Peter Fonda

American actor and screenwriter (Easy Rider
Died on Friday August 16th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Peter Fonda:

@TheTrueBrendanF: RT @TheTrueBrendanF: This week, Two Cents rides into the great beyond with Peter Fonda and EASY RIDER. - 6 years ago

@RBindhamer: @RysaWalker @mitchellvii Peter Fonda suggested Baron should be kidnapped and given over to pedophiles. That was so… - 6 years ago

@Moon_Bic: RT @Joseph7Perez: "Están todo el día dale que dale con la libertad individual. Y ven a un individuo libre y se cagan de miedo." Peter Fon… - 6 years ago

@firmrock21: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago


@nievesclaqueta: Escucha a partir del minuto 2 la hora del sabado de #laclaqueta con repaso a los estrenos del mes de agosto e "In m… - 6 years ago

@veinot2000: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@winden_b: Peter Fonda's dood - 6 years ago

@Mirko70669405: RT @Matilde99101783: - Peter Fonda / febraury 1940/ august 2019 Goodbye Photo/silver screem/ge… - 6 years ago

@pete_mielke: Actress Jane Fonda Speaks Out After Brother Peter’s Death: ‘He Went Out Laughing’ - 6 years ago

@yonkersartie: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@jasonwesttruck1: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@Salvado71112950: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Peter Fonda has died at 79. The writer, director and actor is best known for starring alongside Dennis Hopper i… - 6 years ago

@HildaSo28086392: RT @HildaSolis: I am saddened to hear about the passing of the actor, writer, and director Peter Fonda, @iamfonda, who provided entertainme… - 6 years ago

@qlyon28: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@stepoutspeakup: RT @Joseph7Perez: "Están todo el día dale que dale con la libertad individual. Y ven a un individuo libre y se cagan de miedo." Peter Fon… - 6 years ago

@LodiNJNews: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@jfborges: RT @abc_cultura: Muere Peter Fonda, el mito de la contracultura con «Easy rider» - 6 years ago

@superheat45: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@RBindhamer: @RysaWalker @mitchellvii The point is Putin handed him the ball personally as a gift to his son Baron, whom the lef… - 6 years ago

@blanca_mora60: RT @nievesclaqueta: #LACLAQUETA de este fin de semana: Sabado: repaso a los estrenos del mes de agosto e "In memorian" a personajes que no… - 6 years ago

@ericennema: BeatlesTalk: She Said She Said: hoe Peter Fonda John Lennon irriteerde en inspireerde - 6 years ago

@MrPapadakos: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@MrCtoTheJ2: RT @RockstarGames: Rest In Peace to the original Easy Rider and voice of The Truth, Peter Fonda. - 6 years ago

@Barkum68: RT @BeatlesTalk1: Deze week overleed acteur Peter -Easy Rider- Fonda. In augustus 1965 vertelde hij, zittend in bad met The Beatles en The… - 6 years ago

@annkimo_1986: RT @DannyDrinksWine: RIP Peter Fonda (1940–2019). - 6 years ago

@annkimo_1986: RT @cinema_jazz: Peter, Henry and Jane Fonda, 1963. - 6 years ago

@Social__News_: Calendar Feedback: Peter Fonda struck gold with 'Ulee's' Calendar Feedback: Peter Fonda struck gold with 'Ulee's'… - 6 years ago

@shirlfior: RT @robreiner: My heart goes out to Jane over the loss of her brother. Peter Fonda was a revolutionary filmmaker during a revolutionary tim… - 6 years ago

@iamthesupersj: #Art #Culture "'Fresh Air' Remembers 'Easy Rider' Peter Fonda" - 6 years ago

@FransBreukel: RT @BeatlesTalk1: Deze week overleed acteur Peter -Easy Rider- Fonda. In augustus 1965 vertelde hij, zittend in bad met The Beatles en The… - 6 years ago

@auzzyhadadream: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@mmsmichclark: RT @ClarkeMicah: Peter Fonda' s nasty film 'Easy Rider' poisoned the minds of a generation: - 6 years ago

@Robert_in_Cali: @LATiffani1 But Tiff! I felt a mild happiness when Peter Fonda died. Since he advocated for an assault on Barron… - 6 years ago

@JasonD79: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@EsRevorTeR: RT @RealGsPatton007: AMERICA HITS NEAR TRIFECTA of the “WANTED DEAD” Hollywood—Peter Fonda. Dead Business/Politics—Koch. Dead SCOTUS—… - 6 years ago

@stokerslodge: RT @ClarkeMicah: Peter Fonda' s nasty film 'Easy Rider' poisoned the minds of a generation: - 6 years ago

@moeshouse53: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@gonzo_jon: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@NiceCube502: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@briweb69: RT @Super70sSports: Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pooled their fucks given together that night and it totaled out at zero fucks. - 6 years ago

@porfie_moreno: RT @Arlie_Again2: Before I retire this trash, I wanted to duly note what America lost upon his death on August 24 2019. Brother of that gre… - 6 years ago

@howardmclainjr: RT @Arlie_Again2: Before I retire this trash, I wanted to duly note what America lost upon his death on August 24 2019. Brother of that gre… - 6 years ago

@Ed_Travis: RT @TheTrueBrendanF: This week, Two Cents rides into the great beyond with Peter Fonda and EASY RIDER. - 6 years ago

@magazine_movie: Hasta siempre Peter Fonda - 6 years ago

@hueyforprez: R.I.P TO A LEGEND! Remembering Hollywood icon Peter Fonda - 6 years ago

@JonShomo: RT @beatlesbible: 24 August 1965: The Beatles take LSD with the Byrds and Peter Fonda in LA. "I know what it's like to be dead…" This wa… - 6 years ago

@UseltonP: RT @RealGsPatton007: AMERICA HITS NEAR TRIFECTA of the “WANTED DEAD” Hollywood—Peter Fonda. Dead Business/Politics—Koch. Dead SCOTUS—… - 6 years ago

@Isis_PeVi: RT @OnePerfectShot: Riding on the release of 'Rosemary's Baby' in 1963, the publication of 'The Satanic Bible' in 1969, and the blockbuster… - 6 years ago

@EinsteinMaga: RT @RealGsPatton007: AMERICA HITS NEAR TRIFECTA of the “WANTED DEAD” Hollywood—Peter Fonda. Dead Business/Politics—Koch. Dead SCOTUS—… - 6 years ago

@ksiadzwiesiu: RT @OnePerfectShot: Riding on the release of 'Rosemary's Baby' in 1963, the publication of 'The Satanic Bible' in 1969, and the blockbuster… - 6 years ago

@susi079: RT @EricVespe: Peter Fonda made so many interesting movies off the back of Easy Rider. Above all the dude always looked like he was having… - 6 years ago

@MJdowntheshore: RT @TCM_Party: It appears that @tcm will honor Peter Fonda on Sunday, September 15th with two great films: 8pE - ULEE'S GOLD (1997) 10pE -… - 6 years ago

@hotleadenema: RT @OnePerfectShot: Riding on the release of 'Rosemary's Baby' in 1963, the publication of 'The Satanic Bible' in 1969, and the blockbuster… - 6 years ago

@SarahMPottratz: RT @OnePerfectShot: Riding on the release of 'Rosemary's Baby' in 1963, the publication of 'The Satanic Bible' in 1969, and the blockbuster… - 6 years ago

@Quandariousmo: RT @dmathches: Starring the recently departed Peter Fonda and directed by Roger Corman, THE TRIP was released #OTD in 1967. #Lsd #60s #ripp… - 6 years ago

@LevisBecker: RT @OnePerfectShot: Riding on the release of 'Rosemary's Baby' in 1963, the publication of 'The Satanic Bible' in 1969, and the blockbuster… - 6 years ago

@aadotmedina: RT @OnePerfectShot: Riding on the release of 'Rosemary's Baby' in 1963, the publication of 'The Satanic Bible' in 1969, and the blockbuster… - 6 years ago

@ChurchofSatan: RT @OnePerfectShot: Riding on the release of 'Rosemary's Baby' in 1963, the publication of 'The Satanic Bible' in 1969, and the blockbuster… - 6 years ago

@garrettaddison: RT @PeterFordAuthor: #RRBC #Bookworm #Wowbooks One of those coincident ? The movie 'Easy Rider' was having its 50 anniversary this year & t… - 6 years ago

@PeterFordAuthor: #RRBC #Bookworm #Wowbooks One of those coincident ? The movie 'Easy Rider' was having its 50 anniversary this year… - 6 years ago

@gdberry911: RT @RealGsPatton007: AMERICA HITS NEAR TRIFECTA of the “WANTED DEAD” Hollywood—Peter Fonda. Dead Business/Politics—Koch. Dead SCOTUS—… - 6 years ago

@Osc_Winchester: RT @beatlesbible: 24 August 1965: The Beatles take LSD with the Byrds and Peter Fonda in LA. "I know what it's like to be dead…" This wa… - 6 years ago

@SpaceForce_Rngr: @rpsmith3 True, but thinking about going as Peter Fonda’s character from Easy Rider this year since I have long hai… - 6 years ago

@Trumpton_camra: RT @FarOutMag: Detailing the acid trip that inspired #TheBeatles song 'She Said She Said' - 6 years ago

@ITrepairsCork: RT @PeterAPeel: Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper in Cannes, 1969 - 6 years ago

@FarOutMag: Detailing the acid trip that inspired #TheBeatles song 'She Said She Said' - 6 years ago

@TobyKing101: My belated tribute to the great Peter Fonda ✌🦅🇺🇲 (thanks Grandad Steve) - 6 years ago

@ToBeSafeNSound: RT @TCM_Party: It appears that @tcm will honor Peter Fonda on Sunday, September 15th with two great films: 8pE - ULEE'S GOLD (1997) 10pE -… - 6 years ago

@SandiT17: RT @Lawrence: The last time I was with Peter Fonda was January. He was still this guy: - 6 years ago

@italiax5: RT @RRRawlings: Rest in peace, Easy Rider. Peter Fonda | 1940-2019 #peterfonda #easyrider #rippeterfonda - 6 years ago

@dangerous_krock: Today I learned that Peter Fonda died LAST WEEK - 6 years ago

@VestiYm: Peter Fonda: Otac ga nije volio, a za karijeru bi napravio sve... - 6 years ago

@polarbear1967: RT @beatlesbible: 24 August 1965: The Beatles take LSD with the Byrds and Peter Fonda in LA. "I know what it's like to be dead…" This wa… - 6 years ago

@prymefocus: RT @filmfest: Peter Fonda forever 🎬❤️ At the 22nd Cannes Film Festival with Dennis Hopper & Jack Nicholson. - 6 years ago

@DenLeonard: RT @PeterAPeel: Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper in Cannes, 1969 - 6 years ago

@allemation: @Obscurus_Lupa It really annoyed me in his Thomas & The Magic Railroad review, he was confused about Peter Fonda &… - 6 years ago

@SenseiChanning: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Peter Fonda was a friend and underrated actor. Bright, funny, warm, Peter was a movie star with a twinkle in his eyes.… - 6 years ago

@SenseiChanning: RT @THRArchives: "I never intended to answer that question,” Fonda said just last month, of one of the film’s enigmatic moments - 6 years ago

@SenseiChanning: RT @PeterAPeel: Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper in Cannes, 1969 - 6 years ago

@marcusbella: @eleptheria4eva Agree with you there . Peter Fonda god bless him eh - 6 years ago

@Londonglen: @marcusbella Peter Fonda RIP 🙏🏼 - 6 years ago

@Gerbilerino: RT @RockstarGames: Rest In Peace to the original Easy Rider and voice of The Truth, Peter Fonda. - 6 years ago

@thaarey: RT @RockstarGames: Rest In Peace to the original Easy Rider and voice of The Truth, Peter Fonda. - 6 years ago

@BLCAgnew: RT @CinapseNews: Two Cents Rides into the Great Beyond with Peter Fonda and EASY RIDER - 6 years ago

@Ed_Travis: RT @CinapseNews: Two Cents Rides into the Great Beyond with Peter Fonda and EASY RIDER - 6 years ago

@meepimaud: RT @beatlesbible: 24 August 1965: The Beatles take LSD with the Byrds and Peter Fonda in LA. "I know what it's like to be dead…" This wa… - 6 years ago

@JustmeRobW: @jackie_arndt @charliekirk11 Oh I know what you meant... just as "sickening" as when Chuck here was acting like a v… - 6 years ago

@FarthingMarisa: RT @RealGDT: Peter Fonda- actor, director, dearest man. Gentle, generous, wise soul. Seek Easy Rider, yes- but also seek The Hired Hand. He… - 6 years ago

@MikeWHolmes: RT @OnePerfectShot: Riding on the release of 'Rosemary's Baby' in 1963, the publication of 'The Satanic Bible' in 1969, and the blockbuster… - 6 years ago

@bestjamie4u: RT @OnePerfectShot: Riding on the release of 'Rosemary's Baby' in 1963, the publication of 'The Satanic Bible' in 1969, and the blockbuster… - 6 years ago

@turkhabersaati: ABD'li oyuncu 'Easy Rider' Peter Fonda öldü - - 6 years ago

@JamesMagro1: RT @OnePerfectShot: Riding on the release of 'Rosemary's Baby' in 1963, the publication of 'The Satanic Bible' in 1969, and the blockbuster… - 6 years ago

@CinapseNews: Two Cents Rides into the Great Beyond with Peter Fonda and EASY RIDER - 6 years ago

@alhanda: RT @MarySharpton: Rip... Peter Fonda Dead at 79 After Respiratory Failure from Lung Cancer: ‘Please Raise a Glass to Freedom’ - 6 years ago

@RaulAlda_DDC: RT @DiasDeCine: Nuestro homenaje prometido, con mucho cariño, a Peter Fonda. Por @RaulAlda_DDC - 6 years ago

@Johnnystill1: I just figured out why Analyse Talavera couldn't spell Julie correctly in a competition earlier this year, She must… - 6 years ago

@evesobraltv: RT @OficialRBTV: Homenagem a Boris Karloff e Peter Fonda! Deixe Nome, CPF/RG e Código + Número e poderá ser sorteado no WATS APP: 119644517… - 6 years ago

@OficialRBTV: RT @OficialRBTV: Homenagem a Boris Karloff e Peter Fonda! Deixe Nome, CPF/RG e Código + Número e poderá ser sorteado no WATS APP: 119644517… - 6 years ago

@GeltrudeBrischi: Peter Fonda on 'Easy Rider' Killing The Big Movies | The Dick Cavett Show - 6 years ago

@savinthecities: Today’s finds felt special. A hand for the late great Peter Fonda. Godspeed. - 6 years ago

@craigtrout3: @AngelaW63765246 @BetteMidler Pedowood isn’t sending their best anymore. Where’s Jim Carey? Sally field? Peter Fond… - 6 years ago

@MitchWagner: Peter Fonda starred in an odd sci-fi monster movie called “Dance of the Dwarfs,” later retitled “Jungle Heat,” that… - 6 years ago

@Dekkoparsnip2: RT @FakeRobHunter: I wrote about variations on THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME that weren't censored/shelved but that you still probably missed. Do… - 6 years ago

@arasaucedo24: RT @Matilde99101783: - Peter Fonda / febraury 1940/ august 2019 Goodbye Photo/silver screem/ge… - 6 years ago

@ipepa_a: #Peter_Fonda Rip 🏍️🇺🇸 - 6 years ago

@mrmlg7: RT @RockstarGames: Rest In Peace to the original Easy Rider and voice of The Truth, Peter Fonda. - 6 years ago

@carlsakura: RT @QuincyDJones: It deeply hurts my soul to have lost 2 very special people these past couple of weeks. 💔My dear friend Toni Morrison & my… - 6 years ago

@marylinbitner: RT @sharonwaxman: Watched this last night in honor of Peter Fonda. What a total slice of America circa 1970. A time of culture clash and tu… - 6 years ago

@filmsfestinfo: RT @THR: Roger Corman remembers #PeterFonda: "It’s a little bit unusual to be simply a good guy" - 6 years ago

@Catisart: - 6 years ago

@vterm: RT @QuincyDJones: It deeply hurts my soul to have lost 2 very special people these past couple of weeks. 💔My dear friend Toni Morrison & my… - 6 years ago

@nclemente_27: RT @sancalori: RIP Peter Fonda. Con todas las que hizo, bastante duró 🌈 - 6 years ago

@DiegoVillasana9: RT @kinshriner: R.I.P Peter Fonda an inspiration to my generation . - 6 years ago

@DrDominicGreen: @SWGoldman Thank you for saying that. Terrible film. Did Peter Fonda ever make a good one? - 6 years ago

@Crash68449474: 🇺🇸 I Would Have Shot To Death Peter Fonda. For Threatening Baron Trump... Here's My Badge... ✝ 🇺🇸 - 6 years ago

@JamPolaczek: RT @RockstarGames: Rest In Peace to the original Easy Rider and voice of The Truth, Peter Fonda. - 6 years ago

@luk_gonza: RT @sancalori: RIP Peter Fonda. Con todas las que hizo, bastante duró 🌈 - 6 years ago

@SheluvK: RT @RockstarGames: Rest In Peace to the original Easy Rider and voice of The Truth, Peter Fonda. - 6 years ago

@DebbieDoglady: John Kay of Steppenwolf comments on Peter Fonda's passing. 😥 I watched this 2004 ceremony on TV. It was a wonderful… - 6 years ago

@ponapisach: Era 'muscle cars', piękna Susan George, za kółkiem Peter Fonda. Pozycja kultowa i klasyka carsploitation. "Brudna M… - 6 years ago

@ryanjmac77: RT @TrailersFromHel: Here's a great @vulture piece from Michael Almereyda on Peter Fonda as we continue to remember him this week: https:/… - 6 years ago

@cass_milne: RT @TrailersFromHel: Here's a great @vulture piece from Michael Almereyda on Peter Fonda as we continue to remember him this week: https:/… - 6 years ago

@MoraR_Chaco: RT @sancalori: RIP Peter Fonda. Con todas las que hizo, bastante duró 🌈 - 6 years ago

@JLH_Collective: @realweegiemidge Peter Fonda was a good actor, but I have never seen Easy Rider. I must remedy this soon. - 6 years ago

@sergirobertista: RT @RockstarGames: Rest In Peace to the original Easy Rider and voice of The Truth, Peter Fonda. - 6 years ago

@PanayiVictoria: RT @real_defender: Peter Fonda has died. Remember when Peter Fonda suggested that Barron Trump should be kidnapped and put in a cage with… - 6 years ago

@paulRayking: RT @steveratcliff14: Peter Fonda - 6 years ago

@Alberto62859355: RT @cnnbrk: Actor Peter Fonda, the star of "Easy Rider," has died at age 79, his manager says. He's the brother of actress Jane Fonda and s… - 6 years ago

@JLH_Collective: RT @realweegiemidge: My latest tribute post remembers #PeterFonda in Futureworld and Easy Rider... - 6 years ago

@Simona_Simo14: RT @sancalori: RIP Peter Fonda. Con todas las que hizo, bastante duró 🌈 - 6 years ago

@AlbertJitka: RT @real_defender: Peter Fonda has died. Remember when Peter Fonda suggested that Barron Trump should be kidnapped and put in a cage with… - 6 years ago

@lapapazurda: RT @RockstarGames: Rest In Peace to the original Easy Rider and voice of The Truth, Peter Fonda. - 6 years ago

@realweegiemidge: My latest tribute post remembers #PeterFonda in Futureworld and Easy Rider... - 6 years ago

@IikkaKorhonen: "Born to Be Wild" by Bundeswehr. R.I.P. Peter Fonda. - 6 years ago

@MarceVecci: RT @sancalori: RIP Peter Fonda. Con todas las que hizo, bastante duró 🌈 - 6 years ago

@annakendr_news: 'Easy Rider' star Peter Fonda dead at 79 - UPI News - 6 years ago

@steveratcliff14: Peter Fonda - 6 years ago

@ClwtrBkAtty: RT @CHIZMAGA: Dear Liberals, Remember that time Peter Fonda said 11 Year old Barron Trump should be locked in a cage with a Pedophile? Yo… - 6 years ago

@MommaD1967: That's OK dickhead you'll be joining Peter Fonda soon #Meathead - 6 years ago

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