Peter Daly

Irish Gaelic footballer.
Died on Thursday December 22nd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Peter Daly:

@TWAW2112: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@kernekamp_peter: RT @VanEmmerickKris: 🔥Hoeveel waarheidsbommen kan Clare Daly in 50 seconden laten vallen... Meer van dat soort vrouwen! Want die verwijfde… - 2 years ago

@aktange: @marnie_cannon Lots and lots of short stories (Poe, Sayers, Christie, Doyle, Chandler, Hammett, Daly, Pirkis, Mitch… - 2 years ago

@RoLaren_0117: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago


@WorldWideWayman: @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly We are surrounded by all kinds of madness. - 2 years ago

@Reeev0: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@daly_gordian: RT @_LoveLike_JESUS: . PRAY ....... Like Nehemiah OBEY ....... Like Daniel LEAD ........ Like Moses BUILD ....... Like Noah FIGHT ....... L… - 2 years ago

@DomMgy1: @00pugsly @Femi_Sorry @BBCPolitics @bbcquestiontime @SkyNews BBC should bring back the more radical panellists who… - 2 years ago

@peter_daly: RT @Glinner: Ahahaha!! You gotta love them. - 2 years ago

@OwenGregorian: RT @redbeardbrian: My friend Peter Daly-Dickson @pdalydickson caught up with me at SuccessCon and we talked about... everything. Listen in… - 2 years ago

@mr__daly: RT @ggreenwald: An NBC News "reporter", @kattenbarge, re-tweeted and helped viralize this obvious fabrication by an anonymous account that… - 2 years ago

@DduPwll: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@moomintroll41: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@YvonneRitchie13: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@Mark1957: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@witchhauss: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@thepeacelovers: @Wild_Womyn @gcgaydude @Michael_AW77 @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly Well, they are a "company with legal responsibility." 🙂 - 2 years ago

@LouCubes: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@KarenTh90141658: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@mc_simmy: @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly They clearly have a Stonewalled version of "legal responsibilit… - 2 years ago

@mc_simmy: @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly The "reputational damage" has been achieved by discriminating a… - 2 years ago

@redbeardbrian: My friend Peter Daly-Dickson @pdalydickson caught up with me at SuccessCon and we talked about... everything. List… - 2 years ago

@LucyLocketKPSS: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@janetpontin: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@MrsDrBee: @Vaishax @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly Just so. Disgraceful. - 2 years ago

@MrsDrBee: @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly That’s absolutely rotten. - 2 years ago

@MrsDrBee: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@sleepykitkin: @flawedhowl @AudreySuffolk @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly There's already a shedload of precedent. - 2 years ago

@robmurrow: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@jameswmullen: @englishchick @AudreySuffolk @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly More free advice: someone needs to… - 2 years ago

@AudreySuffolk: @englishchick @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly Thanks Amanda! - 2 years ago

@AldoReins: @willdoestweets @AudreySuffolk @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly Might need to put a bit more effort in your law studies. - 2 years ago

@peter_daly: RT @englishchick: @willdoestweets @AudreySuffolk @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly Free advice. Be very sure before corre… - 2 years ago

@SatinwithLatin: @LaFalconara @loozsooz @AudreySuffolk @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly Nobody is calling athiest… - 2 years ago

@englishchick: @willdoestweets @AudreySuffolk @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly Free advice. Be very sure before… - 2 years ago

@LaFalconara: @SatinwithLatin @loozsooz @AudreySuffolk @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly You are not making any… - 2 years ago

@AudreySuffolk: @willdoestweets @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly Read it again carefully.The reference to "In th… - 2 years ago

@PaulMaitland_: RT @PaulMaitland_: @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly @anyabike I understand your point of view, but the problem is elsewh… - 2 years ago

@AudreySuffolk: @SatinwithLatin @shrillybargs @loozsooz @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly proportionate. Look at… - 2 years ago

@AudreySuffolk: @SatinwithLatin @shrillybargs @loozsooz @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly I would argue that it i… - 2 years ago

@yona1959: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@PeachesNPlum: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@Smoothiepeople1: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@SatinwithLatin: @shrillybargs @AudreySuffolk @loozsooz @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly Idk, I didn't see what OP wrote. - 2 years ago

@SatinwithLatin: @AudreySuffolk @shrillybargs @loozsooz @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly Agreed, but remember tha… - 2 years ago

@AudreySuffolk: @SatinwithLatin @shrillybargs @loozsooz @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly More generally, free sp… - 2 years ago

@AudreySuffolk: @SatinwithLatin @shrillybargs @loozsooz @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly 2nd example (as set out… - 2 years ago

@shrillybargs: @SatinwithLatin @AudreySuffolk @loozsooz @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly How would that arise? - 2 years ago

@shrillybargs: @SatinwithLatin @AudreySuffolk @loozsooz @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly If someone repeatedly… - 2 years ago

@IanSMcNee: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@PetePaddler: @SatinwithLatin @shrillybargs @AudreySuffolk @loozsooz @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly "letting… - 2 years ago

@GrumpyEuryale: @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly So they're lying about being for equality, diversity and inclus… - 2 years ago

@ChrisMa98618601: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@NomdePlume_3776: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@DionysusLondon: RT @Wild_Womyn: I applied for a studio space in @denmarkfarm. They refused to rent BC of my lack of belief in gender identity Do they also… - 2 years ago

@SatinwithLatin: @shrillybargs @AudreySuffolk @loozsooz @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly Or, in the case of OP, a… - 2 years ago

@SatinwithLatin: @shrillybargs @AudreySuffolk @loozsooz @Wild_Womyn @denmarkfarm @SexMattersOrg @peter_daly Like employers letting y… - 2 years ago

@peter_daly: - 2 years ago

@NicolettaHoffm: RT @RadFemLawyer: The poisoned debate: Forstater and Bailey’s lawyer @peter_daly on defending gender-critical beliefs - 2 years ago

@cnqaus: @Peter_NQ @IanB_67 @PeterTOWNSV1LLE It was always a party place. Even on a Sunday we'd do the session at the Daly,… - 2 years ago

@peter_daly: RT @Vaishax: Hello internet. Pls help a sister out. - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Peter Daly has passed away - #PeterDaly #Peter #Daly #rip - 2 years ago

@MB_Daly: Peter Brookes Times cartoon: December 22, 2022 | Comment | The Times - 2 years ago

@Peter__jbt: RT @Jennife55920212: @sandibachom Meet Attorney General Bill Barr's daughter Mary Barr Daly. Barr arranged for his daughter, a lawyer, to… - 2 years ago

@CastlecomerHigh: 2 Bourke Acad:Cara Doyle & Emma Daly Spirit:Greg Doyle 2 Lalor Acad: Laura Ryan & Muireann Feeney Spirit:Peter Wa… - 2 years ago

@Peter_der_Bayer: RT @Matthias01133: Ich denke, das sollte trenden Die irische Europa-Abgeordnete Clare Daly: Millionen Europäer müssen sich zwischen Essen u… - 2 years ago

@pkrohn1: #Ökoliberal 20/24 Bald ist Weinhachten, bald wird der Titel enthüllt. So lang noch ein paar Gedanken zu Herman Dal… - 2 years ago

@hoganstandgaa: Offaly trailblazer Peter Daly passes away: Another link with the trailblazing Offaly football team of the early 196… - 2 years ago

@DalyDoseOfHoops: Nice way to turn the page from the Central Connecticut loss. Also great to see my guy @RashawnStores12 not succumb… - 2 years ago

@peter_daly: RT @tinyburke: @ger_cosgrove Served in UNIFIL with him. He was Operations Officer for UNIFIL. He treated everyone equal and trusted everyon… - 2 years ago

@peter_daly: @tinyburke @ger_cosgrove He was my uncle. I never knew him in uniform, only as a member of my family. He was exactl… - 2 years ago

@MB_Daly: RT @ger_cosgrove: For those who knew or served with Col. Peter Daly. A real gentleman. RIP - 2 years ago

@peter_daly: RT @ger_cosgrove: For those who knew or served with Col. Peter Daly. A real gentleman. RIP - 2 years ago

@PaulMor36729103: RT @ger_cosgrove: For those who knew or served with Col. Peter Daly. A real gentleman. RIP - 2 years ago

@ger_cosgrove: For those who knew or served with Col. Peter Daly. A real gentleman. RIP - 2 years ago

@aemstuz94: RT @WiaraTecza: Dziś zapraszamy do lektury niezwykle poruszającego świadectwa – ks. Peter Daly, członek zarządu New Ways Ministry, opowiada… - 2 years ago

@KazMccartney: RT @24HourPlaysDub: Have you booked your tickets yet? Excited to announce Amilia Stewart, Deirdre Kinahan, Dermot Magennis, Hazel Clifford,… - 2 years ago

@peter_daly: RT @BellaSankey: BREAKING: 130 children have gone missing from Brighton & Hove hotels in 18 months. This is shaming for our @BHGreens cont… - 2 years ago

@JackieJ88850882: @cllrawilkinson @peter_daly Totally broken . - 2 years ago

@peter_daly: RT @legalfeminist: Response by Legal Feminist to Consultation on the Deception as to Gender section in the Rape and Serious Sexual Offences… - 2 years ago

@peter_daly: RT @cllrawilkinson: Both my kids have strep A symptoms. After over an hour to get through to 111 we went through assessments & were told we… - 2 years ago

@DubYouthTheatre: RT @24HourPlaysDub: Have you booked your tickets yet? Excited to announce Amilia Stewart, Deirdre Kinahan, Dermot Magennis, Hazel Clifford,… - 2 years ago

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