Peter Frame

American ballet dancer and former principal with New York City Ballet
Died on Wednesday September 5th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Peter Frame:

@ElySiosopulos: RT @ElySiosopulos: the stories of water reflections (Gandria 2011-07-20 #005) - 6 years ago

@McCreesh_Peter: @Richiebierney @DavidMeyler @FAIreland I’d happily take it and frame it on the wall, big dave is a modern day midfield magician #meyler - 6 years ago

@MattMcKeithan: Peter Strzok texted Lisa Page about media leaks. Those two love birds were involved in this mess in 2016 to frame President Trump. - 6 years ago

@Raff1575: @Pdub80 Great player at FSU & well deserved! To the AD- Can we frame Peter’s Jersey with some style? With no… - 6 years ago


@Peter_Monari: RT @RCMRD_: #Happeningnow #AFREF The African Geodetic Reference Frame (AFREF) and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) data processin… - 6 years ago

@forsorrows: SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME SCENE I PETER: Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good. [Record scratch, freeze frame] PETER, narrating: Yep, that's me. - 6 years ago

@TheCarCzarsPage: When Bruce Ohr said he had concocted an “insurance policy “with Andrew McCabe in “Andy’s office” he was referring t… - 6 years ago

@souljahsingh: The purpose of Peter Strzok conducting a media leak strategy was to try and hurt Donald Trump even further. He tried to frame him. - 7 years ago

@patrickdell: And and more reading recommendation; The Freeze Frame Revolution by Peter Watts. Some deep-space & deep-time travel… - 7 years ago

@InsomniacWebs: @badIucked Peter felt her frame press against his own with a finger trailing down his chest. ❛ But you should also… - 7 years ago

@BolesNotes: "Crypto is decentralizing, AI is centralizing. Or, if you want to frame it more ideologically, crypto is libertaria… - 7 years ago

@Peter_Mai_: @dragonmurder666 @Meech98070313 @OmegaX5000 @XD_Reality @TheNerdBasement How am I complaining about free shit? In o… - 7 years ago

@WWEnd: RT @TachyonPub: ICYMI: Peter Watts’ intelligent and fun THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION sits atop @locusmag bestseller list - - 7 years ago

@alliegoldenpen: @Peter_Hurley_ @Redistrict A sample size is determined and that is the sum required. It's not a sample within a narrow time frame. - 7 years ago

@Jonotalvaro: @GameStop @insomniacgames @bryanintihar I just wanted say thank you for this amazing game! Beautiful story that rea… - 7 years ago

@classicalbeat: RT @nelsonpressley: It's a fascinating project, and I liked a lot of it, including the weirdly merry witches. Main reservation (and I'm wit… - 7 years ago

@nelsonpressley: It's a fascinating project, and I liked a lot of it, including the weirdly merry witches. Main reservation (and I'm… - 7 years ago

@PoetsCanvas: RT @ElySiosopulos: the stories of water reflections (Gandria 2011-07-20 #005) - 7 years ago

@ElySiosopulos: the stories of water reflections (Gandria 2011-07-20 #005) - 7 years ago

@abauer91: @RealMamaEagle I low key hate that Peter King looks to be right about the time frame. Mostly because I think his ra… - 7 years ago

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