfalex: RT @MAstronomers: Jupiter's Moon Europa and Io passing the Great Red Spot! 😯 Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/CICLOPS/Kevin Gill - 5 years ago

@tfoale: @get_involved1 @Madz_Grant Says the guy retweeting Guido Fawkes , Peter Hitchens, Charlotte Gill and other far right lunatics. - 5 years ago

@robert_veres: RT @AModernLife: Horatio West Court, Santa Monica (Irving J. Gill, 1919) photo: Peter Reyner Banham, c.1969 - 5 years ago

@stemorgs: @BBCFOUR Of course, Peter Weir and Russell Boyd were not the first to use Australian art as visual inspiration. Her… - 5 years ago

@KevHill55: @thecentretunnel Confirmed by my great Pal Jimmy Boyle - Left to right - Leon Gill, Geoff Carver, Jimmy Boyle, Pete… - 5 years ago

@wyldwoodarts: Thanks to Gill and Peter Knowles for this lovely entry into our #100ForestFaces project. "We would take a picnic,… - 5 years ago

@roy_gill: RT @AlanPar46565002: If I were asked who were the greatest artists of the last century, and who had the deepest effect on me (and hundreds… - 5 years ago

@efanmt: @gilllld @project_peter @WelshGovernment @aledscourfield @BBCNews Gill, genuine question... are you stupid? - 5 years ago

@gill_tasker: @peter_r_lee Yes agree with all of that! - 5 years ago

@lyon_gill: @stui999 @peterjamesuk @ds_butler Love Peter James books, but also my husband discovered another author who sets hi… - 5 years ago

@peter_r_lee: @gill_tasker Less pollution resulting from reduced traffic is presenting the kind of clear skies and bright light t… - 5 years ago

@peter__kay: RT @MAstronomers: Jupiter's Moon Europa and Io passing the Great Red Spot! 😯 Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/CICLOPS/Kevin Gill - 5 years ago

@gill_godwin: RT @wearenorth99: Jason Kenney, Doug Ford, Andrew Scheer, Peter MacKay and Erin O'Toole are attacking Canada's assault weapons ban. So is… - 5 years ago

@Angelo_Calgary: @gill_godwin @PeterMacKay Peter MacKay doesn't care about the safety of Canadians or he would be 100% behind this b… - 5 years ago

@Peter_Gill: Wow! - 5 years ago

@Peter__Howells: RT @NursingNotesUK: It is with great sadness we announce that nurse Gill Oakes has sadly died from COVID-19. Colleagues say Gill "was a ded… - 5 years ago

@mckay1402: @gilllld @project_peter @WelshGovernment @aledscourfield @BBCNews Which over populated country? Are you under the… - 5 years ago

@MxBenSpiller: @Henry_Raby @Niallransome @Lynnbrooklyn @ScotteeIsFat * Tiny Dynamite by Abi Morgan * The Class Project by… - 5 years ago

@robert_dewolfe: @gill_godwin @ErinOTooleMP B/c the gun lobby is very powerful with Reform-a-Cons grass roots, most of which origina… - 5 years ago

@ianzpotter: @roy_gill He made Peter Capaldi in a lab from his offcuts, you know. - 5 years ago

@19Mensch63: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@dilldex1: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@joechap13: @gill_godwin Yup. I may be wrong, but I don't think Peter MacKay speaks for most Nova Scotians. Not even close. - 5 years ago

@JoanneCangal: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@RochdaleCricket: Rochdale cc best team either played with or watched. 1970-2020 One pro One overseas One 12th man Plus best landlord… - 5 years ago

@ChrisKirouac: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@nwater_care: RT @NorthumbrianH2O: Peter Gill works at our Cambois sewage treatment works. He’s worked for us for 25 years and loves his job. When he’s… - 5 years ago

@ESWH2O: Peter Gill works at one of our treatment works. He’s worked for us for 25 years and loves his job. When he’s not… - 5 years ago

@NorthumbrianH2O: Peter Gill works at our Cambois sewage treatment works. He’s worked for us for 25 years and loves his job. When h… - 5 years ago

@carlosgillr02: Thanks "Peter Owen DVSA ADI ORDIT" For Following Me !!! Carlos Gill Ramirez Alvarez - 5 years ago

@Gill_Jacobs11: RT @DeWitteKim: “Politici als Jan Jambon en Bart De Wever die zelf 10.000 euro per maand verdienen en nu doodleuk zeggen dat iedereen deze… - 5 years ago

@ArmandGilks: @gill_godwin @DrRana_Centrist Cut the political BS Peter. This is needed. - 5 years ago

@meangreenmut: @helgihh And, dear friend, Gill was an enemy of Calvin's demonic doctrine! Peter teaches, since you believe, add to… - 5 years ago

@gail_sloane: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@DebraDoherty2: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@Joyuslyfly: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@Laudieda2: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@spiritofanu: @gill_godwin @Ez4u2say_Janis @jacindaardern @ErinOTooleMP O’Toole - like Peter - is being “managed” by the IDU. No… - 5 years ago

@gaskin_ken: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@millennials4_wp: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@JudyPickett1: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@winter_canada: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@Brixton1115: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@catharinediana: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@gill_godwin: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@mcnab_lynne: RT @BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons leadership bi… - 5 years ago

@helgihh: @meangreenmut I love 2 Peter 1! Have probably read it at least 50 times, including twice in the original Greek. Gil… - 5 years ago

@BeesonPam: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is taking advantage of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to try to score points in his cons lead… - 5 years ago

@gill_betty: RT @realCarrickRyan: Let this sink in, Peter Dutton believes a civil servant should lose her job because her opinion on a historical figure… - 5 years ago

@fchristison: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay I have been a supporter of yours for your entire political career. Your stance on this is… - 5 years ago

@wmsqc: @winter_canada @gill_godwin @journo_dale Poor Peter’s team is in disarray. He has lost his mojo - 5 years ago

@gill_godwin: RT @StephanieCarvin: Peter McKay feels that using a gun tragedy to ban guns is crass. I guess we never should use poison tragedies to impro… - 5 years ago

@gill_godwin: RT @mini_bubbly: Shame on Peter MacKay for pushing his own agenda after a mass shooting, 78% of Canadians agree and approve of this ban. ht… - 5 years ago

@LeonaKish12345: @gill_godwin @LFaraday As an American who has seen so many massacres I can’t recount them.. Duck off Peter.. - 5 years ago

@gill_godwin: RT @Mike_L_Bailey: As A Nova Scotian, I am outraged that Peter Mackay is using our tragedy to further his political agenda across Canada.… - 5 years ago

@Pr0t35t3r: @JuneHug45685892 @BernisforCanada @gill_godwin Peter McKay was with Harper when Harper helped Mulroney pay the back… - 5 years ago

@BernisforCanada: RT @JuneHug45685892: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is an ass. His loyalty and love is not for Canada but for his idol Harper. After all, the gr… - 5 years ago

@CJP90334911: @gill_godwin Just when you think conservative politicians cannot go any lower, we now have Peter MacKay low. - 5 years ago

@LauraCanada3: RT @JuneHug45685892: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is an ass. His loyalty and love is not for Canada but for his idol Harper. After all, the gr… - 5 years ago

@edodeweert: @gill_godwin repulsive speech by peter mackay. and totally self-serving. god help us and this country if he would e… - 5 years ago

@JuneHug45685892: @gill_godwin Peter MacKay is an ass. His loyalty and love is not for Canada but for his idol Harper. After all, the… - 5 years ago

@christmasali: @PeterMacKay Peter, Peter, Peter, do I need to remind you? Bourque. Bissonette. Gill. Raymond. Lepine. Desmond. Jon… - 5 years ago

@KristopherLG: @gill_godwin Did the gunman use legal firearms? No. Do most criminal organizations use legal firearms? No. So why t… - 5 years ago

@Gill_llian: @peter_kulu @kbp12345 @GeorgeLustyUK @MartinSLewis @paulscullymp @grantshapps @GillianKeegan @Keir_Starmer… - 5 years ago

@peter_kulu: @Gill_llian @kbp12345 @GeorgeLustyUK @MartinSLewis @paulscullymp @grantshapps @GillianKeegan @Keir_Starmer… - 5 years ago

@gill_godwin: @VassyKapelos Not a surprise that Peter Mackay is saying the same thing. IMO Conservatives are using the Nova Scot… - 5 years ago

@PieCorbett: 'A year one child nearly exploded with excitement today when he saw his writing on the big screen and that it had S… - 5 years ago

@gill_betty: RT @MikeCarlton01: The man who wants to sack Victoria’s DCMO for one tweet. Fucking hypocrite. - 5 years ago

@PieCorbett: @OnjaliRauf @CavaDiem @HachetteKids @Booktrust @Writers_Artists @CWGORG Onjali - - 5 years ago

@gill_ri: RT @TrumpWarRoom: The FBI found "no derogatory information" about @GenFlynn. But they decided to crush him anyway. "There is nothing worse… - 5 years ago

@gill_ri: RT @DevinNunes: FBI Planned To Close Michael Flynn Investigation, And Then Peter Strzok Intervened | The Daily Caller ⁦@ChuckRossDC⁩ https… - 5 years ago

@gill_ri: RT @ChuckRossDC: STRZOK DOWN: FBI planned to close counterintelligence investigation on Michael Flynn, and then Peter Strzok intervened. h… - 5 years ago

@DVDMaps: @thisismikehall River Phoenix Peter Brook Peggy Mount Charlotte Church Rio Ferdinand Forest Gump Beck Rum-DMC Wayne… - 5 years ago

@tampabayblvd: RT @jennbrathwaite: Thankful for universities that care about our youth! Mr. Gill’s fifth graders had the Head Coach of Women’s Soccer, Pet… - 5 years ago

@kosmosflow: @beernutzbob @Gill_Hoops @TrainRains @peter_king @ClayTravis Oh wow now Libs are conspiracy theorists that think Fl… - 5 years ago

@jennbrathwaite: Thankful for universities that care about our youth! Mr. Gill’s fifth graders had the Head Coach of Women’s Soccer,… - 5 years ago

@roy_gill: RT @waltydunlop: Oh, my. This Mar 1968 clip of Blue Peter going behind the scenes is really nice stuff. Love it when TV shows do this sort… - 5 years ago

@John_Gill_: @Peter_Fitz @smh I'm interested in your view with regard to the date of the landing at Botany bay. 28th I believe a… - 5 years ago

@FraserT: @MrNickKnowles Our friends Gill and Peter and their young boys are moving into their newly refurbed house tomorrow… - 5 years ago

@AitchIam: RT @HeloiseCapaldwi: my secret pleasure: dw actors as clowns. here's Peter Capaldi, Mandip Gill and Bradley Walsh. if you have others, I B… - 5 years ago

@woverbee42: @Gill_Hoops @TrainRains @peter_king @ClayTravis Nice shadow goatee. You look like a real badass. - 5 years ago

@peter_donnelly: RT @DanielNewman: “Multiple armed gunmen storm Michigan’s State House, State police are protecting @GovWhitmer and blocking the gunmen from… - 5 years ago

@wiredteachers: RT @HighwoodPrim6R: I don’t know if anyone managed to check this out yesterday. Today’s author is Gill Lewis; tomorrow’s is Peter Bunzl. ht… - 5 years ago

@RadioBlogging: RT @HighwoodPrim6R: I don’t know if anyone managed to check this out yesterday. Today’s author is Gill Lewis; tomorrow’s is Peter Bunzl. ht… - 5 years ago

@russellprue: RT @HighwoodPrim6R: I don’t know if anyone managed to check this out yesterday. Today’s author is Gill Lewis; tomorrow’s is Peter Bunzl. ht… - 5 years ago

@PieCorbett: RT @HighwoodPrim6R: I don’t know if anyone managed to check this out yesterday. Today’s author is Gill Lewis; tomorrow’s is Peter Bunzl. ht… - 5 years ago

@HighwoodPrim6R: I don’t know if anyone managed to check this out yesterday. Today’s author is Gill Lewis; tomorrow’s is Peter Bunzl. - 5 years ago

@SrHuix: 105. Shadowman 2. De Peter Milligan, Roberto de la Torre, Valentine de Landro, Robert Gill y David Baron. #Valiant… - 5 years ago

@ksc02: @beernutzbob @Gill_Hoops @TrainRains @peter_king @ClayTravis You’re more concerned about an article you believe was… - 5 years ago

@beernutzbob: @ksc02 @Gill_Hoops @TrainRains @peter_king @ClayTravis Oh please. The entire point of that slanted Hill article was… - 5 years ago

@ksc02: @beernutzbob @Gill_Hoops @TrainRains @peter_king @ClayTravis Did I miss a part of the conversation where people wer… - 5 years ago

@beernutzbob: @ksc02 @Gill_Hoops @TrainRains @peter_king @ClayTravis The ME's numbers were only 10% higher than those released by… - 5 years ago

@ksc02: @beernutzbob @Gill_Hoops @TrainRains @peter_king @ClayTravis - 5 years ago

@smrwhitetoyou: @beernutzbob @Gill_Hoops @TrainRains @peter_king @ClayTravis And here you are with NO FACTS while they have them. Sad! - 5 years ago

@beernutzbob: @Gill_Hoops @TrainRains @peter_king @ClayTravis LOL you said facts in a tweet about The Hill - 5 years ago

@Gill_Hoops: @TrainRains @peter_king @ClayTravis Facts won’t matter to Clay and his band of morons - 5 years ago

@arXiv_gr_qc: [2004.13729] Bence Bécsy, Peter Raffai, Kiranjyot Gill et al.: Interpreting gravitational-wave burst detections: co… - 5 years ago

@Regata_Muscle: @extrmcond Peter Gill Check out my blog for more on him :-P - 5 years ago

@GiovanniSerpent: RT @Regata_Muscle: He's been crafting his body with so much dedication and hardwork that I could not say less than: you're handsome and bui… - 5 years ago

@lighterweighs: @peterkay_co_uk Hi Peter!Miss u.Trying to get thank you messages from celebs for staff at University Hospital Wisha… - 5 years ago

@MrsMoEnglish1: RT @PieCorbett: Tomorrow we have Gill Lewis as our guest and on Friday Peter Bunzl. - 5 years ago

@PieCorbett: Tomorrow we have Gill Lewis as our guest and on Friday Peter Bunzl. - 5 years ago

@Uriel51601803: RT @Regata_Muscle: He's been crafting his body with so much dedication and hardwork that I could not say less than: you're handsome and bui… - 5 years ago

@Regata_Muscle: He's been crafting his body with so much dedication and hardwork that I could not say less than: you're handsome an… - 5 years ago

@tcarmos: RT @clarelibrary: This evening's #SpringIntoStorytime is called 'Pigin of Howth'. Written by Kathleen Watkins, illustrated by Margaret Ann… - 5 years ago

@RMBrisson: RT @AModernLife: Horatio West Court, Santa Monica (Irving J. Gill, 1919) photo: Peter Reyner Banham, c.1969 - 5 years ago

@CoraGun1: RT @clarelibrary: This evening's #SpringIntoStorytime is called 'Pigin of Howth'. Written by Kathleen Watkins, illustrated by Margaret Ann… - 5 years ago

@ChalmersCentre: Watch our very own Peter & Jill Gill on @CTVKitchener as they explain why community gardens are #essentialservices… - 5 years ago

@clareyouthsvc: RT @clarelibrary: This evening's #SpringIntoStorytime is called 'Pigin of Howth'. Written by Kathleen Watkins, illustrated by Margaret Ann… - 5 years ago

@clarelibrary: This evening's #SpringIntoStorytime is called 'Pigin of Howth'. Written by Kathleen Watkins, illustrated by Margar… - 5 years ago

@_TheoMed: @imputationist @peter_lumpkins What I am explaining to you is not new at all. Not only was it in Augustine, it's al… - 5 years ago

@IrvingJGill: RT @AModernLife: Horatio West Court, Santa Monica (Irving J. Gill, 1919) photo: Peter Reyner Banham, c.1969 - 5 years ago

@PeterPr73: RT @SkySportsRL: ON THIS DAY - April 27, 1997 A tremendous opening stanza from Australian's Josh White and Peter Gill inspire @LondonBronc… - 5 years ago

@gill_godwin: @PeterJFoote1 Yes we are Peter! - 5 years ago

@gill_godwin: @PeterJFoote1 No one is perfect Peter & sometimes the reason for actions isn't obvious. But I am damn happy Trudeau… - 5 years ago

@pabloaltikes: RT @AModernLife: Horatio West Court, Santa Monica (Irving J. Gill, 1919) photo: Peter Reyner Banham, c.1969 - 5 years ago

@AModernLife: Horatio West Court, Santa Monica (Irving J. Gill, 1919) photo: Peter Reyner Banham, c.1969 - 5 years ago

@Gill_llian: @peter_kulu @ThePTR2018 @BritishInsurers @ABTAtravel I conducted a straw poll today of a few agents. I told them I… - 5 years ago

@Gill_llian: @peter_kulu @ThePTR2018 @DrRaj63 @BritishInsurers @ABTAtravel 😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@annamilanwrites: @gill_crawshaw @AnnieMurray Not as exciting as being in the Daily Fail! 😁 In The Poke about an entertaining marketi… - 5 years ago

@Gog40: RT @PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@russellprue: RT @PieCorbett: Thomas MALAMANDER Taylor was on - 5 years ago

@PieCorbett: Thomas MALAMANDER Taylor was on - 5 years ago

@gill_godwin: @peter102746 @danicamclellan @KaceeKat @amandaalvaro Right Peter.....piss off Trump and we lose all supplies. This… - 5 years ago

@gordonsch1: RT @PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@CptFM20: RT @SkySportsRL: ON THIS DAY - April 27, 1997 A tremendous opening stanza from Australian's Josh White and Peter Gill inspire @LondonBronc… - 5 years ago

@sophieinspace: RT @PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@clevelandsch: RT @PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@phil_bosley: RT @SkySportsRL: ON THIS DAY - April 27, 1997 A tremendous opening stanza from Australian's Josh White and Peter Gill inspire @LondonBronc… - 5 years ago

@DRHS_LRC: RT @PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@TadPrimaryAcad: RT @PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@jamescarterpoet: RT @PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@DeputyMitchell: RT @PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@RachelOrr: RT @PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@JamieWTSA: RT @PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@PieCorbett: This week on - 5 years ago

@IsabellaLoxxley: @Gill_llian @Andrea21Merlot @PKT_develop @peter_kulu @BBCBreakfast And at such a time when money is of the essence… - 5 years ago

@radiovideojazz: This week In '90s Throwback' 31 on RVM >> Blur Counting Crows Sonic Youth Pink Martini The Smashing Pumpkins U2… - 5 years ago

@BGH50755199: Peter Gill - 5 years ago

@jose_gill: @kfpeters Peter King is the guy that walks into a bathroom sees 12 open urinals and stands directly next to the 1 g… - 5 years ago

@Peter_S_Becks1: RT @CookKCEgyptian: @everette_gill @Peter_S_Becks1 And don’t miss the forest for the trees! Once he found out it exponentially affects Blac… - 5 years ago

@Gill_llian: @Andrea21Merlot @PKT_develop @peter_kulu @BBCBreakfast 😱 1.5 years. - 5 years ago

@BeaverWatcher: RT @SkySportsRL: ON THIS DAY - April 27, 1997 A tremendous opening stanza from Australian's Josh White and Peter Gill inspire @LondonBronc… - 5 years ago

@LondonBroncosRL: RT @SkySportsRL: ON THIS DAY - April 27, 1997 A tremendous opening stanza from Australian's Josh White and Peter Gill inspire @LondonBronc… - 5 years ago

@CaptainChaos5: RT @SkySportsRL: ON THIS DAY - April 27, 1997 A tremendous opening stanza from Australian's Josh White and Peter Gill inspire @LondonBronc… - 5 years ago

@danicara77: The Power Of Love - Frankie Goes To Hollywood 🎶 Brian Nash / Holly Johnson / Mark O’toole / Peter Gill / Rudy Per… - 5 years ago

@InfieldFryUp: @SkySportsRL @LondonBroncosRL Peter Gill was a cracking player - 5 years ago

@Quins76: RT @SkySportsRL: ON THIS DAY - April 27, 1997 A tremendous opening stanza from Australian's Josh White and Peter Gill inspire @LondonBronc… - 5 years ago

@SkySportsRL: ON THIS DAY - April 27, 1997 A tremendous opening stanza from Australian's Josh White and Peter Gill inspire… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Peter Gill (golfer) - 5 years ago

@CookKCEgyptian: @everette_gill @Peter_S_Becks1 And don’t miss the forest for the trees! Once he found out it exponentially affects… - 5 years ago

@AM_Gill: RT @ellenmfanning: Wham! Qld education minister Grace Grace slams Peter Dutton for saying her government is in thrall to education unions a… - 5 years ago

@Peter_Lynn: @JaredOfLondon I guess that’d be the Todd Gill one, although he was only born in Brockville and didn’t actually grow up there. - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Peter Gill is no longer with us - #PeterGill #Peter #Gill #rip - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Peter Gill (golfer) @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #PeterGill(golfer) add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@gill_godwin: @peter102746 @danicamclellan @KaceeKat @amandaalvaro Because Peter, the provinces are in charge of health care & LT… - 5 years ago

@DavidResists: @Eathbound420 Agreed I can't pick one, I have so many influences and could I choose between Joe B Eric C Stevie R… - 5 years ago

@Gill_llian: @peter_kulu @ThePTR2018 @ABTAtravel I think that is the key point right there. - 5 years ago

@gill_othen: RT @carolecadwalla: So that's Ben Warner. Who now either sits 'on' SAGE. Or 'at' SAGE. Or whatever you want to call it. While his brother… - 5 years ago

@ingodsowncounty: @SMTMUK @LondonBroncosRL @SkySportsRL I was at that game - living in London at the time. Peter Gill was a really g… - 5 years ago

@sneddon91: @safopus The market , Peter pigeon , denholms bakers , the stainy , the priory , ravenscraig , Jacobs ladder , Ming… - 5 years ago

@peter_pne: @GillEllisYoung1 Love your gorgeous bum Gill❤❤❤ - 5 years ago

@gill_from: @antmac1058 @stoolpresidente @allbusinesspete Peter should be fired - 5 years ago

@raiii462: @everette_gill @Peter_S_Becks1 434,353/330,000,000... We’re kicking ASS! If you look at it though beer goggles anyway. 🥴😋 - 5 years ago

@gill_othen: @scribblingface @DunnettCentral One of his superhero skills is pissing people off. He does it on the sort of scale… - 5 years ago

@jKerrm: @gill_godwin My favorite: “If Peter MacKay was any dumber, he'd be Pierre Poilievre.” [plagarized from @rpjday on t… - 5 years ago

@bazgolf66: RT @PGASouth: Honorary @ThePGA Member, Peter Gill, who combined his duties as a club pro @TheAddingtonGC @SurbitonProshop @KnoleParkGC wi… - 5 years ago

@roy_gill: "Looks rather splendid, doesn't it?" Yes it does, Peter. Best TARDIS console ever! #GameOfRassilon - 5 years ago

@roy_gill: RT @TygerWhoCame2T: "And remember, Peter, only do 3 years, then leave." #The5Doctors #DoctorWho #GameOfRassilon - 5 years ago

@PGASouth: RT @PGASouth: Honorary @ThePGA Member, Peter Gill, who combined his duties as a club pro @TheAddingtonGC @SurbitonProshop @KnoleParkGC wi… - 5 years ago

@gill_godwin: RT @NathalieQuann: I will remember them. 😢 Heidi, Lisa, Sean, Alanna, Emily, Jolene, Aaron, Jamie, Greg, Corrie, Gina, Tom, Kristen, Joey,… - 5 years ago

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